Skin Care Forums (Page 25)

Recently active Skin Care forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Skin Care and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Hi, I have been using Duac gel for several months and have seen some very impressive progress with my acne. I live in one house on week days and another on weekends. (I keep my Duac refrigerated.) Originally I was packing up my Duac each Friday and Sunday in a cooler bag to bring back and forth, however this is really tedious. I was wondering - can I squeeze some of the Duac into another container to keep at my secondary house (aka - a little travel container with a screw on lid) so that I don't have to bring the tube back and forth all the time? I wasn't sure if this would some how affect the effectiveness of the medicine. Thanks! ## From the images I am finding, it appears to be in a plastic tube, therefore I'd think that any type of solid container that seals out air, suc...

1 REPLY Updated in Duac

Is Absorbase Eucerin's generic name? ## I'm sorry, but what product are you referring to? Eucerin is a brand name for various types of skin care products and moisturizers. There is no medication under that name, nor is there anything under Absorbase.

1 REPLY Updated

Hi all, read much what people said post accutane use and could not agree more!!! I was given Accutane in between.get clear up my skin..Given the green light to try and have another baby and this is my time line from HELL.I have had miscarriage, blood clots, cellulitis, ovarian ruptures, back surgery, emergency appy after ovarian rupture sent blood into my stomach cavity, 15 autoimmune diseases including Lupus, IBD, Sarcoidosis, MCTD and Sjogrens and RA..also Premature Ovarian failure...teeth problems...How much can I bet Venus Williams took Accutane!!!! She now suffers from Sjogrens...Sitting in my 999tth doctors appointment with my mother I ran down the list of all things wrong with me....He asked my mom about the rest of the family..He was sure others close to me...

1 REPLY Updated in Accutane

Used to children who does not have functional sfincter to help to evacuate rectum? ## Glycerin has various uses, that is just one of them. It is also used in soaps, skin care products and as a thickening agent. When used as a laxative, it is usually in suppository form. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Glycerin

Renova Tretinoin was revised in 1998, to include patent 4877805. This patent involved numerous retinoids to be added to the formulation. These retinoids included isotretinoin (Accutane), Etretinate (banned 1998 the same year this cream was revised to include a banned drug), TTNPB (engineered hepatitis B virus), Acitretin (turns to Etretinate was in the body) and other retinoids not listed could have been used per Kligman stating this in patent 4877805. These agents were research chemo therapy agents that proved to toxic. Phosphorous is used with these products and is listed as a poison as well as retinoids are listed as a poison. Pharmacopeia states on Tretinoin, isotretinoin, Etretinate and other retinoids that they are research only and not to be used in humans. It lists known adverse...

5 REPLIES Updated in Renova

I had a severe acne breakout due to stress so I have been using Veltin for 3 weeks and noticed some improvment but not as much as I was hoping for. I'm not stressed anymore but am still having a few new pimples. I'm wondering if wearing makeup delays the healing process since Veltin opens the pores? ## Hi Valerie, I was prescribed to this as well for acne from my dermatologist. I wear makeup too, and I was curious about the same thing. I am going to try to avoid using makeup, unless I need it. Makeup could get trapped in the open pores, especially foundation. If you need makeup, try mineral makeup because it will not clog the pores the same way as other makeup. You can still use eye makeup, as the gel is not applied around the eyes. Hope this helped!!! ## That is true, almost an...

2 REPLIES Updated in Veltin

What is Herpilyn and how does it work? ## Herpilyn is an over the counter product that is listed as an enzymatic therapy, which they claim can less the severity of cold sores and fever blisters. However, as such a product, it is not actually scientifically, nor medically proven to help with anything. They don't list all of their ingredients, but from what they do list, such as camphor and lemon balm, it is very similar to other products you can purchase, such as Blistex.

1 REPLY Updated in Herpilyn

I want to make my own drawing salve. Were can I purchase bulk DSSO? ## Have you tried doing a Google search on it? this site does not manufacture, nor sell anything, this is an information only website, so I don't have any information on where you could purchase this. I'd assume it would have to be from a wholesale chemical supplier. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

1 REPLY Updated in Sulfonated Shale Oil

I would like to know if there is others who have taken prograff for an extended time ( 10 + years ) resulting in kidney damage. ## Prograf contains the active ingredient Tacrolimus, it is an immunosuppressant and the possibility of kidney damage is listed as one of the possible serious side effects of taking it. Learn more: Has yours been directly tied to use of the medication?

1 REPLY Updated in Prograf

Whenever i get sweat, I am getting getting itchy sensation all over my thighs and lower legs. when i start scratching, the parts of that portion becomes red. The doctors prescribed Clonate Oint.. it worked initially, but now it is not working now. pls suggest a proper ointment/medicine for this ## I have been using this medicine from last 15 days for sunburn as prescribed by Doctor but it is spreading to other regions . I need a permanent solution ## I have been using clonate clobetasol ointment from last 15 days for sunburn as prescribed by Doctor but it is spreading to other regions . I need a permanent solution ## Using clonate f since 5 months, wound has reduced, but taking time to heal

3 REPLIES Updated in Clobetasol

WHAT IS DEPICORT FOR ? DO YOU KNOW THE GENERIC NAME FOR IT ? ## The brand name Depicort doesn't show up in any of the drug databases. I did find however that Topicort is the closest match to this name. The generic name for Topicort is Desoximetasone. It is used to treat the redness, swelling, itching, and discomfort of various skin conditions. Desoximetasone is in a class of medications called topical corticosteroids. It works by activating natural substances in the skin to reduce swelling, redness, and itching. Click on the link below to learn more about this drug: Please post back if you have any other general questions or concerns about this drug.

