Klonopin And Suboxone (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was recently prescribed suboxone and klonopin. So I was wondering if anyone out there has taken this combo and what thier feelings are on the subject?
You are 100% incorrect with your statement. You don't get sick that way, it's the other way around. (taking sub while opiate still in system)
FYI:This is to give a simple fact/ experience, based reply to the person who says, "your doctor won't prescribed anything that will hurt you." That may be true of sober doctors, who always pay attention 2 details/ competent doctors but I've been a pharmacist, for over 25 years. The past 12 years, I'm a supervisor of other licensed pharmacists. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW. Ask ANY Competent pharmacist, and they will tell you that the Most important part of our jobs is triple checking prescriptions, Especially new 1s, to make sure that LICENSED M.D.s, etc. are Not writing prescriptions without diligently Checking the patient's prescription history. Every week, a minimum of a half dozen times, we see Red flags caused by very busy, often incompetent or stoned Doctors. who , without checking or thinking(often both) as he/she writes a prescription for a patient Without checking the patient's most updated information. *My primary care physician of over 21 years, agreed & admits it's an epidemic problem, that frequently causes a high risk of disaster. 1 of the most common examples, are people with a background of serious heart trouble. . Then some inattentive Dr. writes them, without thinking, a high dose of Viagra or more powerful E-D medications. That combined with their complete medical history, likely will give them a stroke or heart attack. *When this type of situation happens, we call the Dr. to inform them & most of the time they immediately Adjust the prescription. * MOST (not all) of us are raised to respect & Not question doctors, lawyers or cops. I was raised by a R.N. & a dentist/ oral surgeon, and they warned me. I found out in my school of pharmacy @ a well known east coast University, how right my parents were.* Google/ search for the number of deaths caused by Dr. prescribed medIcines. What I just described Or the money in "out of court" settlements that Dr.'s insurance companies pay out every year for Flat out negligence/ incompetence. THE ISSUE HERE IS WHEN CHOOSING A DOCTOR OR PHARMACY, TAKE A LITTLE TIME & RESEARCH A DOCTOR, LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES. * The Good news is there are Great doctors readily taking new patients. *My personal primary care doctor(who for over 20 years has been the head of the cardiology department) will freely admit that the number of incompetent and/ or drug addicted physicians, is flat out Scary! That's why "Malpractice insurance" is so incredibly expensive! * Do your research. Do not "Choose" the 1st Dr. who will take your insurance. Every state has a medical/ dental Free service, that will give you the background & past actions for & against doctors. ( State Bar Associations have the same public records for licensed lawyers.) * A small amount of internet research could save your life or a loved one's life. BE YOUR OWN PERSONAL "Watchdog". God Bless
This is complete bull... 2 different psychiatrists have had me on subutex and klonopin and then suboxone and klonopin. I have extreme panic disorder and I'm also an ex opioid addict and have been on both meds for over 9yrs so I dunno what scare tactics have been used on you guys but you will not (I repeat will absolutely not) drop dead from being on a benzo while on sub, they just don't like to rx the 2 together because it makes sub feel more like opioids, and to the guy who was throwing up, that was sub not klonopin.
