New Subutex Laws (Page 13)


I went to see my doctor this week and he told me that the FDA and the DEA had passed a new law for prescribing Subutex. As of July 1st 2015 Subutex can only be given to pregnant woman or to someone with documentation saying they can't take Suboxone. If you don't have that you will be put on Suboxone.

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If you put as much focus on worrying about your own damn self instead of being a d**** to someone who's apparently trying to fight an addiction you may get somewhere in life. Why are you on here posting if you are against this s*** so much. Its people like you that make me dislike other human beings.

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What is the WV law code for buprenorphine prescription guidelines 2015-2016?

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You don't know how it feels goin without ur meds so mind ur own business

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This is not true...It's doctors discretion. It is in my state any way...don't have a clue if difference in every state.

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This is true in every way. If it was not then I would not have posted it.

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463MX: Amen to that. People who haven't been through what we've been through have no clue what it's like. Do not speak of another man until you have walked in his shoes.

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U ppl kill me I get 16 mg of subutex cuz I said the others made me sick to my stomach. .ct.

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Gg: Amen to that. The Suboxone WRECKED my stomach and made my migraines so much worse. If my doctor hadn't been able to switch me to Subutex, I doubt I would have been able to continue on Bupe. I could NOT take that Naloxone. I was already a migraine sufferer and had chronic nausea problems when I started the Bupe, and the Naloxone just exacerbated those pre-existing conditions.

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I couldn't find any law. I live in ohio and I am still receiving my subutex. I am not a woman or pregnant.

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Subutex and suboxone are not the same. I mean I do not care one way or the other but subutex does not have naloxone ("blocker") added to it. Some folks are sensitive to it.

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JAKE: I don't think it is a law in Colorado either. I was still getting Subutex when I switched to tablet Methadone, and I know someone who still gets Subutex, who is not a pregnant woman. So it may just be state by state.

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I so agree with you on this! Everyone is different, we all have different issues, reasons for taking... and before we were fortunate enough to get this medication, we all had are different struggles.
So, for those people who haven't been where we have been(I say this because we ARE ALL different, and taking for different reasons) don't judge use, assume or think you know what we've been thru. No matter what our situations may be, we have a heart and feelings. As far as I go, I try to only speak from my experience only. I don't know everyone else's situation.

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Michael, from what I've read, the mixture with naloxone should work the same way as Subutex. On the other hand, there may be different effects in individual cases. If you have a good relationship with your doctor, he may be able to do something for you. If you're worried about the naloxone interfering with anesthesia or medically necessary pain medication, Subutex itself is only a partial opioid agonist. The latest research shows that it has a stronger affinity for opioid receptors than full opioid agonists. In other words, if you need an opioid for anesthesia or surgical pain, it will take larger doses of opioids to displace the Subutex from the receptor sites,. This must be done under careful medical supervision, to prevent an overdose or a hypertensive crises. In my humble opinion, you are better off slowly weaning yourself off the Subutex completely. If you can't, I would suggest seeing a good clinical psychologist to get to the root of why you have a strong desire for opioids. For example, you may have clinical depression. You may have suffered a childhood trauma that is buried in your unconscious. You may not have developed the coping skills to deal with the misery of life's catastrophic events that eventually affects everyone, if they live long enough. Your desire for opioids is in no way a personal weakness or character flaw. Ignore the supercilious comments from those who are always judging others. It is their way of making themselves feel better by avoiding their own flaws. It would be a better world if more people followed the rule: 'He that is without sin, let him caste the first stone.'

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GAGELLE: "Your desire for opioids is in no way a personal weakness or character flaw. Ignore the supercilious comments from those who are always judging others. It is their way of making themselves feel better by avoiding their own flaws. It would be a better world if more people followed the rule: 'He that is without sin, let him caste the first stone".

Thank you. There was actually a guy on one of these named "NO MORE NARCS" and he is judging people left and right and yet is actually AN ADDICT HIMSELF! But now that he's clean, he gets to sit up on the mountaintop and judge everyone. Unreal. I mean, I expect it from some people who have never had to deal with addiction. But this guy? UGH. Anyway, thanks for saying that.

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I know how you feel. I can't take Suboxone because I have a reaction to the naloxone so my Dr changed it to Subutex and I've done so much better. Now they've changed again and I've been put back on Suboxone, and going through the reaction but can't get the ER to listen. They treated me for a allergic reaction but didn't say to what. So now I have to go back to the ER again.

