Metoprolol Withdrawal (Page 21)


i've been taking metoprolol for several years as partial treatment for high blood pressure. through diet and exercise, i've lowered my BP to the point my doctor says drop the metoprolol.

i did, 3 days ago, and i'm soooo tired, dizzy, irritable, and my vision is blurred.

is this withdrawal? how long will it last?

i remember starting this medication was terrible to get used to. it appears that stopping it is just as bad.

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Aww, I'm sorry to hear that you've had to start over again Jimbo. But, ehh, give it another go at it when you know you're confident & ready to start fresh again. I read your comment above and lol you're quite the athlete if you can peddle a bicycle 30 miles... Thats why I own a car ;) anyway, if it makes you feel better, I quit on the eve of the 14th and I'm still having withdrawal symptoms. My darn legs still feel a little like a bowl of shaky jello & my my left arm is still tingling/numb/asleep feeling... I've been swelling up & can't figure out the WHY?! Not to mention I'm as cranky as a wet cat & not knowing how long this misery is going to go on is a bummer... Best wishes on your soon recovery & hopefully you'll be feeling better before summer starts in for good.

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I have a question for whomever may be able to answer it: Once you realized that your Metoprolol (or any beta blocker) medicine was wreaking havoc on your system, did the side effects or withdrawal symptoms essentially incapacitate you? In other words, did you suddenly find it difficult to climb stairs? or even walk short distances without feeling chest pain and shortness of breath? I literally feel as though I'm going to have a heart attack if I do practically any activity at all, and it seriously makes me wonder if I may have an underlying condition that I'm unaware of. It seems I have absolutely no energy whatsoever. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Yes it will make little things impossible. I couldn't even walk through walmart without pain in my chest from metoprolol. Like I said in post #400, if it doesn't work for u, it's time to change meds. Maybe try dilitiazem instead.

Weening metoprolol isn't too bad , just try cutting it till u get down to a small enough dose that u feel safe dropping it. Of course this is contingent on why u were placed on the drug, you should always talk to your doctor . I weened myself because I felt I could without any real danger to myself. I cut it down to 7.25 mg twice a day and then just quit after a week of that. It took a week even still for it too leave my system.

Metoprolol made me feel weak trying to do small things. Pain in my chest and clearly it was damaging my liver. I knew I had to get off of it, no matter what I was told from my i**** cardiologist.

There are some great doctors out there but some really bad ones too.

Just this past week, I had been having some lung issues from my Bp medication. I decreased it by 25 mg and i feel much better. Clearly my dosage was too high. At least it was for me.

The way you feel has to be used as another piece of your medical puzzle. But just don't make changes which might harm you. Research and ask questions.

I'm currently weening off lorazepam too. It's a slow and tedious process. Never shoulda had it prescribed to me but it was. I've gone from 2 mg to 1.125 mg daily. It's taken a while. Never take a benzo unless you absolutely are positive you need it.

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Thank you for your thoughts, Tony! All of my doctors are in agreement that I no longer need to be on a BP medicine, so it only makes sense to wean myself off of it for good. In fact, I'm quite sure that since I've lost 30 lbs. while also living on a much better diet in the past year or so, the Metoprolol is essentially making me feel ill because my BP and pulse rate have become too low. I feel pretty safe in that regard. I had a huge setback last Wednesday when I had my cardiac CT angiogram, for they gave me nearly triple the dosage compared to what I had been taking at the time. Needless to say, it really fouled up any stability that I had going for me. I undoubtedly unraveled for a few days there.......very scary. Hopefully I'm back on track now, but it's been a rough three weeks.

Just gotta say......I'm thankful to have found some of you here. I would never wish for anyone to be going through such an ordeal as this, but it's comforting to know I'm not alone.

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Sherrie.....thanks for your thoughts as well! I really needed to hear these tonight, for I haven't been as positive about this as I should be. I just know that I have a high sensitivity to drugs in general, so I'm still a bit frightened over the notion of actually going cold turkey once I've weaned myself enough to do so. But, I'll get there eventually!

