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I took 3 mg lunesta cut in half. Worked well. About 6 hours or so. The pill has a bad tasted, but take a drink of water and it wears off.
Updated in LunestaTook 2mg Lunesta for first time last night. It was too strong and I woke up to groggy. Can I cut this pill in half for a lower dose? ## The FDA does warn about that happening to some people that take Lunesta. As to cutting, or breaking them, no, the manufacturer warns that you should not do so. If you feel you need a lower dose, you should consult your doctor. Other Lunesta side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. Ref: Medline Plus Lunesta Is there anything else I can help with? ## Can I take half tablet more of lunesta 2 mg or even two pills? ## I believe Lunesta comes in doses up to 3 mg.
I have 100mg red Seconal Capsules filled in Feb, 2008. The expiration date is July, 09. I keep them in a bag in a dark corner of my linen closet where there is no moisture. How long are they actually good for? ## They were good until that expiration date. It isn't that these become dangerous, after they expire, but medications do lose effectiveness with time. The older they get, the less they will do. ## I stumbled upon 120 of the red capsules (100 mg) Lilly brand. How long are they good for? ## I have 25-30 Eli Lily 100mg Sodium Seconal capsules with an expiration date of at least 2016. Are they still good past this date? Thank you. ## Sorry but your outta luck... Even if you did have reds, Lilly hasn’t made them in years. ## Every drug is different. When I was 16. We got hol...
I have taken zopiclone many times before and they're usually oval white with a z, but I got some recently that are white and round with a BL on it and would like to know if they are a good manufacturer? ## I got some from my pharmacy today never had these b4. ## I got some of the white round (zopiclone) with the BL, I have don't have any history on them, and to night will be taking my second dose of two pills they put me to sleep, I still had that metallic after taste the next morning. I get them filled at my pharmacy and have never had bad experience. ## Same as Benny, anyone had zopiclone white with BL on them? are they a good brand? ## I had to make enquires about small white tablets the had BL on one side and nothing on the other some time ago and was told they were Zopiclon...
I have had a hard time sleeping as a child. Now that I am 43 it is very bothersome to me. I don't drink or take any drugs besides my thyroid medicine. I have tried Ambiem and lunesta. Neither worked. I am lucky if I get 12 to 14 hours of sleep a week. So now I have been on Restoril 30mg for about a week now and I still can't sleep. I am about to loose it. Why isn't these meds that the doctors say should knock me out, not working. Please I need some advice from people who have severe insomnia? Any advice would be welcome. ## Have you tried any of the natural remedies, such as just taking a Melatonin supplement at night? Learn more Melatonin details here. After having problems with insomnia for years and trying many medications, it's what I've found works best for me. ...
What do they look like? Are they pink, and light blue M 7.5?? ## Yes, based on your description it does sound like a Restoril capsule 7.5 mg. Basically a capsule that's half blue, half pink. The blue half states the word RESTORIL over 7.5mg in burgundy letters, and the pink half has a boxed M (mylan) logo with the ® symbol, and also possibly the words FOR SLEEP on the pink side as well. I found an image at the following URL: ## I take 3omg restoril for insomnia and it does not work at all. I have tried taking it laying in bed hoping if I ould be relaxed laying down I would fall asleep but that didnt do anything. Ive even tried opening the capsule and pouring it n my mouth hoping a fast reaction would occur, but again nothing ## Will tremazepam help me get off Ativan? ## In refe...
sleeping pill ## Restoril (15 mg)- a generic for Temazepam, is used for the short-term treatment of sleeplessness in patients who have difficulty maintaining sleep. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## Yes I had a question I take restoril for insomnia but my concern is tomorrow is my 21st bday and I was wondering since I took my dose tonight will I be able to consume alcohol tomorrow night? I won't be taking my restoril tomorrow of course. ## As for the answer on restoril aka temazepam I never heard of seen it in 15mg only ever 30mg n they were always capsules some all white with a little band around the middle and few other colors but always capsules 30mg I've only ever heard...
I am currently taking 30mg of restoril capsules each night and would like to know if I can get a non-prescription medication to replace it? ## Hello, Kay! How are you? No, there is nothing similar available over the counter. As listed by FDA, Restoril contains the active ingredient Temazepam, which is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat insomnia. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. What other medications have you tried? ## Valerian root and melatonin. ## no replacement for restoril. they should have told you this before you start taking it.
