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I had this 10 mg from torrent and the pharmacy could not supply a refill. I do not like the substitute mfg. How can I get torrent zolpidem? ## Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order it in for you? This is a generic for Ambien and the one that a pharmacy carries can change, at any given time, depending on who was offering the cheapest price, when they had to restock their supply. This is how the keep the price as low as possible for customers that don't have insurance. ## Torrent is a Co. from India By local,hell I'd rather be broke n at least know that my $$ was still in Country Semper Fi' ## Recieved RX of 30 tabs Some are Peach-Yellow in color Others are white in color. Isn't that odd? Should they be 2 different colors in the same order? The inmprint on ...
Does anyone use Zolpiderm (Zolpidem) and are they ok? Thanks for any feedback. ## I have used for appx 4 years, and it often did not help. The latest formula, is doing so much better, and a, getting at least 6 hours of good deep sleep, and very little grogginess. ## Thanks Diana how many do you take at night... ## I used Zolpidem with no side effects but I'm having a problem getting my RX refilled by my Doctor due to having another pain med. ## One 10 mg. appx 30 minutes before I go to sleep. The only other med I am on is Valium and take 10 mg 2x a day, but try not to take later at night as seems to not work well with the zolpidem. ## Hi is zolpidem not Valium?.... I thought they were sleeping tablets.... Tia ## Zolpidem or zolpidem tartrate is the generic name of Ambien. If your he...
This brand does not work at all....Have taken ambien generic all along with no problem. Until this brand...Kinney's is mandated to dispense this brand... Does not work. Am taking 2-3 a night to sleep... Never had to before. It's own chemical composition by torrent does not work. Sucks. ## So just curious bc as a nurse I know these different generics seem to work differently on different ppl. Are u male? Younger? Older? I am 5'6/160lb/47yo/f & I tried 10mg Teva brand and it was a sleepless nightmare! Mylan 10mg worked ok. But surprisingly Torrent worked fine for me. I was surprised bc I'd read so many mixed reviews on that brand. But I have found that no matter what I use I have to take 3-6mg melatonin about an hr b4 & make sure the lights are lower so it can work...
Info needed. Does anyone know if Ambien (Zolpidem) 10 mg from Mexico comes in a small 1/4" round, lightish orange color tablet (white inside). Scorned on one side and unmarked on the other side? Does anyone know if there is a Mexican pill identifier website? How can I tell if they are real or is Zolpidem 10mg even made like that? Is anyone familiar with these or have taken them ok? ## Unfortunately, when you order from a foreign sources, this is one of the hazards. Other than paying to have it lab tested, there is no way to be certain what you have received. There is no website to identify them, because their products are not regulated like their U.S. counterparts and they are not required to log their imprints. Is anyone familiar with these? ## I got this pill from a US phamacy. No...
For about a year now my Walgreens Pharmacy has only been able to get the Sun brand, and even that is often on back order. Several times I’ve had a bottle that several of the pills just dont work. Has anyone else had this experience? I’ve had other brands that seemed to work better but don’t remember the makers. A friend told me that he has experienced this issue as has his sister, but he didn’t know the maker. Does anyone have a brand that works better than others? ## Simply put, the ER formulations for me never helped much only instant release did and worked very well...much much better than the Extended Release. Ask the Doctor for a low dosage of the Immediate release, if they will do that. It seems the ER formula isnt working for you. I was also taking the 12....
Zolpidem Tartrate 10mg possibly defective? I take 1.5 to 2 tabs for me to get a therapeutic effect equivalent to the white generics I used to get from Medco. We used to call it "Buffing." Looking at the mold marks on the Torrent brand. A square with four dots inside it remind me of Mexican counterfeit tab impressions manufactured in latex or silicone hand pressed molds. The mark is not sharp and clear that I have seen elsewhere. The 10 Mg on the other side of the tab seems well imprinted? The yellow/orange pigment used in the tab....diluted yellow road paint? ## I agree. It felt like it was diluted. Now I ask my doctor for Teva -- never Torrent. It just seems weak somehow. ## Torrent Ambien is a scam. I think they dilute it....The company should be investigated... ## If you have...
