Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 4) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was an opiate addict for 7 years. Quit in 1998. Been on Suboxone, off and on, since 1996. Steady since 1998. Am on Medicare. Dr's here only take cash for Suboxone, despite taking insurance for all other patients. I just can't afford an additional $165 a month to an already rich bloodsucker. So I have used the intranasal protocol on the Internet to get down from 32mg a day to 2mg a day. It works but is leaving me a bit frazzled and sleepless. Of course that could just be the steroids I am taking for bad, bad gout right now. My dilemma is that after being on ORT for 27 years, my brain is wired "different". Problem is that once on buprenorphine, we are labelled and put in a box that say's "Can Never Go Back". I think thats BS. I need to find a doc who will take a one month chance and put me on something, besides methadone, to A.) control chronic pain. and, 2.) make my pain control with my financial ability to pay along with my paid for insurance. Seems like docs see this as a cash cow here and run rampant over patient rights to respectable medical care. Before my head injury and SSDI, I worked my ass off and had the money to lay outright cash as insurance did NOT apply to bupe in Tx. How do we find love after addiction?
WAITING4THESUN: Yes, but the original question was answered long ago. And there have been questions asked on here since then, questions to which you may have the answers. So there's no need to blow off the entire thread just because the original question is old.
Yes, having made the mistake of retiring in milder climate (michigan-chattanooga TN), I can assure you the legislators (poss. 2014?) declared max daily buprenorphine/Suboxone dose not exceed 24mg. Today, it can only be prescribed for addiction.. ABUSE many sharing/swapping at Clinics gave it a similar bad name as the mainstream opioids. Kratom banned, marijuana a no no, (they want your car), and I had ulcerative cramps, death row kind..2 mo. ago. All 3 Chattanooga ER's full..sit they said and wait..I apologize if this sounds longer..joined several pain support groups, pray, stay social, and wrote dozens of "we have a chronic pain Epidemic"..and petitions, etc. Very high homeless problem and yet I love the mountains, people, weather is mild, yet I am planning to move to Emery University. Med..Atlanta. Loved Suboxone for depression and moderate pain. Educate and advocate.
DOC ROCK: The term "SUBLINGUAL" does NOT mean "time-released". Sublingual means something taken under the tongue. Whether something is time-released or not has nothing to do with it being taken sublingually.
Your comments about "opiate blockers" aren't exactly accurate either. While the opioid antagonist Naloxone is used to "block" the action of opioids in the case of an overdose, it is actually only in Suboxone to keep people from injecting it. Buprenorphine itself is also a partial opioid antagonist. Naloxone has a very low bioavailability when taken sublingually, therefore it is actually the Bupe itself that does the "blocking" when talking about Subutex/Suboxone, not the Naloxone.
Re: Terry (# 9)
I tried the suboxone but it was horrible. I now take three 8mg of Subutex tablets a day. I can't take suboxone bc the naloxone gives me horrible headaches and makes me sick to my stomach. Since I switched I don't have any headaches or stomach problems. I'm glad I talked to my doctor bc he's the one who recommended it. I hope this helps you out.
Re: May78 (# 511)
Makes sense, but the bupe is what gives you the precipitated withdraw, there's a lady on here goes by kkh that would know the best answer to that question. Good luck I've been through the methadone withdraw and they are deadly horrible. Be careful. Good luck
I was wondering if anyone has been on Suboxone for chronic pain? And if so, did it help?
Re: fireman625 (# 3)
I was on so much/many different opiates daily if I could post a printout from the pharmacy I was using it would blow some people's mind. Yes that many of numerous in the same day) for years due to chronic pain. I had never taken a pain pill until I was about 30 years old and never consumed marijuana (I would rather see people consume marijuana than use anything else illegal and use suboxone or subutex). All forms of diagnostics have been done from bloodwork to mri cat scans nerve conducting and specialist that have all agreed that I will need a form of pain relievers for the rest of my life. I was tired of being told that every 3 months or so I would need a "Breakthrough med" so I did my research and I started taking suboxone as a pain reliever (after having complete knee reconstruction surgery on my knees). It worked and I am so blessed to have doctors who know that suboxone is a pain reliever. Here I am after 20 plus years of being on so much pain meds at ridiculous dosages and taking 8 mg 3 times a day has helped me to be able to have a life enjoying my family especially my grandsons and function with every day life. Now if people get on suboxone or subutex and misuse it or sell it then they will make it harder for those of us who need it. I will one day maybe be able to stop taking suboxone but with all of my legit health issues I will not give up and ever go back to using pain pills and patches. I do know people that get sick taking 2 mg. I personally think that if it is too strong for you talk to your primary care doctor and your pain management doctor too. I am sure that they can help you with how much to take and such. God bless all of you who are chronic pain patients.
