I Have Caught Cvs And Other Pharmacies Lying About Not Having Oxycodone In Stock, Shortage 2012 (Page 6)


Well today I officially caught a cvs here in Ga lying to me. A friend of mine filled his Meds yesterday. I go in, having a history with cvs, a recent one, and am immediately lied to. The pharmacist comes over and tells me they haven't had them in stock for months, without looking at his book or computer. At this point I stated an employee I know the name of told me shipment came in Thursday. He lied again. I then told him friend had filled yesterday morning. He said it was impossible. I then said I saw the bottle with my own eyes, it had their address on it, and even told him what brand they had since my friend just filled his there. Pharmacist lied to me yet again. I then asked him why he wad lying to me and that I am tired of being treated like a criminal because I am 30 with a handicapped tag and a four page long mri report for my neck, mid, and lower back. I just found out I have central and foramina stenosis in my lower back, yea!! He then asked me if I had been having trouble filling. I said yes, it seems a lot of pharmacies are lying about not having it in stock. I said it is easy to tell on how they look at you, treat you, and if they check their logbook which is required for all schedule two Meds. I then gave him a chance to not lie and said "so you mean you filled the last of your stock yesterday." Since he lied to me again I decided it was time to call his district manger. The info I told him was correct but he decided to lie so its not my fault if he gets fired. U am going to let his district manager know the whole story, and let them know that if something is not done I will contact the news about discrimination against a legit pain patient for them not to get their Meds and have a normal life. They won't want bad press that is for sure, esp since I have a handicapped tag. I am in their system for filling the exact Meds I brought in, they have my discount card on file also, and my whole family uses their pharmacy so these ate the thongs I will tell district. Any other pharmacies who lie I will do the same thing to. So it seems the shortage going on here in Georgia and Florida are manipulated by the pharmacies and the distributors. Mckesson isn't shipping them out to rite aid, wal mart, sams, and Target. They are afraid of getting fined like a few years ago or getting in trouble like cardinal, cvs, walgreens, publix, and krogers distributor. Cardinal is still shipping from Mississippi and north Carolina, but not from Florida atm. The rest of the country is not having any problems, just Florida and Georgia. Since I have a lawsuit going against Allstate from my car accident(not my fault) and we are going after a doc who read someone else's mri to make his conclusion and type a bogus report to my insurance so they will not reimburse me anymore, we ate going after him for slander or defimation of character since he wrote I sell my Meds, maybe I can add cvs for pain and suffering and descrimination. This is absolutely rediculous these days. Sorry for the rant but people selling them ate making a killing these days and legit patients are going broke from price gouging or gas prices just so we can live a somewhat normal life. Makes no sense how out system works.

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Dr. Whocares, I don't have a problem filling my Ms Contin both ir & er once I made the switch.The only problem I've had is filling Oxycodone. I have a decent relationship with my pharmacist. The only thing I have questioned is weather or not he was truthful with me on two different occasions. I don't slur when I speak as I have to be competent when working around machinery & multi-million dollar yachts. Even though it is my day off, I have better things to do than fight with a key board, tough guy like yourself. (Play with my kids, visit friends & family etc.People like you troll sites like this looking to fight with someone. Why don't you take the extra time you have and become an mma fighter so everyone can see just how tough you really are ? Or in the case that you really are a doctor, volunteer you time helping people whom are less fortunate. Every time you write something, you show how Ignorant you truly are. Have a wonderful day & Buy yourself a life.

