How To Get Off Suboxone Successfully - Step By Step (Page 3) (Top voted first)


If you are struggling with getting off Suboxone successfully, you may want to take the time to read this. I have read a ton of hype about Suboxone being impossible to get off. How the withdrawal symptoms carry on for days, even months. Below, I would like to encourage you and let you know that it can be done. I AM LIVING PROOF YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS FEAT!!! I have been free of Suboxone and all other drugs and alcohol for 3 months and I have never felt better in my life!!!


For months I read Suboxone blog sites in the effort to gather some element of hope that would encourage me to make the “jump” to get off my final 1/8 tab (1mg) of Suboxone. At the point I started reading these blog sites, I had come down from 2.5- 8 mg (total 20 mg) tablets of Suboxone. It was fairly easy to get down to 1/8 tab (1 mg). Don't get me wrong, I had moments of mood swings and depression that would fool me because of the way that the mood swings would creep up on me. I felt bipolar during the final ½ tablet to ¼ tablet and finally to 1/8th tablet before I “Jumped off”: The good news is that earlier dose decreases do not affect you as much as you would think. I went from 2.5 tablets to 2.0 tables per day in one week. I didn't even notice any withdrawal. Then, in just two weeks I had the courage to go down to 1.5 tablets per day…. Still, only slight mood swings. Then, I went down to 1 tablet per day a week later. Then 3 weeks later I went down to ½ tablet per day. Again, at this point only mild mood swings that I could deal with because I was expecting much worse. NOTE: I ALWAYS DIVIDED THE DOSES TO AM / PM DOSES.. IT HELPED.


Going from ½ to ¼ tablet per day it started to get a little tougher for the first week in terms of mood swings and a tricky onset of depression. Expect bipolar behavior. Tell your family and whoever is in your life if you can. Let them know that they can pray for you if you or they are believers in God. If you don't believe in God, don't stop reading this posting.. I will get to the Spiritual side of things later in this posting. For now, it is my heart and hope that you will read this method of getting off Suboxone. No punches held though, I will be up front with you, I am personally a believer in the one true God- Jesus Christ. He is the One who encouraged me to get on this website and help you with encouragement, hope and truth about what to expect on this tough, but wonderful journey of getting off Suboxone. The choice to believe in God is yours, but I will say that the prayers of my dad and wife were powerful and effective. There was times when I simply could not pray for myself because I didn't feel sane enough to even pray at times, though I still gave it my best. I brought up the prayers right now for you because the bible tells us in Psalm 145:18-19 "The Lord is near to all who call on Him; all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. He hears their cry and He saves them". That said, let's begin the final jump shall we.


NOTE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTS: I wish that BEFORE I jumped off at 1/8 tablet, I would have used these endorphin boosting supplements. They can be found at just about any health food store. DLPA 1000 mg twice per day, GABA 500 Mg twice per day, Reloria two capsules twice per day, and 5HTP two capsules per day. I would have been better off to have started these supplements a couple of weeks prior to my final jump, but I strongly believe that they helped the process probably more that I could imagine. I am still on these supplements, now some 3 months off Suboxone. (I am not a doctor, nor am I acting in the role of a doctor, so as always please consult a physician prior to starting these supplements)

When I was on 1/8 tablet for 2 weeks I tried to completely stop taking Suboxone and had such a bad first night that it scared me into staying on 1/8 tablet per day, taken in the morning, for 2 months. The problem now lay in the fact that I was going through withdrawal in the middle of the day and a few times I even chose to drink alcohol in the afternoon. I didn't connect that the withdrawal was actually causing my fiending for drugs and alcohol. Those two months were not good times for me. When I finally came to the conclusion that I might be better off just getting off Suboxone completely, it was time to plan. I work for myself and I could hardly afford to take the time off work for fear that I might lose all my clients. I wasn't sure how long it would take to get off Suboxone and get back to a working state of mind? Drum roll please…. Here is how long it takes to start feeling better….


What You Can Expect:

Day 1: This morning skipped my morning, and only dose of Suboxone. I worked out pretty hard lifting stretching and lifting light, high repetition weights. Don't forget to push yourself to work out even if you don't feel like it. It is hugely important! That night I took two Benedryl and it didn't work like I hoped it would. I was so miserable, achy body, cramping in my calves, a "drive a person crazy" kind of feeling. At this point I had gotten 2 mg tablets from the Dr. because I told her I needed to be able to cut them down while I weaned myself off of them. So I cut a 2 mg film tablet into ¼ which is .5 mg of Suboxone. In summary, I chickened out the first night. I did sleep after that for about 5 hours. For those of you who still have the 8 mg. tablets, this means that you would have to split one up into 1/16 which is pretty hard to do, but possible if you have good eyes and you don't cheat and take the bigger portion. :)

Day 2: The .5 mg from the night prior made this morning like a fairly normal morning. So I stretch for a long time and then worked out hard. After work out, I felt even better, but by afternoon the withdrawal set in again. Felt like I drank all kinds of coffee but I didn't . I was agitated and twitchy, making my mind and physical body feel terrible. To combat it, I stayed very busy all day with cleaning and yard work in the effort to keep my mind and body occupied. I couldn't focus on God yet…. My mind was too messed up. Yes, a person's mind can be too messed up to “feel” God, but trust me He was there with me. Hind sight I see that He was with me every step of the way. I just couldn't believe that He would let me go through such agony, but He is a God who loved me enough to let me feel the pain enough so that I would remember it. This way I would not go back!! Night came and I became scared that I would give in again, but instead about two hours before bed I took another couple Benedryl and this time it worked a little I slept about 4 hours and was miserable the rest. I recommend taking lots of warm baths or showers when you can't sleep, instead of just lying there.

