Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.
On be quiet. Stay out of everyone's business. If we want help finding doctors to prescribe us narcotics, that's none of your goddamn business. We have EVERY right to ask where we can find doctors to prescribe us narcotics because it is very hard. And u know what else? If my oxycontin pill helps make me feel good and helps my SEVERE depression than that's my own problem and I am not ashamed of it. I'm not saying that anyone here is doing that, but I narcotics do make me feel good and when my pain is gone it helps my depression tremendously. If u wanna pay for my massage, inj, chiropractor, etc than I'm all for it, but if not than go away because NONE of us here care what you have to say. It's irritating and I've only read one out of your thousand comments and it just gets in the way of the info I'm trying to read. Go for a walk or do something productive with your life instead of writing millions of comments that no one reads. Bye! Have fun on your walk.
Oh yeah Kevin, I'm sure someone out there is reading this thread and thinking, " This guy just saved my life by judging everyone else on here." What's your point here? Also "right" is spelled "write" when you are talking about how docs"right a prescription"!
You expect a licensed physician to write for XANAX and VALIUM, both benzodiazepines? Not going to happen. As a shrink and Exec. Director of Psychiatry for two very large hospitals that are now under "one umbrella," I know I get a greater leeway in prescribing Controlled Substances than even most of my fellow shrinks. There's no reason to prescribe Valium and Xanax. NONE. Therapeutically equivalent DIAZEPAM (Valium) is just about impossible to find, so we decided just not to have it in our pharmacy in the ORAL dosage form. Injectable generic Valium is somewhat different. Why are you taking PHENERGAN (Promethazine, which can enhance analgesics, but with TWO benzodiazepines, could also cause dizziness, lack of coordination, etc)? ONE doc is/was writing for ALL this stuff? How much alprazolam (generic for Xanax) to do take? How much diazepam (Valium)? How much of what strength of Lortab (another HYDRO-APAP mixture)? Specialist in Pain Control rarely prescribe amphetamines, btw? I FREEY ADMIT THAT YOU MAY HAVE VALID AND NECESSARY REASONS FOR NEEDING ALL THESE MEDS — dosage may be a factor — but you're going to have to bring something other than your sweet self to the doctor's office or clinic. Over the years, I've developed letters of referral for patients who are moving to an area where I don't know the local docs. It includes MY vitae and a letter stating that "This will introduce MRS. LUCILLE BATES, who has been my patient for that last five years. " Always good to get an Internist, Family Practitioner, etc., first. My letter invite the readers to call or fax anytime and (I guess as a parting gift), I make sure MY departing patient's records oare on their way within 2-3 weeks. I've seen some pretty strange "cocktails" turn the trick on both pain and psych disorders, so I don't dismiss out of hand as "addictive or drug-seeking behavior" a pt's telling me he takes several drugs of diverse natures. I heard a Master Social Worker under my supervision describe one of my patients as engaging in "typical dope-fiending behavior." I had an addiction problem, too, while in undergraduate. I got help from some friends I developed by covering health and medicine for our huge college newspaper 50K circulation in 1975). Not once did I hear anything derogatory spoken about me and I even read my chart. I fired that social worker because she violated one of our primary rules — "to treat patients always with the dignity and respect they warrant as fellow humans".
CeeCee Valium is a smooth muscle relaxer and Xanax is not. A progressive pain management specialist will treat your pain properly; MOST pain clients suffer due to too low dosing--chronic pain requires a long acting (LA) medication and BT (short acting medication) to treat chronic pain. You will in some cases and some disorders such as my systemic RSD now called CRPS lose REMS sleep permanently so even when on ultra high dosing as I am a P450 DNA metabolizer greater than an hour of sleep is a luxury.
Xanax will offset anxiety related to untreated pain. With the FDA 120 mg. morphine equivalent IF you find a good pain specialist attend to his/her orders and do not leave. Fill medications given and do not try the old fashioned hit me when it hurts chronic pain causes high cortisol levels which can if you progress as dangerously as I have to adrenal failure. In short the body remains in fight or flight response setting you up for a MI or CVA secondarily (lay person language heart attack and stroke).
Methadone was discovered under Hitler; Germany had a shortage of poppy plants which are used to create opioids. One of his high paid scientists is responsible for a drug that today is PENNIES or the cheapest long acting medication on the market and VIES with my normal brand needed Duragesic (pills do not work for P450 metabolizers we are done with the positive effect within 15 minutes) the highest price medication and BOTH are the worst withdrawal known to mankind.
Methadone also now has been found to literally enter your bones and the half life in the liver makes a proper removal of the drug up to a year if overseen by a specialist who is humane. Duragesic has the first bad hit on day 3 when you are going down by say 25 mcg/hour on day 10 day 3 is a piece of cake the rebound is 100 x worse making you wish you never heard of the medication and asking next "when can I find a gun and finish this off?" Methadone depending on dosage and duration must be done slowly a cold turkey attempt for either of the two will definitely lead to at least a heart attack and mental anguish that will plague you likely for life.