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The same exact thing is happening to me here in Houston and Galveston Texas. I have been on the medications for almost 5 years due to cancer, degenerative disc disease in my back, extreme Liver issues (Preventing me from taking acetaminophen derivative pain meds such as vicodin aka norco). Starting and stopping these meds nearly every month because of availability supposedly causes severe medical difficulties. I am NOT a junkie but I still go through withdrawal, my blood pressure is triple digit over triple digit, which would explain the severe headaches, not to mention having the initial pain that the medications are being taken for in the first place. I too am from the younger generation at just 40 years young. I have been disabled since I was 12 years old. I had 4 inches off my intestines removed, reconstructive surgery in my colon, as well as re opening a collapsed urethra (I can tell you as a man it hurt, I'll spare you the gruesome details but it goes along the lines of cutting a tip off of a hot dog and then having the opening forced stretched 4-6 weeks after surgery, in which I broke my mother's nose and fractured a neighbors arm in the struggle that happened daily. I was only 12 when this started and obviously I didn't mean to injure my mother or the neighbor, but you can now imagine the pain.)
I have been told also that it is the distributors that are failing to deliver the medications to these pharmacies. I've tried everywhere from Kroger, Target, CVS, WALGREENS, Life Check, and many many others! And because it is a seriously controlled medication they cannot tell you if its available over the phone or not. This means that I had to drive to each and every individual store. I am on a very limited income and last month due to all the travels had to decide whether to eat or put fuel in my car.
After explaining my situation to a Sams wholesale pharmacist, he told me over the phone that if my doctor was a reputable doctor, and I had a legitimate prescription as well as a reason for the prescription that he had the medication available and would fill it so long as my information checked out. Obviously my information did check out and I received my medications without incident and when I asked would it bs simple next month to sell them and could I come there every month and that the medications were always on hand I was told YES on all the accounts. So apparently they weren't having the issues that every other pharmacy was. They wonder why people resort to illegal drugs or even worse suicide well just take a look at this scenario. We've become a nation of JUDGES! I'm struggling with depression as well and can't tell you the other crap that I have to deal with on a daily basis because it would take all day and it would blow your mind. I really need to write a book about what's going on with me but in all honesty I hate to write and I'm not that great at it. So if anyone out there would be interested in writing my story I would definitely split everything 50/50. And to prove that I have a interesting story, look up on Google, "14 YEAR OLD AIDS EXPOSED BOY OF PENSACOLA" back in the late 80's. Keep in mind that the media severely slandered me to make it look like I was a demon. They wanted me locked up because of my disease. I was really close to Santa Rosa County Florida who at one time was in the Guinness Book of World Record for having the most Baptist churches per square mile. Need I say anything more? I had people on the street mailing in letters to me, ADULTS, telling me I should commit suicide because I had a disease from God. What the news media didn't tell you was that I either received tainted blood by a rape or buy a blood transfusion due to the rape. Blood was not mandatory tested until March 1986, I receive the blood November of 85, but they didn't tell you all that. Instead they hoped that I would die soon. I am 40 years old now and I wish I had!!! Anyway if anyone wants to help me write there so much more ...

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This is in addition to the last post that I made... when I mentioned suicide it wasn't because of not having the medication it was because I needed a release or an escape from the pain. And I was using it as a reference and did not mean that I had contemplated it. And my story was the one about the 14 year old in Pensacola back in the late 80's. I wanted to clear this up and make sure that my story wasn't misconstrued or confused with that of the other guy who is made so many claims that are outrageous. I can attest to what I said about suicide but I can't attest to what someone else had posted or claims. I don't claim to be anything except for someone who has been severely troubled by various illnesses and diseases. And actually seeing how the doctor, the real doctor, who had replied to the claims of the quote on quote fake doctor, writes so beautifully, I would love to have him help me write a book about my life. I wasn't allowed to go to school because of my disease but I studied on my own and obtained my GED on the very first try. Considering everything I had been through and where I'm from that speaks volumes about my will to live.
Anyway, my grammar definitely is little to be desired for sure and you can see why I asked someone to go in and help me write a book. As I stated in my previous reply I would definitely split 50/50 from the total after all fees.
When I started this reply today this was not my intention. Somehow reading through everything that people said I just want to put my story out there.

