Oxycodone Forums
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What's the difference between oxycodone/apap ip204 and oxycodocone/apap rp 10 325? ## Hello, Baldman! How are you? They've just been manufactured by different companies, which is very common with generics. The one with IP 204 on it is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals and the one with the RP 10 325 is manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, but both are listed as containing 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Just found my lost IP 204's and taking OXYCOD/ACETAM 10/325's. I am having a U/A on 4-12-04. Can I keep...
Hello, First, let me start by saying that I am somewhat opiate naive. I am not in pain management and hopefully won't need to be. I've had scripts here and there for norco and percocet. It is the generic percocet, or more specifically the oxycodone, i'd like to discuss here. Over the past year i've had issues (such as a broken elbow, recurring kidney stones, and a staghorn lodged in my renal pelvis [kidney]), that have lead to several prescriptions for percocet from a total of 4 different manufacturers. Mallinckrodt 10/325, Amneal 7/325, Rhodes Pharmacy 10/325, and AuroBindo 10/325. I've read a lot of reviews about the aforementioned generic manufacturers. The majority of them have been negative especially for Rhodes. Mallinckrodt and AuroBindo are the only two that ...
I have a round pink pill with a boxed in "M" on one side and a small "10" on the top of the pill on the other side. What is this pill? ## Round pink pill with M in a box on one side and 10 on the other side: Oxycodone 10 mg NDC: 0406-8510 Manufacturer: Mallinckrodt Labeler: SpecGx LLC Inactive Ingredients: - Microcrystalline Cellulose - Lactose Monohydrate - Stearic Acid - D&C Red No. 27 Aluminum Lake Ref: DailyMed ## It's a dark pink pill. Also on the side where the 10 is it's on top and it has a bold split down the middle. One person told me it is oxycodone but I can't find anything. ## Hmmm, well the M in a box definitely sounds like a Mallinckrodt product. Here's an example of an Oxycodone 30 mg from them which is light blue and has the number 30...
I filled a prescription for 10 mg generic oxycodone at a pharmacy in Mexico. It is a round white pill with no markings at all. It came in a sealed bottle that says "PERCO 10 mg". Below that, it says "Oxycodone 10 mg". In small print, it states that is manufactured for Generic Lab Inc. Corona CA by Purdue Pharmaceuticals. It even lists the US Patents for the drug. Is this a legit generic drug they were able to release without any markings in Mexico? I only took it once and they did nothing. Should I be afraid to take them? ## It is hard to know for sure. Mexico really does not regulate their medications like the U.S., Canada, and some other countries. Thus, there is no way to be sure what these tablets contain. The FDA warns that Oxycodone carries the risk of being habit ...
I have an orange round pill with no markings and want to know if this is generic Percocet 7.5-325mg? The prescription was filled at a Mexican pharmacy, made by Qualitest. ## Hi Sue, I personally wouldn't trust anything without a marking as there is virtually no way to verify its contents, outside of a lab analysis that usually costs more time and energy than it's worth, at least in my opinion. Qualitest is regarded as a legitimate pharmaceutical manufacturer and the FDA requires them to imprint all pharmaceuticals for distribution in the US. However, in Mexico, I don't know how much a company of this stature can get away with in regards to selling unregulated medication. Do you live in the US and get this filled while visiting Mexico or was the prescription filled at a Mexic...
Hello, I've been on Oxycodone 30mg IR for 3 years now cause I ruptured 3 discs in my neck. I am running very low and was gonna take a couple Percocet 10/325 until I see my Dr in 3 days for a refill. Will the two pills show up differently or the same in my UA? ## Oxy)codone10-325 and10mgocycodone will itshow up thesame on a durg test ## That will be out of your system in two to three days just dont take no more ## The active ingredient in roxycodone is oxicodone the same a s percs....so yes u can take percs to cover u till u get to the dr. I do it all the time!!!! Been on blues for 8 yrs and whenever I run short I take percs....I have never given a bad urine in 8 yrs..... ## I have a drug test that will be given very soon for a potential employer. I have a oxycodone rx but had to tak...
Hi I'm in the U.K. And been on oxycodone for just over 2 years. Prior to this I was taking MST morphine. I lost me mum at the end of last year and whilst she was ill in the hospital I was waiting for a 2nd operation on my L2 disc. At the time I was really low and took a 10 mil ER to make my mood better, not really for pain, which was a mistake as I'm now taking too much this way. I'm really at a crossroads in my life and feel mood swings daily! I need to get a grip before it's too late! If I didn't have children I probably would already be gone to be honest! I'm hoping for a reply off someone who's been in similar situations and can give me a positive outlook for the future! Please help me. I'm seriously lower than a snakes belly and take more and more as...