I had this 10 mg from torrent and the pharmacy could not supply a refill. I do not like the substitute mfg. How can I get torrent zolpidem? ## Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order it in for you? This is a generic for Ambien and the one that a pharmacy carries can change, at any given time, depending on who was offering the cheapest price, when they had to restock their supply. This is how the keep the price as low as possible for customers that don't have insurance. ## Torrent is a Co. from India By local,hell I'd rather be broke n at least know that my $$ was still in Country Semper Fi' ## Recieved RX of 30 tabs Some are Peach-Yellow in color Others are white in color. Isn't that odd? Should they be 2 different colors in the same order? The inmprint on ...
I filled a prescription for 30 Zoplicone tablets from HAB pharmaceuticals. Arrived today. No package, just 3 small blister containers. Paid £20 in postage. They are bright blue and I now feel nervous about taking them. Can anyone let me know if they have taken these tablets, and importantly are they genuine? ## Hello, Mabel! How are you? Are there any markings on the tablets? How about on the blister packaging? ## Hi Verwon, They did not come in a box, however the markings on the bubble pack are:Mfg Lic.No KD-296 B.No.330-04MFG.AUG2013 exp.JULY 2016 M.R.Ps.38.00 10 TABS. INCL.OF ALL TAXES. Manufactured in India by HAB PHARMACEUTICIALS & RESEARCH LIMITED 18/1. D & S IND. Complex Waliv Phata, Vasai (E) 401 208 Maharashtra ## I have found. A small white round pill , on one sid...
I got zopiclone 7.5mg. They are packaged in strips stating zop 7.5mg. The tabs are round, blue, scored on one side, with no markings. They do work, but i'm a bit concerned as to whether or not they are safe. Can anyone enlighten me on this one? ## If they are Hab pharmaceutical ones from India they are the weakest of any zopiclone and believe me ive tried well over 15 brands! The confusing thing is when you look at their website the tablets are rugby shaped not round an saucer-like? I have a feeling they are not legitimate!!!! ## I brought zopiclone 7,5mg the blue round from India, are these safe and can I cut them down ## Hab zopiclone are fine... Not rugby shaped at all. Mine are round, blue and have a groove on one side. ## I got the same there from india, I been taking them, bec...
I was prescribed Ambien 10mgs, and it worked for a year. I started waking during the night and couldn't go back to sleep. My Psychologist prescribed me Sonata 10mgs a month ago, but it's not working. She is out of town this month, so I won't see her for a while. Is it ok to take 20mgs? I also take Lamictal 150mg and Effexor 225mg Clonazepam .5mg as needed ## Hello, Blackberry! How are you? I'm sorry that you're unable to sleep. No, you should not adjust the dosage, without your doctor's approval, especially while taking the Clonazepam, it could be dangerous. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Sonata as including dizziness, funny taste, headache, dry mouth and back pain. How often do you take the Clonazepam? That can also help with sleep issues. ## Hi Black...
Is the zolpide 10mg exactly the same as ambien peach tabs ## Hi, Hazel! I'm sorry, but without more information, such as the dosage or markings on the peach tablet you've mentioned, I can't say if they are the same or not. However, I can tell you that from what you've listed in the post title they would be considered the same. Zolpidem is the active ingredient in Ambien, so it's the generic version. This medication is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia and may cause some side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, hallucinations and next day hangover effects. Learn more Ambien details here. Do you know what the markings are on the peach tablets? ## I've been on the peach one for over a year it's from torrent now they gave me the other I hate it all th...
Can taking debendox result in humans developing behavioural disorders that are cyclic in the way they daughter (35yrs old now) can appear quite normal for weeks at a time then she will exhibit borderline pshchotic behaviour then after a few days she will be OK again. ## This contains Pyridoxine and Doxylamine, it isn't used in the U.S., so I have to admit my information on it is limited. Her symptoms, however, sound similar to those of bipolar disorder. Learn more Bipolar disorder details here. Have you consulted a doctor? ## I took debendox when pregnant with my noiw 33 year old daughter. She has problems emotionally but is very bright. I have friends who also took this drug and their children have the same problems. Its almost like they dont grow up and over react to ma...
