Taking Hydrocodone For Depression (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am wondering if anybody else out there has taken Hydrocodone and noticed that symptoms of depression are alleviated? I find that many of today's anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs come with unpleasant side effects, whereas while taking Hydrocodone they aren't there. The caveat to all of this is that yes, I know that Hydrocodone and opiates in general can be addictive. So long term use would result in withdrawal symptoms. I'm just wondering who else might agree with me on this?

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@ Ann
Yes, I felt I had to address that comment.

The more I research this the more concerned I get about this issue. I spoke with my doctor about this and she feels that for patients that are using the medication for pain that they may have to increase their dose. She is a psychiatrist and not a pain doctor, however she does treat people with chronic pain. I am her only patient that uses this medication for depression. however I have been sending her the links to all of the research I have done the past 6 days and I hope to change that. As well, I am a walking talking test subject. I think that for pain patients they have to increase their dose because they think that if they can't feel the euphoria of hydrocodone that it isn't working. For those of us who take it for MDD we are so happy to have our depression in remission we don't want to feel that euphoria, we want to feel normal, like ourselves before the MDD. This is only my opinion. But I am starting a website over this controversial issue. I don't think anyone else should suffer. This is society and the government telling MDD patients that we can't use a narcotic to relieve our depression and as a result hydrocodone fell into oblivion. I really want to change this and I feel that I am not alone. There must be others who use this the same way I do and are prescribed this for depression. I hope there is. I don't want to give out the website address because I am not looking to advertise but keep googling for opiates and depression and you will come across my website. I am still working on it and haven't uploaded it yet but it will be done by the weekend. This will be a place for support where we don't have to be afraid. My contact information will be available there so that I alone can defend this position. I think, so far as I can see, that I am qualified to be the so called "poster child" for the effectiveness of this medication.

I don't forget how awful it was to live with MDD and I never will. When I say that my life was circling the drain that is putting in mildly. I don't run to this medication when something goes wrong in my life or when I am feeling down (yes, people with MDD do feel down every now again just like people without MDD). I don't have to because I know I can address it and handle it like a person without MDD would. The thing is I just can't believe the number of people who have treatment resistant depression - TRD and here we have a researched antidepressant that works and no one is using it. That is absolutely ridiculous. When I think of the poor souls out there suffering it breaks my heart. The more SSRI's I tried that didn't work the more hopeless I became. Hydrocodone is a lot like the SSRI's where it takes a bit of time to reach it's full effectiveness. I kept a journal through all of my experiences with the different antidepressants and upon review I see it took about 3 weeks before I was truly feeling like myself (the good and the bad) again after starting hydrocodone. I wrote in that journal that my doctor told me not to see my life through "rose colored glasses" and I never did. I think she meant the euphoria of the medication. Like I said my life was in the dumper and I had a lot of work to do to get it back on track and that took a good year and half of hard work. However I was able to pull it back up and would never have been able to do that without hydrocodone. When I think of where I could be now without it it scares the beejeezus out of me. I am sure that I would have been either institutionalized or dead. I am not joking about that. I should also mention that MDD runs in my family and that I have had 3 aunts who were institutionalized (documented) and one died in an institution. That was my reality. Even now my hands shake when I think about it. Anyway thanks for your support and keep looking for me on the net. God bless and good luck to everyone. Remember this, don't let anyone talk you out of what works for you. Do the research and follow protocol. My new website is going to be able to help those people who are refused this medication by providing links and evidence of it's effectiveness.

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Hydrocodone is a great antidepressant. Hydrocodone is cheap compared to most other antidepressants. The people in mental healthcare use extreme measures such as ECT (brain seizure induction) and DBS (drill holes in your head and attach electrodes onto your brain) but you will never get an MD to give you hydrocodone for depression. Knowing this you can get an MD to give you hydrocodone for pain (most often for chronic severe head or back pain, and for cancer). The high potential for addiction exists. Withdrawal from hydrocodone is one of the most horrid experiences I have ever endured. However, with that knowledge, a judicious use of hydrocodone provides my life with moments of clarity. For me, 5mg of hydro three times a day is "safe." Meaning at this level I can quit the hydro and feel bad but I still have control. The upper limit is 10mg of hydro three times a day(at this level you will be dependent but not addicted). Addiction happens when you have to wake up at midnight and take hydro to prevent your body from going through physical withdrawal. At this point, the hydro makes your life even more miserable. The main reason psychiatrists will not prescribe you hydro for depression is that they fear you might use it to kill yourself. Almost all current psychiatric medicine used today most important feature is not the medicines efficacy but that the patient cannot use it to overdose and kill themselves. Ketamine, especially thru nasal inhalation, is in the pipeline. In emergency rooms and trial studies, intravenous ketamine is already being used with great success in alleviating a patient's anxiety and depression. I hope I live long enough to get to use an antidepressant that works. I have been in the system for over two decades. The cost of my medicines has been astronomical. Amazing given the efficacy has been less than zero. Sorry this is so long and I hope it helps someone. The war on drugs is really a war against those with mental illness. The prisons are full of mentally ill patients. Many antidepressants make people agitated and the antipsychotics are often used to calm the agitation caused by the antidepressants. I speak only for myself and my two decades of observation of the mental health care profession. I'll follow the posts from this site.