What are the inactive ingredients in the 10 mg Oxycodone tablet by KvK Tech? ## Hi Molly, Here are some details that may be of assistance: Oxycodone Hydrochloride (10mg) Imprint: K 56 Color: Pink Shape: Round Manufacturer: KVK Tech Inc. National Drug Code (NDC): 10702-0056 Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Starch, Corn - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Silicon Dioxide - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato - Stearic Acid - D&C Red No. 27 Ref: DailyMed ## Yes, I need to avoid any red dyes, providone, or crospovidone. ## We just changed the pills to 2 (5) mg pills because it was so hard to find and I have been waiting awhile to get it filled. Makes you wonder , what country is producing it with what ingredients since it is so hard to research. ## KVC Tech manufactures ALL o...
white, oblong, ip 204 imprint ## This contains 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, this is a generic for Percocet. This is an addictive narcotic analgesic. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth and constipation. ## Is generic IP204 percocet as strong as the real percocet? Not this brand, but another generic brand didn't seem as strong since I'd been taking the yellow 10's. Apparently yellow is generic also from my understanding. ## The term addictive in the explaination is not very responsible. It is a drug with a high rate of dependancy but addiction is a state and usually refers to an uncontrollable urge for somethimg plenty of people use this medication without addictive tendancies even if their bodoes become dependant. ##...
Small white round pill. One side blank. Other side has score in middle. On one side is a symbol that looks like a C with a line in the middle (more or less looks like a capital E) and other side of score has 5 imprinted on it. What is this? I'm being told it's a 5mg oxycodone but I cannot find on the internet. ## This tablet contains 5mgs of Oxycodone (NDC 42806-005). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Starch, Corn - Silicon Dioxide - Magnesium Stearate Ref: DailyMed
TL;DR - how do you work around "no narcotics allowed" medical evaluations? Hi, I'm supposed to be going for a battery of check ups next week at the Mayo GI clinic for chronic GI pain (20+ years). However I've just been told I cannot be on any narcotic when they do the diagnostics. I understand why that is but that's not the issue. I asked how other pain patients have worked around this strict limitation and she just kept repeating (like a robot) "you aren't a patient, I'm not allowed to give advice". No matter how I tried to frame the question, she refused to advise. FFS. So, how the hell do I do that? I'm terrified of being off oxy for any period. Also my pain doc, whilst "flexible" and open to suggestion, doesn't inspire confidence w...
I keep searching and STILL don¨t have a straight answer. I am currently on 30mg, 3 times a day of OXYCODONE (legally prescribed) for horrific back pain..... ¿WHAT is the difference between the 2, if any, besides the NAME? oxycodone AND oxycontin........ PLEASE help me out! thanks! thanks!! ## Its the same drug - Oxycodone. One is time released (Oxycontin) and one is immediate release (oxycodone). If they changed your meds from Oxycodone 30mg 3xper day (total of 90mg a day) to Ocycontin it would be probably be 40mg 2x a day with breakthrough meds. ## Pita's comment is basically true. Though OxyContin is technically oxycodone hydrochloride - a slightly different formula, but yes -- essentially the same drug. The major difference is the time-released delivery of OxyContin as ...
I have always gotten pink 10mg k56 pills. I went to Walmart and filled my pills and they gave me white pills imprinted with 10mg RP. Are they the same? ## Yes, they have just been manufactured by different companies, the tablet with K56 on it is manufactured by KVK Tech, and the ones with the RP are manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals. When a medication is available as a generic, it is usually made by several different companies, and the one your pharmacy carries can vary, depending on who was offering the cheapest price, when they needed to restock their supply. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## The K56 and...
I had 2 back surgeries in the last 2 years and the 1st failed(lumbar fusion), pain only gets worse and my doctor does not prescribe anything stronger than 5mg Oxycodones 4x day, I explained that they don't get the job done but he insists that this is the strongest he can go!!! Please help me, I am at Palm beach county but work in Broward so any of them work. Thanks ## You may want to consider a boston scientific spinal cord stimulator ... there are videos on YouTube by boston & several of those that had on implanted (djporkchop73 has 3 years of his experiences with his relationship & effects of his scs) I had one implanted in sept & my 30 day follow up appt is coming up.... there is a trial time of a few days that you wear on a belt (I was doing things I haven't been...