I have had to use 8 mg of Suboxone 3 times a day and it works vs the pathetic amount of pain meds I was on.
I wonder if you are sick due to too little opioids in your system, you may be in slight withdrawal. Ask your doctor about that.
I have been taking suboxone for 6 months..It gave me back too..think.about it , if you are struggling with opiat addicition..its worth it!!
I am disabled from my back and I am taking SUBUTEX and my life have change thank's to this miracle pill, after getting addicted to Oxycontin that almost kill me I started a nonprofit Organization for Opiates addiction at the same time I have study the pro and cons and Subutex is the answer, 16 mg READY TO GO! FIRED UP.
NOT TRUE Suboxone and Subutex both have buprenorphine hydrochloride and DO reduce pain. Do your own research and consult with a doctor. I'm currently prescribed subutex for chronic pain and it helps and also keeps me from abusing drugs that I can't control.
Omg! Some ppl need to check their info source. December will make 2yrs i have been on 16mg a day. I was an addict due to starting pain pills from multiple car & atv wrecks. Studies show that ur body does NOT become immune to subutex like other drugs, so it does continue to work over time. If u dont have a past history with other pain medicine a couple mgs a day will kill pain if u do have a history with them the dose needs to be higher. :-) also mild nausea is normal when starting medicine
I'm on 3 8mg subutex a day for Chronic pain,Much cheaper than suboxone and as effective.
I have gone over 24 hours without taking any opiate- horrible w/d's in full effect. Not to make excuses, but being a single dad-time is not a luxury. I took half a sub and that eased the wd's, but again, nothing for the pain. I'm also dealing with three areas of pain: knees, back and neck-so I never get relief for all three. After talking with my doctor he made it pretty cut and dried-knee replacement and spinal fusion or suffer. I'm only 38 and he said I was too young for either surgery. So, looking for second and third opinions because this is not living and not how I want my daughter to be raised. I'm sorry if anything I said misled anyone, it's just my opinion and personal experience. Appreciate the replies and honesty from you guys.
I do not no about Drs. prescribing Suboxone for pain relief But I do know why it is
given to ppl who are addicted to Opiates. Beacuse it WORKS!!! I did not think
I would ever be able to get myself clean and free from the Hell Of Opiate addiction. After rehab more than once I was given Suboxone from a Dr. You must believe me.
It does what I am telling you it does, I have been Clean for almost three years,
And I am in control of my life once again, Thank My God
You can get the help that you need if you want it, sometimes we all need a little
advice on where and how you can find it and I am More than happy to pass this information on to anyone that needs help Like I did.
Pleae ask for help and ask a Dr. about this Drug. It saved Me.
If all else fails, go to a Suboxone doctor and say you're an addict.
First off, I truely hope you find the right medications to help with your pain. I went through the very same thing with Workers Comp. after I was assaulted by an inmate here in Pennsylvania. I was working as a state Correctional Officer, when I shattered my wrist. 2 years after reconstruction surgery, If I told you I didn't like all the pain meds, I would be lying. I loved them, the stronger the better, but like you, I wasn't able to function well in everyday activities like grandkids, driving, etc...I begged my Doctor for Suboxone to get off the Narcotics but still help with the pain and like a miracle from God, the drug worked wonders. I had some slight side effects for the first few days, but nothing like high doses of Narcotics (falling asleep, nausea, vomiting, etc.) If you ask your provider, they should be able to help you. Please continue to ask and do research. Like any other medicine there are draw-backs, but it beats looking for the next higher dose of something you may never get off of. Good luck to you and God Bless. It'll work out =))
Maey, stop taking it for a few day and then tell us your not an addict. If you are on subs, your addicted. Go ahead see how long after day3 you can last. I'd bet you would be so sick you wish you never touched the stuff. I'm not flattered by your evaluation of calling me a "know it all", I certainly do not. I just post my own experiences and wish you well. The truth hurts just as much as my chronic pain.
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