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I am of the belief that one one is in chronic pain, it fosters depression. Inversely chronic depression can foster additional pain. I have taken a few antidepressants as well as anti-anxiety pills such as Xanax. The only noticeable effect of these has been to make me tired. On the occasions when I have accessed the hydrocodone I have found that it alleviates pain and hand-in-hand my depression. Quite frankly I think restricting the use of hydrocodone to people who are in chronic pain is criminal!

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wow i thought i was the only one it helps so much more than my antidepressant !? hydrocodone vs anxietyand depression meds

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It's called EDS--endogenous deficient syndrome--look up the article Ignorance Kills--you don't really suffer from depression but lack of natural opiates in your system--I believe it's due to them becoming illegal and we are the first full generation not getting them over the counter for the many reasons they used to be prescribed for--that's why the whole country is now allegedly bipolar--they really need opiates--the govt knows this--it's easier for them to arrest users instead of admit they are wrong--please read that article and Dr Robert Cochran--look him up--his books will show you

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Yes, this is also true for me, they've worked for me for years. I'm actually going back to see my pain specialist again tomorrow, He decided to put me on dilaudid, totally intolerably to them, or methadone, or oxytocin, or oxycodone that whole family of meds make me feel like crap. I feel great with the hydrocodone only, pain is relieved, I have energy and not depressed at all, I can function great! and we're not the only ones out there that would agree. Its the Tylenol that is dangerous and is why he wanted to change my meds

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im right now watching The Doctors and they notice that the Super Morphine our bodies produce not only help pain but act as an antidepressant. Now they are trying to create medicine out of our endoreceptors when opiates do the same thing--we have been telling doctors this for ever!

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Constant debilitating pain is depressing. Not ever feeling like doing anything is depressing. Knowing that the medical community and doctors have abandoned their patients in pain is depressing. People who are taking cymbals can never stop. The final withdrawal is too terrible and the manufacturer does not make low enough doses for safe withdrawal. So, people are stuck.
Hydrocodone worked very well for me. After the rescheduling to stop all of the abuse my doctor refused to prescribe it. Throw in the NID and all of their addiction talk, the CDC, the FDA and people end up suffering needlessly. Go figure.

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Stay away from caffeine and alcohol during withdrawal, it makes it worse...Go to vitamin shoppe and get poppy drops!!! Lyrica is great for W/D

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I've been suffering from major depression my whole life. It has been unresponsive to every antidepressant I've taken. (And I've probably taken every one on the market.) The pattern is the same with each drug. It may help for a short period of time but then my depression comes back. My psychiatrist had to increase the dose which caused more side effects. Then, I had to withdraw because it was doing nothing but raising my blood pressure. And withdrawing from most antidepressants is an ordeal. Big pharma lied when they claimed these drugs weren't addicting and had no withdrawal effects.

Enter hydrocodone. I developed a painful back problem that was confirmed by various scans. My doctor prescribed hydrocodone. It not only helped my back pain but was the first drug the really lifted my depression. My psychiatrist was honest enough to tell me that opioids are powerful antidepressants. This has been known for a long time. The problem is their abuse potential. Most people quickly develop a tolerance to opioids and need progressively higher doses to achieve the same effect. Addiction comes quickly with hydrocodone. If one already has depression, withdrawal is a horrible experience that, sadly, leads some to take their lives. One cannot use hydrocodone as a long term remedy for depression. Tolerance is quickly developed and the drug becomes ineffective. Opioids slow G.I. motility (chronic constipation) and kill the libido. One becomes less than human as your whole life revolves around getting a supply of opioids.

The obvious question is: What is the difference between taking antidepressants and opioids? Well, in my experience, antidepressants rarely give the user a feeling of pleasure, while opioids usually give an intense feeling of pleasure. This is the major reason why they have a high potential for abuse.

From my own experience, I would avoid opioids like the plague, unless one has severe pain from a terminal illness or short term pain from surgery.

An enlightening article on the subject: "What Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Know About the Opioid Epidemic," by Martha Rosenberg. It can be found in the health section of "Alternet."

