Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax (Page 3)


Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.

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every find any docs up in your area?

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Need benzo Dic in philly área habe insuramce

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i live in washington court house ohio i have awful anixiety it is very diffcult to locate a doctor that will prescribe you xanex

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In My opinion, You destroyed your own Life. I'm guessing that You enjoyed the HIGH off these medications and you abused them. Maybe you did need them at first, but it is completely up to the Individual to seek other remedies to the initial problem instead of increasing your dosage and or adding another Benzo to the pot. I took Xanax 2mg for 5 years and when I went off of it I had NO withdrawals or side effects (for severe anxiety attacks). I never asked for my dose to be increased, I don't like getting high. I read self help books & truely tried to deal with the attacks. Now,over a year later I am having anxiety attacks again. It is people like you that abuse the Drug and make it hard for people like me to get a prescription for it again when it is needed. Taking Responsibility for yourself is Real...don't blame the drug.

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I could not agree more. I am in my early 40's and have had social anxiety for most of my life. Without Xanax I would be either a recluse or abusing alcohol. I do not abuse xanax and it enables me to have a normal life.

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I am legally written by the same doc. A shrink .05 xanax up to 4 day and 1 mg linoleum at night. The linoleum is being used for muscle relaxation as well as it has a longer life by a few hours than xanax, I usually don't take 4 xanax a day though.

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I just proof read my last post sorry I am trying yo say klonopin not linoleum...

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I don't see why with your circumstances you could get klonopin for anti seizur and attacks. I'd try to get to a shrink. Every town has a community mental health facility clinic for non insured or low income

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Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn't make them a scumbag you ignorant ass! Its a real mental disease. Addicts have a disorder that makes them become addicted. Someone who is anorexic is an addict, fat people who became fat due to their love of food are addicts, addiction comes in different forms, and who are you to judge anyone, im are you are not perfect judging by how ignorant you are acting! As for the girl in NY looking, the only one I found that has a reputation of pushing benzos on people is in New haven, CT Barbara orrok.. shes a sure thing apparently... read this link if that'll help

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@Keyswhitedove. You need to press your doctor a bit for the truth. I don't believe the DEA has stopped him/her from prescribing Xanax. There is now new Federal regs. which is requiring most doctors to be accountable for what they prescribe. It's pretty simple. The doctor has to have you sign a "medication plan" contract.Basically it says, you won't go to another doctor to get that same script, you won't try to purchase it illegally. You will only take prescriptions this doc has prescribed to you. You won't take more than prescribed. And you are subject to random pill counts & random urine drug tests. I think your doc. just doesn't want to deal with this BS. If this is the issue, then possibly you can contact another office & get a copy of their contract for your doctor to use with you. Good Luck. Remember it is the Abusers that make it so difficult for Us people who don't abuse and Need the med to Live Life and function daily!

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I'm glad you noticed that as linoleum is great for flooring and counter tops yet offers limited therapeutic efficacy

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After reading your post, you seem to me to be an ignorant, sad person who is undoubtedly in need of some enlightening education and life experience before perhaps truly feeling even mildly justified in beginning presume to know or understand the experiences and difficulties of others. In trurth, no one ever has such a right or capability. Ultimately, I pity you for being such a contemptuous person either in just the moments that you wrote this or for, sadly, the expanse of your life thus far. You have to live with yourself and I'm sure that is punishment enough, as is the case for most people who walk this earth, myself included. I hope you find happiness one day that makes writing such comments unnecessary.

