Metoprolol Withdrawal (Page 87)


i've been taking metoprolol for several years as partial treatment for high blood pressure. through diet and exercise, i've lowered my BP to the point my doctor says drop the metoprolol.

i did, 3 days ago, and i'm soooo tired, dizzy, irritable, and my vision is blurred.

is this withdrawal? how long will it last?

i remember starting this medication was terrible to get used to. it appears that stopping it is just as bad.

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Hi Sandra- I am on the same road I thinkThe anxiety is the hardest thing to shake off but we will get there . We just have to have faith

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I also have severe medicine sensitivity. Its like my system is so sensitive now. Even to caffeine!

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Thirty is too low. Sixty is where you want it to be.

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Hey all! It's been a while since I've posted but, for what it's worth, I've been off this awful drug since June of 2015, and just yesterday I had one of my rare anxiety bouts that just came out of nowhere. I've had many of these bouts off and on since I quit, but until yesterday, I hadn't had one for three or four months. It just goes to show that it takes a long time for some of us to entirely rid ourselves from this drug.

Sandra, I also have a high sensitivity to nearly every drug I take. Before having Metoprolol issues, I used to guzzle multiple cups of coffee without any problems whatsoever. These days, however, just one cup will send me into an anxiety frenzy, at which time my BP goes through the roof along with having chest pain and general anxiety disorder. I strongly believe that this drug has fouled up my central nervous system to some degree. To what extent, I'm not sure, but even though I'm about 20 months of being free from beta-blockers, I still continue to have issues on occasion.

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Norma says: I'm 90. Started on Toprol xl , then generics Metoprolol suss which was not too bad then Dr, put me on Metoprolol Tart. recently. Took only 12 of those for a few days B4 I realized (even the druggist said 75 mg 3times day was too much). Not taking any of them now. Take only the brand name Toprol xl. all the generic Metoprolol should be taken off the market. I seem to be doing ok on just the BPmed Enalapril.

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Had some blood taken today and found it very difficult driving and walking/standing with some shortness of breath. Not the kind of breathing that came with a heart attack or blockages of the heart, just laboring. It does not stop me from moving. I have been switched to klonopin from ativan since the ativan was no longer working well and I was not sleeping. Still getting anxiety, especially when just falling asleep.

Perhaps it is that, or the pain on breathing deeply lately (the blood test is to delve into this) . I have not been very mobile and the lack of exercise could be part of it. I am trying to stand more these days and that is a noticeable strain on the heart rate and BP. This is new to me after eight and a half months off metoprolol.

Awaiting 2 feet of snow here in CT.

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Matt, about activity, you are in a poor shape now.
I have been on BBs for 2 years and now when I am off, I see that any activity is much harder for me than before meds.
So, we have to walk more and do more everyday activity, like before.
It will take Months to return to normal levels, or close to normal levels.

About blood tests, when you have a lower blood volume (due to losing blood or dehydration), your HR goes up, that is a natural response.
So, all of us with HR problems should drink a lot of fluids (water is the best) each 1-2 hours to stay well hydrated since it will lower a HR in a natural way.

About Klonopin and Ativan, you have switched one Benzo with another, so you could also have a slight withdrawal (the same as when you switch from Metoprolol to Atenolol, for example, even though they are both Beta Blockers, each of them will control slightly different mechanisms and your body needs some time to readjust to a life with a drug which you have been taking for months or years).

So, you have some anxiety problems in general, you still have Metoprolol's withdrawal to some extent, you lack activity and maybe you have a slight Benzo's withdrawal now.

Metoprolol's and Benzo's withdrawal will be gone over time.
About other things, try to relax, go out, walk, do more and more activity, eat healthy and drink a lot of water. Good luck

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started lowering my dose of metoprolol about a month ago from 50 to 0 this week went through the lightheaded racing heatbeat elevated bp anxiety started dosing a small amount of cbd vape or tinture seems to be helping with the withdrawls 4 days with no meto switched to valsartan hydochlorot 80-12.5 my numbers have been around 80/130 seems a lot better

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I was on 25 mg of metoprolol for about a week before I stopped and the after effects are terrible. Dizzy when I stand and weak/tired. I've been off for about two weeks. Anyone had the same experience? If so, how long before I feel normal again? Doctor put me on this because I had frequent PVC'S ... 57,000 in a 48 hour period.
By the way, google wifi EMF and heart irregularities. I had my cable router about two feet from my chest for several years. Take an old radio and sat it in front of your router and watch it just about blow up from the EMF waves!

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I developed frequent heart PVC's. I could not understand because I work out regular and eat right. Then I found out that WIFI emf can cause problems with your heart and brain. Google Wifi emf and heart. My cable router was right in front of me for years. It produces a great amount of EMF. Taka an old radio and put it in front of your computer or router. It will make a tremendous amount of static..that is EMF radiation. Move the router asap!

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JohnR, it could be Wifi, of course.
But also, millions of people had irregular heartbeats and arrhythmias 20 years ago, 200 years ago and 2000 years ago.

So, of course that a modern era could cause even more problems, but still billions of people genetically have 100s of different heart or hearth-rhythm problems, regardless of external causes.

About the part that you eat healthy and that you work out, that can help against a high blood pressure, you will also have less chances for a heart attack since you will be in a better shape.
But again, if you have some genetic problem with a heart muscle, or with some mechanism in your heart or with electrical signals in your heart, then eating healthy won't help.

About PVCs, my doc told me that as people get older, there is more and more "bugs" and mistakes in our hearts and in heart's electrical system.
So, majority of population will experience more palpitations, more arrhythmias and other heart problems as they get older.