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I noticed my depression left immediately after tahin 1 500/5 Loratab! It was such a productive day! I have tried antidepressants and they increase my anxiety and make me nauseous even after trying them for 6 weeks! I wish there was some way to take this medicine and feel normal again! Life is so short! I haven't tried it again! It does have a constipation side affect with i counteracted with Miralax!

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SADIESURRENDER AMEN to that! They are unaware that most of us know the Lord and pray and have thousands of heavenly hosts on our side! LOL According to God we ARE Overcomers!

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I don't agree at all. No matter hard you work, you can't change your brain chemistry. I have struggled since I was a young child. I am not blaming anyone for my depression or sitting around feeling sorry for myself. I'm just working to get by like everyone else. But for me, as well as many others, depression/anxiety is a real disability. And worse yet, it is an invisible disability.
I have recently discovered hydrocodone. All I can say is Wow! I've often wondered if I feel normal. I've always felt a lot of guilt for my failures and lack of motivation and focus. Now I know why others succeed and I fail.
I just don't know how i'll get more.
Does anyone know if research is being done on this?

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I've noticed that there is a minor elevation of mood shortly after I take hydrocodone/acetaminophen. I think it's a good thing because people take this for pain. I'm always concerned about withdrawal symptoms if I ever have to get off of this medication, but it gives me a quality of life I wouldn't have without it. It alleviates pain, though not all of it, and it creates a lighter mood for awhile. I never take more than my prescription directions say, I'm very careful. I've been taking this since 2000 for osteoarthritis. I've had constant pain since I was in my thirties and now I'm 72.

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Hi Daniel, in response to your post I can certainly understand were you are coming from but the thing is if you are a legitimate pain patient and use as directed and not abuse the pain medicine it can improve their quality of life. I'm not saying that these people will not get addicted to this type of drug but then again I have seen others turn to illegal drugs. And that's the trade off, overdosing or taking their own life one way or another because of not having a Dr to help them on their battle with chronic pain. All my best to you all.

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YES! Unqualifiedly. Hydrocodone is an instant anti-depressant. I'd take it all my life if I could.

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I take opioids between epidurals. Since I am only allowed 3 epidurals per year I must rely on opioids when the epidurals wear off. I have never had any withdrawal symptoms. Maybe my case is rare, I don't know. The epidurals last from a few days to a few weeks. They give me a much needed break from the opioids. I must admit that I was scared to death to try pain management. I am so glad I did. My neurologist referred me to an excellent pain management doctor in Houston, Texas.

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Being in UNCONTROLLED PAIN for any length of time would make anyone depressed. Opioids do not control depression. Getting relief from your pain could help you not be depressed. Cymbalta is an antidepressant and pain reliever. I never felt enough relief from the cymbals alone. I guess it helps more with depression and might provide a little pain relief.

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Re: ISE (# 455) Expand Referenced Message

Of course, there is an addiction that comes along with hydrocodone, there also is an addiction with coffee, soda, alcohol, cigarettes, fats, sugars, salt ... almost anything ... and every single one of them are difficult to get off of. Being addicted to milder opioids (tramadol/hydrocodone) is not the tragedy many would have you believe. In the near 10 years I've taken them, there have been times when I've had to stop them temporarily. For me, that meant about 3 days withdrawal aches and pains, then it was over. I understand others may be different and it affect them more .... or possibly less that me, but, at least for me, the benefits far exceed the risks. Don't mistake me. I know there is a very real crisis with opioid deaths. But, making them hard to get for people that suffer complex issues is not the answer.

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I agree that Hydrocodone does wonders for depression. I too found this out by accident. I have tried many ssri's over the years with very little relief. Over the past year and a half I have had 7 surgeries. The 7th one was just last week. 8/30, to say the least I have been prescribed a lot of Hydrocodone and Oxycodone. Because of the length of time that I have been taking them and the tolerance that I have built up,, the Oxycodone works best for my pain. But the Hydrocodone does wonders for my depression. While 7 surgeries in a year and a half would probably make anyone depressed, I have fought this disease most of my life. If you read the majority of the information about Hydrocodone on the internet. You will come across a few sites that list depression as one of the off label uses for this drug. As many have already stated, Good Luck finding a doctor that will prescribe it for that reason. Yes it is addictive. Yes taking it only as prescribed, you can and probably will become physically dependant on it. And for those of us that know it helps our depression, it will be even more difficult to wean off of it. God willing, this 7th surgery will BE MY LAST! I so look forward to the surgeries and physical pain coming to an end. I do not look forward to my depression returning. During the past 18 months I have tried some of the newer SSRI'S, in hopes of finding one that works before the Hydrocodone is no longer needed. So far no luck. God willing, something will present itself in the next few months. I will pray that we will all find relief in the near future. God Bless And Keep You All.

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