Most physicians do not know all the side effects of these medications. Many and many still do believe you can replace one for the other without withdrawal which is wrong; if you are taking any LA medication for over two weeks your brain will recognize that drug and nothing else you are given replaces this drug imprint.
They have found as stated Methadone enters the bone where there is no blood supply or oxygen for regeneration and healing. Therefore, it as a poison sits there while you are attempting to get off of it.
Hope that helps.
Never said BL was ceasing problems. Simply asked the questions a well-trained Internist or FP would ask. "I'm taking Valium" could mean "I'm taking GENERIC Valium 5mg BID to 'I'm taking brand-name Valium 10mg QID." You cnn't deal is glittering generalities, especially in psychopharmacology, and expect to yield any meaningful results.
Oh, I know, my dear! ¡No problemq!
BL aka TROLL the Federal Register I presume you also believe in Cinderella and Santa Claus. There are no shortages whatsoever it is called "with holding the product to increase the price," and the price of 90% of opioids has quadrupled in two years specifically. Aside from opioids this progressed to B12 and several other medications which were relatively inexpensive and now are not. Basic Economics 101 but if you did not pass English 101 it makes sense.
It must be nice to live in a sandbox but not when it is empty. BL if you notice any advice or support medical and otherwise given by Joey or myself and other pain patients in the know for PAIN is an expert opinion based on self suffering not based on you or any other TROLL acting as if you are the King/Queen of a pain forum.
I've taken my break back to work. And I'm sure I've worked as a Director of Nursing and CNO in less than a long time. I'm a regulatory expert now and it does not take me long to keep up on nuance. For you well I do not think your comprehension level is very good whatsoever.
At last I get a chance to use my English and Journalism degrees (BA, Brown, BA, Michigan State). Your first sentence, BL., does don't address P450's points — major or minor. That's indicative of weak argumentation or no reliable sources to support your arguments. Sweeping statements, especially about Health Care Law and Public Policy are unwise to make. In Louisiana (who was governed by the infamous Earl Long from a mental institution for a while!), anything can change at any time. Less so for other states. My sister went to Tulane and I've been there many times. Being condescending is something MANY intelligent,multi-degreed people have "the right to be," but are not. I try not to be condescending.Except where the patient needs to know I'M THE DOCTOR or I'M IN CHARGE (Chief of Psych) is "Dr. Joe" or just "Joey" is fine for staff when patients aren't around, Psychiatry is a tricky specialty in terms of physician-patient relationship. General, I HAVE to draw the line in the sand. "I'm Dr. Joseph or Joe P.....and I"m Chief of Psychiatry here." With teens, I can loosen up once they realize my last name isn't spelled "FEELGOOD". Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Ono one can make you feel inferior without your permission.: I could, but I don't. No person of goodwill should — ever. You're trying to hard to play in the Big Leagues. For example, although she is NOT an MD, I consider P450 my professional equal, maybe my superior in certain areas. I have no problem with this.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
Mick this doctor according to Medicare stats for 2012 was one of the top prescribers of HC in Oregon. You can get his number with this information:
10101 SE MAIN ST 1006
Portland, Oregon 97216
Hi Everyone this will be a short one (left a longer one when it is clear on dental Oxycontin post) but wanted to correct something in regards to Prescription Monitoring and private pain contracts.
1. Make sure that you understand the pain contract you may or may not sign with a PM specialist.
2. If you have questions or do not agree speak with your physician or NP, then politely for example ask "may I cross through this sentence and write what we discussed in with an initial?"
3. Make a copy and keep on your person; I also carry a brief medical history with me in case I pass out or end up in an ER (which this nurse avoids like the plague I hate hospitals).
4. Prescription monitoring is nationwide BUT is not directly related to your private pain contract at all. Your physician will use that contract and what he or she considers an error on you at any time he or she feels your case is too complex, or "it's time to reduce these high opioid users in my practice."
Also in difficult times when physicians are gun shy due to the FDA suggestion on 120 mg. morphine equivalent changing physicians is insanity if you are cared for and have few complaints keep him or her for now it is no time to switch without good coverage. But say you've gotten in with a great physician (finally) and know you will adore him or her (not all the best have good bedside manner they usually do not), and write a letter stating you are changing physicians on such and such date, and know that "change of physician" invalidates any private medication contract you previously had (such and such date until the date of stopping care with this physician.) LEGALLY no one can harm you on either side.
Dang this is not as short as I wanted! The other issue many are having is a UA showing medication or illegal drugs they were not on. Ok make sure "chain of custody" is not lost on any specimen you provide. Legally if your physician on occasion sends out UA to these fancy drug hot labs (they make huge bucks on evaluating athletes and police officers and write specialized reports) you should remain with the sealed specimen and the physician until the transport literally comes to pick it up (FEDEX or UPS) and then "chain of custody" is complete. I will mention the one big lab in Tennessee is rife with dirty issues; when I did my legal brief for my comp situation the nutball physician they used to meet me during all this broke chain of custody but you will LOVE this...I am checking medical report and lab result which had to be sent from the physician to the Attorney General's office then the AG has to review and submit to the Judicial Court (for Workers Comp in each state) and the FREAK show who I know was paid by the employer to do the dirty work had a lab dated a DAY EARLIER then I was present for the appointment.