Something like 10% of people older than 60 have Atrial fibrillation.
While 1 out of 100 or 1 out of 1000 kids have that disease.

So, anyone's heart disease and problems with heart rhythm are usually caused by:
1. genetics
2. getting older
3. but of course, there can always be some external causes (illegal drugs, legal drugs, other diseases, physical injury. And of course, things like strong radiation and 100s of similar causes).

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Approaching 9 months...had a CT scan with contrasting dye of my lungs. Showed no blood clots....heart normal size....negative, except for a possible inflammation.

Well, I have certainly been getting a burning pain from below my ribs up to my throat with a deep breath, a cough on occasion, and lots of phlegm in the AM for the last two months. I have never experienced those before.

Lungs are clean from any liquid the docs tell me.

My diagnosis: pleurisy, asthma, which I have never had, another symptom of beta blocker withdrawal, (which all the docs poo-poo, of course) especially since it started after 7 months of withdrawal. Could also be a bacterial or viral infection, but I have not had a cold this winter.

No idea, but it is annoying to have to watch how deeply I take a breath. Have not smoked in 40 years and never had shortness of breath except before a heart attack and my triple bypass. Out of shape, yes, have not done my daily rigorous exercise for about a year. Too much arthritic pain to attempt that.

Anxiety??? My BP via the nurse was 169/72 at the beginning of my PCP visit; it was 124/72 when the doc took it at the end. A High anxiety component to the systolic number? The docs call it a white coat BP.

I was on M for twenty years and still have anxiety issues here at 9 months...heart rate and BP still too high. Started a diuretic for BP last week. Have not seen any improvement yet. Nausea is much better; headaches are minimal.

Hope you all have turned the corner.

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Matt, I am 15 months off and have terrible asthma and never had it before. Its annoying. I have no energy. Also get a high heart rate when I bend over to clean or walk too much. The kicker..I was only on it for a year and a half. I couldnt imagine 20 years! My anxiety is terrible too.

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ok know the feeling started a slow withdrawl of meto been totally off for a week thought it was more of a withdrawl from meto but thinking i have more of anxiety issues dealing with that seems to be helping more trying cbd anxiety breathing meditation walking more often trying to stay of the xanex the dr prescribed dont want to take another pill the valsartan bp pill is working well bp no 130/80 average

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How long have you had the asthma. Mine started 2 months ago with burning pain from the diaphragm to the throat when I take a deep breath in. Nevechad any problems with it before. I was prescribed an anti - cough med which gave me muscle spams so no more of that. I had a ctscan of my lungs, which was negative.

I also started a HCTZ which brought my BP way down, to 100/60 from 160/70, so I am cutting the dose in half. Too dizzy upon standing.

Have you done anything about your asthma?

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One last question Sandra,

Do you have a lot of phlegm choking you in the morning, which you want to spit out? That is what I noticed originally. The docs at the ER yesterday, told me they did not know what it was, just some non-specific inflammation of the TB, not pneumonia, not asthma, as I am not wheezing, maybe COPD, but I have not smoked for 40 years.

The doctors get less impressive with diagnosing each new symptom. I am hoping this is withdrawal from Metoprolol because asthma is not curable and since we are all so sensitive to new meds, I am gunshy about taking anything new..... no coffee, no soda. Mostly a pretty bland diet. DeCaf green tea is about as strong as I go.

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I was a young and naive 48 when I had a heart attack, a mild one, when I was put on metoprolol.

After 20 years of metoprolol and 9 1/2 months off, I am thoroughly disgusted with what it has done to my central nervous system.

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I totally understand how you feel. It's hard to point out what exactly it effects but I sure hate the anxiety and issues it leaves behind. Just take it one day at a time

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Matt, I have Phlegm after every bite of food I eat. Its annoying. I never had this before. Doc doesnt know what it is. I dont do anything dor my asthma. I just deal with it and hope one day it will go away.

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Eating healthy and using supplements.

I have tried magnesium for better sleeping, GI system, heart, and supposedly a whole lot of bodily systems, including anxiety and depression. I found it to give me imnsonia, unfortunately. I also tried melatonin for sleep. It kept me up. I tried medical marijuana, sublingual, not smoked, the Indica plant, which is supposed to help with sleep; it wires me, so do narcotics that I have used post surgeries and they can also wire me and do not really help with pain. I tried the cannabadoil, the non euphoric part of THC, for pain as well. It did not work for me. Some cancer patients speak highly of medical marijuana for pain and nausea. Yes it makes you hungry, but, no, it did not help with pain and it can make one paranoid, not something a person fighting anxiety really desires.

Anyone have any other suggestions on sleeping better and longer and waking up without anxiety.

I have used probiotics, cut out caffeine, soda (we called it tonic in Boston), Vitamin D, stool softener, cut way back on sugar, inserted honey. I also cut way back on dairy, skim milk only and perhaps some ice cream only. I used non-caffeinated coffee and green tea.

Does anyone have suggestions on the GI system, our engine that breaks down all our food with enzymes and bacteria?

I have chronic pain and use some SSRNI's and tricyclic anti-depresssants. They help, but not enough....and NSAIDs are unusable because of small intestine and heart problems. Tylenol is OK, but is not much good with inflammation. They say fried foods are bad for inflammation. Arthritis and its inflammation are auto-immune overproduction and difficult to handle, because they limit exercise.

Any help with pain?

All drugs now have so many side effects post metoprolol.

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