Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax (Page 2)


Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.

757 Replies (38 Pages)

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I have major anxiety and panic attacks ever since my 2 1/2 year old son died. I have been on every anti-depressant under the sun and also tried most benzos. Xanax is the only thing that seems to help. I recently went to a doc who came right out and said she doesn't like xanax even tho I am already on it and am doing well. I don't get it. I know it can be addictive and I don't take it unless it's needed but I do have a tolerance and need a high dose when I do take it. I need a doctor in Monmouth County NJ who isn't ANTI-XANAX! lol Any help would be appreciated

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I live in southern Kentucky...I have been seeing a doc and been prescribed klonipin since I was 16 and I'm almost 30. The doc I have now wont up the dose or switch to Valium or Xanax. My regular doc wrote Valium for a while but they can't write long term. So I sit in my home afraid to go out with panic attacks and being manic depression. Just recently I've also been diagnosed with bi polar disorder. Need a doctor in ky to help me

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Hi Manny,

I don't know if this will be of much help to you, but i do know a shrink in delaware that prescribed me a great deal of xanax and valium. He used to be in the Lewes, delaware area and was my doctor at the time. He was reasonable and I went to him for many years, but then he moved his practice to dover and I moved back to arkansas shortly after that. His name is: Doctor Pitts.....He works at Delaware behavioral health and still has a private practice as far as I know.....I'm giving you this info simply because I hope one day someone can pass me on some valuable info like this one day.......maybe my good deed will be repaid.....if you believe in karma......also....Methadone is very cheap in delaware...only $40 dollars/month at the methadone might consider going there and getting on methadone for your pain.

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dr Kadar 631-921-9185. she has ofc in bx n bk

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631-921-9185. dr kafar Brooklyn queens n Bronx locations. starts u on..5 klonopins next they don't work u getn2 mg kpins next.week u get 1 mg Xanax next week.2 mg 3 a day most she willlgive is 2mg 4 avday but gives me ambien too.....she is the beat.doc

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Recently moved to cali from ny, and need to find a doc who will rx 2mg xanax, been takin them for 4 yrs becuase of near death experience/ptsd i have severe panic attacks in public and have severe agoraphobia. Please help if u know a doc in sounth orange county, california

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want to talk to people who go through or went through what I amgoing throug now, using benzo's. Would love to hear what people have to say and ask for some advise

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does anyone know a doctor that easily gives xanax in the melrose/medford/malden/wakefield area or surrounding areas

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Looking in area of Western New York
(Fredonia, Jamestown, Olean etc)

I've been diagnosed since early 20's and on meds. I do not abuse my drugs, nor am I overmedicated. Runs in my family. Other meds have been tried w/o succuess. Recently moved here & need dr. Who will help me find dr without bunch or hassle or what I've already been thru (more than enough side effects) More stress and anxiety. I'm on low dosage and 54 yr old.

Don't have money for psychiatrist and PCP doctors both. Need regular doctor who will handle both like my previous doctor did. I'm willing to drive a ways.

Please help - my panic attacks are traumatic things.

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please help, i just moved here and need a dr. if you can recommend someone i would appreciate it. i take xanax, soma, and pain killers, i also heard that some people on here have extras they want to sell. but im kinda skrtchy about that, but i will be in vegas on oct,14,2012. please respond. DAVID,IF U PREFER TO TXT (702) {edited for privacy}

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Not every has no self control like you. Also, not everyone is a drug addict like you. You dirt bags make me sick. I can explain to you for your drug use differs from 99% of the population who also take the same prescription drugs but I'm sure you won't understand, so I won't. Go back to the crazy house.

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I am on klonpin and xanax...

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My doctor just dropped me because she said my drug screen showed NO xanax. How is this possible? I take them everyday and have heart problems. Not sure what to do at this point, though i am pretty sure of what i am being accused of. Have been on xanax and tramadol for nearly 6 years. Tried to get off xanax and the paxil didn't interact with tramadol right, so wound up addicted to hydrocodone. With out xanax, i hear things, lose time, wind up somewhere and don't know where i am or how i got there. I am scared. What can i do?

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I understand completely what you're saying. I don't abuse drugs, I am diagnosed & take as I should. They have tried all kinds of other drugs to avoid Xanax, but other meds just gave me terrible side effects and/or didn't control my severe panic attacks & social phobia. I don't take these for fun, I can't function w/o them. It runs in my mom's family. My grandmother died in mental institution - I don't want to do the same. Excuse me for wanting a life. It's sad to be judged as an abuser by people who don't even know me or my situation, even worse when doctors won't prescribe what works best with least side effects because of prejudice or fear of govt.

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You obviously have never suffered from severe panic attacks or agoraphobia that prevent you from functioning in life. It runs in my family. My grandmother died in a mental institution after 'mental breakdown'. Every woman on my mom's side of family has to go onto a benzodiazepine after menopause or go nuts with severe anxiety attacks and phobias. CHEMICAL IMBALANCES have nothing to do with 'changing your life' - I am a Registered Nurse with a Psychology Degree. I thought I'd do it w/o meds too - but I found out when I went thru menopause. I'm also a Certified Therapist but there is NO therapy that controls severe panic attacks without medication. Educate yourself instead of being judgemental to people and you won't make a fool of yourself when you opine.

