Suboxone And Valium (Page 3)
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I have been on valium for approximately 12 years for severe anxiety and because of a severe back problems i was also put on percocet for years. Someone told me about suboxone. They said suboxone will help with the pain. So i went to a sub doc and told him i was on valium. He did not give me a U/A till months later. Doc said you are on a benzo. l said is that the valiums? He said yes. I said i told you i was on valium. He said you have to go off them. I was told if i go off my valiums i could have a seizure. I have been off the valium for a week. I am shaking and can't sleep. I feel sick. I was doing great with suboxone and valium. Now i am just sick. Please, someone help me.
Ok all this about suboxone is not true. It is actually commonly used to treat pain. True it was maybe created for a substitute for opiate addiction to replace methadone, but many pain doctors use it to treat pain. They even have a patch now called Butrans that contains bupernorphine and its only indication is for pain. So she is right about the suboxone being a pain management drug. The naltrexone in the suboxone only works if you try to administer it intravenously. It is a safety measure to ensure patients on it cannot abuse it. Bupernorphine is a partial agonist that suits pain patients well because they can keep upping the dose if need be with no ceiling for overdose like full agonists such as morphine. I used to be a pharmacist and wanted to clear up this confusion about the indications for suboxone.
Hello Joan hope things are going better . and be careful which advice you follows suboxone is an opiat so it does have the ability to help with pain. Its been prescribed for pain for years and still is , it has just recently been approved for addiction recovery as in the last ten years . any benzo, ( Valium , xanax, clonipin, ativan ext) taken with any opiate ( lortab percocet, oxy op a na dulaudid morphine suboxone methadone) causes respiratory depression therefore its dangerous, and should only be prescribed in small doses together and actively monitored. A lot of people have bad things to say about it and most are not educated on the subject but use personal opinion as information. The blocker part Is the na lo one and unless injected its bioavailability is minute (2%) the buphenorphen will help with pain and opiate dependence some chronic pain sufferers Ben if it more from it than from a pain pill, I do suggest though that you do research yourself from a factual legitimate registered site with true information and not opinion . I take suboxone for chronic pain and opiate dependence it works fine for me nothing totally take all pain away , nothing, pain management is just that , making it manageable not making it non-existant that is impossible in most cases . on the subject of taking it with your Valium thats a very touchy situation in some instances its not allowed by sea regulations I would weigh the fist reward points for each if you unfortunately have to choose , I would have a serious conversation with your prescribing doctors and ask advice and let them both know your preference the two can work together to alleviate the problem and almost certainly come to a solution for you , I wish you the best of luck and know you done the right thing by telling your doctor all your prescribed meds appears the he possibly didn't document it or didn't listen to you , that happens frequently in a high patient output clinic then they come at you always cover your self. Good luck
Ive been on soboxone for 8yrs and also valium my pcp perscribed do not have to go off them there is no law see another pcp.
I have stage 4 breast cancer. I have been on oxicotin for two almost three years. If I run out its awful. My muscles tighten up and my arms jerk all day. They started me out on 30. Im on 80. The pain sometimes unbearable sometimes. I also take 20 milligram percacets. I hate having to take these pills. I want to get off of them. My Dr. Said next is morphine. Im praying it don't get worst . cancer has hit my bones last year. I thank God above because I haven't been sick or anything. People think Im at the cancer institute with my mother they can't believe I have stage 4 cancer. Blood work is always great. God has really been her for me. Morphine makes me very sick. What else can they give me besides morphine. My friend was on a pill that stopped the pain for 72 hrs I wonder what pill that is. I hate taking pills everyday. Can you tell me what the pill my be. I know she has teboxin or whatever that's called. Ty for listening.
You should NEVER go off of a benzo cold Turkey!!! Now kolonpin is used for seizures so i don't know how that would go but I do know xanax and valium can cause a person to have seizures going off of them without being weaned off. I would try & talk to your doctor again and express your concerns. I was on suboxone films for 3 years and went in prescribed kolonpin from another doctor and he jad no problem with it at all!! Actually my sub doctor offered to write them for me since I was getting all my other meds from him. I've been on them 13 yrs. I don't know how long you have but I would tell your doctor about how you are feeling to avoid anything happening to u due to going off of them. Hope things work out for you. Good luck!!!
Unfortunately I have yet to find a real benzodiazepine detox center....the ones I've encountered almost killed my son due to the seizures he began having. They didn't even know how to treat a person having a seizure (that one was in Michigan, charged $10,000--up front - & after my son had taken his 4th trip to ER in as many days, he called a cab and came to my hotel we found out that the whole place is run by the Church of Scientology!!! (like I stated earlier, educate yourself. If you were someone whom I was in the position to take care of I would try my damndest to:
1. Get you off of the suboxone first and foremost....this is a horrific drug and will cause detrimental effects to your body... I'd look for a huge legal suit against it in the future.