My pill is round and white with the number 2113 on one side only and is suppose to be a zolpidem 12.5mg. ## Hello, Carol! How are you? Can you please double check the imprint and post back? The closest I can find has the markings A116, which is manufactured by Anchen Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 12.5mgs of Zolpidem in an extended release formulation. The FDA classifies this medication as a sedative hypnotic and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, sleep actions and next day hangover-like effects. ## zolpidem only comes in 10mg and not 12mg as you said it was. ## I have these zolpidem ER and they don't work at all! ## Same here. Zolpidem ER 12.5 manufactured by Anchen. They do NOTHING. ## I take the blue 12.5mg zolpidem. T...
ALL CVS pharmacies just changed the zolpidem from MYLAN manufacturer (out of PA) to TORRENT in India. Because generics can certain behave differently, I am nervous about taking the (10 mg) oblong peach Torrent brand one after reading some things online. I also don't like the idea of CVS using from out of the country manufacturer which HAS to be due to a better price because MYLAN brand is still very readily available. Any comments? ## The country doesn't matter, as long as the manufacturer has approval from the FDA for their products to be sold in the U.S., CVS or any other pharmacy, can stock their products. There can be some differences in generic medications, however, this usually doesn't affect the greater number of the people that take it. If you are aware of how it nor...
How does Aurobindo Zolpidem differ from the Torrent Zolpidem? ## It is my personal opinion that Torrent works much better, I've been taking zolpidem for many many years so I consider myself an expert of sorts. When they give me the Aurobindo brand sometimes it doesn't work at all. ## They are just manufactured by different companies. Some people notice a difference, like John said, but most people don't. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Zolpidem as possibly including nausea, dizziness, severe sedation, hallucinations, lucid dreaming, and sleep actions. Ref: Medline Plus Can anyone else chime in with their experiences? ## YES! Made my insomnia so much worse. ## I agree. Aurobindo sucks. It often doesn't cause me to sleep and when I do sleep, even if the Aurobindo...
made by uniform, ltd. ## BH' I am a health care professional & I am constantly on call.I have suffered with insomnia for my entire adult life. I have tried almost every new product on the market. This is the first product I have ever used that allowed me the flexibility of going to sleep when I wanted, staying asleep & waking after 6-7 hours fully rested & without feeling drowsy or hungover. I do not know what this medication is outside of Israel, but I would sure love to know. Rifkie Serwatien [email protected] ## Zodorm is a foreign brand name for Zolpidem, in the U.S. you commonly hear it referred to as Ambien. Zolpidem is used to the short-term treatment of insomnia. The FDA warns that it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, lucid dreaming, hallucin...
We got a 90 day Rx from our mail order pharmacy of Teva 74, the round pills. We usually get the oblong Zolpidem pills. We feel that the round pills do not work and are having to take more than normal to do the job. Can you tell me why the round ones don't work, but the oblong do. ## Hello, Lori! How are you doing? There can be some slight fluctuations in the amount of the active ingredient from one generic medication to another, so this one may be a little lower in it than the other, which could explain why it isn't working as well for you. Learn more Zolpidem details here. Usually, your body will adjust after a week or so, as long as the difference isn't huge. But, if the issue continues, you should consult your doctor, as you may have grown tolerant to this dosage. Is ther...
MY GIRLLFRIEND USE ZOLNOX AND ABOUT 30 MINUTES AFTER SHE USED IT SHE BECOME SUPER AGRESSIVE EVEN THREW ME WITH ANY KIND OF OBJECTS?? PLEASE HELP ## Zolnox contains the active ingredient Zolpidem and it can cause this type of behavior in some people that use it. Learn more Zolpidem details here. How long did it last? Has she stopped taking it? ## how long does a patient needs to take the pill as i can not sleep without it ,is this safe ,i have been taking it for the past 8 months. ## my boyfriend uses this drug and when he took it he looks like he is drunk he says things that doesn't make sense and act like like is crazy. He says he sees people all over even if there is only the two of us on the room. his mother past on 3 years ago and he cant accept it that is why he is using the dr...
Taking Lupin zolpidem ER round blue..works great. Pharmacy now has Sandoz zolpidem ER round pink. Both 12.5. Totally ineffective. Have gone back and forth before due to what pharmacy gets. The Sandoz is useless. Anyone else noticed this? ## Hello, Jay! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you've had. Alternatively, I took the Sandoz brand and it worked great for me and I didn't do well with the Lupin. It can just vary from person to person. We are all different. The only real way to avoid this is by asking your doctor if they can prescribe it as 'brand medically necessary', or whatever the equivalent is in your state. According to the FDA, this medication may cause side effects that could include nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, funny taste in mouth, sleep...
