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I want to know if I can use clobetasol cream two years past the expiration date? If so, how well will it work and is it safe? ## When it comes to anything expired, I first want to state that expiration dates in general are arbitrary figures. Just because something expires on a specific day of the year doesn't mean it's instantly ineffective and unsafe the minute the clock strikes that number. However when something is in ointment form and has other excipients that make up its composition, then you also have to take into consideration the shelf life of these substances which may or may not last as long as the primary active ingredient. With that said, I think it all comes down to proper storage and whether you care if the ointment isn't necessarily as effective as it could be...
i have molluscum on my face since last 6months i m tired of taking tablets using ointment now doctor hs prescribed me lobate cream. So,will it give me good results or not? ## We had the same experience when our little boy caught molluscum at pre-school. We thought it was just a rash but it got worse and worse. After many months we took him to a medical specialist who suggested either minor surgery or just leave it and do nothing! ... and we paid her good money for the advice. The problem with the advice from doctors to just leave it is that it is contagious. So then his little sister caught it followed by our new born. It wasn't long until my husband and I also caught it. We understandably had had enough by this stage - late as it was. We researched the net and talk to our mothers i...
pleas suggest all the details of the given ## Propysalic-NF Ointment contains: clobetasol propionate 0.05 % + salicylic acid 3.5 %. Clobetasol is used to treat the itching, redness, dryness, crusting, scaling, inflammation, and discomfort of various skin and scalp conditions. Topical salicylic acid is used to help clear and prevent pimples and skin blemishes in people who have acne. It is also used to treat skin conditions that involve scaling or overgrowth of skin cells such as psoriasis (a skin disease in which red, scaly patches form on some areas of the body), ichthyoses (inborn conditions that cause skin dryness and scaling), dandruff, corns, calluses, and warts on the hands or feet. You can read more about both of these active ingredients via the links below: I hope this helps ans...
Information on clobetasol propionate ointment usp 0.05% ## I have been using clobetasol Propionate Ointment USP,0.05 on and off for 6 months for contact dermititis (hands) I noticed also to have a redness and sometimes sore area on the penis (one area the skin is smooth and shiney)....can this ointment be used in the groin appears to be also inflamed...need help. ## As I understand you should speak with your doc about amount and frequency if u use it on the face or groin. It can have an atrophy affect on treated area's skin in essence leaving it tender, tight and raw similar to a rug burn. These r easily treated but still...... Also it indicates you can have varios serious affects as well if too much is absorbed. The skin on the face and groin is softer and more absorbant ...
Can clobetasol propionate .05% be used to treat athlete's foot fungus on my feet? ## Hello, Jim! How are you? No, this is a steroid medication, so it won't help with athlete's foot, which is a fungal infection. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including skin redness, irritation and dryness. To treat it, you need an antifungal cream, there are many available over the counter, if your doctor approves of your using them. Alternatively, they can prescribe something for you. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Can I use renovate as an skin antifungal? not athlete's foot ## Can this ointment be purchased over-the-counter? I was using it on my hair at one time prescribed by a hair doctor. Now I find my hair in the same condition.
Can you use clobetasol propionate ointment USP 0.05 on the vaginal area? ## Based on my research, Clobetasol topical is used to help relieve redness, itching, swelling, or other discomfort caused by skin conditions. From what I've read, most of the nerve endings are just outside the vaginal opening, so it would not be of much use internally in any means. "Unless instructed specifically by your doctor or gynecologist", you should only use it outside the vaginal opening (and a thin layer at that, because it is very potent). You can learn more about this drug on the page for Clobetasol Details I hope this info helps! ## If it hasn't been specially formulated for vaginal use, then no. Using something there inappropriately may cause infections, irritation and other medical pr...
My gynocologist upon my annual pap, showed me pointing a mirror at my vagina that I have some white skin that could possibly end in pre-cancer or worse. So she prescribed “clobetasol propionate .05. When I got home, I realized I have absolutely no idea where this cream suppose to go??? I guess my best bet is to go back to my gyno and ask her to show me again. Do you by any chance know off hand where to put this cream? Thank you if you can help. ## Hello Sue, Sorry to hear about your skin condition. Hopefully I can provide you with some help. I would like to start by saying that you can always start by contacting your OBGYN or your pharmacy for instructions on how to administer your medication. According to the National Institute of Health the cream/ointment should be applied topic...
