My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 19)


I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

649 Replies (33 Pages)

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Xanax should not be stopped all of a sudden as far as I know. It should be reduced and quit slowly for some period of time. It also can cause dependence.

It is controlled substance so doctors do not want to prescribe for a long time or high dosage as insurance company calls them. Also related to their license.

If your anxiety is related to low body functions and brain energy production it is also related to your hormone imbalances not solely for psychological issue.
So if it is not treated over 10 years maybe you should find another reason for your illness.

For me Xanax, alprazolam does not work except side effect.
I have some left but do not use them.
Clonazapam does not work for me.
Ativan works for me. I got my thyroid gland removed from surgery for cancer and after that I suffer from bad blood circulation, arm&legs asleep, stiffness, muscle cramps, nerve pains, brain fog, heart beats, but it is not mental but because of anxiety like symptom, I took ativan which reduces heart beats and lessen stiffness.

You better find another doctor, psychiatrists can prescribe medicine for anxiety, controlled substance.
If your illness is related to psychological problem, you should also treat by therapist. Yoga and medication can help. Eat well.

If your symptom is severe, go to E.R, and they will give you shot (lorazepam or xanax) for panic or anxiety attach.

I wish you will feel well soon.

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Hold up I am not on crap (slander) Mr thinks he knows who the heck I am. This Dr freaking assaulted me and said a bunch of crap and it's people like you that make others do stupid crap like for example suicide or an attempt. I am a very level headed person whom is not on drugs. Do not ever assume that on a person whom is telling the doctor they're tired of the pain and I hurt all time but better than being a freaking druggie. Heck is it because you think you can be big on a text and say what you did. Well I'm not like others. I am so sorry for you cause of the fact you absolutely can not change people who are just ate up with what sitting in on others conversation(s) and looking to find a reason not to have fingers pointed your way. I suggest you clean up under your own door mat first cause slandering a human, accusing someone, well whatever city you live in look at the LAW AND MAYBE YOU WILL SEE THAT SLANDER SEXUAL ASSAULT AND PRIVACY AND NON RELEASE OF MY OWN MEDICAL RECORD AND ACCORDING TO THE DHS not following rules and regulations of the proper U/A. So I am going to say I did this off pm on my own and I am doing great because I don't have to put up with the possibly of getting raped. Do you understand completely?

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Actually you do not make sense at all he was not there he left and nobody notified me.he was there n I haven't been back so do not ever slander me I am officially disabled according to the SSA and I would love to work thanks alot for your input that is not good I have to put up with the possibility of me not being alive in a few months and I think u really think you are a therapist your self how many people have you treated yourself

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Scared Mom,

When was the last time you had a " check up from the neck up" those are some serious accusations you leveled upon a professional. Then you have the temerity to caution another about slander. I would highly suggest you temper your responses because there is something known as TO MUCH INFORMATION. That often casts an unfavorable view of the perpetuator of said claims.No one is perfect ,granted medical professionals are held at a higher standard them most but defaming them certainly never helps.Issues should be adjudicated in court not in a public forum EVERYONE is considered innocent until PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW yes even doctors should be allowed that constitutional protection.

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Humm you also don't have a recording of video audio as well as a young man who is hurt n seeing a therapist cause of that SoB and I can see a person can not ask for a person to help them cope w things like medicine and amount others so it's pep that can't be there that actually is only ones that need help cause with jealous of one cIse they are strong enough to say hey I'm not trying to let these meds grab ahold of me or I'm not going to depend on them.there is a better life but some people don't understand completely and when u see a person has passed due to being harmed from someone or and medicine I bet u will not being so judgemental !!! I am not going to explain it the reason I asked I needed a friend to talk to but I see now I will never forget the words you said you judgemental pep say I promise won't either

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ScaredMom: please use punctuation. It's impossible to follow your ideas.