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My Dr first put me on Suboxone and I am a diabetic, and it made my blood sugar go up very high around 5 to 600 and I had to take insulin almost 8 to 10 times a day to get my sugar down. So I told my Dr about it and he suggested that I should be on Subutex, and after I started on that my blood sugar was great and I did not have to use anymore insulin. But after being on it for about 3 months the clinic that my Dr worked for wanted documentation that I needed to be on it, so I went to my diabetes Dr and she wrote out that taking Suboxone made my sugar go up and I had to take insulin but being on subutex my sugar was good and not using insulin no more and my body was starting to produce some insulin on its own, so I gave this to my Subutex Dr and he put it into my file. I have been on subutex for almost 3 years now and feel great, and I am remaining clean. But this last September My Dr sent out letters to all of his patients telling us that he was leaving the practice at the end of September 2016 but he referred me to another Dr at the same practice, so I asked him if the New Dr would change my meds because I was taking a half mg of clonazepam 2x day along with the subutex, I have PTSD and I also have bad panic attacks and nightmares that wake me up sweating and shaking, but he promised me no that the other Dr would not change my meds in fact he said why change them you are doing great on them. So I did not have an appt in October but the clinic called in my meds and in November they done the same because all of the Drs had to take on my old Dr patients, and they called in my meds in November also but my insurance had to get my subutex preauthorized again and they did. So I had an appt on December 21st but the nurse called me the day before that and said that the new Dr had been looking over my records and he wanted me to start taking Suboxone and to stop my clonazepam and my lyrica also, I told her that being on Suboxone made my blood sugar go up and I had to use insulin but being on subutex my sugar was great and I wasn't taking insulin anymore, and I also said that my old Dr promised me that they would not change my meds because I was doing so well on them and I had been taking the same meds for almost 3 years. She said that the Old Dr promised all of his patients that. So she said if you do not want to take what this New Dr wants they would give me a 1 months supply of my meds and I would have to find another Dr that would prescribe what I had been taking and they would also release me from the clinic. So I had to take my clonazepam because I had been taking it for years, and taking Suboxone I would have to go back and have problems with my sugar again so I went that direction but it really pissed me off that the clinic done this to me because I did nothing wrong it was my Dr that left and I should not have to call to get me another Dr to prescribe me my meds, it should be the clinic to do this. Also they should have tapered me off of the subutex I was taking 8mg 3 x day so now here I am trying to find another Dr. I cannot believe what they done and how it would have affected my health if I would have done what this New Dr wanted, and in my life a promise is a promise so now I do not know what to do. Can I get an attorney because taking the Suboxone would affect my health and they never even offered to taper me off of the subutex. I am avoiding what will come from the withdrawals when I run out of my subutex because I was a heavy opiate user and the withdrawals were so bad then. So could you possibly say what you would do in my situation? Thanks.

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Dave, your old doctor should have never promised you or any patient that a new doctor would continue to treat patients the same way he had. One doctor cannot tell another doctor what to prescribe to a patient. Actually, your diabetes doctor should not have prescribed you the Subutex, unless he was licensed to prescribe it.

It is your responsibility to find another doctor before you run out of your medications. You may need to see a psychistrist for your anti anxiety medications and a different doctor to treat your addiction. You need to find a new doctor ASAP. There is nothing a lawyer can do.

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But Michael should know that since he's an Lpn..your about as educated as a rock. You don't understand addiction or m.a.t. so please do us all a favor and keep your ridiculous p opinions and mouth shut. Your condescension and insolence are why addicts have a bad name because you are quick to chime in on a subject that you don't have the knowledge or common sense to even contribute in any way. All you have done is embarrass yourself and your so called education. Ask for your money back because you are way in over your head...

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Well the Clinic has my records that came from my Dr that quit and the Nurse called me before my appt and told me that this other Dr that works at the same clinic was looking over my records that came from my Dr that quit and he wanted me to switch from subutex to Suboxon and stop my clonipins and lyrica and he has the authority to write out scripts for Subutex and the rest of my meds, because he was the one who signed my script for my last supply of my meds. But one thing the clinic did not do was to taper me off of the subutex they left me hanging with taking it 3 x day 8 mg I went to my family Dr and she thinks what they done to me was unethical and not tapering me down was cruel knowing that it would be hard to find another Dr that can prescribe subutex and Suboxon and only giving me a 1 month supply of my meds. But my family Dr referred me to a Dr that can prescribe subutex it's a psychiatrist and it's a first come first serve thing, but what that clinic done to me was very wrong I wonder how many others they done this too. Really that place was for more Psychiatric then a Subutex Clinic, when I had an appt down there each month to get my meds my mother wanted to get out of the house so I took her with me, it's a 21/2 hour drive down there but when he asked me to come to his office she timed it every time and I was only in there between 6 and 8 min and I had to pay cash $175 every month so figure that out per day with him seeing his patients for a very short time. My insurance said that they would pay for it but he was a Cash Dr only plus I had to spend 45 min with this girl just talking to me about different things not about my addiction and I had to pay cash to her and it was $75 and I had a couple strokes in 07 so I am on disability and I only get $1385 a month and I cannot get food stamps and with my stroke it only affected my left eye I lost all of the vision in it. But I want to thank you for responding to my letter I did find a lawyer and it's for malpractice and they are pretty sure that I can sue the clinic and get money out of them but that is not what I want I want to be able to come back there and have them prescribe me the same meds that I was on, but anyways thanks for replying to me I didn't think no one would

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