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You are very welcome jimbo. Glad I could help. I do want to add some more info for u. When I was weening off metoprolol and got it down to 7.25 mg twice a day, I still could feel it. At this point it won't affect your Bp much but I could still feel it. It felt like right under my sternum, someone had a knuckle pushing against my heart. I wasn't sure whether it was still the drug or my heart. It was very scary. But I was convinced it was the drug. Even with my live swelling, my doctor said oh... It's probably fatty liver. Well of course I had fatty liver, most Americans do, but the swelling was from the drug. I knew it in my heart. It takes about 6.5 days for metoprolol to completely leave your system once you stop taking it after weening to a safe amount. I myself am a diabetic , type 2, and metoprolol has some weird diabetic side effects. Diabetics tend to experience thirst more often as your kidneys are trying to clear your sugar from your system but metoprolol can mask this thirst sensation. Well anyway, almost exactly 6.5 days later , after stopping metoprolol I woke up extremely thirsty and I knew it had cleared my system. And that knuckle feeling I had been having was completely gone, like magic. I went to the kitchen at 4 am and drank 2 big glasses of water. Lol

Diabetes certainly is a silent killer. It can wreck havoc on your health in a silent slow way until one day it hits you hard. Don't wait till that happens. If your kidneys function is still healthy, go order dr. Atkins: new diet revolution and read the book from cover to cover. I can honestly say it has saved my life.

I work out daily now, my weight went from 260 to 240 and still falling. My sugar stays no higher than 120 and it's getting better. My Bp is currently 120/75 but I take losartan potassium 75mg once a day.

losartan potassium isn't too bad but it makes you evaluate your potassium levels very often because it contains a potassium salt I think and it combined with say zero sports drinks and tuna with potassium can add up to too high potassium. You have to be cautious on this drug too.

Anyway, my heart rate on metoprolol got into the 30's when I was tired at night even with 7.25 mg twice a day. Like you, I knew that was too low for me. I was scared to fall asleep. The cardiologist didn't seem concerned because your heart will generally kick in periodically on its own when oxygen levels fall too low and compensate while you sleep. But that didn't make me feel better. It was scary to me. Some people have low resting heart rates but I'm not exactly one of those . Another reason I didn't want that drug.

When I left the hospital the third time lol, I started on a serious diet an exercise regiem. I felt in my heart it was do or die time, literally. So I watched my diet carefully and started off very slow exercising. I bought a finger heart rate monitor for 20.00 from Amazon. It is awesome and I'd do a little bit every day. The thing about exercise is that you have to exercise at least once within every 72 hours or you lose the benefit you gained from the last time you worked out. So you need to do cardio either daily for at least 20 min and at least every other day to keep building on your progress. I used the heart monitor to go slow and kept my heart rate right at or below 150 beats per minute. The doctor can tell you what's safe for you. At first I could do little exercise and my heart rate would be at 150 in no time. But now I can run a mile and my heart rate stays around 130 beats.

Take control of your lives my friends. Heart issues can be so scary. So do something while u can and believe. Also, let me add....

If you have a cardiovascular or heart concern, buy a good brand of fish oil pill and take at least 4000 mg daily. Yes that's 4 grams. Over a three month period this will help you. You need need at least 4 grams to see any real results.

I wish you guys well. Sry I rambled but I worry about you guys. I was so scared and I know you have to be too. I sat for hours and cried when I left the hospital. When I first went, was my first trip in 20 years. When the ambulance came I was with my three kids and I was telling them goodbye in case I didn't make it. I thought I was gonna die at 42. Please start today and change your lives. God be with you all.

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If you dropped the metoprolol , give it a full week and see how u feel then. The worst of the withdrawal symptoms will subside by then. If you took it for a long time, I wouldn't panic or nothing until you allow time for your body to adjust. If after say ten days you still feel bad, I'd go see my doctor. But you should go sooner if you feel it's necessary of course.

But yeah, after only three days, it's still in your system and you will certainly have side effects.

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Tony, once again, that's some great info! Thank you! I have one more question if you don't mind: how long did it take for you once you started the weaning process to feel your strength coming back? I have some commitments coming up in the later part of June that'll require me cancelling them if I don't feel that I'll be ready for them by then. One month ago it would've been no problem, but now I'm pretty useless when it comes to moving around. I lose energy very quickly, and my symptoms reveal themselves very quickly when I become even remotely active (climbing stairs, very short walks, etc.). I'm also down to around 3/4 of a 25 mg tab twice daily (about 18 or 19 mg), and I plan to go to a 1/2 tab (12.5 mg) by the end of this week.

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As long as you ween safely, once you take that final pill. The one where you say that's it , I'm done.... You will have to wait a week to notice real improvement after the last one u take. Metoprolol is no joke, it hangs on like a bad dream. And then in just a matter of days after that week, u should feel better every day. During the weening process, it can suck just like you are still taking a higher dosage . It's fights you. It did me, I could feel it trying to fight my heart, like it was trying desperately to keep my beats low when I needed more. It's very worrisome to have that chest feeling. So, I encourage u to see your doctor if it gets too scary or concerning.

But it will go away. Just don't ween to sharply and try and stay calm. Stress just makes it worse.

When I stopped my last pill and I said I'm done.... I felt it still bugging me til 4 am that 6 th day and poof, I felt relief.