Amneal's oxycodone, generic for percocet 10/325 is white, oblong, blank on one side, and imprinted with IP 204 (not IP 203)! I usually take Watson or Mallinckrodt, 10/325, (2) tablets every 4-6 hours (240 monthly), but I was given Amneal today when filling my script, and I am not happy! I have cancer, and I also take morphine sulphate 30 mgs as well (1 every 12 hours), and Fioricet with Codeine for severe migraines (as needed)! I do not feel Amneal is sufficient or even close to the chemical makeup as Watson or Mallinckrodt for controlling pain/chronic pain! Amneal does not act the same way on my body, and I should not have to take more for same result! I think when you pay cash for your medications, and have been on the medication for 8 years, using the same pharmacy, they should o...
Florida resident. Here in VA Beach. Im a patient in FL but cant get home now. I fell Jan 4th in NY and spent 9 nine hours in ER. I have copies. I have DDD cervical and lumbar with possible arachnoiditis. Radiculopathy both L and R legs with numbness and pain down to both feet and down both arms. I have all other meds except ran out oxycodone 10/325. Since Jan 4th fall I have not been able to go to FL to see my physician. Can you prescribe for one month? ## Hello Shelby! How are you feeling? I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. The administrator/owner of this site, and the people using it are not licensed to diagnose any medical conditions, or to prescribe any medications, it is an information only website. To receive a medication that is a controlled substance, you will need t...
I have just switched from oxycodone to fentanyl patches. I will be withdrawing from them following sugery. any suggestions as to which is easier to withdraw from? Thanks!!! ## Well, the Fentanyl is actually much stronger than the Oxycodone, a 0.025mg dosage of it is equal to 5mgs of Oxycodone, so it is going to be the harder one to withdraw from, if it is stopped abruptly. However, the other fact of relevance is how long you will be using it. If it is only for a short period of time, them the withdrawals may not be too rough, though they may still be annoying. Has your doctor provided you with any advice? ## i have been on fentanyl for a long time. prior to this was on a bunch of oxycodone. to give you an idea i was taking anywhere to 3 or 4 of the 80s per day and 5 or 6 of the Roxi 30s...
Can a urine drug test sent off to a lab tell the difference between oxycodone/apap 7.5-3.25mg (percocet 7.5-3.5) and oxycodone hcl 5mg (Roxicodone 5mg)? I took 3 percocets tonight and i am prescribed the roxi's. I go to my pain doc in 4 days and they occasionally drop me. Can they tell the difference. How long will they be in my system? thanks to all that answer. ## With a urine it will only show what type you took not the amount you got either a 5 panel urine tests for Amphetamines (amphetamine and methamphetamine), Cocaine, Marijuana, Opiates, Phencyclidine aka pcp or the 9 panel the other 4 of the 9 is Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Methadone Propoxyphene. Hope this helps. ## That is correct, the standard test will only show that you took Oxycodone, it cannot distinguish whether it...
Is there such thing as a oxycodone 30mg with no Tylenol, that is white? I've seen blue ones but not a white one. ## Hi Lynn, Just wanted to add that there is in fact a 30mg Oxycodone hydrochloride tablet available without the Tylenol (Acetaminophen). However the one I am seeing is not white, but rather a light blue in color. It has an [M] inside of a box on one side and the number 30 on the back side sitting above a horizontal score line. For further verification, this particular pill is a product of Mallinckrodt, approximately 6.00 mm in size and carries a National Drug Code of 00406-8530. An image can also be viewed within the NDC link. If yours is white I'd probably question its legitimacy and would take it to a local pharmacist just to be on the safe side. ## The blue oxy 30...
Dr put me on 5 mg oxycodone (20 mg a day). 1 capsule every 6 hrs. I've been taking it for 9 weeks due to TKR and the Manipulation of my knee under anesthesia. I have to get off of it but I'm panicking because I think I'm already experiencing withdrawal. The oxy only seems to help for 2 hrs and then I become agitated and anxious. My pain increases. How do I taper and how long will it take? I'm supposed to visit my daughter in 3 weeks and I don't want her to see me like this! ## Any time you ingest something for a long period of time, suddenly stopping it, or lowering your dose may result in withdrawal effects, but as long as the substance was only being taken as prescribed, they are usually mild, and short-lived. Ref: Oxycodone Information Other withdrawal effects may...