Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 5) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.
Fox News has had several doctors say that in New York the rule will be no opiates prescribed unless a person has cancer and is in great pain because of it. The papers are filled with articles about deaths from opiates. I am in shock over this. Pain patients are being left to suffer. There is a move to stop prescribing opiates even codeine.
I would bet the information is on line about this. I know every state has their own laws but in CA the talk is the same.
I have had chronic pain 29 years after being beaten, raped chocked, stabbed in the neck and the chest_lungs and stomach. I almost died and had a collapsed lung. Since then I have had chronic daily headaches, constant neck pain and over type years have developed very severe back pain, stenosis, bulging discs, pinched nerves,herniated discs, arthritis, etc, I eave have been on fiorinal with codeine, percocet, fentayl patches nonstop for all this time. I need neck and back surgery and my pain management doc just discharged me to amdoc that doesnnot give out my headache pills. I AM SO SCARED RIGHT NOW. I NEED A DOC IN SO CAL, INLAND EMPIRE...HELP
I also live in Arizona and am looking for a good doctor. Did you have any luck and if so, would you mind sharing? Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
Brim in Pa tramadol has been upgraded to schedule3 the DEA is making it to where the people that need them are f***ed like me. These junkies have ruined a perfectly good thing. I was able to walk without pain but thanks to the holy war on drugs my x doctor was forcing me off my meds so I left to another place which got shutdown. Now I can't find anyone that will help me and it sux, f*** the DEA & junkies.
I have a dr. thats totally cool about that stuff. You tell him whats wrong, he'll ask, "What has worked best for you on the past?" Then he'll totally prescribe you a small dose at first. Like I have knee problems then he asked me the question, I gave him my answer and he's starting me off with 60 pills which only lasts 15 days, he told me to come back and see him in 1 mo. To talk about how its working and he'll do that till you both get it right. Anyway, his name is Dr. Kevin Gardner, he works in Layton, Ut at the building right next door to Davis hospital's main entrance. His phone number is 801-773-4770. I hope this helps because I have no idea where you live (:
I really need some refer and it is impossible to find some help.
Lancaster, CA I am in north Los Angeles, CA?? Thanks any help you can provide is appreciated.
wilhearts, there are no laws that state a PCP has to refer a patient to a specialist. It is still up to each PCP when and if they refer a patient to a specialist. For some patients that didn't have insurance, their pcp's may have not have referred them to a specialist before because of their inability to pay the specialist. But, now that they have insurance, that is not a problem. There are no laws that say a pcp can't prescribe opiates to a chronic pain patient. Unfortunately, some drs say there are.
I do not know of anyone here who said anything about Tramadol. I did remark weeks ago that my MIL received this medication from her physician and he knows the law.
Doctors will prescribe it for people in pain and I do not know of anyone who even wants this drug or anyone who would go on line to the illegal sites. Who is that dumb?
Those of us here have doctors. They know what schedule the meds are and so do the pharmacists. So I am confused by your post?
Tramadol does nothing for pain it just makes u feel like ur drunk- they should save it for alcaholics that cant stop drinking !
I agree one hundred percent. This has essentially reached a level of absurdity that clinicians haven't seen since the 70s. People who are suffering are going to have to come together and make their voices heard. And nurse practitioners and physicians who support them need to not be afraid to join the cause. Loud gets heard, even if it's a minority.
Tramadol most definitely IS a narcotic. Not sure where you got that information and you can't buy it unless you have a prescription.
@Darry, I'd be concerned if I were you because if you just go see a doctor and ask for a specific drug then that will raise an eyebrow. You should not be specifically asking for Oxycodone. Instead you should be looking to find proper pain management with a doctor who can assess your condition and put you on an appropriate treatment plan. Be willing to jump through some hoops these days. But I'm sorry to say that when you come off as just asking for a specific drug it just doesn't look good.
People on this page should be figuring out the best strategies for the long term treatment of pain instead of just asking "how can I get this drug". I don't get it.
Yeah BL, I see all kinds taking the wrong approach unfortunately. I can truly empathize with what many patients are going through, how scary it can be to find a new doctor, and especially having to stop taking a medication that has been effective at treating the pain for so long. But the misconceptions that you mentioned can actually work against a patient these days. That's the problem. Going in and asking for a specific drug but discounting the fact that the doctor has to follow protocols and use their best judgement to decide what treatment plan is appropriate.
So I think the question we all need to be asking is how doctors and patients can meet each other in the middle. A patient SHOULD tell the doctor what medications they have taken in the past, how they responded, etc. But don't back the doctor into a corner by requesting a specific drug. Let them figure it out for themselves otherwise they could feel like they're in a position where they just prescribed a drug at a patient's request, which can land them in hot water. Is the difference clear? A doctor prescribing a drug on their own is THEIR treatment plan. A doctor prescribing that same drug at a patient's request is a pill mill as far as the DEA is concerned. It is truly a razor's edge!
I wish everyone would be pain free. But please everyone do the best you can to get the right treatment. Disclaimer ... i'm not a doctor but i've seen plenty and taken many different meds in my time.
Ashley Slatton, if your state expanded Medicaid you can apply for Medicaid. You aren't going to be able to find a dr that is going to prescribe you oxycodone and ativan. You may be able to see a psychiatrist for the ativan and a pain management dr for the oxydodone. If you aren't eligible for Medicaid, you will have to pay to sse your drs
Just curious if you ever found that doc to rx you that 120 oxy 40s? lol Folks it's never going to serve you well to demand not only a specific med and dose on top of a quantity. In today's litigious environment no doctor will ever feel comfortable with such demands UNLESS of course he asks you what has worked for you in the past following an exam and appropriate evaluation protocol. Some good docs will rx meds but please don't hurt your chances by acting like a drug seeker cuz it destroys the chances for the rest of us. Thanks.
I need a Florida doctor who prescribes OXYCODONE / PERCOCET..IN THE FT LAUDERDALE / POMP Bch AREA.
Can u suggest any pain management doctors in Baltimore maryland
BLKNOWSALLlol, you can look it up on the DEA website. That is my source of information for Tramadol.
Trying to find a Dr. in the Delaware/PA/NJ area to prescribe oxycodone liquid for severe migraine headaches, Been to many pain management Dr.'s with no help.
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