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Susie, Thank-you for the information and for your reply. At this point after having years of Doctors who knew me and watched my decline and helped me in one State and then to go to another where the Doctors do not know me and only assume the worse is a battle that I have given up on. I am half-way in to withdrawing from this medicine that I used long term for many reasons and one reason was a bad panic and anxiety condition, but I am very sick with a host of conditions that simply feed off of one another. I have had extreme headaches and having difficulty focusing and concentrating. There are no Doctors available to help me with a medicine that I was put on by one of our Nations leading Psychiatrist who was also a neurologist and this medicine was the only medicine that I had ever used to help with a compilation of symptoms. There is not one Doctor available who will even tell me the safest way to take myself off of this old school benzo that I have been on long term. I have been cutting back at .05mg/week, but my withdrawal symptoms were so bad that I needed to take more just to help alleviate this terrible, pulsating headache. I take meds to help get through each day. I don't want to take them. I have learned that no help is available unless you say your a drug addict and need to go to a unit. I do have a physiological addiction from long term use, but by no means do I take them for the enjoyment of it and wish I were not sick and some days I wish I were dead due to a host of medical issues that continue to make me decline when I have a zest for life and want to live it. I want to see my son grow. I want to be a good Mother and wife, but as time goes on with little to no medical treatment available, I find myself being forced to spend more time in bed not feeling well and would give anything not to be sick and would give anything to find a Doctor who would be willing to be my primary and want to treat me because the primary that I have now does not want to treat me and tells me to find another Doctor and go Doctor Shopping! I often think about going back to where I came from because the Doctors know me there. I was the person who worked with the children in the Church and took them on Mission trips. I traveled abroad and worked in missions out of my love of Christ and wanting to see a poor child who was starving smile. I tried for years to play tennis until my Doctors told me to stop. The last time that I was off of my medicine, I was in bed for four months. I take medicine to get through each day and without it, I am facing spending my life not in the mission field, but in bed to sick to live. I have tried so hard to get help and there is none. I have grown tired of fighting for it and looking. I have shut the door on trying to seek help and the internet was one resort and outreach that I tried. Calling and begging for help in the local community is something that I have tried. I am tired and can not find anyone to put me back on my steroids that gave me strength. I have run out of hope and weaning myself finding no help. I do want to say that not everyone is an addict, but the addicts have made it impossible for the people who are truly sick to get help. Our Nation is in a Medical Crisis and I am merely another victim. My door is shut and I will suffer and my suffering will not be out of choice. My suffering is due to the actions of addicts and because there are very few Doctors that have compassion when back in the old days, becoming a Doctor was because a person had compassion and now they see it as a way to make money. They want the easy patients and not the complicated patients, the patients who need the most help are shoved out the door to quietly suffer alone and then many wonder why a person would want to be dead? Would you want to live each day of your life suffering when you knew that a few chemicals were around to help you get through each day, but you can no longer get them because to many people have abused them? Why should the sick people in this Country suffer when we go to other Countries to relieve symptoms of the chronically ill with our medicines? I am not suicidal. I want to live, but how do I live when I can no longer get treated for chronic conditions? There is no cure, but I could be treated and now there are many days when I lay in agony wishing to be taken so I don't have to continue struggling with no help. I have reached out endlessly to no avail. No answers. Only a reality that I live a slow march to death and this all comes from someone who wants to live, but is slowly climbing closer for a wish to die due to not being listened to and not finding any help or answers. They can write on my tombstone, " I told you that I wanted to live." I am slowly being tortured and killed and do you think that one Doctor has compassion or wants to do the extra work involved? No, not when there are so many "easy" patients. How sad to see what our morals and values have turned to and many of them say they are Christian? This is not healing the sick. This lack of care is called killing the sick and shame on anyone that has been a part of this puzzle of a Medical Journey that has been ripped apart from the lack of compassion and the fear of having more work to do. Many, MANY are suffering quietly alone and there are no answers and if you read this and suffer with me then know you are not alone. If you read this and you are a Doctor then I do hope that your heart opens up more to those who suffer. Compassion = what is that? Is that something that exist? If so, then I sure would like to know where it can be found in our Medical World. Peace to all of you who quietly suffer.

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Keyswhitedove it is scary the situation you are in. I left FL.and moved to the smallest town in another state. They labeled me addict took me off benzodiazepine s to put me on Suboxone. After two years of picking at my face due to my nerves I have facial scars. I finally did leave, to a bigger state with more Dr.s a lot of them from Mayo clinic . Here is your first step. Do you have your old medical records from your prior Dr.? Well if not you can get your scrip history from . The pharmacy where you had your xanax filled, get that and all other supporting paperwork....please use eight six six, five 79.....thirteen ten. I noticed you posted in 2012 and 2013, so If you haven't resolved this life threatening and uncomfortable situation. I remember not having my meds, I never thought I'd be slightly suicidal as I have children and my fancy loves ME, so I made it through, but my quality of life was very poor,I read your post and identified with it so much I had to read it again and make sure that I didn't post this in 2010 when the medical community failed me. I tried Buspar it didn't help. I too have been on benzodiazepine for quite some time, never fill early, I don't run out I talked them as rx d, i have PTSD Anxiety with and without agoraphobia, plus chronic pain , trashed lower Lspine and a benign cyst on my pituatary gland. The resource I gave you earlier in my post helped me with my chronic pain, until I was able to find a doc that would take my insurance, they do treat anxiety, too!!! So good luck and I hope this helps,there are sooo many illegitimacy going on internet wise but I want to tell you this is a reliable service, they'll find you the closest clinic to you, maybe in a neighboring will get better,!! Hang in there!!!

