Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 24)
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What is the maximum dose of suboxone or subutex when you have severe pain?

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It's nice to see honesty. That's my situation also. I just asked to be put on Subutex (cheaper) I'm even having a problem with that. wanting more then one. So i gave my friend them to make sure i only take one a day. I was on 200mg morphine sulfate, and 16mg dilaidid. One a day is fine, as long as it's not in front of me.

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I don't mean to be an ass, but I'm going to have to call this post for being out of line. There undoubtedly exists with nearly any human and any medication a level of placebo-mediated analgesia and just their own confidence in their physician psychologically alters their perception of affliction (or perhaps, even more specifically, many unpleasant symptoms are vanquished through the opioid-like effects caused by endorphin in response to placebo), however, there exists DEFINITIVE evidence of long term efficacy when using buprenorphine strictly for pain. Perhaps it isn't the most "optimal" opioid because of it's partial agonism, but in contrast, there's a great magnitude of positive effects that occur as a result of this partial agonism, including diminished development of tolerance and the blocking effects it has on the positive effects of other opioids when they are used. Many chronic pain patients end up climbing the opioid ladder over a period of years and go from 10mg of hydrocodone 3 times a day and before they realize what's happened, they're struggling to find relief from their 100mcg/hr fentanyl patch by the end of it all. They also often develop hyperalgesia but buprenorphine's k-receptor antagonizing effects prevent it's development so there's yet another plus. To say that a doctor using buprenorphine for pain is ludicrous is fallacious. Buprenorphine (if not used at higher antagonizing doses) has an analgesic potency around 40 times the relative potency of morphine. Would you say that morphine or any drug more powerful than morphine through the u-receptor mechanism is a non-ideal drug to administer for pain?? Even disregarding the medical literature demonstrating buprenorphine's efficacy as an analgesic, there are heaps of anecdotal evidence indicating widespread success of the use of the drug for pain. Finally medicine is catching on with the release of the BuTrans patch a few years back, however buprenorphine was actually originally indicated for pain in the '80's in the form of IV "Buprenex" so BuTrans isn't the first preparation of buprenorphine indicated for pain, but it's been the only preparation since the 80's and about the only one in current use for the treatment of pain on label. I'm actually on a 2mg daily regimen of Subutex for neuropathic leg pain/severe RLS and it's been a miracle. Although off-label, it's being prescribed specifically for pain without prior addiction and a low tolerance somewhere around 30mg hydrocodone daily. Like I said, I don't mean to be an ass, but buprenorphine has a DEFINITE place in the treatment of pain.

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Hey Jack, If you decide to try your subs again your gonna need to wait until your in wds from the last oxys you took. My sub dr. says 16-18 hrs. You don,t want to chance going into precipitated wds. Don,t fool around with this. My ex gf didn,t wait and got so sick she ended up in the ER.

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Thank you for the speedy reply. I ended up taking 32mg by the day's end-in different increments. Zero pain relief. I ended up getting a few oxy's and took one within 4 hours of my last sub. I was desperate to be able to move and take care of my daughter. I don't know if it was psychosomatic or what, but, my pain decreased enough to be able to get done what I needed to do. Felt like the subs took care of all the mental anguish I feel about needing and being dependent on oxy's, and that opened the door for the oxy's to work on the pain. I only can take one manufacturer of oxy, the rest do hardly anything. Maybe I have some weird physiology or metabolism. To be honest, it was the best I had felt in quite some time. Not a buzz, just tasks that I struggle to do, I did without grimacing in pain. I see another doctor today, maybe they can shed some light on my brain. Thank you so much again. It's good to know there is a safe place to talk to others who seem to genuinely care. Happy holidays! Jack

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Hey Jack, Google " ceiling effect of suboxone " its 32mgs or less as I recall. Thats 4 of the 8/2 strips or less. Once all the receptors in the brain are blocked taking more subs will not do anything. Don,t mix subs with alcohol or other meds unless under drs. orders. Subs are incredibly strong so you may not need much. My sub dr. once told me that when using subs for pain its best to take a smaller dose 2-3 times a day. He was talking 2mgs or less 2-3 times a day.