Listen i was on painkillers for ten years, and suboxen for five.the suboxen works great but when i was prescribed benzos i almost died.When i read the suboxen paperwork it says rite on there dont mix the two or it can kill you,
dude it feels pretty f***in good i take 3 of the 8mg suboxone a day and 4 1 mg klonopin a day too and it will have me nodding out a little
Hey, this post is in response to the one made by WORRY. I don't know who your doctor is and i don't want to put them down when you feel they have been helping you, but what they are perscribing you CAN EASILY KILL YOU man! THE ONLY drugs you are not supposed to take with Suboxone are benzodiazepams (your Klonopin) and anti-depressants! And they have you taking a death cocktail, mixing all three at once! Dude I know people who take Suboxone and Klonopin but thats as far as I would take it, throwing in that anti-depressant might be the extra touch that will lead you to respiratory failure while you're asleep and die. I am happy for you that you are clean now and that is most important, but with the cocktail you're taking you might as well just get on Methadone or go back to taking Oxy or whatver your poison was, at least then you will only be on ONE drug. Its just VERY dangerous man, be careful. And if you dont believe me read the manual AND their official website www.suboxone.com - And believe it or not sometimes doctors really dont care about your health, only that they get their money and that you are happy with your perscriptions so you will come back. I had a doctor give me a methadone perscription just because I told him I needed it, no monitoring or anything. He asked me how much i wanted and i told him start me at 70mg, and he wrote it no problem no questions asked. Next month, how is the dose? Ah, doc it's not working i need a stronger dose, within four months I got up to 120mg a day, almost 400 pills a month and I was abusing the s*** out of them! He was a crooked doctor whowas awesome if you are just doctor shopping, but he had complete disregard for my actual wellbeing, he just gave me what I wanted instead and it took my family intervening in order for me to realize how far gone I was. Just be careful I would hate for something to happen to you because of a doctors irresponsibilty. Good luck with everything and may God be with you.
The lowdown is that Suboxen has naloxen in it which is an opiate antagonist,i.e.what they give U an injection of when u O.D. from Opiates,synthetic and organic like heroin and morphine and that's why u get sick if u are on Suboxen and try to take any thing like darvon ,Oxecontin,methadone,Vicoden,Percodan,etc...
I just lost my son on June 5th 2010 to a combination of suboxone and xanax. We do not know the amount that was taken yet but it should not be taken in combination in any amount Im sure!. I know my son didnt want to die but he did not realize that combo is deadly. He fell asleep and his respiratory system shut down. He was only 19. I pray people quit taking these kinds of drugs. Xanax is becoming a widespread drug epidemic among many young people not to mention many other prescription meds. My son took Klonopin(similar to xanax) for an anxiety disorder but had also been trying to avoid vicoden due to a bad injury a few years back. We are still in shock that this active healthy young man was taken away so quickly and it was somthing he never wouldve wanted to happen to himself. Please DO NOT take these kinds of meds together or you may never wake up! My only consolation is that my son is with God and has no more worries or anxieties, we just have to deal with the pain of missing him so much. Please dont do this to you parents out there!
i was on colonapin 1mg twice daily 3suoxone 3 times daily i had them take me off colonapin now i feel like im going to die my anxiety is so bad i had gotten into some trouble i am on probation the judge did allow me to stay on suboxone cause it is a very helpful drug if used right but my probation officer wants me off all of it and put me in a 28 day treatment program i dnt have the$ im steal with drawing bad from clonipon will treatment work has any1 been in my shoes tell me when i get out if i will need to still go back to suboxone1!!!! i was already on them before i got in trouble.. now where ppl abuse it and sale it and so on its give it a bad reputation in my book and my po checks in to everything ut honestly with my history i really need the clonioons and the suboxone has kept me clean did i fall off the wagon yes one time but that is exspected in most cases im doing great other than not having my conipon
its very debatable. some doctors will knowingly prescribe you both; where other doctors will kick you out of the program if you test dirty for any benzos. Personally i have had it together and it works fine for me. It also depends on how many milligrams of each med you are taking and how long you have been on either one. If you are new to suboxone and do not have a high tolerance to any benzo than it is not a good idea to mix then
I agree. People assume if you are addicted to heroin or pain meds and need to take suboxone to control it that you are just an addict whose looking for a way to get high so they hesitate to give both. I was clean from heroin for may years but suffer from terrible anxiety but because my dr knew i had a drug history he would not treat the problems that were in fact causing me to use in the first place! If I was given the correct medication i was recommended to get by my psychologist I would be fine now and i would not have resorted to "self medicate" and would not even be on suboxone in the first place.
