Sleep Aid Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Sleep Aid forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Sleep Aid and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My Dr. doesn't want to write this as a sleep aid. How can I get this medication prescribed!? Please help. I have bad insomnia! Is anyone else taking this for sleep problems? I'm sleep deprived... ## Does any one else have this problem with primary care Dr. Not wanting to prescribe? It seems they say it is because of state laws??? I was wondering if this is just in Texas or is this just with primary care Dr.'s? Please reply if you have this problem!! I'd greatly appreciate your response!!! ## Hello Little Bit, Back in June of 2015 Temazepam was changed to a schedule 3 drug which means that it was possible to abuse this drug, although less likely than a schedule 1 or 2, and that in taking this medication there was a low or moderate chance to have low physical dependency an...
8 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamFor about a year now my Walgreens Pharmacy has only been able to get the Sun brand, and even that is often on back order. Several times I’ve had a bottle that several of the pills just dont work. Has anyone else had this experience? I’ve had other brands that seemed to work better but don’t remember the makers. A friend told me that he has experienced this issue as has his sister, but he didn’t know the maker. Does anyone have a brand that works better than others? ## Simply put, the ER formulations for me never helped much only instant release did and worked very well...much much better than the Extended Release. Ask the Doctor for a low dosage of the Immediate release, if they will do that. It seems the ER formula isnt working for you. I was also taking the 12....
7 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemZolpidem Tartrate 10mg possibly defective? I take 1.5 to 2 tabs for me to get a therapeutic effect equivalent to the white generics I used to get from Medco. We used to call it "Buffing." Looking at the mold marks on the Torrent brand. A square with four dots inside it remind me of Mexican counterfeit tab impressions manufactured in latex or silicone hand pressed molds. The mark is not sharp and clear that I have seen elsewhere. The 10 Mg on the other side of the tab seems well imprinted? The yellow/orange pigment used in the tab....diluted yellow road paint? ## I agree. It felt like it was diluted. Now I ask my doctor for Teva -- never Torrent. It just seems weak somehow. ## Torrent Ambien is a scam. I think they dilute it....The company should be investigated... ## If you have...
10 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemCan someone tell me what the relationship between Gabapentin and Melatonin is? I’m slowly tapering up to taking 300 mg of Gabapentin 3 xs a day and am weaning off Ibuprofen this week. My Pain Management Specialist wants me to lower my pain level to make life more dueable as well as minimizing any variables at the same time. Currently I’m taking 5 mg of Melatonin and have been taking this for 5 years in order to sleep more than 3 hrs at a time (been on Gabapentin for 3.5 months and had no differences with sleep schedule afterwards). Do I need to wean off Melatonin while slowly increasing Gabapentin? I know that the pain will decrease. ## Melatonin is a supplement that is used to restore a normal sleep cycle, so there are no known warnings about taking it with a prescription m...
13 REPLIES Updated in MelatoninMy pill is round and white with the number 2113 on one side only and is suppose to be a zolpidem 12.5mg. ## Hello, Carol! How are you? Can you please double check the imprint and post back? The closest I can find has the markings A116, which is manufactured by Anchen Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 12.5mgs of Zolpidem in an extended release formulation. The FDA classifies this medication as a sedative hypnotic and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, sleep actions and next day hangover-like effects. ## zolpidem only comes in 10mg and not 12mg as you said it was. ## I have these zolpidem ER and they don't work at all! ## Same here. Zolpidem ER 12.5 manufactured by Anchen. They do NOTHING. ## I take the blue 12.5mg zolpidem. T...
6 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemALL CVS pharmacies just changed the zolpidem from MYLAN manufacturer (out of PA) to TORRENT in India. Because generics can certain behave differently, I am nervous about taking the (10 mg) oblong peach Torrent brand one after reading some things online. I also don't like the idea of CVS using from out of the country manufacturer which HAS to be due to a better price because MYLAN brand is still very readily available. Any comments? ## The country doesn't matter, as long as the manufacturer has approval from the FDA for their products to be sold in the U.S., CVS or any other pharmacy, can stock their products. There can be some differences in generic medications, however, this usually doesn't affect the greater number of the people that take it. If you are aware of how it nor...