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@, Susan, I feel dizzy reading her post. It was packed tight with run-on's

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Please be careful. I almost had a stroke coming off the 2 mg Bars. 2-3 a day. To me these are one of the most addictive dangerous drugs on the market as far as withdrawals. Blood pressure shoots up, head feels like it's gonna bust, indescribable!! After I finally got off the things I settle now for a 5 mg Valium 2-3 times a day, usually at night before bed. I'm 64 and have been on these types of meds since my 20's so I know a good bit about their dangers.

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She's probably worried about the horrible withdrawals and may be starting to experience them already! Dangerous med!

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Vicki: Dangerous for abrupt withdrawal at high doses. I don't think we should make withdrawal a joke. When used thrapeuticall, this medication is not dangerous, nor is proper weaning protocol.

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This is for our personal experiences! That is the opinion I gave. To you it may not be a dangerous medicine, I nearly died and had to be hospitalized. I was very near a stroke according to the EMT's!

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How did I make a joke out of withdrawal? Please answer because I thought I made it sound as dangerous as it is if you've been on them long term!

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Vicki: You may think it didn't sound like a joke, but the way your comment reads, it seems as though you make fun of another contributor. You're not the only one whose had bad experiences with withdrawal. I had a seizure that was over 5minutes long - no twitching, no activity...but that's the point...there was absolutely no electricity in my body that entire breathing, lips though I died suddenly. The odd thing was that this happened well beyond the time of acute withdrawal. On top of this revelation, I am an ICU Nurse, and this is well beyond what we would expect to see in Critical Care. Chances are, attending physicians would have released me by the time this occurred, had I gone on for withdrawal anyway, that I would have had a seizure at home anyway. This is why I stress the importance of looking at each person individually. Most people would have seized much sooner. Perhaps I am the only one who thought your remark was snarky. Remember this is text, not direct communication, and I cannot read your mind. Maybe you were unclear as to your intent.

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Susan, you should rethink post #370. Since you are not a medical doctor it is dangerous to write therapeutic small doses of alprazolam are not dangerous during withdrawal. This is the furthest from the truth

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Eddy: not saying low doses taken over a long period of time are not equally dangerous. However, high dose starts at 4 mg, and the ceiling is unbelievable. I only point out that extremes of withdrawal are expected at higher doses, but see that I point out consideration of the individual. Not all people need to be on high dose to have severe withdrawal. I apologize that it wasn't clear for you.

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@Susan #370, I don't see where Vickie was making fun of withdrawals or weaning. But, #1) You need to reevaluate how you word things. #2) opioids, benzo are all drugs. And, different people responds to adverse reactions or therapeutically differently. #3) while ideally doctors are supposed to start with the lowest dose of any drugs to reduce any potential adverse reactions. #4) You cannot say with absolute certainty that even low dosages are not dangerous. I find that response very reckless. #5) Not even a MD will say with absolute certainty that a low dose is not dangerous. 6) Patients will probably be instructed that " generally there hasn't been reports, or this dosage generally is least likely to cause problems. #7) No MD will put themselves on a limb like you did saying "Therapeutic dosages are not dangerous" as if it was absolute. #8) Everyone is different. A therapeutic dose level is different with everyone. #9) People have reacted adversely to certain meds in spite of starting out with the lowest dosage. #10) My body, for lack of a better word, is strong. I could take "Percocet 5 mg two tabs and would feel nothing" I have friends that when they take percocet 5 mg one tab it knocks them out. I remember, my friend saying that even when she broke the 5 mg in two and took 2.5mg it still made her woozy to the point that she threw them out.#11) every single drugs has the propensity to be dangerous regardless of the dosages. It's just that it has been proven that starting out at the lowest dosage or maintaining a patient at the lowest dosage had perpetuate the least risks. #12) Nothing is absolute & there is a first time for everything. Clinical trials of certain drugs and safe dose, generally involves a lot of control subjects. For example if a trial involves 50 subjects and 47 of them had no adverse reactions, but 3 did. They generally go with that dosage as the dosage that provides the least risks, but they do insert a warning. Because at the end of the day nothing is absolute, or 100% safe. There is always a first time for anything.

