Need Help Finding Doctor To Prescribe Either Oxycodone Vicodin Or Methadone 10mg For My Chronic Pain (Page 23) (Top voted first)


I have been suffering from chronic pain for 7 years and have always been on and off pain meds from tylenol 3 to 90mg methadone at the worst of any ever taken. I decided to dose down & get off of methadone as I did not care for the "clinic" enviroment per say as I was using more for pain then for addicition. I found a dr that prescribed me the pain meds for breakthrough pain and the pill form of methadone 10mg was what I chose but now he is gone as he lost his license which sucks for me because NO ONE will give me anything, not even the methadone unless I go back to the stupid clinc and I so don't want that... DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A DR. that would prescribe anything or just something to get me through life with less pain? I am in the twin cities of Minnesota and I will drive if need be.

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Schedule V drugs in most states except very few require a prescription. Tramadol, which is controlled in some states in Schedule iV or V, but not in others (yet..) has always required a prescription to legally purchase. Unless of course you consider an"on-line consultation" and Internet pharmacy legal ...

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BZD When I was taking the tramadol I was taking 3 pills a day. Hardly a large amount. Tramadol is not considered a opiate but it can be habit forming for some who take it. It also can cause major kidney damage after long time use ( a few years) Patients who take it long term should get blood work done every 3- 6 months to check for any kidney and other organ problems. When you buy it from some of these internet pharmacy (the safe ones will require a prescription from a doctor before filling) you really do not know how old the medications or even it is the right medication.- just because it looks like the drug it still could be fake.

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There must be some reason why your doctor is not willing to provide you with enough medication to cover the 4-month wait. Or some reason s/he hasn't referred you to a hospital that can continue your current meds. Like - perhaps a revocation of a DEA license? Docs that excessively write Rx's under suspicious circumstances do get their licenses pulled. True pain management docs - regardless of the number of prescriptions for narcotics they right - don't lose their license. Perhaps it's YOU that needs to think more clearly (when your opiate haze wears off maybe) about your own situation and the situation of others. Med seeking isn't pretty to watch in person ... it's pathetic to see it in writing.

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People here are NOT looking for a "doctor". They apparently are looking for someone to legally hook them up with strong opiate medications that other doctors have apparently decided are not in their best judgment. When one looks for a doctor, he or she probably wouldn't come on line, state the specific drug and dose they want, provide the geographical area in which he or she lives, and designate the distance he or she will travel. That's called an attempt at SELF-prescribing. These "sufferers" need to be reminded that they don't have a license to practice medicine. And that practicing medicine does not equate to telling the doctor what and how much you need of an addictive drug. In the event that I seem unwavering in my opinion, I would encourage anyone to look at the statistics about deaths in the USA caused by accidental prescription narcotic overdoses. Then I would encourage people to try to find a legitimate reason to provide with the fact that the USA, which represents 5% of the earth's population, consumes 85% of the pharmaceutical opiates and opioids manufactured in the world.

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I am a pain suffer like maybe most of you out there. I recently lost my job and insurance so now from getting 90 pills a month prescribed to me to nothing its put me in a bad situation as you can imagine. I've actually resorted to getting illegal drugs on the streets just to function and find my self getting ripped off and sick again. any ways to make a long story short im going to keep it real and 100. I suffer from major back pain and for the past 4 or 5 years I been getting 90 pills of Dolophine 10mg prescribed to me which works great for me. it allows me to function and work, but now after loosing my job I am hurting. I cant afford to pay for the doctor visits to get the script so i'm relying on some of you nice people to help point me in the right direction... oh just so you know Dolophine is Methadone just that the word Methadone is so stigmatized to H addicts that I prefer to ask for it by Dolophine. I tried going to a few different doctors asking to fill a prescription and they all would not they all referred me to a methadone clinic were you have to go everyday to get dosed and its in liquid form not pills. The worst part of it is the type of people that attend those clinics. Forgive me if i'm being prejudice but most seemed like x street H addicts. I'm 47 years old and not that i'm to good, disgusted or afraid of that element just that I have a 12 year old daughter that like to go every where with me and I don't like having to take her with me and having here to wait around those types of people while her daddy is getting dosed. I prefer getting my monthly script in pill form sorry. I'm by far not a yuppity yuppity snotty nose holier than thou type of guy I'm actually a two time looser that has more than 12 years of his life taken by the state of California. I'm what some would say a CDC(California Department of Corrections) kid. County born State raised so please do not put me in that category. I'm down to earth easy going loyalty to friends and those that help me are my best qualities but have not giving birth to my best decisions based on those principles. Lets just say I ain't no snitch I'm just someone trying to get well and looking for some help.

