Klonopin And Suboxone (Page 4)
UpdatedI was recently prescribed suboxone and klonopin. So I was wondering if anyone out there has taken this combo and what thier feelings are on the subject?
You aren't supposed to take them at the same time. You need to separate them by time and a meal. Who would be stupid enough to take them at the same time?
You can take these drugs together, but, they can not be taken at the exact same time, so separated by a few hours time, or by a meal, etc.. (They can be taken together in small doses, separated by meals)
On Suboxones site, they urge patients not to mix them after an investigation of a nalaxone intravenous injection in France, and the only drug that the patient was on was Benzos. The patient died. There was a very large injection of nalaxone. Nalaxone is Narcan, which is injected into dope users by doctors and hospitals/paramedics, etc, to stop the human brain from accepting the opioid reception, telling the mind that the body does not have the drug in it, making the reaction not to happen. This has been effective in stopping overdoses that caused mind disfunction, in turn caused the patients to stop breathing. Well, if you mix opiates and benzos in large quantities, you can stop breathing as well. Too much opiates has thew same reaction. So, what happens is the benzo causes shallow breathing due to the relaxing tranquilizing effect. The opiate in Suboxone, which is very strong does this too. Mixing the two so they effect you in full force is dangerous. I took suboxone at 2:30 pm, I just dropped a 5mg valium at 9:00 pm. There is nothing wrong with me. This helps me sleep. I also do not need to take more than one 8mg suboxone strip... It helps me perfectly, minus the headache the nalaxone in it gives me. But, it does get me high. A different high, but it takes away the leg pains, and gives me a major blast of energy. Suboxone is not meant to take every day in place of the drugs. You are taking drugs while using it. The narcan in it does not block the effect enough because it is a really low dose. It wouldn't be safe for them to mix it 50/50, the breathing danger would start happening.
Anyway, my point is that you don't want to mix the effect, and anybody letting their doctor prescribe both to be used at the exact same time isn't too bright. It's downright stupid. It tells you right on Suboxone's site that you must not take benzodiazapenes concurrently, which means at the same time (mixing) Doctors don't check details like this all the time. My pharmacist warned me of it.. The valium I am prescribed is only to alleviate the anxiety when sleeping, after the sub wears off, and after I weaned off of the subs. They are not meant to be a replacement drug. Its an intervention drug that is only used for a week, or weeks.. Not months or years. If somebody uses it for years, they just simply do not wish to quit using, period. Start with a strip, if it helps, fine. Then 12 hours later, try one more.. The next day, 3/4 of a strip, 12 hours apart. (before the 1/2 of strip 2 x a day, I start using withdrawal ease) Then 1/2 2 x, then 1/4 twice. next day, 1/4. one time,. then off... (this is what I do with 8mg strips to get off of 30 mg roxies), I took 5-7 of them per day, and it works perfectly.. I used them for 2 years. I also used things to potentiate the blueberries, so it was like using more pills.
After I'm off of the subs, I use the valium for 3-4 days for nigh time anxiety, and start taking potassium, vitamin b6, and lots of water.
I already have done this a few times when I stopped getting scripts, or if it dried up and nothing was available.
When I quit, I also quit smoking, and start excersising, it helps the anxiety.. No anti anxiety meds needed if you got weed!
I took a 1/4 of a suboxonE AND LIKE 3 hrs eariler i have a .5 clonozapam will this hurt me.
I'm very skeptical of your qualifications:
A) you say I am a "medical doctor, PHD." Medical doctors are MDs. If you're not am MD you are not prescribing narcotics.
B) you misspelled Klonopin twice...and they weren't typos. You clearly put am "i" after the "k" intentionally which indicates you don't know how to spell it.
Your admonition not to dispense or prescribe medications unless you're a pharmacology doc is a joke. One can't prescribe anything unless he/she is a doctor. You wrote what you did to lend some credibility to your statement about what you've prescribed others. Sir (Madam), you are a fraud and are misrepresenting yourself. You are potentially killing people passing out medical advice and should consider the ramifications of playing doctor when you're not one. Maybe you come from a foreign country and have difficulty with English, but I doubt that's what's happening here. Even if that were the case you need to be licensed to dispense. For instance, a psychologist (Ph.D.) cannot prescribe medication. A psychiatrist (M.D.) can. It's a dangerous game you're playing.
By the way, my statement was to the person identifying himself as "Tom." I hadn't seen Ryan's response to "Tom" but three cheers to you. You're right on target about this guy...except, I think you give him too much credit, suggesting he has a doctorate of any sort.
Ryan, right on for pointing out this guy as a fraud. He's no doctor and he doesn't even play one on tv. I read so much bs on these sites. There are some well-intentioned people who are deeply fractured. Then there are more people who get off on playing doctor and that's very dangerous. And, finally, and sadly, there are even more people seeking advice (and I understand the need for validation and assurance) from people who really ought not be giving it. Many people extrapolate from their own very personal experience and then dole out advice as if their experience is universally applicable. These sites scare me to death because I think people are relying on them rather than doctors.