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@Susan #375, even with what you just said is not absolute. You have people who have build up such a tolerance that even with high dosages they don't exhibit the typical withdrawal symptoms when the drugs are stop. For example, I was on high dosages of a variety of potent prescription drugs. When I decided to seek help, I went into rehab and just stop taking them. No weaning, no methadone, no nothing. I didn't go through the shakes, vomiting, hallucinations, or abnormal vital signs. The only thing I exhibited was my affect was very low, and I felt really depressed, and i couldn't sleep. They put me on Doxepin to help with the depression and the insomnia. I remembered the doctors were surprised and kept saying I was strong. When they discharged me, they asked if I wanted Naltrexone. I asked what does that do and they said it could help control any urges. I said "OK". I took the Naltrexone for about a month then stopped. Still, that was my experience, my journey. Everyone experience and journey is absolutely different. In fact, when I read some of the awful withdrawal symptoms some people have been through. I said " Say what!!! That didn't happened to me thank the Lord" So, just keep in mind that nothing is absolute.

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Say What: how many times must I say no two people are alike. Just as no two people may interpret a person's written words the same. As educated as you are, I am surprised that you don't understand that there is no 'strong', it is the 'tolerance' of your particular genetic chemistry. If you thought I suggested that drugs are100% safe no matter the dose, then you have misinterpreted my words.

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Thank the lawyers and the DEA. Lawyers are suing doctors for not seeing patients and giving meds over the phone. He also cannot get paid from insurance companies if you don't visit. You're the problem not the doctor. Stop whining and go see him.

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He'll I'm sorry that happened too you in I'm glad your off them and did the absolute right thing. Iv been on subs and Xanax for 4 in half years and I hate it but I know if I don't take the Xanax i will seize. I want to get off them so bad but it just cannot happened I'd have to quit my job I don't know where to go who to trust or talk to.. It seems like you and me have /had the same issues. I'm very scared I already had a seizure 2 years ago, twice one for 3min& the other for a minute.. It was very scary. I was in the hospital for t he re days so they can monitor me. I took adderal the night before not thinking anything would happen like that. Never did it before either(so stupid me wanted too try it) The next morning I felt like i was getting the flu and called off of work later down was fine watched Netflix and layed in bed. There- four hours later I go to the bathroom and I don't remember anything after that. MY fiancee's mother found me in the bathroom on the floor seizing.. The doctor explained to me your not supposed to be taking any of these drugs nonetheless my heart was going up them down (taking uppers & downers. So that is my story of seizing.
Iv tapered down alot on everything I take one subsolve and a bar in a blue a day maybe two but I try to go as long as I can with the Xanax so I can sleep so I try to take it around threeish or four. Iv If had where I was out or short& my mind knows so I go into a very bad panic mode and my chest hurts and my minds feels like it's falling apart or melting things start to shake. I felt that twice trying to go without because I'm just sick and tired of having to depend on something that isn't even human nonetheless can move or breath! I read your story and all the symptoms you got iv had similar but some different. I get them off the streets. I'm afraid to tell my doctor because he's old thinks I'm in good health and I'm embarressed of myself horribly.I dont know what too do. I feel my anxiety got worse from taking so many benzos in the past 5years and my temper was never easy before drugs now I feel I increased it with the drugs and the stress iv have myself over the years. I don't know what to do anymore I'm 25 and eventually wanna have children and love normal and non dependent I know everything their is to know about addiction I know the first step is realizing you have a problem etc. Etc. I do, I want help. If I tapper down do you think I still will have a seizure doing this on my own? Now a days ppl look at you diffrent when your an addict. But I'm normal, I want help I want to get better and live in tranquility. If you or anybody that reads this have any suggestions please please! Feel free to comment on this below..Thank you for reading God bless

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