My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 20)


I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

649 Replies (33 Pages)

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Prole say "wow why is everyone getting cancer " Here is your answer. No one really knows long term effects of these drugs and taken with othera creates a chemical nightmare running thru your body infecting lyphm nodes and bringing out the cancer cells in our body. The only thing you can do is live like our ancestors and get thru the pain and worrying factor
The human brain is amazing and if you got the proper therapy you wouldn't have to contaminate your body and worry about refills.
I have been there. But never again now that I know how our brain works. Many are just drug seekers bothering over worked doctors and they are tIredell of it. DEA says a primary doctor can treat for these drugs 90 days and then has to refer to pain management. Drug taking days are coming to an end.

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My doctor has stopped doing alprazolam scripts no more 'find another doctor 'well ive been on these a couple of years and it works wonders for my anxiety and panic attacks and etc ..i dont no what to do ..i will end up back in jail and ive stayed out for 15 years .please help

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There are other medications that work far better then Xanax . The problem is most people convince themselves that's the only drug on the market that's helpful. If I were you I'd contact your prescriber and be honest about your position and your fears. NO ONE wants to see a fellow human suffer and face time behind bars. Please be proactive and see a professional before your fear becomes a self fulfilling prophecy . God bless.

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Vinny: Compared with most meds, alprazolam is relatively innocuous, and protects the heart as well. We don't hear of cancer or death related to this medication, however the dependence factor is bad enough. You bring up a good point about meds in general. It is good to take as few meds as possible, because some do alter the cells at the molecular level.

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@Susan #374, #1) you most definitely seems to be giving advice and diagnosis on this commentary board. ****As educated as you say you are or would think you would know better. #2) IMO, share your story & your journey and stop trying to psychoanalyze other people. You can offer your opinions, but you are taking two steps forward by presenting things as facts. #3)Your post are taken at face value. Clear concise writing needs no interpretation because all that does is put various people on different pages.
****Susan, yes I am educated. In fact, I believe everyone on this board are educated. In case you don't know education comes in many forms such as books, street...Get my drift.
#4) Susan, Tolerance is used to describe a person's response to a drug when taken repeatedly. The drug dosage keeps increasing in order for the person to achieve the same results
#5) Susan, when I referred to strength. I quoted what license professional verbalized to me. #6) They were surprised that I did not need any additional meds such as; methadone to quit etc...Etc...#7) I did not go through the shakes, vomiting, or any of the symptoms others have described. #8) Once I got helped to get over my dependency on prescription medications. I never relapsed. 2012 was the year I called myself for what I was. Then I made a choice and stuck with it. ******That is STRENGTH*****#9) Make no misinterpretation about what I am saying because I am sharing my story. I am fully aware she some people go through stages of sobriety and relasping before they succeed and that's their story.
#10)Susan, I did misinterpreted what you wrote. You were crystal clear in crossing the lines of boundaries and offering unsolicited diagnosis. #11) I personally don't care if you hold a PhD, a nursing degree or a medical degree. Share your story and stay in your lane behind the lines of boundaries. Thanks.

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@Susan I meant # 378 not #374. Either way I responded to your post. Once again, thanks.

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I'm going to see a syc. I'm only on 1mg. I'm freaking out because ive done cold turkey on these many years ago and its harder to come off than opiates in my books. I'm not letting people just take me off my meds. If needed not me but alot of chemist will start to get held up or robbed because people need what they need.. I've been 14 years clean. I've come down from 6mg in the last couple of years. I just hope the syc sees things my way.. I need help ...

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Raymond: In an earlier reply I mention that one problem in getting this med is that it has become an abused street med. It's sad for those who need it!

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@Susan, no I don't think I misinterpreted your words. You stated previously that as long as a person is on a therapeutic dose they should be OK. Going through withdrawals is not easy. Everyone here is educated because there are different types of education/smart. Such as; books, street etc.etc. Tolerance is when a person has been on a medication for a long time and their body becomes adjusted to it thus, disabling them from achieving the same result. Their dose would have to be increased to get the desired results. #1) I did not start off on a low dose of anything and build up a tolerance so my meds would be increased. IMO, when a person is taking high doses of Ativan, Oxycodone, Nucynta, Restoril, Flexaril, Fentanyl patch, Percocet, and Vicodin. Then hit rock bottom & ended up in the hospital and made the choice to go straight to inpatient rehab. When that person was not weaned of anything through tapering down. When person did not suffer from the shakes, N/V, and any other symptoms associated with withdrawals. That person is strong. When I disclose to the Psychiatrist, Medical doctors and all the therapist exactly what I was on and I the dosages I was taking. They could not believe it. Their words exactly was "you are strong" Before you go schooling me read and comprehend the context in how I utilized the word strong. If you still feel the same way then go school them at Carrier Clinic. Then go school them at Princeton House because the said the same thing when I started outpatient after leaving inpatient rehab. Once all that crap was out of my body I never relapsed. I don't even think about Opioids, or think of taking them since 2012. Drug dependency/ addiction does not discriminate. IMO, commentary boards like this degree and status is irrelevant. It's a place to chat under the guise of anonymity. As educated as you are and being a nurse. You should know that as a nurse you stick to the facts. What you see and what you here. You should not be giving out advice talking about how this drug and that drug will affect someone. Susan, it's out of your scope of practice. Everyone has a story and a journey they have been through. So, let them tell their story and their experience. Let them express their experiences whether it's negative, or positive. IMO, they can share their stories and experiences among liked minded people. Some of us here has reached the stage of sobriety & some are still struggling with the good fight. At times we call someone out, or should I say I called someone out if their story sound far fetch. And they are looking for doctors so they go in and them what dosages, and how many pills to write for them.IMO, you seems to be psychoanalyzing some of the other commentators. I believed we are all in the same boat except we come from different backgrounds. Please try and stick with your story experience. Don't give out advice. You don't know if everyone is displaying full transparency. Or if they have any other underlying medical issues. Thank You.