Just don't try and ween too fast. I know some people who quit cold turkey but I'd be scared to do that. It might be too much of a jolt.

See your doc if you are too worried and discuss it. But unless you are feeling a heavy pressing feeling then it's likely no heart attack. These annoying dull aches and sharp pains are most likely metoprolol so don't panic. If you have any doubts about the pain of course err on the side of caution and seek help but in my experience I just had to tough it out a week.

I wish i could tell you to come off quick and be done with this beast but that might hurt you so just go easy and slow. You'll get it out of you. And when you do, you'll feel the relief .

I know it is lousy my friend. Just hang in there.

Also, I'm not sure the best way to ween this stuff because I wasn't on as long as you. But in my personal non medical opinion, I'd give it at least ten days between step downs. But that's me, some doctors may tell you to go slower and some might be ok with that. You will have to judge some of that on how you feel.

I was at 50 mg twice a day
Then to 25 mg twice a day for 3 weeks
Then to 12.5 mg twice a day for 2 weeks
Then to 7.25 mg twice a day for 7 days
Then I quit .
Symptoms went away 6-7 days later .

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Tony, you're providing more help than you can possibly imagine. Thank you once again!

It does frighten me when you say "unless I'm feeling a heavy pressing feeling" in my chest, because that's exactly what I'm feeling each and every time I exert the slightest amount of energy (again, climbing stairs, walking, etc.). I've already been to the ER three times for this, and they've detected nothing wrong with my cardiovascular system each time. The cardiac CT angiogram along with x-rays also detected nothing. As a result of all these tests, I've just been under the assumption that one of the many Metoprolol side effects I'm feeling are of the 'angina' variety, but it's so difficult to know for certain. Needless to say, it's very frustrating and quite frightening.

Regarding the notion of weaning, I sense that your schedule might be similar to what I'll likely try. I've been at about 18mg for four days now, so I'll probably stay there for another few days. I'm meeting with a new cardiologist tomorrow (didn't care for the first one), so hopefully he'll have some insight on the matter. The big problem, though, is finding a sympathetic doctor who truly understands the nature of this drug. Of the many doctors I've already seen in the past few weeks, only one ER doctor openly admitted that she had some knowledge of the adverse effects Metroprolol has had on some people.

Thanks again, my friend, and don't be surprised if you find another question or two from me, for you're definitely giving me some much-needed confidence!

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Yeah.. The chest can be very scary. First off, angina is not a bad thing, it tells us to go easier and makes us aware of our limits and cardiovascular issues. Everyone gets some form of angina but at different levels of exertion depending on your conditioning and cardiovascular situation.

Trying to decide which chest pains are ER worthy can be very hard to discern. I myself have had cause to stop and wonder at times. It is very scary. When I say heavy pressure , I'm referring to a very heavy squeezing feeling that's unmistakable. If it's a serious heart attack you will have roughly ten minutes to seek medical attention and every minute after that your odds decrease by roughly ten percent of surviving. Once you are at 30 minutes, most likely you are dead for several minutes now . At least that's my non medical understanding. The fact that you are still fine and have been evaluated out of caution means that most likely you are have drug or other problems.

Metoprolol withdrawals I'm sure differ from person to person but I had my share of kinda like squeezing on exertion under metoprolol. Like I mentioned earlier, I could barely walk across walmart before I had to stop and I think I actually strained my heart because of the drug trying to limit me and me fighting it. So don't over exert during the weening. Go easy. I'm certainly not trying to scare you at all.

But you ar right in that any heart discomfort is a cause for concern and needs evaluation by a professional. But if your EKG is good then chances are this drug is just being a pain ... Literally.

Unfortunately, you won't know for sure until you see the weening process through. Then a week later, see how u feel and then u will know what's real and what's drug induced. But if you have been evaluated at the ER and been released several times, that should ease your nerves. I know u r still in a slight panic, and that's reasonable, but try to be patient .

If you really think you r having a heart attack , quickly take 4 baby aspirin and call 911. But taking baby aspirin daily is not always good. It takes about 4 days after 1baby adoring fir your clotting platlets to replenish so easy onthe asprin. If you want my opinion, take 4000 mg of fish oil daily. It also has some blood thinning characteristics.

It's good you are seeing a new cardiologist. Write down all the questions you have so you don't forget anything. Go in and explain what's going on and ask his advice. But don't be afraid to express how much you want off this drug if indeed that's your intention. My cardiologist wanted me to increase my dosage and I thought he was out of his mind. But of course I'm sure didn't truly realize what it was doing to me.

Anytime you go to the hospital with any type palpitation , doctors all want to put you on metoprolol or dilitiazem. Many times it's a good thing but sometimes they r wrong . As the patient, you have to weigh all the advice and how u feel and make the proper call. In the end, it's your life.

