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Rhodes/Purdue Buprenorphine hcl 8mg RP b8 vs Roxanne 54 411 1157 REPLIES
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I can say from experience these new 153 are no good...I cant say it more clearly - They suck!! If you depend on relief from your daily dose of subutex like i do, then be ready for a major LET DOWN ## Soooooooooooo True. I don't know what to do I hate these. ## Yea I think they suck, white ones so much better ## I just got these too and I am experiencing the same thing! Someone please help! ## Horrible, i feel like they giving me sugar pills, seriously feel like they're not 8mg. I have cold turkey detoxed before and i really feel like im withdrawing slowly over this month that ive had them. ## Sorry to hear about everyone's experience with these tablets... Reading all these reviews, including many on other related threads here, it almost seems to me as if the manufacturer (Ac...

43 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Please help. I found this and don't know what it is? The pill is white, round and has an arrow looking thing on one side and N8 on the other. I need to know as quickly as possible please. ## Hello, Lindry! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Hi-Tech Pharma and they list it as being an 8/2mg generic for Suboxone (Buprenorphine 8 mg / Naloxone 2 mg - NDC 50383-287). The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Mannitol - Starch, Corn - Povidone K30 - Water - Anhydrous Citric Acid - Sodium Citrate - Sodium Stearyl Fumarate - Acesulfame Potass...

31 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I was prescribed Movantik a week ago with the enclosed instructions suggesting that I take 1 tablet in the morning and eat nothing for an hour, which I've haven't done yet because I must have coffee immediately upon waking or otherwise remain nauseous until I do. My question is this: Can I take Movantik after drinking a cup of coffee with cream? Not knowing whether that's ok I've taken the med at bedtime instead for several days now, which A) causes cramps throughout the night + B) was not very effective, i.e. did not produce a BM after I woke up, but I suggesting to me that it likely works better while one is awake and more active after dosing. I'm reluctant to do so however, until I have this question answered. ## Without offering medical advice, all I can say is t...

9 REPLIES Updated in Movantik

Looooong read. I warn you now :) Ok. PLEASE don't explain how it works or what it does. Save yourself the time. I am extremely familiar with how it works and what it does. But I have a question that's been on my mind for many moons, forever actually (10 plus years) and I can't seem to get a straight answer to it no matter how many times I ask it and where I ask it. I am asking it here for the first time. Just always get the usual, familiar rhetoric explaining to me how it works and where it binds and what it does, blah blah blah, but no one ever can explain the "why" behind all this wonderful science! And at the end have one first hand case PROVING what I'm questioning to be true. Ok so follow. So if buprenorphine is stronger than and has a higher affinity than l...

70 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Please be ware there is no explaining what will happen to you physically and mentally you will wish you where dead and you feel like your going to I was on 80mg of methadone for 1 month I did 1\4 of an ampuill it was the worst experience I don't think they put o the warning labels what happened but it was really BAD ## Hi Pat, Sorry to hear about what happened. Sounds like you had a pretty grueling experience there. And I can only imagine how concerned I would be too, without having any prior warning labels/interactions listed on the packaging to help make sense of what's going on. From what I've read, it's probably not safe to use either of these drugs within at least a week of each other. Taking subutex (buprenorphine) directly after methadone could potentially put you...

36 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

I am prescribed lortab for a bulging disc and a pinched nerve, if I don't take anything the pain is intolerable! Sunday I had doctor appointment the next day so I had none left. A friend of mine gave me a suboxone out of sympathy. I usually don't take things that aren't prescribed to me but I trust her and had no other options. I took a drug text 5 days later for a new job. Will it show up different than lortab? I'm freaking out!! HELP! ## suboxone doesnt show up in a regular drug test they have to specifically test for suboxone so no you dont have to worry at all ## After 5 days, the Suboxone would no longer be in your system, anyway, it is processed out long before that, if you only took one. In addition, as was already stated, they would have to be doing a very expens...

7 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

Does the Buprenorphine 8mg 460 work as well as 54 411's? I'm curious as I've seen other imprints, just not 460. Please let me know if they are better or worse. ## BETTER. The only thing is they taste a tad worse. I use 1mg a day and these are slightly smaller and worker slightly better in my opinion. ## Among other influential factors, some people may respond better or worse to the different binders/fillers upon switching from one tablet to the next. That said, the only true way to compare efficacy is to go through trial and error with both versions yourself and not solely based off someone else's feedback. Inactive ingredients in the 460 pill are: Lactose Monohydrate, Mannitol, Povidones, Anhydrous Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Magnesium Stearat...