2. Get back on the valium - it's a good muscle relaxer and takes away the anxiety due to your pain. (klonopin does absolutely nothing to relieve muscles...stick to the valium) suboxone doctors see all benzos the same.
3. Try a different pain maybe morphine based, and not one full of Tylenol. A 10mg oxycontin IR (immediate release) & take only when you are in unbearable pain.
4. Kick that quack of a doctor to the curb!
I really do wish you much luck in treating your pain. It's going to be an uphill battle at times..just never give up.
Yes you need to get back on valium. I dnt know you went from perkoset to sab. For pain cuz sab. Is not for pain its to help you get off perks. So wat i would do is do wat works get back on the valium and perks. And never stop and meds just like that.
WHAT R U THINKING??? U came here looking for help. That was smart. But why didn't u think to look up how to come off of Valium? Go get ur Valium. Take a nibble. Drink warm water. When u start feeling weird again (hot flashes, shakes, dizzy, fast heart beat) take another nibble of the pill. That's how u come off any drug. Ur doctor didn't tell U how??? If he didn't he doesn't know what he's doing. U have to come off this drug slowly.
At this point since u don't want to be on them anymore, ur goal is no longer relief from muscle spasms. Now ur goal is to get off Valium without hurting too much or killing yourself by accident.
So this means, ur going to get about 3 nibbles maybe 2 off of each pill. People think the withdrawal starts right away. It does. But it gets worse and worse after the first 5 days. As more time goes by u have less and less in ur system. But u can't go cold turkey like that. So at this point ur a week off. Those little nibbles should give u decent relief for a few hours at a time. Not perfect. But it will make it easier. Do that for about another 5 days. But try and let more and more time go between nibbles and less each week.
I would find another dr. If this doctor didn't tell u how to get off this, he is a dangerous person.
While u r coming off this drug, u are going to have all sorts off muscle pain and spasms. Worse than why u went on them in the first place.
Wow that has to be true cus i'd been passing drug panels when I take Klonopin, but Xanax will show just about all the time. Idk about Valium.
Valium and suboxone is just quick fixes, or short term satisfaction and long term destruction
. If you want to get better follow the Dr. orders if you like your life being addicted to valium than that is a decision you have to make. good luck
I know you're being supportive and helpful but that information won't help. Please seek emergency care asap. Severe benzo abstinence can be fatal and needs to be treated inpatient at a specialized detoxification unit where you can be approximately monitored and evaluated until the titration process is complete. Good luck.
Even herbs have draw backs. I would not do that unless I saw a naturalpathic doc who knows about herbal stiff
Switch from valium to clonazepam (klonopin). It is a benzo also but unless you take a lot it will not appear on lab work.
Bro that is illegal the dr can't just tell you to get off the benzo he is required by law to taper you off slowly since you have been on them so long, you can have a stroke and go into a seizure it is very dangerous to get off benzos cold turkey! And please if that's what you are doing stop and don't suffer tell your doctor, that it is the law for him to taper you off he can lose his license if he just takes you off of it. I HOPE THAT HELPS AND YOU FEEL BETTER SOON
Get some Valerian-based verbal tranquilizer, the essential Valerian herbal oil, and you can also use Valerian herbal tablet sleep aids, as Valium is based on the herb Valerian.The herb is not addictive.
You can withdraw from the artificial Valium molecule using that, but you must also use a Valerian essential oil rubbed in your skin, and as essential oils evaporate and don't get properly absorbed, you must use a base oil in addition to that, anything will do, like rub some olive oil on your brow, and then massage in a few drops of Valerian essential oil into that, it does not smell very pleasant, but it will take away the worst of the agony. My massage therapy instructor who I studied use of essential oils under taught me that years ago, and said that using essential Valerian oil alone, she had successfully helped many people to withdraw from Valium.
I quit suboxzone cold turkey, beyond so sick I can't describe for 3 weeks, tough it out couple more weeks you'll be over the withdrawals
The Dr. that this woman went to is a total *****!!!
Hi Betty. Well it seems that due to all of these addicts who get their hands on pain meds that are Rx'd for legitimate pain & overdosing have convinced the CDC that even us pain patients who've been on pain meds legitimately for YEARS now need to be put in Suboxone. My doctor switched me to it last week. They've convinced the doctors that it can work for pain & sadly my doctor convinced me. It worked great on day 2 & 3. Now not so much. I'm beyond upset. And I'm also on Xanax which is besides the point here..just thought I'd mention it.
You cannot quit taking a benzodiazepine cold turkey..period. 2 drugs that can and have killed people due to withdrawal symptoms are benzodiazepines and alcohol. And for goodness sake GET off of the suboxone Asap! No it's not for pain. Methadone is for pain but don't go near that either. Sounds like you've been to a money hungry and uneducated doctor. Do your research!! I will hope that all works out for you.
Yes that is true about sub they aren't for pain!! They are a blocker actually
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