Mam\sir Iam 17yrs old i had skin problem which is a black patches on my face it occurred all the place except the nose part so the place looked has a seperate layer actually tat wasnt my color due to tiz problem my face looked dark so I consult an experienced old doc regarding this he suggested me some supplements with sunbanlotion and the acid ointment which is clobetasol propionate and salicyclic acid ointment DOc insisted me if u use this ointment I will be a fast recoverey but at the time ull get pimples during tat time u have to stop! As how he said like that I got a many tiny pimples which I wont get and so my question is It is good to do home made remedies to clear the pimples in the time of intake of tablets ?? Pls do say becoz I want to clear the pimples . the following are the th
UpdatedMam I am 17yrs old I have a doubt about the ointment clobetasol propionate and salicyclic acid ointment. I went to the doc for the skin problem tat a black patches extends from the chin to cheeks which looks like separate layer so he prescribed some tablets with sun ban cream and he told tat by using the ointment I'll get pimples if tat comes I'll need to stop ,, and now i got the a many tiny pimples which I won't get and my question to u is?? Now during taking the supplement s it is good to do home remedies for the pimples ??pls do say mam
UpdatedI was given this tube of cream but, what is it supposed to do? ## I'm curious as to why someone would give you a prescription based tube of cream without telling you what it was. Bad business... Clobetasol propionate cream and ointment contain the active compound clobetasol propionate; a synthetic corticosteroid, for topical dermatologic use. It is indicated for the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses. Treatment beyond 2 consecutive weeks is not recommended, and the total dosage should not exceed 50 g/week because of the potential for the drug to suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Please post back if you have any other questions or comments to add. ## I was given this foam and because my scalp sores are ...
I have pimples on my face, that's why I want to use salicylic acid ointment. ## Does anyone know about the availability of Clobetasol Salicylic Acid Ointment online or if it requires a doctor's prescription? ## Clobetasol is a steroid class medication, so there is risk of it actually causing acne, rather than helping alleviate it, according to NIH reports. Other side effects may include skin redness, irritation, and skin flaking. MOHD, it depends on where you live, the U.S. requires a prescription, but that is not applicable in all countries. What other medications have you both tried?
info about Propysalic Ointment For Psoriasis ## My husband is suffering from psoriasis more than eight years.Is there any cream ,body lotion or ointment to get rid of this condition. ## Psoriasis is an immune disorder, so there is no cure per se, the condition can only be managed as best as possible. Learn more Psoriasis details here. From what I have found, Propysalic is listed as being a high potency ointment that contains the steroid Clobetasol coupled with Salicylic Acid. Learn more Clobetasol details here. Learn more Salicyclic Acid details here. Has it been recommended to treat this condition? ## Betnovate or dovabate cream is great I think I've had and used it and is cured ## I am 35 years Male, I have Psoriasis since past 6 months. Unknowingly I have been using Propy salic N...
can we use clobetasol propionate & salicylic acid ointment to the private parts? ## You should not use anything on your genitals that has not been specifically formulated to be used on them, unless your doctor has instructed you to do so. If you do so, it could result in infection, skin irritation, redness, burning, itching, and fungal infections, according to the NIH. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Can I apply clobetasol & salicylic acid cream can apply for scalp ## I'm using Clobetasol Propionate and Salicylic Acid Ointment. The acne has reduced in its size but the skin near the acne has become white in color. Will it be normal in a few days or should I get something done to it?
I have dark black spots on face caused by burning. can i use lobate gm neo to remove spots ## I have to many pimples in my face ## Can I use lobate gm neo 15m on my face for pimples and acne? Does it have any side effect? Thanks! ## Lobate-GM is listed as containing Clobetasol, which is a type of steroid. Thus, that means it may actually worsen some skin conditions, such as acne, because it can actually cause it, as a side effect. Other possible side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include skin dryness, redness and irritation. Taani, it isn't likely that it will help those dark spots, either. Have you consulted a dermatologist? ## Hello sir, I am staying in gulf. Here the weather is too hot. My age is 44. I have pigmentation problem since long time. Another problem is i have dark...