218 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I see this group to be for support and information based on experience(s). So I will share mine regarding this horrible medicine with 460 imprinted on a round chalky white tablet. To say I had bad side effects is kind. Aside from the burning under the tongue, subsequent nausea, fatigue, depression, cravings, poor sleep, outbursts, after taste that took forever to go away, I really am a person that seriously likes to give something a chance. And this medicine for me was an actual horror of 28 days until I could get my Westward again. It made me dose off and worst for me was the cravings. I felt so awful all the time on the Sun Bupes I would start thinking about my old methods of feeling better. Not good. Suboxone and Subutex saved my life. After 40 years off and on finally I feel human a...

16 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I have now been on suboxone for a year, I got on it when I found out I was pregnant last January 2013 and I had my beautiful healthy daughter in August 2013 I used to be on subutex during my pregnancy but once I had my daughter I was switched to suboxone. I am on 2 1/2 strips a day and my doctor has been wanting to lower my dose however I have so much going on that I am really nervous to do so. I have lately been dealing with my daughter on my own her father just didn't show me the respect I deserved and he wasn't willing to work to support our daughter so we separated and now I am left on my own with all the finances out daughter and looking for employment which this all just recently happened since the last time I saw my doctor on top of that my daughter has medical issues due...

89 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I've been taking Buprenorphine 8mg for 3 1/2 years now, all of a sudden every pharmacy in our area (that I know of) has switched the manufacturer they are order from, frustrating to me as I just seem to see a difference all though there shouldn't be. Does anyone know a pharmacy that still carries bup mg with the imprint 54 411? ## Same here. Every store is on backorder for the past 7 days. I'm from mid south Pa. ## Same here!!! I'm from Salt Lake City, Utah, and I've been on it for 8 years now. It started a month ago, when the pharmacies were on back order for 54 411, and now it's EVERY TYPE of generic Buprenorphine from every manufacturer. Last week, I went to fill my script, and people were fighting over ONE BROKEN TABLET!!! I wish pharmacies, manufacturers, an...

477 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I took a 1/4 of a suboxone a friend had given me around 6:00 pm today. How long do I have to wait until I can take a Percocet for pain and not get it and have it work? ## 1/4 of a suboxone isn't a very detailed description how many MG's was the strip?(i know this is an old comment but whatever) ## I know this topic is a few weeks old, but I do agree with josh (post #1) in that the answer to the original thread question would largely depend on how many milligrams of Suboxone you're taking. Based on some other cases I've seen, I'd take a shot in the dark and say it may be up to a week before it's out of your body. Although several personal factors such as age, weight, diet, etc, could also influence the excretion rate. I hope this info helps! Please post back if yo...

63 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I have been getting the generic Subutex Roxane brand 54 411 Buprenorphine tablets for months now from Walmart pharmacy and the past two times I've gotten my prescription filled there, I was given a different generic made by Hi Tech with an 8 and an arrow. I asked them why the change because those little tablets just are not the same and they said the Roxane ones could not be ordered. I called around to other pharmacies I have gotten my prescription filled at before also and was also told that the Mylan M 924s can no longer be ordered either. What's going on with the Roxane and Mylan Buprenorphine tablets? Did they stop making them or is there some kind of shortage? I had the choice of getting the small Hi Tech tablets which seem alot less potent than the Roxane or the Actavis 15...

195 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it? ## The pill in description is Buprenorphine hydrochloride (subutex) 8 mg. It is a semi-synthetic opioid that is used to treat opioid addiction in higher dosages (>2mg) and to control moderate pain in non-opioid tolerant individuals in lower dosages (~200 mg). Yes, Subutex can be administered intravenously. This is a very addictive drug that gives off a euphoric rush similar to other opioids in addition to a slight "upper"-like effect. ## Hello, administering these intravenously is very dangerous so please take them from her and tell her she is messing with her life, i am only 24 and have never used a needle but have had drug problems all my life since i...

347 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

Hi I was wondering if there is a doctor in Las Vegas or.Henderson n.v. that can prescribe methadone on a month to month basis? ## Hi, Krysta! How are you? For addiction treatment, it cannot be prescribed like that. Under the laws for such, it can only be administered in a clinical setting by those that are specially trained in its use for addiction, since it requires regular monitoring and there are strict limitations on take home doses, counseling and etc. Learn more Methadone details here. Any doctor can prescribe it for pain, but most are reluctant to do so, since it can be very habit forming and there are much better and safer options available. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My son has chronic pain and was dismissed by his first pain doc, is there another doc in Las Veg...

