Ketamine For Depression? (Page 40)


It was recommended by the members of a separate thread that one be started that directly relates to ketamine and it's use to treat depression.

If anyone besides myself would like to discuss it's use as a treatment for depression, feel free to post your questions, answers and experiences here.

This thread is an offshoot of a related one that discussed a treatment of Scopolamine for depression.

904 Replies (46 Pages)

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You mean tricyclic antidepressents? I've been on nortriptyline in the past and it has helped.

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The last message was for NurseNancy69.

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Will do...finally fond a doc willng to try

Many thx for understanding the desperation in Mental ILLNESS

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......have tried nortriptyline and unfortunately-no work;0

but much thanks for suggestion and may help someone else b/o your suggestion

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GOD BLESS ROB...... understand. I am in the same boat and am desperate to heal-I even had ECT and I had promised to myself to never do b/o cognitive issues....but my depression has been so bad......I did even though probably unlikely to finish PhD

Ritalin has help me some..

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Alli.....don't you wish you could explain more easily how it feels

In Canada...right now ketamine can not be used with an MAOI

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FOR EVERYONE HERE...forgot to tell you IN CANADA we are doing a study called IMPACT

EXCITING STUFF....they are using a swab for DNA analysis. They feel they will be able to tell what will NOT work for you as well as generate your best possibilities and doses.....EXCITING!!!! MAY TAKE A While as it's now in the 4th year of a seven year study....SINCE I AM UNSURE OF OUTCOMES I'M STILL LOOKING TO HAVE KETAMINE.

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I am still searching for a study to join or dr. To prescribe would help my pain and psychiatrist said it has been causing psychosis.then they have to give benzodiazapines to bring them down.i think people on it are either mixing drugs or are predisposed for psychosis.i really do not think it is the proper use of the drug.

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There are many Doctors that do ketamine infusions. Have you searched on google or you in the US? I've had 6 infusions that have helped me tremendously!

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i have been suffering from major depression and p.t.s.d. as well as acute anxiety for many years.tried pretty much most of the anti depressents out there.i am still in darkness.i tried to get into a ketamine study from yale and hartford hospital to no avail.they claim i do not meet the criteria.i also had a lead on a dr. whom prescribes ketamine.she charges 3.000$ for 6 visits.noone has that kind of money.from what i hear ketamine is very effective on depression and pain.i really want to enjoy life.not be so dark and miserable for figures the one medicine that shows promise is hard to obtain.anyone have any replies to help me in hartford ct?

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We took part in the IMPACT study (me, my husband, and our two kids). We thought it would be useful, not only to us, but also to the research, if they had records for both parents and kids. You get a list which describes whether you are a fast, medium, or slow metabolizer for certain medications. It helps doctors understand appropriate dosages, and why certain medications may not produce typical effects.

Incidentally, on the advice of a depression meds specialist, I've switched to one of the older tricyclics. They wanted to know if ketamine worked for me (it did), but understood that my psychiatrist did not consider it a long-term solution (as I phrased it: "ketamine worked well on my depression, but caused severe anxiety in my psychiatrist') Many doctors ignore tricyclics, but they have a broader range of action, and comparatively good efficacy. They do take longer to kick in. They also put me on vyvanse, which acts on dopamine (reducing apathy, hopefully). I'm not sure how well it is working in terms of depression (I'm in rTMS therapy), but my mood seems good and my anxiety is so well controlled that I've started reducing the anxiolytics.

If you live in the Toronto area, I highly recommend taking part in the IMPACT study. People who have had trouble finding a depression treatment which works well and consistently are those who can help most, and who have the most to gain from the study. If you are in another area, find out about studies near you. Even if you do not find the treatment helps, you are assisting with research which is important.

Hang in there, guys..

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If you did the IMPACT study, you are presumably near Toronto. There is a mood meds clinic in Toronto Western Hospital (9th floor?), which will advise your psychiatrist or GP, giving them ideas for the next things to try. On the 7th floor is the rTMS clinic, which I am pretty sure is taking in people for studies. After 25 years of trying various antidepressants, one form of rTMS has proven consistently useful to me (the issue now is continuing access).