PEOPLE, IF YOU'RE BEING PRESCRIBED MEDICATION AND NOT JUST GETTING MEDS OFF THE STREET, ADDRESS THESE QUESTIONS TO THE PRESCRIBING PHYSICIAN!!! You're not picking out the best new tennis racquet that will heighten your tennis game. You're not choosing between Splenda and Equal and Sweet n Low. You're, hopefully, trying to make your life right. Share your stories. Continue supporting others who struggle with addictions. BUT FOR GOD SAKES STOP GIVING OUT ADVICE LIKE YOU'RE A DOCTOR AND STOP FOLLOWING ADVICE AS THOUGH IT WERE COMING FROM A DOCTOR. If you can get the pills you can get a doctor. If you don't have insurance go to a county hospital. Get help from trained professionals. I'm sorry to be mean, but just note the abundance of grammatical and typographical errors here and you'll know you're not dealing with professionals equipped with the knowledge to give such important, life-changing/saving/threatening advice. Again, many well-intentioned people are here but good intentions and good medicine are not the same thing.
This has all been pretty informative. And I'm glad to see that it isn't a bunch of people sitting around telling others the best ways to get high
i agree 100% man i was on subutex for opiate withdrawals and when i talked to the drs i didnt like how the suboxen/subutex was only prolonging the inevitable if you really wanna be clean then you jus hafta quit everything...period thas my opinion ..if youre addicted to something then no matter what program ur in eventually urgonna have to go thru some withdrawals i completely stopped the subutex and the opiates and tuffed it out to me that was the only way i seen out..it was hard and it hurt like hell and i to know a person who died from benzos/suboxone and dude is ABSOLUTLE right it states plainly in the pamphlers they give you to NOT mix those to drugs the guy i know that died was only 22 years old he was jus havin fun and wouldnt listen when everyone told him not to mix those two so please go readthat website i mean it cant hurt right...and any dr that prescribes that combo dont give a s*** about you its crazy ...it states plainly to NOT do that ...man i hate drs...:-) {addict}
nothing, You might get sick but thats pretty much it. No high tho if thats what your really wondering
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I was hoping you could help me, my boyfriend brutally attacked me and i was hopitalized. The police said he was taking his prescribed suboxone but he was also not prescribed but on klonopin and drinking that evening. I am trying to find out more about this information in combining theses together. My boyfriend was an amazing, loving man and then one night he just snapped and attacked me. It was like he wasn't himself and it was scary how he became so suddenly violent and aggressive. I just would like answers why he would be this way and completely be someone I've never seen before. please help me understand why this is a bad combination.
"If you are still worried, talk to your dr. about it. They wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you."
HAHAHA!!!! we have a comedian in the group!
I'm in chonic pain do to injuries, I need the pain pills and I did not take more than the doctor told me to take but I've taken lortabs 10 for over 5 years , the reason I'm on Suboxone cuz our doctors in my area don't want to write there patients a pain prescription any more do to the goverment laws they put in place ...so that left me no chose but to get on suboxan it suppose to help with pain but I don't think so , the government did nothing but make chonic patients feel like a drug addict and made drug pushers richer cuz now they put any price on pain pills , I heard as high as $30.00 a pill so who did the law help not me but sure has made drug dealers RICH
Look who cares if its spelled wrong. are we being graded by you,and who are you boring. DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD.
I just lost my son to a prescription from a doctor for suboxone sublingual tablets cLoNaXPan
and lorazepam the toxicology report showed he had too much suboxin
I have been taken Suboxone with a 1mg klonopin everyday for the past 2 ½ years I keep hearing reading...that its deadly!? Iam fine I do not abuse my meds do you feel that's a reason or is this crock about the mixture being deadly TRUE! ?!?!?! My doc wont give my klonopin back instead suggest seroquil? I aint phycotic dnt want the side effects! I need a substitute for benzo's pronto
what papers???
I'm also on sub and ready to get off. Just keep receiving your scripts from your doc and gradually taper down without ur doc knowing. Until u get Down to 1-2 mg and then .5 mg and til no more. But I'm gonna keep my scripts. Never know my insurance can cut off doc die anything. I'd like to have a fat stash of 100 8mg films for hard times
Okay, I just detoxed off of subutex 2 weeks ago, and I dont feel my precious klonopins anymore AT ALL. They dont do anything! I can take 20mg of klonopin and not feel a thing! What is wrong with my brain, someone please tell me that in time, my brain will settle and that the klonopin will work again. Im so frustrated!
does anyone no a doctor that is in philly that prescribes suboxone and klonopin i want a good doctor i definatly dont want to get back on methadone but im so sick. I hate this feeling i wish i never started this s***!
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