Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 25)
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What is the maximum dose of suboxone or subutex when you have severe pain?

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Gma in pain 2, I have a Gma that has extreme pain in her knee's, She just turned 96yrs. old and she is doing just fine otherwise, but her knees are just killing her! She is gaining weight, less mobile and Im afraid she will end up not enjoying the few yrs. if that she has left on this earth if she doesn't get this under control. She is of an age where even a 2.5mg lortab(hydrocodone) is too much narcotic for her to handle. She had tried almost all the fancy expensive supplements $ can buy and any and all NSAID's(advil, aleve, etc..)and nothing worked. She even tried 5diff.muscle relaxers but all they did was put her to sleep and she told me that she would rather be in pain and life than be out of pain and sleep her life away. I finally got he to open her mind as she is very close minded in general and w/ older age, it seems to have got even worst. She's been let dwn by so many diff. docs that she almost gave up. I now put her on a high protein Isolate diet, which contains tons of BCAAs, L-glutamine, etc... along w/ 25g. protein Isolate per serving. w/ the most expensive IGF-1 and 2 money can buy. She gave me the ok to do whatever I felt would help since Im a weight lifter myself and CCMA-C in CA so I know a ton about meds/supplements and how they react in the body. At this point she was willing to try anything and everything non-narcotic as at her age 2 5mg vik's could kill her in her sleep. Well after 3mo. of taking both these products she started to call me and say I think its working a bit, I still have pain, but it has deff. decreased! I was not surprised but thrilled 4 her and now shes been on the same routine now for over 6months and I also after 3mo. added extra Joint support supplements since the ones she was on were good for a 40-60yr. old, but not enough 4 a 96yr. old in a diff. situation! I raised her doses 3X what the bott. stated for 3mo. and added an extra 6mg's of l-glute per day as well. I wrote all this dwn for her of course and the times she should take what and when! This combo alone w/o any medications, Opiate meds, w/ dangerous even fatal side-effects brought her pain dwn she said by 60-65% I just started her on a few others, some muscle rubs I made myself out of benzocaine, lidocane, menthol, etc... and uped the dose of her l-glutamine and added 3g. per day of free-form L-Arginine so she gets more nutrition out of her food and better blood flow to muscles. I don't ever think I will be able to cure her pain completely but were on the right track and as I adjust, and add, new and research new age meds Im pretty positive I can get her dwn to an 80-85% decrease in pain in 1yr. Its already helped her so much and shes able to bend dwn and do a bit of gardening which she has not been able to do for yrs. so were deff. on the right track! also, Subutex and suboxone are heavy duty pain meds meant for addicts getting of pain pills such as Vicoden, Oxycontin, and street drugs like H, etc.. They are not suppose to be rxed for pain and when they are, the doc. is just trying to give u false hope and most of what ur feeling IMO since I've been on Suboxone and subutex both for over 4yrs. is a slight decrease in pain(mostly placebo effect 4sure) since it effects the Mu pain receptor only and is not a full agonist like oxy, vicoden, etc... But if that works for u that great but I would depending on ur pain level and tolerance to pain start w/ a milder real opioid, IMHO codeine is a great start b4 u go to the opiates like oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc... this will not just concentrate on one receptor and will offer a full agonist not a agonist/antagonist such as buprenorphine. This is the very addictive active ingredient in Subutex/suboxone and will not create the same level of pain control of even the weakest pain killer Codeine! Ok reply to this and Ill try and get back if there are any questions but ur doc. should have known better than to use subox 4 pain, as multiple sites even state and tell doctors not to use this 4 pain. Ur doc must have missed that seminar or was not paying attention! Anyways Ill stop w/ that and leave comments or question 4 me if any below. Thanx guys and may u have a pain free day! Good luck Gma w/ pain 2 as I know what ur going through as I see it all the time w/ my own Gma! Peace out everyone- Chris B-

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My 70 year old Mom takes Suboxone Sublinguals every day for her disfiguring Arthritus. She takes 1- 8 mg in the morning and 1- 8 mg at night. Dr even prescribes 3 per day, but she only uses a third one when she is in severe pain. So it is prescribed for pain and the does doesn't depend on metabolism, or body weight.

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I disagree that prescribing Subutex for pain is a psyche job. There is a tremendous amount of scientific data showing it is a successful mix. I also speak from experience. You didn't mention why you think the way you do. I'm curious.

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I completely agree w/ everything u just said and Im one that was told to use my 16mg's and then take the extra strip for my back pain which it did nothing soon to find out your not suppose to even use it for pain. I use soma or flexeril for pain and it seems to work quite well. both are strong muscle relaxers but soma does matabalize into an old pain killer from the 50s and 60s that they no longer use. Starts w/ a B as my doc. told me once, and that's why it is more addictive than flexeril w/ is related to ssri or anti-depressant meds. But anyways Subutex does help slightly and max dose on this is 32mg and same w/ reg. subox! It is a perfect placebo tho and docs kno this and can act like there helpin u out big time by uping ur dose, when it will do nothing more then raise ur tol. levels which get sky high super fast w/ any form of bupe.