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to everyone who may or may not agree. I have been suffering for 4 yrs now with no pain med help. I was jus thinking this is part of my job and to deal with it. (travel agent for mil/gov 15 yrs). I am married and have 2 girls 4 and 9. I finally went to my dr. who in return sent me to a Rheum. Horrible. Had Ultram, he kept upping it and I was so sick. He gave me gel, I tried it, kinda worked until my little girl grabbed my hand and then put her hand in her mouth it went numb. Well, that was the end of that. I live with, cronic body pain, tender points, aches, pains, im exhausted every sindgle day at 2pm ish. I was fired from my job Mar 1 2013. I did find another job and start AUG/SEP. I am currently seeing a PM doctor. 10mg ocycontin ad 7.5 oxycodone breakthrough among other things. One Dr. agrees FM and the other thinks its a joke. I now have Neur apt and another Rheum appt. And DAMN IT no one should ever HAVE to live in pain. Regardless of the eyes you may get when people some how know what you take. You take it to live a semi productive day. To be a mom, a daughter and a wife. With out that help. I would be no where. So, for all the people who just point fingers and say "PILL POPPER" stop and think for a minute what that person has or is still going through. Not fun. Believe me, if there was a shot I could get 1 x a month to stop all the pain, aches, anxiety, exhaustion, and nighttime sleeplessness I would be 1st in line.

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We are having the same problem here in California. I was in a bad car accident and have DDD degenerative disk desiese and im a ccp i sometimes drive all day trying to get a scrip for 90 30s and sometimes i can get 160 30s filled at the first stop
.?????? WTF??

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Zanaflex is a mild muscle relaxer that my Neurologist prescibed for sweating after an ENT cut my artery during what he called, "simple sinus surgery" killing of tissue due to lack of blood flow causing things in skull and neck to tear apart 10 days later allowing hot air flow through out my entire body.

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You are correct in part. Pharmacy's order and get limited amounts of Oxycodone and Oxycontin and do hold some for regular customers like myself who've been filling the same medications for years. How do you think it makes us feel when we try to fill it when they're out? The Pharmacist's know us personally and we know them by their first name after years of service. They've watched our physical struggles throughout the years and usually know everthing that going on with our health. In my case they know about the botched sinus surgery a dozen years ago that started everything, the IV antibiotics & heart catheter due to the hospital aqquired bacteria that I was infected with during the procedure and the IV IGG therapy because everything blew out my immune system. They've handled scripts to treat the long term undiagnosed lyme infection and a recent RMSF infection along with numerous medications to treat the damage caused by them. One lousy tick crawled under middle toe nail last year while wearing scandals going from house to car during a monthly Doctor visits was all it took to get Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Oral antibiotics haven't worked IV is the only choice but I can't drive to treatment daily and can't afford in home treatment deductibles. Jack, Paula and Kelly at my local Dawsonville Kroger know the entire family since I'm usually too unwell to pickup my precriptions and too worn out after a Doctor's appointment to wait around for 1/2 hour or more for them to fill it. They would bump me ahead of others to keep me from waiting but I would never ask them to. They almost always make a point to chat with me when I actually do make it into the store due to the rareness of it. My Pharmacist know that I'm going to bring the same prescriptions in on a monthly basis, unless something new comes out and that I'm depending on them to have the medication to fill it. I use the same Kroger to fill 95% of all my scripts throughout the year so it's understandable that they'd order and hold a certain amount every month to fill my prescriptions. It would be poor business practices if they didn't which would make me take myn business else where. The Rite Aid Pharmacist has tried to get my business since they opened but I love Jack too much to change. Jack should be retired and enjoying himself at his age with his health issues but he cares about his customers too much to retire! Jack fights like a demon to make sure that our prescriptions get filled and covered by insurance when he knows his customer personally. Paula and Kelly are trying to follow in his footsteps but his shoes are just too large to fill.
I do agree with you when it comes to CVS on numerous issues.

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U r wrong. There r problems in ky. Wholesales only sale you so much and if u go over the amt. u are flagged and dea is notified and therefor store must do eni meni mino mo. Lets see who we can fill for today or who should we not fill for. After all we can't fill for everyone. Right?? Or we the pharmacy will b in trouble. Something needs to b done

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well melissa, I have had an illness for 30 years, its called scleroderma. Ever heard of it? This is what it does to you. It hardens all your internal organs and your skin, to where it literally mummifies you and you cant move, cant blink, your eyes stay open, you cant eat, etc etc etc. Does that sound like something that I should just detox from. Perhaps the day will come when you are stricken with a horrible disease that you didn't ask for , and then someone will say to you when you can't get your meds, hey just detox and live with it. Ignorant, indeed!!!!