6 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

I refilled my monthly subutex Tuesday and received orange oblong tablets inscribed 153. My pharmacy has carried 54/111 over three years. Does anyone know if the orange ones are going to permanently replace all other generic Buprenorphine? Also, are any other patients experiencing loss in quality? Thank you ## I have just received the same orange 8 mg 153 Subutex from MFG Actavis Elizabeth...I haven't taken any yet becaus I am not sure what to expect as far as changes, I have been taking the MFG Hi-Tech 8 mg Subutex for a year and a half. Des anyone have any experience taking the new Actavis 8 mg Subutex switching from other brands... ## Hello, Sammy! How are you? I doubt this is a permanent replacement, it's most likely that the distributor your pharmacy orders from was able to ...

92 REPLIES Updated in Subutex

It took me a while to get down to it but I just switched from 10 mg of Methadone to Suboxone. How much Suboxone should I have to take, and how long? Also what else can I take with the Suboxone to make it easier? ## I am afraid I don't have that information for you. Doctor's that treat with Suboxone are carefully trained in its use and they have to carefully calibrate the dosage according to how much of the drug you were taking and for how long. On top of that, the tapering must be done very slowly, with the person's health and withdrawal symptoms being taken into account. For some people it can take several months, but other can take several years. Have you considered seeking medical attention? ## Iv been on the methadone program this time for a month now, and I finally got ...

12 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

i am on 76mls of methadone have been clean from heroin addiction for 8 months. things were great, me and my partner of 12 years were on a high because we were clean but for the past few weeks iv became majorly depressed and he my partner started getting 'itchy' he came home yesterday with heroin ....major regrets and i now feel so low and disgusted with us both its even worse because we are at the drug screening clinic today!! why i wasnt strong enough yesterday to say no is beyond me uuugh anyway my question is this if i got someone who is completely drug free to give me a urine sample and added a tiny droplet of methadone to it would i pass a drug screening test? i want to come clean we have been addicts for 10 years we have finally a brilliant drug worker who has helped us AL...

292 REPLIES Updated in Methadone

My pharmacy recently switched to a round orange Suboxone with the numbers 970 on it and it burns my mouth pretty bad and doesn't seem to be as effective as my old ones. Has anyone else had this problem? Why does it burn? ## Hello OhioKing, Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble with your medication. I was taking a look into it and I've read a couple of other users that said they had a similar experience. It seems that most of these stories boiled down to either an allergic reaction or that their doctor had them taking too many dosages a day and that in the end the doctor had them go from 4x a day to 2x a day. Either way I suggest that you consult your doctor immediately in case it turns out to be an allergic reaction to the medication. Burning of the mouth is definite...

36 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone

I have made the switch from the 8mg films to 8mg buprenorphine tablets only. With all the research I've done and experience I do my best to stay away from actavis mylan and nowadays sandoz. I noticed everyone has enjoyed the Roxanne now westward generics amongst hi-tech coming in second/mylan. I have no experience with mylan bup and don't want to take the risk even as mylan has always been a waste imo. I'm not a fan of allergan (actavis) taking over watson so depending on the drug dispenses I most stay away. There are as of now 7 manufacturers of generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg (generic subutex). They are in order of my preferred with not much experience except with brand name: *roxanne (now westward pharma)- 54 411 *hi tech- 8 ^(arrow) *mylan- M924 *teva (allergen/activas own...

1157 REPLIES Updated in Buprenorphine

I have been on valium for approximately 12 years for severe anxiety and because of a severe back problems i was also put on percocet for years. Someone told me about suboxone. They said suboxone will help with the pain. So i went to a sub doc and told him i was on valium. He did not give me a U/A till months later. Doc said you are on a benzo. l said is that the valiums? He said yes. I said i told you i was on valium. He said you have to go off them. I was told if i go off my valiums i could have a seizure. I have been off the valium for a week. I am shaking and can't sleep. I feel sick. I was doing great with suboxone and valium. Now i am just sick. Please, someone help me. ## Suboxone is not going to help pain. Suboxone is another addiction. Go to your doctor and tell him/her that...

66 REPLIES Updated in Suboxone
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