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I have been through the same thing for the last 7 yrs. or so. I finally found a pain dr, I trust and she gently encouraged me to try the suboxone. I am into my second week. At first I wasn't sure if I could do it. But by the end of the first week my personality felt more like my old self. But my pain wasn't under control. Then in my second week we moved me from one and a quarter film to two whole films. Now I feel even better but still not enough for pain control. I hope next week she moves me up to 3 strips a day so I can see how I really feel with a higher dose. I am almost 60 with new grandkids and family that needs me. So far it is worth it. I'll have to see.

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amen!! Ditto, got addicted to opiates because of a chronic pain problem. Needed pain meds but couldn't trust myself with them. Got my life back with Suboxone!

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Hi! My daughter is on Suboxone and is also on medicaid. Medicaid is paying for it completely. You might ask your pharmacy why your ins is denying to pay for it and see if there is a way around it. My daughter dropped to a lower dose, a 2mg film, and since it was new, medicaid didn't have it in their system yet as a covered item so they denied it. The dr called in something that was covered.

As for everyone that is knocking this medication...I suffer from fibromyalgia and need both of my knees replaced. I work full time as a nurse and about 10 yrs ago (before I went back to work and before I got my pain under control) I was going through the frustration of taking way too much pain medicine. Every opiate known to man kind. Ended up addicted and miserable. Suboxone has literally saved my life and my RN license!! I don't know what I would do without it! I might be dead, actually! I've been able to postpone having my knee replacements several years and because of a divorce, I have gone back to work full time. I agree with one DOES change you....for the BETTER!! When you feel better, your mood is better and everything falls into place! Life is just so much better now!

I hate that people don't understand the drug, however. My mom isn't a fan of me taking it. But she hasn't experienced what I have been through either. Unless you have dealt with chronic pain first hand, it is not fair to judge the drug!

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Yes, at times Subutex causes constipation .. I find if I drink lots of water and an occasional fibermax i will be reqular ... way better to have these issues than all the issues from being addicted to opiates .. Keep with it and you will find that it works .. I SWEAR by it ...

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I was addicted to oxycodone oxycotin ect. I just went to doc last week and was prescribed two 8mg subutex twice a day. I have been takin more like 3 or 4 and been feelin alright! Idk about the ceiling effect! Heard about it just dnt know how true it is! I would also like to know how much does it take before the ceiling effect happens?

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Does suboxone constipate you? Does it cause you loss of appitite? It causes me both of these and thats why i'd like to stop using it. I have chronic back pain. Would appreciate an answer. I know it's very personal. But I just bared my soul on here somewhere(and now I can't find that post. I got an email and it mentioned facebook and twitter. I hope to hell that they don't show that post on facebook.

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Subutex/bupes is a godsend for getting of opiates AND strong pain relief. Most countries have been prescribing it for years of pain relier. Of course america is behind the times. It doesn't help that some quacks think a Chinese herb doctor will cure opiate dependence and people against the drug for recovery are also biased and wrong. I was a heroin and a crazy pill popper for many years. Failed in AA and NA and was in five drug rehabs. Still used until I was prescribed subutex and my life was changed. No more drug behavior, it was like being reborn. Thank you subutex

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Subutex is known as Tamgesic in every other country except the US. It has been used in every other country for mod-severe pain for almost a quarter of a century. It's analgesic effect works better in very low (1mg or less) dosages. Sub or Tamgesic is a very strange drug. The less you use the better the pain relief. Most American doctors are behind the curve on that one.

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My insurance does not pay for my suboxone either. I had to get my doctor to call my insurance and tell them i had to have it and got it approves. Its called a P.A. meaning your insurance probably requires a (Prior Authorization).Its simply and takes 24-48 hour for the process. Depending on how long it take your doctor to call the insurance.

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I totally agree with you

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I spent five years seeimg pain management doctors who gave me all the heavy opiates which did nothing for my severe back pain. I ended up losing my job, wife, etc and was unable to basically leave my house.

Two years ago I found a new pain mgmt doctor who told me about suboxone. I went through three horrible days of detox and then started on suboxone.

I went from wanting to end my life to being able to go back to work and looking to the future for the first time in five years. Wish I could have found this years ago and I would still be married.

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Aflec will pick up anything ( most anything) not covered or covered fully by insurance...check out there different policies. And one door leadsto anther until you find insurnace that will cover. Disabled people can get it for pain. And as you mentioned,the discount card for 50 and that each month....scripts are usally filled for a months supplies in most cases..$50 is better than nothing.....hope some of this helps and know you are not alone in all the angst of having to cough up that kind of money each month,( and pray you did do something stupic like take more tha prescribed ) to pay for this. That kind anxiety is just pure hell to a chronic pain sufferer.when worries arise...Pain can be all consuming, and suck the life out of you....and having to deal with that and Money for script is pain mean. Nothing not a thing feels "good and happy" in tst type of environment. Good luck.

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Swim has been feeling TERRIBLE he just had 8mg film, says it works great, fixed busted foot pain for now too, doesn't know anything about max dose, but the doc posted above somewhere, reckons it can't kill ya?

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Methadone is very addictive and hard to get off don't take it for my experience of 10 years I highly recommend SUBUTEX you be safe and free of addiction good luck.

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You are very wrong I have a friend that gets it off the street for his back pain and it works great for him

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Totally With you Michael 😉
I have been Clean & Sober with the Help Frim Suboxone for "6" Years!!!
No such thing as having "Too Much Saliva"!! LoL
Just had to LoL on that one. If Anything,, the more Wet your Mouth is ...... The better it Disolves.
Take Care ~Dee

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