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I live in ga as well as my mom and we both have issues. Well shes had several issues including one maybe a few discriminatory. The one rite aid did was she asked for her oxycodone ( type and quantity disclosed) she had been a customer for a while but suddenly giving her her meds would leave the next without any.
Im 23 i have several things affecting my whole lumbar area down to my tailbone and i get 98 oxycodone and i have issues every month finding a pharmacy with generic or name brand. It gets real annoying. There shouldnt be a short. But apothecary shoppes or hospital pharmacies should always have them.

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Here is the underlying issue - people who have not studied medicine and been bright enough to the get a M.D. have been given authority to override the doctor's educated treatment decision. And oh god yes it is political, and no, it's not ObamaCare. Oh no, it's the fundies who are behind this. To them, it's not a medical issue it's a 'moral' one. They think people who need pain meds, ADHD meds, etc. to get by in life are morally flawed and deserve their suffering. They are so completely devoid of compassion, and yet they say they follow Jesus! Give them the chance and they'll go back to the eskimo method of dealing with the infirm, you put them on a sled and push them out of the igloo and into the night. Let God take care of them. Or they go to the other extreme and make some poor person suffer for years with no relief and refuse to let them die with dignity, on their own terms. Ask them what you're supposed to do when they are denying you your medically proven and authorized treatment and they'll say something like 'Are you heavily involved in your church? Maybe someone there can take care of you.' I fear for the future of this nation. Having a black man as our President has brought the meanest, cruelest, most hateful people out into the light, because they couldn't stand to see a black man in the White House. They cloak themselves in name of the Lord, but they couldn't be further from His teachings. We better as a nation push them back under the rock they crawled out from, or we're headed the way of Germany circa the 1940s. You know, Melissa, people are being denied cancer medications too, and saying those are out of stock when they're not as well. Google it. Should they go detox at the ER too?

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Joe, you're so right. It's so easy for people to judge others for needing medication to lead a normal life, but they'll be the ones whining the loudest when they're the ones who need them. If you're fortunate enough to not need these meds, just remember: life can change in an instant, and tomorrow you could need them yourself just to get through the day. As for pharmacists, they all seem to have this mentality even though they aren't at all qualified to make the call. Healthcare is already pathetic in this country,and now we need a second visit with someone unqualified to decide whether we deserve the meds a real doctor just prescribed? The government is out of control and consists mainly of soulless idiots.

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the world today is full of u know what. they say there's a shortage but i believe most of them are being paid to lie. my dr said he cant fill my percocets because of the DA or whatever but he can prescribe me a different one that is the same. doesnt make since. he also asked me if i had problems finding the percs n i said no. its all about the money n who's going to pay more for the scripts. i hate im 400 lbs with flat feet, nueropathy in my hand,has been in several accidents,nearly beaten to death and choked out in front of my son in 2011,abused while pregnant, fell out a tree on my head, also been taking care of my mom with bone cancer by myself for 6 yrs,my son, my sister who's bi-polar, nephew who's autistic n 11 yr. old nephew who was given to my mom that she can't take care of. I also have to do all the cleaning,washing,cooking,driving with no help n thats just 1/3 of my other problems. Also i suffer from Depression . i also think that the C V S's are lying about their hydrocodone pills. they cant be pain pills im always still in alot of pain and i have to pay 100 dollars for something that looks and feel like a tylenol. i also think my medicaid Insurance company is scaming with them because i can only get my medicine from CVS n walmart. walmart dont even carry narcotics so you can only go to cvs for them. im tired of this dirty scaming world. Cant wait till God says its time to get rid of all these corrupt people

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Sweet p, I'm very sorry for all you're going through. And you're right, the system is corrupt and these drugstores are totally immoral for doing what they are. However, I assure you the drugstores aren't giving you fake hydrocodone. It's more likely that after taking much stronger pain meds, hydrocodone simply isn't strong enough and gives you little to no relief. I hope you can find a combination that really helps with your pain, and remember diet and supplements can work wonders as well. Seeing a nutritionist or doing some nutritional research yourself could be a big help. Good luck to you!