Does anyone use Zolpiderm (Zolpidem) and are they ok? Thanks for any feedback. ## I have used for appx 4 years, and it often did not help. The latest formula, is doing so much better, and a, getting at least 6 hours of good deep sleep, and very little grogginess. ## Thanks Diana how many do you take at night... ## I used Zolpidem with no side effects but I'm having a problem getting my RX refilled by my Doctor due to having another pain med. ## One 10 mg. appx 30 minutes before I go to sleep. The only other med I am on is Valium and take 10 mg 2x a day, but try not to take later at night as seems to not work well with the zolpidem. ## Hi is zolpidem not Valium?.... I thought they were sleeping tablets.... Tia ## Zolpidem or zolpidem tartrate is the generic name of Ambien. If your he...
My toxicology test is showing a benzodiazepene when all I'm taking is Melatonin? I don't get it, you can get melatonin over the counter since it's a natural supplement. ## @SaviorFaire, I find this occurrence to be very unusual considering that melatonin is completely unrelated and would even go so far as question if anyone might've had the opportunity or a reason to try and pollute your sample before the tox report? Given the circumstances it may be a good idea to request a re-evaluation via Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to achieve what I'd imagine to be the most accurate results. If the GC-MS proves otherwise, then it should be a wake up call to the inefficiency of standard toxicology procedures. Please keep us posted if everything gets straightened ...
This brand does not work at all....Have taken ambien generic all along with no problem. Until this brand...Kinney's is mandated to dispense this brand... Does not work. Am taking 2-3 a night to sleep... Never had to before. It's own chemical composition by torrent does not work. Sucks. ## So just curious bc as a nurse I know these different generics seem to work differently on different ppl. Are u male? Younger? Older? I am 5'6/160lb/47yo/f & I tried 10mg Teva brand and it was a sleepless nightmare! Mylan 10mg worked ok. But surprisingly Torrent worked fine for me. I was surprised bc I'd read so many mixed reviews on that brand. But I have found that no matter what I use I have to take 3-6mg melatonin about an hr b4 & make sure the lights are lower so it can work...
I filled my prescription for Zopiclone 7.5 mg and received white concave tablets with Z on one side and 7.5 on the other side. On the packaging it says Zopishine / Zopiclone and that it's manufactured by HAB laboratory in India. Does anyone know if this is a good brand of the medication, and are they safe to take as directed? ## Can anybody give me any feedback on zopishine 7.5 manufacturing in India Has anyone tried them? ## I have received the same. Not used yet but have cut one in half and they have the characteristic bitter taste of Zopiclone. Have you taken any of your yet,? ## I got mine today, says the same thing zopishine zopiclone. I’m going to cut one in half and take it, theory being, it’s then a 3.75, will update you soon. ## I have tried and think are about ...
I was prescribed a 3mg Lunesta and it worked very well for its purpose. One of the listed side effects is a bad taste, and yes I did experience that. What I am wondering is if anybody knows how long that's supposed to last - I had a glass of water when I woke up the next morning and the taste was awful! Should it go away soon? ## i had the same result- i couldn't drink anything due to the foul taste in my mouth-i gave up after one tab!! snf no one seems to be able to give me answers. help!! ## I h ad a bad taste in my mouth too but,it wore off by mid morning.I kept taking Lunesta though because it worked so well. ## The bad taste is usually caused by the dry mouth that many meds cause as a side effect, dry mouth tends to make your taste buds hyper sensitive. ## I have been takin...
I've got some apparent blue Zopiclone 7.5 mg tabs with no markings whatsoever and supposedly made by HAB Pharmaceuticals Ltd in India. Also says Zopisign on blister pack. I know that there are ones called Zopishine but mine defo say Zopisign. They do have the nasty metallic taste though but I'm guessing that could be easily replicated by forgeries. Anyone had the same tabs? Peace ## These are the better ones they are smaller and have zopiclone taste ## Zopishine are fine. 10mg are better but have to fill prescription online ## I have been taking these since there has been a shortage of Zopiclone 7.5 and 3.5. I done a little research as I am also on painkillers. They are very good and I have been sleeping well. These are small white pills no markings. The also come as blue tablet...