325 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemThr VA gave them to me and its like drinking coffee befoe going to bed ## Having abstained from coffee for several hours, and feeling a little tired, I took my first 20mg of temazepam and settled down with a book before attempting to doze off. I am WIDE awake. I found myself tossing and turning, stretching myself, humming various tunes, rolling on the bedroom floor. Is this supposed to be a soporific or an amphetamine by another name? ## If you taken 20mg of temazepam for the first time ever and your wide awake and restless you didn't get your pills from doctor or you have been given the wrong medication by accident. You would be very nicely chilled out and in the land of dreams after a short period. I would definately go straight by to your doctor/pharmicist/dealer and complain ## ...
37 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamI have been on Flurazepam for some time and am being told by my pharmacy that there is a manufacture problem and they don't know when it will be in. Feeling anxious as I know I would have side affects if I just stop it. Any one have information on this? ## Unfortunately, some sources are listing it as having been discontinued. Thus, the best thing to do might be to consulted your doctor about trying an alternative medication. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank you for your response; I'm still researching. Nothing more for now. ## Flurazepam has there been any update I have not been able to find in the last mon...
12 REPLIES Updated in FlurazepamHow does Aurobindo Zolpidem differ from the Torrent Zolpidem? ## It is my personal opinion that Torrent works much better, I've been taking zolpidem for many many years so I consider myself an expert of sorts. When they give me the Aurobindo brand sometimes it doesn't work at all. ## They are just manufactured by different companies. Some people notice a difference, like John said, but most people don't. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Zolpidem as possibly including nausea, dizziness, severe sedation, hallucinations, lucid dreaming, and sleep actions. Ref: Medline Plus Can anyone else chime in with their experiences? ## YES! Made my insomnia so much worse. ## I agree. Aurobindo sucks. It often doesn't cause me to sleep and when I do sleep, even if the Aurobindo...
7 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemIn winter / spring of 2010 my wife started having regular episodes of insomnia and by April it was affecting her pretty badly. She told me she thought she was clinically depressed. She had never had any previous mental problems the whole 20 years I knew her- never any mention of suicidal thoughts. We were happily married and had been saving money over time plus had a large inheritance- we were in the process of looking for a house to buy. I sent her to the doctor to get a sleep aid. He prescribed Ambien but it didn't work and it had bad side effects for her. By early June she had missed work a few times and went back to the doctor to try something else. She also told him she was suffering from anxiety (racing thoughts that prevented sleep). He prescribed a combination of Trazadone (...
14 REPLIES Updated in RestorilI take Temazepam 1 or 2 times a week. Would I have withdrawal symptoms from this frequency of use and dosage? ## How long have you been taking it? According to FDA reports, this medication does carry the risk of being habit forming and a sudden withdrawal can create the risk of seizures. The typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritable. ## I need to know how to taper off temazepam 15 mg? I have been taking it for more than a year now. ## "how to taper off temazepam 15 mg" Try switching to another benzo and taper from there. I would try Valium or such. ## Withdrawals from benzos are pretty much guaranteed. Anxiety etc. Essentially it's the basic laws of thermodynamics. For every high, upon withdrawal, the opposite low. However y...
4 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamDesperate times again. What to do? Where to go? This is absurd. Now back where we were 2 years ago, no one else makes it!! Clock is ticking now on my life, as I'm too old to go through the benzo hell of detox. ## Have you spoken to your doctor about what alternative you can take? Flurazepam is a benzodiazepine that carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and mood changes. Ref: Flurazepam Information Are you on any other medications? ## There are other sleep meds available, I believe Dalmane (brand name of Flurazepam by Roche) was the very first benzo hypnotic (sleeping pill). Is Halcion still available? Then there's Doral (Quazepam) and Pro-Som (Estazolam). They don't make anything good anymore l...
20 REPLIES Updated in FlurazepamPlease help; doctor doesn't want me as a patient anymore, reasons are ridiculous and too long to get into, but now she has put me in a jam. I was taking Clonazepam 2mg. 2 tablets 2x per week(for anxiety & sleep), & Temazepam 30mg. 2 tablets 2x per week(for sleep). I have been on both these drugs for 2 1/2 years & want to get the heck off them. I noticed the last couple months; neither appeared to be helping the anxiety/sleep issues I have had; so basically I just want off both. I have been Clonazepam free for 11 days now. I CANNOT believe how I feel--like I could crawl right out of my skin; anxiety ridden, non stop talking,completely wired,nerves jumping in arms & legs, more and more and on and on. Bad idea to go cold turkey, but did & now out of them. So I have ...