What you have posted of your experience sounds so familiar. It took me longer than usual to finish my PhD. I tried ECT once, when the depression was particularly bad and I had a toddler to take care of (wonderful results for depression, but can't remember the 2-3 months afterwards, even now). Ritalin also helped me some. Less than a month ago, the moods clinic led to me switching from 5mg ritalin in morning as needed, to low dose vyvanse regularly. As adjunctive therapy, it seems to help with cognitive symptoms, and when I can think and write, it really helps my mood. If you have not tried rTMS, I really suggest calling either Dr. Downar's clinic at Toronto Western, or CAMH on Queen Street, to get into a study.

Hang in there. We're all cheering for you.

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What was your first treatment like? My husband just had his today, he also has TRD and has been through everything. They were wonderful at the clinic and his infusion itself lasted about 45 min. I saw a difference but he says he feels no different and wants to quit. I don't buy it. I am sure it did something. Any advice you can give would be appreciated.

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Maybe take a look at the Beck depression index, and ask him specifically about symptoms? I found I was able to look people in the eyes without cringing after the first treatment (by the time I left the doctor's office), felt as if I had hope, and my mood was generally better. I felt taller, because the world did not feel as if it was pressing in on me, and I could cope with more stimuli in general. Take a look at changes today, and what he notices as different. I was treated with oral ketamine, which you take every few days. With that form, you may need to change the dosage to get more complete results, but after the first dose either the improvement is definitely there or it is not. If you read some of the posts here, it should give you an idea if the same is true for infusions, or if the beneficial effects come more gradually. Best wishes to you and your husband.

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I looked online for research studies. I contacted Yale, but after a week of waiting they called to say I don't meet their "criteria". I contacted Hartford I.o.l. Research unit. They called back and told me in a message that I didn't meet their criteria, but they gave me a lead. A doctor nearby who would prescribe treatment with Jermaine transfusion. The catch is it would cost me $3000 up front. No one has that kind of money. No insurance is accepted. So I'm stuck elevating my prozac and taking an add on at night. I really feel no relief. I'll humor them. Nothing else I can do.

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I have to say... Amazing! I am now going to give more details into just how amazing. My husband has been suffering from severe ptsd, and depression for almost 3 years following the death of his son. He was having night terrors and with lack of sleep, began self medicating with alcohol just to knock himself out. But he was functional. He recently, 3 months ago had a major trigger to his prior ptsd that sent him into a spiral that was unrecoverable. 4 recover centers later, 6 medications tried, 1drug reaction that caused a manic episode so severe he doesn't remember half of it, and now has another trauma to deal with on top of the ptsd. Now diagnosed with social anxiety on top of it because he's afraid to be in public. I had a husband that went from socialite to 0 in no time flat. He moved out of the house into a studio apt. He never left it except to go to appts. I brought him groceries and whatever else he needed. We were at the end of our rope, I was loosing him and fast. I found GA Ketamine clinic in Gainesville, GA. As you read, his first treatment was yesterday. He thought it didn't work. He woke up this morning feeling completely different. He could function. He smiled, he laughed, my God I can't remember the last time I saw him do that. We went out to dinner. He saw and played with his kids for the first time in weeks! I don't know what else to say but it works. His next treatment is Monday. GA Ketamine is awesome!

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Wonderful to hear it is working, wonderful for both of you. I get the impression that the infusion treatment has a smoother and longer lasting effect than oral capsules/liquid. I'd strongly suggest working on anything that you know helps reduce occurrence or severity of depression. Exercise, being around people, creative work, strong light, regular sleep pattern? Do what you can to make the most of treatment. I hope the treatments either stop depression from recurring, or last long enough that they are not needed too frequently. It was wonderful to read between the lines of your post, and realize how supportive you've been. Best wishes.

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Hi, Is the IMPACT study still accepting people? Do you have a contact name?

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You can find the info on the Impact study here:

It basically identifies certain meds which you may metabolize more quickly or slowly than average. The research is useful, and finding participants who have a longer history of antidepressants which either did not work, or were only partially effective, is probably very useful for the research.

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News story about depression and iv infusions:

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