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What? can u get it in Canada thru internet?

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Are you still trying to get rid of them? I know this is way late but just thought I would ask.

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Amy/Trixie -

Please be careful with that. It could lead to trouble. I'm a methadone patient from a clinic with take homes and that's the kind of crap that WILL get you in DEEP s***, both in and out of the clinic. I know there are plenty of people who do it, but why risk your freedom, being back in pain, being blacklisted, or worse?

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I seriously doubt you will find a pain Dr to rx Adderral or xanex. Pain drs only treat your pain. You will need to one or more drs to get all of the prescriptions you mentioned. You also may find it difficult to find a Dr to rx you xanex if you're taking pain meds. Most drs have stopped prescribing xanex and pain meds. And since Adderral can cause anxiety, getting the xanex and Adderrl together may not be something a Dr will do for you. You will need copies of your medical records from your previous drs to prove you have diagnostic tests that prove you need pain meds as well as the other meds. Although that is no guarantee that you will be able to get the same meds again.

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...this is quite interesting...I have (what I think are 2 very good doctors) and because of my medical history this is what they prescribefor me, and they both are in agreement it is okay: norco 10mg every 4 hours for horrible back pain), remeron (anti-depressant-lowest dosage, one @ night), xanax 2mg @ night (otherwise I could not sleep, least of all FALL asleep!), Klonopin 0.5mg @ night to help with the sleep, ativan 1mg. I'm 65, I suffered all my life w/ anxiety & panic attacks (I don't get them now!!!) and I sleep like a baby, and for the first time in my life I not only sleep well but have a slight happy-type warm buzz and have the most beautiful dreams! Everybody in America should sleep like I do! I wake up refreshed, feeling happy, starved because the remeron, which is truly the FIRST-EVER happy anti-depressant I have ever been on after trying: Prozac, S***ty Trazodone, Lexapro and a multitude of others, all prescribed because of my major, & I mean major depression, makes me HUNGRY like a son of a b****! If you look up the literature (and I do TONS of research on all my 'maladies' and the medicine I take (sounds so much better when one calls it 'medicine', doesn't it, instead of dope or drugs...anyway, the remeron gives me the munchies and unlike marijuana (I used to smoke mountains but don't anymore, the stuff today makes me way too paranoid, it's too strong!) it EVEN makes the food, even not-so-appetizing food taste like manna from heaven, like nectar from the gods! I tell you, it is, next to what they used to call MDA the "miracle drug of America" the NEW miracle drug of America! Every doctor worth his salt ( no pun intended) should prescribe remeron to his/her anorexic patients! Then in the morning I take: another norco 10mg, Atenolopl 50mg (blood-pressure & angina), Plavix75 (blood thinner, the best out there), a Paxil 10mg for depression, another Ativan 1mg, an aspirin 81mg. and I can tell you I am MYSELF again, have not felt like this since I was 18-21 yrs. old! I am diagnosed with: chronic, majod deppresion, major anxiety disorder, what I call 'aggressive' CAD (coronary artery disease and I say aggressive because I am totally allergic to statins, the Lipitors and the Crestors and all the others that remove plaque from one's hardened arteries-I take one tiny Crestor 5mg and in 15 minutes go into a fetal position all cramped up and my muscles ache and go into unbelievable painful contractions and, well, basically, can't even get out of bed - it is by far the first and worse negative side effect of statins, 15 to 20% of the people that try it experience this! Therefore, I have to depend on diet & exercise. Even though I have never had a heart attack, it is hereditary, my whole family of origin has died of it at pretty early ages, I'm the only one left, I'm not married, no children, have 8 (eight!!!) frickin'g coronary stents, the first 4 placed in my right coronary artery in 2006 and the last one on August 6th of this year (2015). I have been miserable w/ the heart crap, I destroyed two discs in 1982 when I was 32 lifting weights, had a laminectomy a year later, in '83 when I was 33 and had been miserable with that crap since, and with this most recent (numero 8) stent my cardiologist suggested cardiac rehab which I had never done and I've been doing so now since the stent was placed, and it's only been weeks since and I'm having the time of my life!! He introduced me to a lady psychiatrist who put me on those meds, and he put me on a couple others I mentioned, and I'm in a nursing home doing the rehab and I feel like a million bucks! I finally plan on getting off SSDisability, which I've been on for 5 years because of the stents and the fact I couldn't walk three blocks without getting angina attacks and having to do 2-3 nitroglycerins and masn, life is beautiful!!!