142 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamHave taken 10-20mg of temazepam for last 8-10 weeks about 5 days a week with a couple of week periods without any. Started noticing strong focus issues and grogginess throughout the day; have stopped cold turkey for 5 days now and am suffering from: anxiety, slight neck soreness, poor concentration, strange stomach sensations and hot flashes. Symptoms seem to have decreased a bit each day since cessation. Should my withdrawal symptoms clear up any time soon? ## I think you are coming off these meds far too quickly. Take at least a week taking them at a little lesser dosage, then two weeks at the next lowered dosage and so on. Three weeks on next and so on. Dont rush it. Get to the point where you even shave off some of your tablet. ## What Lorna has stated is correct, it is really much ...
3 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamI was prescribed 15mg temazepam capsules in August 2008 to help me sleep. I still have some from 2008; it is now the year 2016. Is it safe to take or has it expired? ## This medication does not become dangerous once expired, but it does lose effectiveness over time. After this many years, they are most likely useless and you should dispose of them. The FDA warns that such a medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I AM TAKING 15 MG OF RESTORIL .I TAKE ULTRAM FOR MY BACK PAIN WOULD LIKE TO COME OFF RESTORIL AND TAKE ONE ULTRAM IN AM AND THE OTHER AT BEDTIME WOULD THAT WORK OR WOULD I STILL HAVE TO CONE OFF SLOWER ## 30 mg 5 yrs old times 2 has a 16 yr o...
4 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamMy psych prescribed me Temazepam 15 mg. He also has me on Lexapro 20 mg & Zanax up to 4mg per day. My fiance went to pick up the rx for me and the pharmacist gave a huge lecture on how I should not be taking Temazepam and Xanax. I initially dismissed that info, feeling that my dr would not have prescribed if there was a concern. However, I read all the blah blah on it causing "sleep driving" and all that stuff, which freaks me out so I didn't take the medication. Does anyone know how common those side effects are? Should I even be concerned? **Additional Info: My benzo tolerance is relatively high due to years of anxiety meds. I also take Norco & Ritalin. Any thoughts or experiences are appreciated. Thanks! ## Is it possible that your doctor meant it to replace the X...
5 REPLIES Updated in TemazepamMy script has been filled with some round 7-5mg zopiclone. I know they're bad, or at least I think they are. They have BL on them. People I know have taken them and say they work, but these guys would drink petrol if it worked. Just wondering if you've heard of them? ## Where did they get these from? Online or from the UK? I just received my latest refill that are round white Zopiclone 7.5 mg with BL on one side. I have taken blue oval zopiclone 7.5 mg in Canada and the white ones did not have any effect? ## The pills you have are zopiclone. They are made by Bristol laboratories. ## Bristol laboratories Zopiclone 7.5 mg (round with BL marked) are no good. ## I had the ones with BL on them and they were white. They did nothing to me compared to the Zs with 7.5 on them. They have ...
26 REPLIES Updated in ZopicloneI obtained some Zopiclone and they are usually oval shaped and white in colour, 7.5mg but these are round and off white coloured with a large Z on one side of the pill and a score mark on the other, has anyone had anything similar? I tried the pill identifier online and it came up with something for headaches called Zomig. Thanks in advance. ## Since this is not approved and prescribed in the U.S., it would not be listed in the U.S. pill identifier databases, because non-approved products that aren't sold here do not fall under the law that requires them to be listed. And on that note, I haven't been able to find any information on a tablet with just a Z marking and it may be difficult for us to track it down, being that it is from a foreign source. Have you tried contacting the...
5 REPLIES Updated in Zopiclonemade by uniform, ltd. ## BH' I am a health care professional & I am constantly on call.I have suffered with insomnia for my entire adult life. I have tried almost every new product on the market. This is the first product I have ever used that allowed me the flexibility of going to sleep when I wanted, staying asleep & waking after 6-7 hours fully rested & without feeling drowsy or hungover. I do not know what this medication is outside of Israel, but I would sure love to know. Rifkie Serwatien [email protected] ## Zodorm is a foreign brand name for Zolpidem, in the U.S. you commonly hear it referred to as Ambien. Zolpidem is used to the short-term treatment of insomnia. The FDA warns that it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, lucid dreaming, hallucin...
2 REPLIES Updated in ZolpidemJust tryin to find out what this pill is. My uncle was using this pill when he beat his wife. ## I haven't found a listing for this so far, but I'll keep looking and post back, if I find anything. Have you tried asking a local pharmacist if they can identify it? Does anyone else know what this is? ## Peach pill round marked G TZ5 ## I received this pill instead of a sleeping pill ## Was prescribed this medication instead of sleeping pills
4 REPLIES Updated