Klonopin And Suboxone (Page 5)
UpdatedI was recently prescribed suboxone and klonopin. So I was wondering if anyone out there has taken this combo and what thier feelings are on the subject?
Dude I prescribed the same exact two things it won't kill if ur not a dumdass if a dr says its ok its cool man I've been on it for years and no problems bro
There are millions of people on this same two things yeh sometimes people die for one they were I responsible and od or some freak incident just cuz ur son died doesn't mean the millions taking it are just gonna drop dead no offense sry for ur loss but TWO DRUGS U DO NOT EVER MIX IS METHADONE AND XANAX I lost my best friend to it and I was dead for 8min according to the dr but I wouldn't know just dont ever do it please I've personally known 11 people die from that same mix
Xanax r the easiest and hardest pill to start and stop. Taper off. Bad to say longterm use can take up to a yr to wean off of. Ive been on for 10 yrs but my mind isnt or nvr has gotten " hooked"" on them. Idk y. If i got them i do but if i don't thts fine. Just lil hard to sleep. It all depends on how much ur brain craves pills of any kind. Had a rough time coming offa lortabs,but xanaxs nope. Just depends on the person. All u can do is gradually cut dwn week by week,day by day
I have a severe panic disorder that I had prior to my opiate addiction. I was prescribed suboxone on top of my klonazapan. Now while some of you may have had bad interactions I have never had a issue. As far as mixing the two yes there are risks but there are serious risks when you mix any meds I don't care what they are so to say do not mix them is crazy. I have tried not taking my klonazapan and just suboxone and let me say once my panic attacks kicked in there was no way I can be off the klonazapan. Also let it be known mixing the two you say can cause death well so can panic and anxiety attacks. So to be given the ultimatum one or the other no way some of us need both we know the risk and not everyone. Has bad experiences with the two 1 year I have been on both and not a single problem so its not a certainty and its a interaction based on the person just as with any mix of meds all can have deadly side effects so whatever.
I've been on Subutex (Buprenorphine only) for approx 4 years now, & all during that time my Addictionologist has also prescribed me 2mg Clonazapam for GAD and severe anxiety. I'm currently at 4mg Subutex and continue a long slow taper. I have suffered zero side effects from the two medications but every time he writes the scripts he reminds me that taking too much of a Benzo can have negative side effects when taken with Bupe. Too much Benzo intake, coupled with Bupe, may result in respiratory problems. There are many doctors who won't prescribe the two meds together- but I trust my doctor as he is both Psychiatrist and Addictionologist and has been practicing for a long time. He will not prescribe me any more than 2mg of Clonazapam and if I need further help with my anxiety he'll prescribe me the lowest possible dose of Clonidine (,1mg)- a blood pressure med- that does indeed help with anxiety. Point being, & my doc is strictly by the book, that if taken in low doses and responsibly, there's nothing wrong with taking Subutex/Suboxone with a low dose of Clonazapam. Hope this helps somewhat.
Dear Josh, I've been on suboxone and klonopin 5 almost 8 years now and it works GREAT! I'm on 3 (8mg) of suboxone and 3mg of klonopin a day. Never had any problems. Feel fine. So, don't worry or wonder.
I'll confidently debate anyone on the subject of mixing Sub with Klonopin & & even defend it more. I have been on Buprenorphine (Subutex), Klonopin, & Celexa for nearly 6 years now- all prescribed to me by the same doctor who happens to actually be a psychiatrist AND addictionologist. I started at 8mg Bupe- now down to 4mg, & my Klonopin dosage hasn't changed during this entire tenure- 2mgs . The Celexa (antidepressant) is at 40mgs & also unchanged since the getgo. I love my doctor- he is extremely educated, current with the ever-changing policies of the medical boards, & not afraid to speak his mind and give his opinion when I need assistance. Now, no matter the fact that I've been on Klonopin for 6 years at THE SAME, NEVER-CHANGING DOSE- he still advises me every visit of the cautions of taking Benzos with Sub- the heat comes from the medical boards. He has to document that he's advised me of the potential risks involved in mixing the two. However, he personally believes & yes he's in the minority of doctors, that as long as the meds are taken responsibly and as directed it is perfectly safe to combine the two. I'm pure evidence of that- I've never, in all this time, have had a problem. The warning labels, the worry, all stem from the manufacturers and them covering their own butts. Liability, etc- its no different an agenda than any corporation covering their tails. The fact is there have been very few reported deaths caused by mixing the two. And for those who have died, my heartfelt condolences go out to their families. However, it's more than likely that those unfortunate people who died probably mixed the drugs to unsafe dosages. One will not die from taking Suboxone and Klonopin in reasonable, prescribed doses. If a person choses to drink alcohol on top of these meds well you're certainly putting yourself at greater risk. I'm not trying to be insensitive to those who have lost loved ones, & I'm not a medical doctor- but I am healthy, living proof that taken within moderation, Subs and Benzos- specifically Klonopin for this thread- poses no immediate or forthcoming threat to ones health. If you feel the need to be on both and just can't get through to your physician, then it's up to you to perhaps seek out another doctor. But don't quit your current program and doctor until you've found a replacement. The doctors you're looking for ARE out there. I'm personally located in the east valley of Phoenix, AZ and would be happy to refer my doctor to anyone in this area who might be dealing with this frustrating circumstance. That's all for now, but I'd be happy to respond and pursue dialogue with anyone whether you agree or disagree with the statements I've made in this post. Take care all :-)
Hi Josh ! I know this is an older text, but, I came across it. I'm on 24mg of suboxone a day, and, I'm also on klonopin. I've had NO problems. They work GREAT together. The suboxone takes care of me physically, and, the Klonopin helps with my anxiety and panic attacks. Since it's been awhile, r u still on them ?