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Funny I was thinking the same!!! Lol

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Well said!! @ sick of it!! What else is a red flag lol

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U know what I hate about this forum? When I want to reply to someone's direct comment, it ends up out of order, and not directly linked to the persons comment you are replying to!!!! There is a place under each persons comment for you to either reply, report, share, or say if that persons message was helpful, or unhelpful........ But yet your response to that persons direct comment ends up in the order in which its posted, unless you responded to their comment right after they did!!! It's stupid, because then no one knows what the hell your talking about, because naturally it ends up underneath someone totally different's comment! Unless u use @ so and so....... In which case who ever else is reading this forum has to scroll up and down the forum to put sense to everyone's conversation!!!! This stuff has been coming to my email for well over a year now, due to my curiosity about how the rest of the world is dealing with these issues, so I googled it!!! Sometimes I ignore it in my email, sometimes I read it!!! Nothing had changed!!! People are supposed to be helping each other, and giving kindly advice but they are attacking each other, and judging each other!!!it doesn't matter what people are prescribed , they are still having a hard time at the pharmacys!!! My advice to the people who are still having a hard time....... Go to pharmacy, to pharmacy..... Asking for a one on one consultation with the pharmacist in charge! When u talk to the pharmacist ( only the pharmacist) ask if he or she will take a new pain management patient needing a reliable as possible pharmacist!! Be prepared to show 6 months documentation that says u have been a patient with your doctor, and 6 months history from a prior pharmacy!!! It IS NOT ABOUT THE PHARMACY itself people, it's about finding a pharmacist!!! Their are jerks, and nice ones in every pharmacy!!! You are not looking for a 100% awesome pharmacy, you are looking for a great pharmacist that believes in you, and is willing to try and help you!!! MY BEST ADVICE!!!:)

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I am having the same problem in Las Vegas. I had a major car accident well over 20 years ago. I never got prescribed any medications until 4 years ago because of my neck injuries. I have religiously gone to my Dr. every month to get the medication that is needed to get through the day, without it, im in a fetal position and basically immobile and cannot function a normal day. I have documented mri's etc. In Las Vegas Roxycodone is impossible to get thanks to the drug dealers that ruined it for legitimate patients like myself. Walgreens has a 72 hours " well let me decide if I wanna fill it or not policy" they would not fill my prescription and I felt totally discriminated against. I also brought my MRI results in to the pharmacy and the pharmacist didnt even look at it. They cannot and will not play god as long as I am alive. I am contacting there general manager, and our local news station. I am sure they don't want bad press, but to bad they brought it on themselves. I have tried every form of therapy to not take medication, but unfortunatley it just doesnt work. I am replying to you in distaste as your reply is one of ignorance and non-compassion. I never had any problems with my medications and it disgusts me with replies, like yours, as to what and how we can live our lives. It's obvious you have no idea what chronic, debilitating pain is. Let me break your back, put you in traction for a month, then 4 months of learning how to walk, talk, get dressed again and deal with the pain that I deal with on a daily basis. I am sure your reply would be different. Sincerly IN DISGUST

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That's the stupidest thing I've heard! The pain meds we(chronic pain patients) are given we are taking bcuz that particular one works for us...we don't just go to the doc and they prescribe OxyContin first try....I tried every other pain pill with side effects b4 I was offered or wanted to try OxyContin..and that is what works for me and I assume it works for the writer of this post as well...it's not so easy to just go and change your meds!

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@ pissedpharmacist: perhaps you should realize that YOU aren't a real doctor, which means you are unqualified to determine what drugs should be described to whom. You are 100% wrong in saying OxyContin is only for cancer patients. Any medical professional with half a brain can tell you there are many conditions that are as painful as cancer, and everyone's pain threshold is different. Seeing as you're not a medical doctor, everything you said is just a guess from a person unqualified to give medical advice (I'm in my first year of internship after med school, so I actually can say I know your limitations quite well). So do everyone a favor: when we write an rx, fill it and keep your judgemental opinions to yourself- let the real doctors do their job,and you do yours.

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