Whoever says pharmacology, exercise and eating well don't go together should be pushed off a pier into shark-infested waters by a hungry, pissed-off pit bull. All this is really turning me into a stand-up comedian as I am so happy with my new-found life! Just imagine, here in the nursing home they sent me to see a (sorry...) "pain-management-doctor," some Indonesian lady who claimed she's from India (I, of course, googled the b**** and learned all about her before walking into her office)...reason I needed to go is because of the 6-day a week constant 2-hour daily physical and occupational therapy my back is killing me - I brought my most recent MRI, which, when read by an expert they usually tell me it's a miracle I'm still walking...well, I wanted to get oxycodone10mg for my increased pain (mind you, it's not the achy, dull, throbbing muscle-pain, but rather the fire-burning-get-that-1800degree-steel-arrow-off-my-back-kinda'-pain!!! Well, she very condescendingly read my mri report and said, "What you need is steroid-anti-inflammatory-cortisone inj. into your..." at which point I interjected and said very kindly and softly, "...madam, I have had 3 different pain-specialists do the same, and all 3 times I felt ok for a week or two and then the FIRE-BREATHING DRAGON REARED ITS UGLY HEAD AND MY BACK, MY NERVES, MY MUSCLES ALL AGED 20 YEARS in a matter of weeks and my back has never been the same!!! It has been worse, and the last time was only 2 years ago so no way Jose, we're not going there! Just please be kind enough to prescribe me the oxycodone 10 (not Percocet 10/325 because of the acetaminophen-liver-toxicity crap!) and we'll call it a day! But no, she said, I will give you the inj. take you OFF the Norco 10mg and if you agree to this I will give you 2 MORPHINE PILLS, LOW-DOSAGE one in the morning and one at night!!! See good-pain suffering folks, we all know what she's doing- prescribing meds is a very low-cost transaction whereas an epidureal is a VERY costly-one where she will charge Medicaid & Medicare and my supplemental insurance AND probably even me (out-of-pocket) a zillion dollars!!! So naturally I told her in a very mild and soft voice, "..oh, so now we're like dealer-client on a street corner conducting a won't give a piddly script but you will give me MORPHINE and F*** up my back!!! Oh well, sorry to take you all hostages but I truly hope you have enjoyed this true story as much as I have and one last thing folks, RUN TO YOUR NEAREST PSYCH AND ASK FOR REMERON AND A XANAX BAR1!!! YOU WILL NEVER FORGET ME!!!

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P450 Called BL a troll. I was not addressing you.

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Jasmine, P450 has serious anger issues. Several people have posted they are leaving due to P450's attitude. P450 stated they hadn't worked in a very long time due to disabilities. They need to take the time to research info and post links to correct info instead of being rude. But, that may be part of their disabilities.

P450. it is not unusual for there to be a shortage of Schedule II meds towards the end of the year. The quotas have nothing to do with President Obama
If you would take the time to read the Federal Register you would know that.

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P450, I never said the indigent or those on Louisiana Medicaid couldn't find pain management. I said that Louisiana Medicaid will not pay for a pain management Dr for chronic pain, because it won't. It will pay for office visits to regular drs if they write a prescription chronic pain. Since you seem to know pain management drs that take Louisiana Medicaid, I'm sure those that are on Louisiana Medicaid and need a pain management Dr would appreciate you sharing their names here. Those on Louisiana Medicaid can pay out of pocket for a pain management Dr.

I will post on this site and reply to anyone I want to, including you. Your warnings mean nothing because you have no authority on this site. There are a few Professionals that are Moderators here. You and DrJoey are not Moderators or Administrators on

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Please let me know the address and phone number. I have been searching 9 mths. I ask on phone. Or rather I tell them exactly what I have been on and what does work 4 me. I also show that I have lowered my tolerance from getting out of the hospital bc I was on huge amounts. I just really need it to help me get through a day. 5 years I've sat on couch after 3 vertebrates were removed and a stem replaced. I'm can't take the crying any more. So please {edited for privacy}. thank you

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DCcc hi I am really confused.