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Once you are incorrectly labeled as a drug abuser or 'diverter' and dropped by a doctor - I'm not gonna lie, you are going to have a very difficult time.
BTW Doctors use a formula deciding what should be in your system based on med, dosage, weight, age, person's metabolism and activity levels (that's a lot that can go wrong! How do they know your metabolic rates w/o any tests?) Go to next doctor, tell what happened honestly, throw yourself on their mercy and volunteer for frequent random drug tests if the MD will give you a chance. I'll be praying for you.

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It may take hospitalization or repeated Emergency Room visits before a doctor will listen to you and give you a chance to prove the symptoms you experience without your medication. I'm sorry this has happened to you.
Most states are harassing doctors about prescribing Xanax and even threatening them. I know a clinic where govt ORDERED the psychiatrists to switch all patients to Klonopin or lose their licenses, clinic be shut down. TRUE STORY.
Had one 'family' doctor just out of school try to tell me that "Ativan and Xanax are the same thing", which is a crock. I've cooperated and tried all their meds (Paxil too, etc). Only Valium and Xanax control my symptoms. Example: Ativan puts me to sleep and then I still have panic attacks. AND if they are the 'same' thing, why does he like to prescribe Ativan instead of Xanax? Why would it matter if they are 'the same thing'. Because they chemically are different even tho both are benzodiazepines.
I gave Ativan to help cancer patients with nausea during Chemo. Never heard of Xanax helping nausea. 20 yrs ago I watched cancer patients die in pain because doctors afraid to prescribe pain meds, 'they'll get addicted" - Seriously? Dying people?
Same witchhunt here. Rich people get multiple meds, large doses, anything they want - and they ARE abusing them. Some people abuse drugs so people who really need them, the reason the drugs were made, should not have access to them?

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I moved from another State to West Plains, Missouri. I have been on Xanax now for nine years. I use it for osteo arhritis and charcot marie tooth to relieve spams, pain in my back/neck/head and basically all over my body. I use it for panic attacks that creates a social disorder. Recently, the DEA has stopped letting my Doctor prescribe this much needed medication. I do not abuse it, but I use it everyday to help control a multitude of symptoms and I have a primary who calls it a psychiatric medication when I use it more for neurological reasons than psychological reasons and I only want to treat my symptoms. I also use it to help sleep at night and without being able to sleep due to my back pain and nerve pain then my symptoms become worse. Does anyone know of anyone in this area that can prescribe this much need medication to me?

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I have had a seveire anxiety disorder. Diagnosed by a p.h.d. psycholigist. who said that I had one of the worst she'd seen in her 25yrs on the job. I have grandma seizures 1-2 a mth. After a head injury in a car accident 2yrs ago. I feel like doom is after me,I can't breathe and feel like im going to die. Also have social anxiety disorder. As well as a father who is dying, And i'm his only caregiver. PLEASE HELP!!!

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@StarryEyes....I just came upon this thread, and I know that it's old, but I'd like to inform you of something. Something regarding ur comment that NO Dr. wd perscribe both Xanax & Klonipin @ the same time. Everyone has different experience, and personally I don't even like having to take pills or anything like that, I take them cuz I need them for many different reasons. I was rear ended 3 times in 3 yrs & went thru the windshield @75 mph, head first. Needless to say, it disabled me. But w/everything...disc damage, muscles, joints and nerves. The nerve damage was so severe that no strength could stop these crippling muscle spasms whenever I'd get anxious. Whenever I got anxious then tuned into having a panic attack which in turn caused me to start having HUGE seizures. Not only DID my Dr. perscribe Xanax & Klonipin at the same time, I got 90 full 2 mg bars to take 3x a day each month, along w/60 1 mg Klonipin to interchange w/the Xanax 2x a day. Actually, this Dr. was very prestigious. The best in his feild, written about in Medical magazines & all of that. ON TOP of these medicines, this Dr had me on 8 80mg OxyContin a day, 150 mcg. Fentanyl patch, 120 Soma to take 4x a day @350 mg each, Flexiril WITH the Soma as a muscle relaxant. Ambien, delayed release 12.5 mg, Lyrica 300mg 3x a day, Lidocaine patches, Tegretol for seizures-400 mg twice a day, and Actiq-the Fentanyl lollipops u can suck on, they start @ 200 mcg...well I got 1600 mcg lollipops, 4x a day. NEEDLESS to say this Dr. lost his license as he should have. I didn't even realize what was happening cuz I was so out if it. Put it like this....I don't even drink. Ever. I was just in so much pain. I had developed blood clots in my lungs cuz of how immobile I was taking all that stuff together. So, there are DEF Dr.s out there who would perscribe Xanax and Klonipin @ the same time. They're just the bad Doctors. I could have died if I didn't go to another Dr. and ask him to slowly ween me off them, which was successful. The End.:)

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