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I have gotten some of my medical history and yes, I came from FL too which is the wrong State to move from and then move to small town U. S. A. in what just happens to be known as "another drug State." My post yesterday was desperate as I find myself on the verge of giving in and giving up on trying to find help in a State where they don't know me and just assume because I came from FL that I am "one of those." I am not one of those those and I never have been or never will I be. If I were seeking drugs to abuse, then I am in an area loaded with drug activity and illegal drug sales. I tried the new replacement that they use locally for the Xanax. My primary cut half of my Xanax in half and put me on this stuff. I was shutting down finding myself wrapping ice around my head with sharp pains jabbing through my head. I called my Doctor and she told me to stop the medicine. I am afraid of anything that they might want to replace my long term Xanax use with since I use it for a multitude of issues which they for some reason can not comprehend, but I came from an area in FL where the Doctors were very educated and I did not come from the area that is known to have pain clinics. In fact, I have never been to a pain clinic in all of my life until I moved to this small town. I love the area where I live, but with FL written all over me and chronic conditions written all over me, "complicated patient" and many other labels that I have acquired while being sick ALL of my life is like having the word quarantine written across my forehead. I never had a problem obtaining private Doctors and since I lived and I may as well say it on the cozy little Island of Big Pine Key for 28 years and had the same Doctors treating me for years never knowing that I would retire to a cabin in the forest with a West Plains address I guess somewhat shocked me realizing how bad our Medical care is in this Country. I don't drink, smoke, do illegal drugs and consider myself a good person inside of a sick body that I did not ask for, but was given to me. My primary assumes the worse because of where I came from and threw my Medical records back at me when I showed her some of what I did have. If a test was done in Florida then she assumes that the test is not right. If a patient is from Florida, then she is not sick and "it is all in her head." I am going to work on getting ALL of my records from Florida. I am forced for the first time in my life refusing to be believed or treated for a host of issues that I have had that I was born with. I used a medicine for eight years that I have to wean myself off of with no one telling me how to do it. They want me to see a Psych or go in to a drug rehab unit. If I do that then it will stay with me for life and that is not fair to me when I am truly sick and I know that I am not curable, but I am treatable. My primary tried to send me to the local community mental health center. I was there two times and they told me that I was to sick for them and that I need an M. D. They said my conditions are real and my primary has a reputation of treating patients as if "it is all in their heads." The Doctors within the Medical community know this. The Medical Doctors do not want to treat me and the mental health community says I'm to sick and need a Doctor! I am tossed in circles from one Doctor to another with a primary who tells the Doctors before I even get to them that " I suspect she is a drug addict " or " I suspect that she is imagining her illness." I guess I am venting because I have been here for a couple of years now and during that couple of years, I have declined more and it is hard for my husband and son to watch. I have tried my best to let them know that I am truly sick. I plan to get all of my records from FL and the truth is that I may need to leave my family and go live homeless somewhere in order to find Medical Treatment. I don't feel like I am asking for much from the Medical community to please treat me when I was born being sick. Isn't it their job to treat me or am I facing going somewhere else only to find the Doctors being "selective" on who they choose to treat? Speaking of Medical records??? One of my long term Doctors of nine years charges for the Medical records. I think it might cost $300 to $400 for me to even obtain them. I honestly don't have that extra money and even though she treated me for so long and was a good Doctor, it is just something else that saddens my heart that I can not get my records from her. How can I find Mayo clinic Doctors? Is there anyone in this Country that will take complicated patients and treat them? For now as I steadily wean myself from long term benzo help and fear what is coming to me when I no longer have this medicine, I grow increasingly saddened by the reality of our Nation's Medical Crisis. I have a West Plains address and yes, I came from one drug State to another drug State. I have a primary that does not want me and has a reputation of calling and yelling at other Doctors and telling her patients that they only imagine their illness. How sad. Do you honestly think that this woman writing these words who is now 48 asked to be sick when she was 5 years old? Does asking for help make me sound like I am whining? When Doctors are referring to a patient, I am not "another one." I am a patient, but inside of this patient is a person and a person who desires to live and function and because the Doctors are running scared or not very well educated in rural America, this person who would love to live and be a good wife and Mother and do some of the same activities that she used to like walking or riding a bike, fishing and so on is being taken away from me because what Doctor would ever think of taking a more complicated and truly ill patient when they can get by taking the patients that are easy? Do we have any compassionate people inside a shell of a Doctor left anymore? If I have to be homeless for Medical care then I may as well go back to the island that I came from knowing that I can at least anchor out on a boat and I know that they would be happy to have this sick person leave and yes, I would go back to the Doctors that know that I am a good person and not an addict like I have been being treated. Not everyone that comes out of FL is an addict and I realize that I have been taking an old school benzo, but if something is working, then why change it? I do believe my life is over because even though I write this, I am now to sick and to weak to move because I no longer get the steroids that gave me strength. They are making me go without the meds that helped me and life is one day at a time for me and I am facing nothing but bed which is a place that I don't want to be, but will be forced to due to sad ignorance. I wonder how many victims suffer quietly and soon I will because I won't feel up to writing. Don't think about me, but maybe as a Nation we can come up with a plan to help others because as we take away what little help there is, we will only see more suicides from people who had pain so bad and with no Medical help available then they will see that as their only answer. I do have days when I would rather be dead than to deal with pain, but I have a family too and my family is worth living for. I just wish that I could function better and be who they knew me to be even if it was meds helping me to function. The help of meds is dwindling away. I could be a productive person like I always was and have so much to share and give, but how I am going to do it without the meds that kept me going remains to be seen as I don't feel confident that I will be able to even though I want to so I suppose that if my family comes to me while I am forced to stay in bed will at least give me the chance to be around and support them if it is only spoken in words, but I could do so much more than that if cared for by a compassionate and loving Doctor who would be willing to treat me. Are there any Doctors who would be willing to treat someone who is truly sick that came to rural America from FL? Forget the long term benzo use that I responded well to. I need a Medical Doctor who would be willing to take a complicated patient who has been sick all of her life and it is documented if you would be willing to believe records from Florida. I want to function and am very treatable.