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Raymond #382, when you see your doctor just be upfront with him. Make sure you give your doctor full transparency. Tell him how often its happening and that you are scared thinking it my happened again. Tell the doctor the effects of your med. Discuss a treatment plan of action. On the half chance that he prescribed you lower dose than you are use to accept it and don't try to sway the decision. When you go back for a F/U you can verbalize that it didn't help much. Then the doctor will probably increase it.
*****Raymond, first of all don't even entertained going back to jail after 25 years. Its not worth it . IMO, you might benefit from going to some NA meeting until you see your doctor.

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Susan, I am very sorry to inform you but xanax is a very dangerous drug! I know this because my former Dr put me on 1 mg 3x daily. I went in and told him, because my mother was dying of cancer, I was having trouble sleeping and wanted to know if I could try some ambien. Right off the bat he said no, this is what you need. And gave me 90 pills a month. He kept prescribing the xanax to me for 5 years. At first they seemed like a miracle drug. I slept good, felt elated, and they settled my stomach so much. But it was after the 5 years that I decided I didn't no longer need to be taking another pill. So when I ran out, I didn't bother going to get more refills. He would automatically write a new script with 6 refills along with my blood pressure meds. The withdrawal symptoms started in only a few hours and 5 days later, I was still upstairs in bed, drenched in sweat, vomiting profusely along with chronic diarrhea! The cramping was unbearable and the best answer I can give to the withdrawal feeling is that I felt like I was crawling out of my own skin. Then the seizures started. The worst one was when they immediately admitted me into the hospital after looking at my blood work. The nurse and the other patient told me about the seizure the next morning because I don't remember having the seizures. They even told me I was foaming from my mouth during this. The convulsions were horrible also, but I can remember having those. A Dr on staff took me on and agreed to be my new physician. On my followup visit when I finally got out of the hospital (6 days later) he told me I was near death and he has never had a patient who was as dehydrated as I was. Bag after bag of iv fluids plus I had to have several bags of potassium. I hallucinated, and worst of all I just wanted to die to get away from all the withdrawal pain. The only other and worst pain would be last year when my only son passed away. I still couldn't quit the xanax on my own. Didn't have a clue what addiction and withdrawal meant. I ended up going to a recovery center on Delray beach in Florida called The Watershed. What people need to know is that during the detox process, there are medications you have to take. One being a drug to keep you from having seizures. And yes, you will have seizures when you suddenly stop taking benzo's! The dehydration that will happen, can cause organ failure, resulting in death of course. I always said, with my luck, I will have a stroke and live through it. Only having to live out the rest of my days severely impaired! No, these Doctors or some of them, put patients on one of the most dangerous and difficult drugs to get out of your system and they should know more than anyone, just how evil those little blue pills are.

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About 20 years ago I ran out of Xanax and after 2 days without the medicine I had a seizure which landed Me in ICU. It can be dangerous to go cold turkey on those. The side effects are terrible. Good luck. All the Best!

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Ive done cold turkey years ago took 4 months to get over it i was on 4mg then

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SayWhat: You are completely out of line. Last time, I will say, everyone is different, and should consult their medical professional. Find another target for your aggression.

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I do not agree with coming off the meds cold is very unsafe. It can even cause seizures. Go to your doctor or a pain medicine specialist..
If you can't get in to a doc... Go to ER and tell them the truth.... They may want you to taper off or attend a rehab but DO NOT do it by yourself! Not safe

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Im booked in to see a syc in the next week hopefully i get a good result to let me come off the .edication properly.and not take fits and etc .lets pray

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@Raymond. I'm interested to know why you would go back to jail if you don't get this medicine? You also speak about robbing a pharmacy or supplier for Xanax?

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If you can taper down, yes it can be done. But you have to go slow, never cold turkey! But for me, I had to have help. The recovery center started giving me a drug called Gabepintin, or the name brand is Neurotin. The Dr said he could guarantee I won't have a seizure while taking this medication. I still take this today, not to keep from having a seizure but it works well for siactica or pinched nerves. It is prescribed for several different things. If you are committed, it can be done. I'll never get back on Benzo's ever again. I would rather detox from opiates than xanax! Good luck to you and I wish you well, and never give up.

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Been on Xanax for several years for anxiety and depression after my children were # 1. Kimberly - killed by a drunk driver just before she turned 5. Child 2. Gardner developed CML at 1 1/2 and was treated for tonsillitis for 10 months before another Dr discovered the leukemia. Horrible 10 months of hospitals - lost him at 3. Several years later, after a dog bite, antibiotics, tetanus shot, flu shot & antibiotics for a week - lost 30 lbs, hurling everything, couldn't even get out of bed or say prayers.... Husband drug me back to Dr. They were going to hospitalize me when the assistant figured it out. By hurling everything, my meds were also gone and I was having the equivalent of drug withdrawal. I personally thought I was dying. Sent me home, back to bed & one Xanax a day & chicken broth for two days - nothing else. Did the trick. But now with FL laws on controlled meds - been reduced to two .050 a day. Just is NOT working - very anxious & cry at the drop of a hat. "Do you EVER get over losing your only children?!". NEVER! Would not wish this on an enemy. But do know they are always with me and not in pain. God Bless. Kim & Gardner's Mom.

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