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Hi. I'm out of my oxy's and my dr. is on vacation. I will spare you the story, but, I'm taking suboxone. Can u tell me the max it is safe to take. I had my last oxy 12 hours before I took a sub. It hasn't helped my severe pain one bit. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Jack

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I'm on 3 8mg subutex a day for Chronic pain,Much cheaper than suboxone and as effective.

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U will like it. It can have things 1000x other pain meds do but i can honestly say from long time use i was so mean and very aggressive but do not have that now! And again i asked my doctors if i was correct with my past post & everything i stated they agreed. best of luck :-D

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I just started taking subutex 8mg 1/2 3 times a day and it really works great I never thought about even trying it but is great for me......I have been taking it since November 1,2013 so far so good..

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What do you mean..."Suboxone changes who you are"?

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Wrong! you bom't know what you are talking about. At low doses buprenorphine has analgesic properties 20x that of morphine.

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Omg! Some ppl need to check their info source. December will make 2yrs i have been on 16mg a day. I was an addict due to starting pain pills from multiple car & atv wrecks. Studies show that ur body does NOT become immune to subutex like other drugs, so it does continue to work over time. If u dont have a past history with other pain medicine a couple mgs a day will kill pain if u do have a history with them the dose needs to be higher. :-) also mild nausea is normal when starting medicine

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I have has 28 surgeries due to a softball abscess that formed inside my rectum an when the dr went to take it out the surgercal interment touched it an it busted an in beded in my rectum tissue an went septet twice before they put drains has big as my lil fingure at one time come out my rectum to try an drain the infection an 10 surgerys went by an still in chronic pain due to all of this the surgeon sent me to a pain clinic at the time I didn't know what they were the first time I walked out with 150 /80 mgs of oxy 80 's an 120 roxy 30's morhine suckers 30 of them an 120 somas !!!! An I didn't know what any of these pain pills were til later !! I go on to have a colostomy bag for a yr an the rest of the story from here I am addicted to all of these pain pills now an rehab don't work !!! An I have chronic pain but I don't want to have to take these drugs the rest of my life an I need to know do they or can they use suboxone to treat the chronic pain an will it help me to not have to take all these other opites

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NOT TRUE Suboxone and Subutex both have buprenorphine hydrochloride and DO reduce pain. Do your own research and consult with a doctor. I'm currently prescribed subutex for chronic pain and it helps and also keeps me from abusing drugs that I can't control.

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I'm taking 8mg 3x a day and feel no pain and no other problems. Taking it for years now and started like you diid to get off prescription pain killers that could be abused.

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Unless you have a PHD or you're a licensed pharmacist do not give INACCURATE advice about the uses of ANY medication.

There are countless medications that are prescribed for many other uses other then their intentional ones.

Suboxone is one of them. Just methadone, suboxone can be and is used to treat pain. It is considered safer in fact then opiate painkillers, how true that fact is, is very arguable. However the FACT still stands that many pain management centers actually prefer the use of suboxone and methadone to traditional painkillers.

Everyone is different and not every medication is the answer for each individual patient.

Ask your doctors these questions people, not random know it alls on the internet. ..

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I have the SAME problems that you do with Soboxone. Constipation and loss of appetite. That's why I am tapering off. I also have CHRONIC back pain. I am taking advil only. I work and it is very difficult. I have to hurry and get ready for work but I would really like to talk to you more. {edited for privacy}

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incorrect, buperenorphine has been used for decades as an opiode anelgesic, it is used like most other strong opiodes when it becomes the most appropriate for the patient(usually terminal...It is 20-40 times stronger than morphine and has a very long half-life....Only in the last decade it has replaced methodone as the most effective H replacment , dosis is coplicated,, if you have used opiodes before or are coming off H or any other opioid 32mg will not effect you, however if you are opioid naive then 200 micrograms will feel like a shot of dycytlemorphine

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I would fight for the suboxon its great for back pain and it works right away made me feel like a new person i have had bad lower back pain for thirteen years and i took a half of an eight mg. of suboxon and its wonderful im not going to stop it works better then vic. And all the rest, fight for it or go find another doctor..

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I am disabled from my back and I am taking SUBUTEX and my life have change thank's to this miracle pill, after getting addicted to Oxycontin that almost kill me I started a nonprofit Organization for Opiates addiction at the same time I have study the pro and cons and Subutex is the answer, 16 mg READY TO GO! FIRED UP.

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