Now, if there is a valid medical cause for you to take these drugs then of course take them but too much of any drug that's not needed is never a good thing.

I would stress about your chest. Talk to the cardiologist and try and relax. Don't strain yourself. And ween slowly. If you were truly having a heart attack, you would have known it by now for certain without any doubts.

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It sounds like you are weening fine but the doctor would know more than me. I can only share my limited knowledge and offer some encouragement. When dealing with heart problems , it can be the most frightening thing in your life. I can relate . I have been there my friend. The phrase... Impending doom... Is a very real feeling when faced with heart problems.

At least when you are off this drug you can look for options that might be a tad easier on you. Since the kidneys control your blood pressure, I'm not a fan of metoprolol for purely Bp control by decreasing your heart rate. If you really want the best to control Bp in the future , go see a kidney specialist.

Take ever day one step at a time and just keep doing the right things and I know you'll be fine. Keep asking those doctors questions til you get the answers you are looking for. Make them earn their pay. They certainly know more than me.

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Hey......thanks again, Tony! There have been some incredible suggestions and thoughts on this thread, and I especially appreciate the time you've taken here.

And yeah, I want off this drug in a big way. As I stated earlier, I wouldn't have needed to go on it if I had only lost weight and gotten in better shape when it was prescribed two years ago. Now that I have done that while lowering my BP and pulse rate, the overall consensus by all of my doctors is that I simply don't need to be on a BP medicine at all. At 61, the only other health issue I'm aware of is acid-reflux, and that's been under control for quite some time now.

The most difficult part of this awful journey is indeed the chest pain and fatigue I get after exerting myself even lightly. I think I can actually tolerate the anxiety, dizziness, headaches, heart palps, etc., least until I get off this stuff.

In the end, though, it seems a bit unfair, doesn't it? It's not like this is a self-induced drug abuse problem, and here I am feeling like a junkie.......LOL.

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Thanks for all the good information. I was on Metoprolol 25mg 2x a day for three months. Had so many side effects talked Dr into lowering my dose to 25mg extend per day and that helped. Have been on this dose for 2 weeks. Went to the Dr Tuesday and told him I'm still having side effects. He stated that my BP is good enough that he was taking off the Metoprolol and stay on my 10 mg Linsinopril 2x a day. Overall I have felt better, still have some chest discomfort, bad headaches and dizzyness. This is my 3rd day off the Metoprolol and each day has been a little easier, but not a fun ride at all.

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Not sure but I'm having some of the same side effects on my 3rd day.

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Hi my friend. I know it's a pain but you'll notice a big difference on day 7, just hang tough. It will go away.

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Thanks Tony. It's nice to hear what other people are going thru and have been thru.

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Just an update, but I'm on day 4 at 12.5mg twice daily, and so far it's going quite well. The side effects have somewhat subsided (more tolerable), and I'm able to walk longer distances once again. I haven't gotten on the bike yet, though. In short, I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I plan on going three more days at this dosage followed by 6mg for another six or seven days and then cold turkey. If all goes as planned, I should be completely off of Metoprolol in about 10 days. I'll post an occasional update as I go along here.

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Well, day 5 at 12.5mg (2x/daily) didn't go quite as smoothly as the first 3 1/2 days. For a while it seemed as though the weaning process would be a little easier this time around, but apparently it isn't going to work that way. Many of the same-old w/d symptoms have returned. I may just have to stay on this dosage a little while longer than anticipated. Nasty, nasty drug!

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My 3rd post. I am at end of 3 months of weaning off. From 100 mg per day to 50 mg per day.

First two months I would say I felt the same as before weaning - super well (apart from weight and stiffness in legs).

Last night I was shattered after a day decorating my house - I felt good all day, apart from a slight headache (not had a headache for years). Late evening I felt palpitations/heart racing. I took sea salt and drank more water, which I had been doing all day with sea salt in the morning too. I took 2 Magnesium capsules lunchtime. (Plus my half'd dosage of M in the morning).

Arms, legs, especially hands felt tingly. I had a bad dream.

Woke up this morning. Yet to take my BP. Still feel heart is racing a bit. Taken my M.

When I feel like this I do question my wisdom in doing this weaning! But still feel set on continuing.

I cannot distinguish between real high blood pressure and what could be withdrawal symptoms. I suppose the only way to do that is to take my BP at the time??

Today I will try harder and include more of the natural things we discuss on here and I normally add in to my "regime". It's harder and more time consuming taking natural remedies through the day than just popping 1 Pharna pill a day. But it has to be done.

I will try harder today with natural remedies throughout the day and see how i feel but I am not happy feeling my heart race occasionally. Tends to be in the evening only but I still have it this morning.

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