Movantik And Coffee
UpdatedI was prescribed Movantik a week ago with the enclosed instructions suggesting that I take 1 tablet in the morning and eat nothing for an hour, which I've haven't done yet because I must have coffee immediately upon waking or otherwise remain nauseous until I do. My question is this: Can I take Movantik after drinking a cup of coffee with cream? Not knowing whether that's ok I've taken the med at bedtime instead for several days now, which A) causes cramps throughout the night + B) was not very effective, i.e. did not produce a BM after I woke up, but I suggesting to me that it likely works better while one is awake and more active after dosing. I'm reluctant to do so however, until I have this question answered.
9 Replies
Without offering medical advice, all I can say is that if I were facing this unique dilemma, I wouldn't necessarily consider a cup of coffee as "eating"; especially if one were to have it straight black with no creamer or sweeteners added. Then it's just water infused with the deep robust essence of coffee beans (containing antioxidants, caffeine, polyphenols, etc. - but no calories to interfere with the absorption & metabolic process of the medication - theoretically speaking).
That said, what I would do in such a position is go ahead and have the pill with (or after) coffee in the morning, but what I would do may be different from what you should do... And I feel that it's equally important to note that even if your doctor says it's ok, they still have no clue how you'll respond ahead of time. Trial & error seems unavoidable, but prudent and discretionary choices while working closely with your doctor can help minimize whatever potential risk factors might be at play here.
I hope this perspective helps!
Re: David (# 1)
Thank you for that. It gave me much to consider although where the rub lies is that I cannot drink coffee without half and half as I find it too acidic and ironically causing its own G.I. distress. As you mentioned; trial and error*... or maybe not* if I'm lucky ??
Re: Robertino7 (# 2)
So did you ever take the medication after? What happened? I'm in the same position
Re: CrashWill (# 3)
Wondering how things worked out. I’m on morning 2 of Movantik, and I’ve been drinking coffee immediately after, not thinking of coffee as breakfast. I have yet to see any results, I drink coffee with milk and honey. I tend to wake up with a sinus headache that goes away with the 2st cup ( was worse today like a Sid egg effect headache?) Wondering if I need to lose the honey and milk or wait an hour for coffee? Any experience, advice you want to shar etc is greatly appreciated.
Re: Robertino7 (# 2)
It just didn't work for me if I drank coffee and non dairy creamer. Ya gotta stick out the hour or so. I am still trying it as well.
I take movantik 25 with my morning coffee with milk and miralax . I go to the bathroom within 40 min most mornings.
Re: TpC (# 4)
Well its my second day woke up took movantik goin too drink coffee after giving it time too kick in but no headaches r nothing doin it this way and it actually gave me a bowel move the sec morning from takin it
Re: Robertino7 (# 2)
I drink coffee with coffee mate and movantic it works for me
Re: CrashWill (# 3)
I take Movantik immediately when I wake up with a little water. Then I have a couple of cups of plain coffee. That works fine for me.
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