1 REPLY Updated in Topicort

This is a cream prescribed by a physician to my Mom, to be used for the rest of her life to her vaginal and rectal area...due to a skin condition that can lead to cancer...her story anyway...I am confused because to pustual break out she was having does not indicate a thinning of the skin in the elderly that could turn to cancer I worry because of her health risk but also to myself and family members that may need to be careful of using her toilet??? Am I reading more into this or is she in major denial? I worry about the risk of long term use of this medication. ## This medication is not supposed to be used beyond two weeks, as it is a steroid with serious side effects. I have recently learned that I have developed a cataract, which is one of the two problems associated with this drug,...

2 REPLIES Updated in Clobetasol

Dr. has prescribed VALPARIN & FERROCHELATE syrup for my 18 months son. if any side effects there ? i m afrad and anxious about that....... ## All medications carry the risk of side effects, regardless of what they are used for. Valparin is primarily used to help prevent seizures. It's side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, diarrhea and weight changes. Ferrochelate contains Ferrous Ammonium Citrate, Folic Acid, Lysine and Vitamin B12, it is used to help supplement the intake of these vital nutrients. Have you spoken to your doctor about your concerns? ## give me the side effect of this medicine.... ## my 80yr old father takes valparin for high bloodpressure under doctor's supervision 2 days back he was unconsious in the night and now not able to sit or move lying in be...

3 REPLIES Updated in Ammonium

what is moriamin? ## I have used Iamin (copper peptide) hydrating gel for sores on my legs with considerable success. But it doesn't seem to be available on the web any more. Its a unique product - can anyone help me find a source to buy it from? Or recommend a substitute? I will be very grateful - thanks

1 REPLY Updated in Iamin

I'm planning on using 80% TCA trichloroacetic acid in xanthelasma palpebrarum. Several articles compared the efficacy of 3 different strengths including 100% with excellent results. I;m looking for other who have experience with this treatment. CONCLUSION: 100% TCA gives the best results in papulo-nodular lesions, 100% or 70% TCA give similar results in flat plaque xanthelasma and in macular lesions 50% is sufficient. Hypopigmentation is the commonest side effect, followed by hyperpigmentation. Scarring is a minor problem.

Updated in Trichloroacetic Acid

I have loss of hairs on small areas on our body ## Are they areas where you have used this product? It contains the active ingredient Clobetasol, which is a topical steroid class medication and it can have side effects on the hair follicle, which may cause temporary hair loss, while using it. Have you consulted your doctor?

1 REPLY Updated in Clobetasol

I know that the Betadine ointment is available with Moisturizer OR with a pain reliever and these 2 products contain Aquaphor which contains Lanolin Alcohol and I'm highly allergic to Lanolin in any form. BUT does the maximum strength ointment also contain Aquaphor? If it does, I wouldn't be able to use it. Betadine ointment was taken off the market several years ago and now it's back - but the formula has been changed. I used it for years without any problems and now I don't know if I can use it again if it also contains Aquaphor. ## I suffer from a blood vessel disorder called Vasculitis. It affects the small blood vessels in both of my feet and legs. I've had this bout for 17 years now. Over a period of years the prescription anti-biotic ointment I'd been usin...

3 REPLIES Updated in Betadine Ointment

pimple type spots on chest which when more pronounced look like acne,they go big then small again but always there and catch on clothes. itch more when bigger. prescribed ginedermofix cream which soothed them, also had vin3 and this was the only cream to soothe the vin3. the leaflet says the cream is used to treat tricomonas and im worried if i have this disease. since been operated on vin3 and vin2, but still itch around the vulva and anus


What is Melacare and what is it used for? ## Melacare is a Skin Bleaching Cream, for external use in fading freckles and the darkening of the skin due to tan and other external factors. It is manufactured in Thailand, and has the Active Ingredient: Hydroquinone 2%.

1 REPLY Updated in Hydroquinone

My son (Age 17) took Accutane for about 17 weeks when he started going downhill mentally. Dermatologist would not continue treatment until we brought in a note from a psychiatrist saying he was okay. I chose not to continue with treatment. Son seemed to be okay. Anyway, he now has odd behavior going around the house saying schnit, schnit, schnit and no, no, no. He also sticks his chin out, makes and odd movement with his lips, and you can see the cords in his neck. He sometimes stops when he walks. This seemed to start after stopping the Accutane which was around 6 weeks ago. He has lost weight, isn't interested in eating anymore, and feels that he has something wrong with his stomach. He looked at me one time and it was so sad because he looked haunted. Has anyone had any experienc...

2 REPLIES Updated in Accutane
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