Do what ur doc says.. look if ur taking. Too many beans n wanna stop. Take Subox ... dont mix unless someone says. If not I have mix before... and was on a very lope doaeshort term for subs...
you won't get anything off the opiates because subs have naltraxone in them which is narcan its kind of a waist
yes i have personal expierence with this combo i have benzo tolerance but opiates work good on me suboxone is sublingual under tonge long as possible it will make you itch nod vomit ocasionally speedy sorrta high to ive noted a difference then dones percs oxy Highly recomend you take adderal with it Klonopin is high potency be extra carful this isnt a good mix ive been at the hospital if you have low benzo or opiate tolerance i would take some dextro addral ritalin with the suboxone insulfating is a decent route but sublingual is the pills best
You are incorrect
I would deffinitly re-think that and also bring it up to your doctor that every article out there about using those to drugs together advises not to. It can really play havoc with your brain. I have been taking Suboxone for a year and I was prescribed clonazepam by my psychiatrist. I tell my medical doctor about all prescriptions that I am given because it is very important that he knowes. He told me that I deffinitly do not want to be taking the two together. I am not putting you down, I just really would advise to get another opinon about that.
Woawoawoa! I don't know if OP is still reading replies, but dude, you're playing a dangerous game for two reasons.
a) Klonopin, as a benzo(diazepine) depresses respiratory fxn. (breathing). Subs, as an opiod, do the same. You are taking two drugs that can cause you to stop or have great trouble breathing. That is a dangerous cocktail. As another poster said, read the literature! I was just prescribed 2x8mg suboxone p.d. (I'm a heroin addict, and just recently can I say "recovering." Very recently, don't get preachy on me :D ) and in the booklet that came with the films (which I hate, ps. I was in detox and they gave me the pills. Now a dr. is giving me the films and I think they are nasty as hell) it specifies DO NOT TAKE BENZODIAZEPINES *XANAX, KLONOPIN, ETC.* WHILE TAKING THIS MEDICATION. They mean it, and say it for a reason!
b)Although I've heard of people using them recreationally (which seems absolutely dumb to me, like people taking methadone...you're not going to get very high off something designed to help users stop using. My gf tried a sub strip, and she compared it to taking 3 or 4 vicodin, which to me is like taking an Altoid...anyway), I assume you're using the suboxone as part of an opiate addiction recovery process. Now, that tells you that you have an addictive personality/a predisposition to drug addiction. Well, Klonopin is addictive, too! I watched someone in Detox withdraw from them and have a Grand Mal seizure, because she hadn't been honest upon intake and told them she was a benzo user...Benzo w/d can cause serious problem, delirium tremens (look it up if you don't know) like alcohol, and massive seizures. Aaaaanndd it's addictive as hell. I would ask your doc if perhaps there is a non- or less - addictive alternative to the Klonnies (trust me - I love them too, but they are not worth the price you pay in the long run!!!). That is, unless you're getting them off the street, in which case, be wise and don't - at best, you're setting yourself up for some very negative side effects, and at worse, you're digging a grave that it won't take you very long to stumble into.
Please be careful.
I had a friend die 5 days ago on Nov. 15th 2011 from taking klonopin andd suboxone at the same time. IT IS LETHAL. His autopsy revealed that he had mixed the two and that was the cause of death because his respiratory system failed. He went to sleep and never woke up. I do NOT advise anyone to take these two meds at the same time. Whoever does do it, is just a jackass.
only if you overmedicate. I take pain meds and xanax with no problems. Just take less benzo at first to see how you are doing, then up the dose if needed with doctor permission. That can cause death, but if not if taken exactally as prescribed you should have no problems.
Very sad to learn this. Please accept my condolences.I presume the Doctor has advised not to take combination.There are many medicines which have lethal interactions and are best avoided. Some medicines also have interaction with food , milk and other seemingly simple substances.Suggest write it in front of you on a white Board.----.
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