I've run pain support and stated several times (and even shown support here when I came to see if there was a physician referral site and happened to log in and stick around) since my injury in the 90's I've done over 10,000 actual referrals for those in SUICIDAL level pain (ready to kill themselves due to non-treatment and or other variables that prevent care for instance INDIGENCY, not knowing how to file for insurance, or disability) BUT my concern has been with the repeated and condescending manner of another poster who attempts to analyze my posts but WORSE attack regular pain clients in need here.

You are support. That is the appearance of posts.

Addicts legally also can be treated for pain OR worse yet a pain patient is convinced by a QUACK a so called addiction specialist not recognized by the way by the AMA but rather a club of physicians who prescribe drugs that they state kill pain (but do not measure anywhere near opioids) that stigmatize and prevent these people from ever getting legitimate care again.

Call me an i**** but I cannot stomach anyone in the healthcare industry which I am licensed and a part of to do these things. Why would I post with a party stalking right behind me trying to further degrade innocent people INCLUDING addicts for their need?

I have spent too much time on the problem when the solution is evident. Administration can provide on software a block button for posters that do nasty business so we don't even read those posts and move on to perhaps those who do need help, support and what essentially what I think most come here for.

Now I am too a professional researcher. I've seen college kids decide to do some objective variable research on a site and really when we do research that is published it MUST be done in APA format and with proper credentials and research methodology. Unless you use a group that knows they are in a research study they cannot be counted. Try using that for your first scientific psychology project and see the large ZERO the professor places on top of that timely effort you made without permission. Even a blind study must have permission--you can have a Ss agree that they variable may be reduced without their knowledge and won't cause overt harm but you must have permission. (Hoping no one here is up to that crap for instance).

Some of you know what I mean by all this and for others just scroll to the next post :)

Support is the purpose here and I am sorry I slept through the first live group. I did not hear the alarm.

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As a shrink, I was a bit more concerned about Serotonin Syndrome, but it DOES raise the seizure threshold. A friend of mine was poissed — she has is type of epilepsy, is taking and only has taken taking Dilantin and phenobarb for years and I've seen her have what I GTHINK was an "Absence Seizure" while riving. She has lied on her Driver License apps since Day 1 and the DMV won't grant my calls credence because I didn't want to give me name, but I gave a damned good description and her meds. I told her no Ultram because it raises the seizure threshhold and I was annoyed she wouldn't at least let me evaluate her meds. Good thing I"m a strong guy, because I grabbed the wheel of that Grand Cherokee and got us in safe, secure DITCH! (Easy enough to it out of; I've driven Jeeps forever.) When he wanted to continue driving, I said I'd cal the DMV and follow it up with a note on my professional letterhead. I'd drive, even though I hate those old clunky Grand Cherokees, but we at least arrived alive. Ultram is a bad drug Period.

Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.

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P450- what are you confused about? I already know your credentials. Looks like you finally stopped bickering with people and decided to help someone. Great job. We are all proud of you for getting past the pettiness of arguing with people. Just an observation.

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Mick, most pain drs limit the amount of immediate release meds they prescribe because if the pain is chronic and need long acting pain meds. They are also encouraged to do this because of concerns over abuse. If you haven't discussed taking another Med with your Dr, you may want to. You can also change drs. But there are no guarantees you will find a Dr where you live that will prescribe you much more than what you currently getting.

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How many here use a cell phone to post?

Names please.


Where's Christine.

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Things are so confused and confusing in NYS that any of us are NOT SURE what we can write for in some schedules, especially C-IIs and benzos, considered C-II in NYS) I'm OK for C-II stimulants and the benzos treated as C-II (they actually are C-IV drugs per federal statutes). because I'm a shrink. Researching this, but might as my old neighbor, who is a DivisionHead at a huge law firm to find some smart boys with a few years in and nothing pressing to actually prepare a report. They do this is large firms. My sister is the equivalent at a different type of firm; she's Chief of the Criminal Division and says she can't think of anyone not too busy who has the brain to do this research, except me! (Thanks, little sister.) Actually, I'd need the Lexis-Nexus and I forget the name of the other service ($$$ usually subscribed to by large law firms and law school libraries) needed to get all the dope, pardon the pun!

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