I would be very greatful for the doctor in the east valley in Phoenix who will prescribe suboxone and clonopin.....would you please forward the number to me?? {edited for privacy}.
If you're a medical professional, as you say you are, your grammar and spelling should be far superior to what they are. I mean, you people spend YEARS in school; learning how to type and spell shouldn't be an issue after 10 years of college education, or am I missing something? Perhaps that's a petty issue, but I wouldn't feel entirely comfortable taking advice from someone who can't even spell the name of the medication they're allegedly "prescribing". People, beware of those online who pose as doctors. I doubt most doctors would be willing to even join in on such a discussion board. I'm not even sure it's LEGAL for a doctor to hand out medical advice outside of the context of a hospital or medical setting. If you are indeed an MD, my apologies, but it looks a bit shady to me.
The doctor's name is Dr. Michael Mahl, M.D.. General Psychiatry & Certified Addiction Specialist. The office number is 480-732-1900. They open at 0930 during the week, & have a voicemail system that they check every morning when they arrive. The office is located at 312 N. Alma School Rd, Suite 17, Chandler, AZ 85224.
It's important to me to tell you that when I first sought him out I was ALREADY on Klonopin. So, my situation might be a little different than yours. If you're already on it then I'm darn near 100% sure he'll keep you on it. If you're not presently on it, or don't have a prior legitimate rx for it- or even an old rx bottle- then just be prepared to plead your case. Anything you can do to present your case will be helpful. He hates the rules and restrictions & generally the entire Medical Board, but he does have to appease them. But I know I'm not his only patient on a Benzo.
Hope this helps- good luck. Email me if u want {edited for privacy} anytime.
Another suggestion: go to NAABT.org and their patient-doctor locator. You can summarize your dilemma & once u submit the info it goes out to all the area doctors who are subscribed to the patient assistance program.
U will receive emails back from physicians & then the rest is up to you and the responding physicians.
It's a good way to get your plight out there and for doctors to respond.
It works- I've used it myself many times in the past. And about a week ago I checked up on it and it's still working like a charm. It really is a useful tool. You may want to check it out. You can narrow ur search a bit if u google NAABT patient assistance program.
Good luck!
I have been on clonaz for 6 years two 2mg clonazepam twice a day 8 mg all up for chronic panic attack and chronic nervous disorder plus I load up on 24 mg buprenorphine per day and I take mirtazapine at nite for anti d. And I've never felt better I HAVE NEVER presented to my chemist drowsy or intoxicated EVER I am 5'9 and 65kg so I supposed I must b tolerance building but 4 yrss later I still feel FANTASTIC EVERY time I medicate so I think its VERY MUCH person to person exp but mine worx for me
I am on exact same dosage and I agree it works wonders but
want to caution you that you should consider a very slow taper program.
These drugs are very addictive and you don't want to spend your life
Worrying if your doctor moves or you lose them etc. The way I'm working
It is cutting subx from 16 to 12 mg daily for 3 months and moving from 3 mg to
2 1/2 mg daily for clonopine for a month and reducing .5 mg each month. My experience is that you will feel the difference but better than if you had to withdraw
cold turkey. Good luck and GB
Ok I need some help here, I have a suboxone doctor who refuses to give me klonopin but she say I can get it from any other doctor, I did have a doctor prescribe it to me and the insurance flagged it. My question is with insurance how can you get past this?
You'll probably have to pay out of pocket for it. When I was on suboxone and had dental surgery they would not pay for my pain meds even though it was a valid prescription and my sub Dr was aware that I was going to he taking a narcotic pain killer for a few days. Just tell the pharmacy that you are paying cash and ask for the generic if it is too expensive.
Ok so I have a doctor apt next week and my sub doctor said I could get the klonopin, I was red flagged at Walgreens because a pain managment dr tried to give me klonopin for my leg hurting. You think walgreens will still give me the medicine if I pay out of pocket even tho I was red flagged through my insurance? Thanks for your help.
I don't see why not unless you're filling 2 prescriptions of the same meds from 2 different Drs. That will definitely send up the red flag and could cause you more problems than its worth. Did you fill the prescription of klonopin from your PM Dr? You can also just take the prescription to a different pharmacy and pay cash to avoid any confusion or hassle.
I've been on the same regimen for 4 years and have been fine- absolutely no problems whatsoever, and feel great.
Stick to your prescribed dosage, keep the lines of communication open between you and your physician, and I imagine you'll be just fine.
Present dosages: 8mgs Subutex (4 yrs), 2-4mgs Klonopin (4 yrs), and 80 mgs Fetzima (2 months).
Best wishes to you!
No the pain mgmt dr sent in script and they flagged it since I was on klonopin. I am seeing my regular pcp on Tuesday and will be asking him for klonopin since my sub dr said it was ok. I just don't know if pcp will give it to me because he knows I am on subs.
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