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When did this happen Susie? I have to sign a Xanax contract? There are agents who will be visiting me to count my pills? Do you have any information to indicate this is more than just a local or State regulation?

"There is now new Federal regs. which is requiring most doctors to be accountable for what they prescribe. It's pretty simple. The doctor has to have you sign a "medication plan" contract.Basically it says, you won't go to another doctor to get that same script, you won't try to purchase it illegally. You will only take prescriptions this doc has prescribed to you. You won't take more than prescribed. And you are subject to random pill counts & random urine drug tests"

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@Eddy It's a broad Federal Law, but States have the ability to pass it down as they see fit. It is different in every state as well as each county within the States. If you currently do not have to sign a contract, then I'm sure you don't have to worry about it. You might very well live in an area that is not on the state list of high % of drug seekers/abusers. From what I understand there are a lot of variations/factors to this law and some clinics do not have to have these contracts. But if doctor says the DEA won't let him prescribe Xanax anymore, either the doctor is under investigation for over prescribing or the area is now considered high risk for over users. Does that make sense?

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@Eddy. Does that make sense?

Sure does, although I am just reading about certain States like mine, California, Kentucky, & of course Florida. I will say California has had prescription monitoring in place for longer than any other State, and the Governor even disbanded his Bureau of Narcotics. One person now works there. For that matter you should see my former Doctor's state record. Jaw dropping but he did save my life in the Hospital

With that said I have been receiving record amounts of refills of Alprazolam, and even the newly scheduled and highly controlled Soma from a Doctor in Arizona. I knew nothing about these patient plans. From what I read nationwide only about 15% of Doctors and 18% of Pharmacists use the available data bases. To be able to time your Doctors visit, a trip to the Pharmacy while not running out of medicine can be very dangerous to the patient? Thanks for your reply!

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Zach, please mind your own business. Thanks.

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Bob, what Zack said two years ago was not poor advice. Please do not get snippy with other members or former members

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