The appointment was out of state. I could not have peed in that container a day before; I mean I've had accolades on some miracles I've been behind in this life but urinating 24 hours earlier is not one of them you know? Further since this is a paid IME a doctor who has no credibility other then taking people in pain from work injuries or car accidents and writing explicit reports to dispute the true medical condition of the people they are paid to review. They are paid such high amounts of money to destroy a patient it would make your head spin...
Well I made motion to remove the lab of course! My intent of course had nothing to do with the lab there were no illegal medications it was the inferences made about my former top specialist in the U.S. and further this birdbrain has no knowledge of P450 results; my card which I carry at all times shows my specific DNA abnormalities not my normalcy. The entire DNA report is sent to the physician who ran the diagnostic in a binder so he can know to the letter which medications work for example and other results so this dork city IME is doing all he can to remove of course my most expensive medication LA because that is what the employer is paying him for.
So your physician is disputing a UA and suddenly cutting medication in half or worse pushing you out the back door and you have nothing. Stay as calm as possible, review in your mind immediately the truth was this UA clean and was I only on my prescribed medications and if "yes" tell the physician right now do not leave or it will be over you must take action now (and wait if they say he is busy until the end of the day if you must to make the point) that "Dr. I am willing to take a UA now, 24 hours a day at your request but that cannot be my specimen or result. This has to be a mix up, the specimen was not in custody when you told me you'd see me next month and I left the office before UPS came, and without medication I might as well die you know the level of my pain. I've been with you five years Dr. So and So come on think about this.
If you let it go then you will go trust me. It is a shame totally that we as a population of those in IP (intractable pain) are being treated like a waste product rather then human beings fighting suicidal pain on a daily basis. Ok I am out for now my best to all :)
What disorders do you have that necessitate pain medication; acute or chronic pain?
It sounds as if you have someone writing you medication; with the FDA 120 mg. morphine equivalent rule you might want to share more details.
I will not be on here at all soon, death will occur if I am not given proper medical care post haste.
Again Ultram is a mixed agonist antagonist.
A smart poster wrote about withdrawal; if you are on opioids such as oxycodone, morphine, which are agonists you will go into withdrawal if you take this piss poor drug.
If you have cardiac issues, neuro issues, and are on AD's it will lift your seizure threshold and you will seize.
I see too many people attempting to decrease from a powerful drug such as I am on and decreased too rapidly putting my last labs into CRF and STILL no help with physicians I run across opting to have no BALLS rather then see medical necessity, you will NOT have help with withdrawal it will worsen.
Ultram was created for doctor shopping, drug happy people who might be addicts.
youngereveryday, I agree that putting a loved one in a facility needs to be a last option. And it needs to be done for the health and safety of the person going into the facility and not for convience or to save money for their children. Those Pill Reminder are Great. We used them years ago when we were younger but there were several pills that needed to be taken regularly. The concern seems to be more with the way seniors may react to meds as they get older and as they take more meds. But, as I said earlier, drs need to treat patients on an individual basis and not as a group.
We had a large family. I am Abundantly Blessed with grown children that care and love me and that are there when I need them and when I don't. But, I realize that there are countless others that are not as Blessed. We taught by example that family takes care of family. And a few situations we were involved in when the children were growing up, when seniors had no family or no family that cared, we took on that role. I don't think as many people spend time teaching by example to their children now days. They do what they want to do and wonder where their children learned to behave the way they do. You say as much, if not more, by Not teaching by example as you do by teaching by example.
Go seek out Petions online (I have). They need signed and promoted to every one u know!!! It's so important it's the only way
I just had a light bulb moment. Someone needs to sue the heck out of the DEA/FDA for losing a family member or job or friend because a government agency that doesn't even know that person decided they were on too many pain pills! !!OMG
That was because id been on pain killers for pain for several years and just got really tired of the problems i was having with drs and pain mngmt. I nust found that methadone was the best pain control id ever had its just the clinic is such a hassle going daily but i will keep looking. Thsnk you for your reply
Well to be honest with anything that works & works well is addictive but i thank you for your words but i will continue to pray & search for a doc who is willing to help me knowing there's got to be 1 or 2 of them willing to help a woman who truly needs it. You know Doggy DooDoo would be addictive as well if it worked to do what methadone has for me. Thank you kindly for your reply & be blessed
BL I am aware of the new laws. I was talking about before the law changed. I was able to get one refill.
Right now in my state every doctor I know must see a patient every month for a written script. They will not post date several scripts for the next two months. They are all running scared. Most won't write at all. Pain management doctors make us sign a contract and then we can get one prescription a month and they require a urine test. It is best to have a PCP that knows you and understands your issues.
I know there is a huge increase in the use of heroin because chronic pain patients are denied the pills they need. Yet the DEA does not seem to know or care why people are turning to heroin. It is a death sentence. I wish something could be done. I am fortunate to have a compassionate doctor.
Sorry that's what I meant guess I should've stated it better, but that's how you get schedule II scripts now
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