I have growing swelling mark on hand and leg, is it better to use propygenta* NF cream ## I'm not sure if I understand the nature of your question, whether or not you are asking if Propygenta is a better treatment option than other medications? OR if you are wondering whether or not Propygenta should be used at all for this condition? In either case, posted below is general information on Propygenta NF: Propygenta NF (Clobetasol) is used to treat the itching, redness, dryness, crusting, scaling, inflammation, and discomfort of various skin and scalp conditions. It is also highly effective for contact dermatitis caused by exposure to poison ivy/oak. Learn More: Clobetasol Details I hope this info helps! ## I am 9 months pregnant and i have severe eczema all over body i have tried to ...
I used 0.05% clobetasol tropical ointment for a month for allopecia and its been 2 months since i stopped using it because my doctor asked me to use it only for a month. I'm wondering if i can use it again as my hair didn't stop falling out and the bald patches are growing bigger? Thank you. ## Hello, Sarah! How are you? These steroids have only been shown to have limited success at treating this condition and the creams/ointments are actually the worst. Has your doctor offered any other treatment options? ## Two days back I found a white patch. When I consulted a doctor he said it is Alopecia areata. And he suggested I take clobetasol propionate and salicylic acid. Is this the right type of medication for it? If not, plz suggest me any other appropriate medicine or ointment. Th...
I get rashes in my groin after long walks, making difficult to walk. I am using Betamil GM and Lichens ointment. Now I have been prescribed Lobate GM. What to do? ## Hi Kirti, Sorry to hear about the challenging rashes you've been facing. Based on my research, Lobate GM contains the active ingredients Clobetasol, Miconazole, and Neomycin. This cream is geared specifically for treating various skin conditions, such as dryness, crusting, itching, redness, scaling, inflammation, and even bacterial & fungal infections. It's really an all-in-one type of ointment in that regard. You can learn more about each ingredient on the pages for Clobetasol Details, Miconazole Details, and Neomycin Details. Have you had a proper diagnosis done to see what the underlying cause of it could be?...
The tube I got from the pharamacy expires in 1 yr. Is 1 yr normal? It is for clobetasol propionate. Can I use it after the yr is up. The prescription tube is for the spray. Is the spray more potent then the ointment as it seems to work quicker but makes me very tired. ## I was given a prescription for Clobetasol. The prescription box says not to use it after 1 year. I live in N.J. Is it normal for Clobetasol to expire after one yr? The Clobetasol is advised to be used once in the am and once in the pm. I am getting terrible bruising in the area of my arm most affected by psoriasis. ## Yes, your pharmacy would not give you an inaccurate expiration date. After a certain period of time, all medications begin to degrade and start to lose efficacy, so once expired, it is best to dispose of t...
Looking to find something that will help my lichen plantus. Also if anyone has ilichen plantus has it affected their hearing,? Or their balance or teeth? ## It affecting your hearing, balance or teeth would depend on the areas of your body it is affecting, since it can be different for everyone that suffers from it. What have you tried to treat it? Since it can be inflammatory, some people have good luck with NSAIDs, but they aren't appropriate for all. ## I was diagnosed w/lichen plantus 2013. my dermatologist knew immediately it was my HB meds hydrochloride. My white bloods cells were being attack. the LP affected both legs from knees down. I was miserable 4 months. I still suffer, however, it's controlled using clobetasol ointment 3x a/day & camphor menthol 0.5% lotion (a...
tube of white cream wondering what it is used for ## Cormax Cream Info Click Here ## So what does it do? Does it work? and is there anything I should worry about? ## I have not tried it, so I have no idea if it works or not. The link I placed in my post will take you to the drug monograph that lists the side effects or any problems you should watch out for. If you have other concerns please speak to your doctor or pharmacist. ## is this product used for vaginal itchng? ## Can this medication be used in the rectum area? My rectum is itching and burning.