My pain Dr. has okayed it for me to take Ambien (Zolpidem) at night. I take Oxycodone during the day only. He said I do need a primary care Dr. to prescribe the Ambien. Is it okay to take both of these within the same 24 hour period? ## Yes I did for awhile. I liked restoril better but they wouldn’t let me take a benzo sleeping pill with oxy. ## You can take them both, if your doctor(s) approve. However, the FDA does warn that doing so may worsen the severity of some of the usual side effects, which may include nausea, sedation, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and disorientation. Ref: Zolpidem and Oxycodone Information. Zolpidem has also been known to cause sleep actions, and next day hangover-like effects. Is there anything else I can help with?
I use this 10 mg (TEVA 74) generic Ambien. Empty bottle, but 2 in pill box so I verified ID. I always cut it because 5 mg almost always does the sleepy job. Often take quarter pill, then an another 1/4 pill if still awake 1/2 hr later. Cutting pills (if not specially coated) can save money as higher dose pills can cost little more than lower dose pills. ## Hello, Night Owl and thank you for the informative post. Learn more Zolpidem details here. Yes, it is safe to cut or break most regular release medications, unless you are specifically instructed not to do so by your doctor or pharmacist, so this method could save someone money in the long run. Anyone taking this, however, should be aware that it can cause some odd side effects, such as hallucinations, sleep eating and other strange s...
I have been taking zolpidem 10mg for many years and all was perfect. Now i changed pharmacies and it's 10mg of Teva with the # 74 on it and I am up in 3 hours and cannot get back to sleep. ## Try zolfresh 5 mg. I get sleep with this for more than 5 hours. It is also suggested to get a Dr.'s advice. ## Hello, Sharon! How are you? First, Zolpidem can help someone fall asleep, but it doesn't mean they will always stay asleep, which is why the time released version was created under brand name Ambien CR, according to the NIH. Second, if you've been taking it for years, you may have built up tolerance to it, which can prevent it from working as well for you. The FDA explains that we eventually get used to any medication that we take regularly for a long period of time, and we...
I have used Torrent Pharaceutical Zolpidem 10mg for quite a while and it works just fine. I would always get it from drugstore.com They now have changed from BioScript to Walgreens, and my first order came in the mail yesterday. It is not made by Torrent and does not work for me. I need Torrent. Where can I get this from? ## Unfortunately, there's really no way to know which tablet from any manufacturer that a pharmacy has in stock, especially via mail order. The only thing I can really suggest doing is checking with your local pharmacies to see which one they carry, or ask if they can order the other one in for you. Have you tried local pharmacies? ## You can have all mine from torrent lol ## Go to cvs and Walgreens I have not steeped in 4 days this TORRENT brand is so terrible sin...
How many years will Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien 10mg) be effective after its expiration date? ## According to FDA reports, it starts to lose efficacy one year after it is dispensed to you from your pharmacy. However, I recently had a nurse practitioner tell me that the U.S. is the only country that requires expiration dates on medications, I haven't researched to verify this, but I do know that there are quite a few others that don't, such as Mexico, India, Africa, and etc. However, what I can tell you is that they do not become dangerous, once expired. Additionally, Harvard University’s Medical Center states that “most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a la...
This is a 10mg sublingual tablet called Edluar - Zolpidem Tartrate. Usually prescribed for people who have difficulty swallowing or absorbing medications in their intestine. ## Hi Jim - I had a few questions. I checked the Edluar NDC page on this site and in both cases, the 10 mg sublingual is reporting a different inscription than nte 10. Is the tablet which you are referring to from outside the United States by chance? And my other question relates to what it is prescribed for - I thought that Edluar (Zolpidem) is indicated for treating insomnia as a sleep aid? To the best of your knowledge have you seen it prescribed off label for gastrointestinal issues? Just trying to get as many details as I can, so I'd appreciate anything else you can share. Thanks! ## It's definitely edl...
I got a bottle of Hemitartrate Zolpidem 10mg tablets in Mexico. Bottle states manufacturer is Coropharma LLC. The logo for Coropharma products is CORO, but these tablets have a logo of RAAM on them. They don’t work. I only got nightmares, no sleep using them. ## I got the same thing and this RAAM logo pill doesn't work at all. I paid $120 dollars for my rx of 100 pills. ## Same thing happened to me. Terrible nightmares and did not help sleep. I used to be able to get really good Zolpidem. The pills were orange but price is way too high.