Day 3: Day 3 and Day 4 are the worst. The greatest advantage you have though is that you are starting to get used to the twitchy, feeling like you are crawling out of your skin feeling. Go ahead and stretch your calves as frequently as you can. Flex them as often as possible. I heard from one doctor that it helps work the withdrawal out of your body. I did manage to get out in the yard and work on Day 3. I waited until I felt my best, then took advantage of the moment and went out and "spazzed out" on yard work as much as I could handle it. I even broke a sweat which lifted me up considerably. I took a couple of Benadryl before I went to bed, but only slept a total of about 2 hours the whole night. I couldn't focus enough to read, nor pray, nor watch a movie. None of that was going to happen, so I would either jump in the bath or shower or even find something to do I could tell that sleep was not an option. The first part of the morning on Day 4 is among the greatest challenges I have ever faced. Glad I did not have much planned, because Day 4 morning was the worst of the whole experience.

Day 4: Morning was awful because I was up the night before almost the whole night. That lack of sleep will mess with your head and try to get you to go back. On this day the middle of the day gave me a few very small ½ glimpses of hope. I felt my first surge of my own endorphins come back. Only a couple ½ hour spurts, but hey it gave me hope to NOT turn back. I figured I went this far, I might as well finish this.!! I thought I was going to sleep well this night, but it didn't happen…. Only 4 hours combined , but hey that was progress from the night before. Remember, baby steps. Celebrate the small victories. Relish them! Stay tuned and hang in there because the reward came to me in Day 5!!

Day 5: I worked out first thing in the morning. I pushed myself to do it. I started with a stretch routine. Then I felt like working out. So, try stretching first, then consider working out. I have in my notes 50/50 written down. This means that half the day I felt bad and half the day actually felt good. Did you hear that?…. I felt good. …. That is right … you can get past this. For half of Day 5 I felt better than I ever felt on Suboxone. It was natural and it was the way that God designed me to feel. My own endorphins made their first appearance and they showed up in fine fashion. The bad parts of this day caused me to want to take a nap, so if you have the liberty to do so, then by all means, indulge in that nap. Nap , nap , nap. Because if you answer the call to the mid day naps you will wake up feeling better each time. Don't worry about the extreme tiredness on day 5 and 6, just become a temporary nap person. Listen to you body and what it wants. God is trying to let you know what you need.

Day 6: Congratulations!! You have made it to the other side. I may have had 2 hours of bad feelings today , but the rest was AWESOME. I was productive, back to work, working out hard etc.

Day 7 and 8:

I am putting day 7 and 8 on here because I did hit some tired spells and down times but only a couple hours each day total. I encourage you to nap when you feel like napping. Also be encourage that it only gets better and better from here on out.

Why I Got Off Suboxone:

Everyone will have their reasons for getting off Suboxone. I can only share with you what my reasons were. If you have read this far then you must be pretty determined for your own reasons.

I started feeling like I was feinding for other drugs when I was on two " 8 mg tablets per day, so I asked my Dr. to increase the dose to 2.5 tablets per day. Two months later I started feinding for other drugs or alcohol again. So I asked my Dr. to up the dose to 3.0 tablets per day. Two months later I started feinding for other drugs, chew, alcohol etc. Are you starting to get the picture? This may not be the case for everyone, but it seemed to be the case for me. The whole purpose of Suboxone in the first place was to decrease these cravings and for a time, Suboxone was effective. It gave me enough time to get it through my head that I didn't want to be a heroin or pill addict anymore and that I wanted to get my life together.

Another reason that I decided to get off Suboxone was that I was also curious if it would feel better to just be on nothing? (Except the supplements that I mentioned above) The outcome that I came to is that I feel way better than I ever have in terms of physical, mental, and Spiritual well being.


If you have read this far you may as well keep reading because the best part is yet to come. Remember, I am of the opinion that it was my faith in God that led me down this long and intricate road that I just described above called, "How To Get Off Suboxone " Successfully". God worked in ways that I never would have dreamed. I could have strategized all month long and never came up with the plan, method, or the outcome that God came up with. The Bible says in the book of Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways my ways", says the Lord.

You may not believe in God, or maybe you do, or maybe you know God, but stopped believing. If you are one who is running away or does not believe in God, know this, drugs and alcohol can certainly fog your view of God. It is my opinion that first you must get clean and sober then you have a better chance of making an informed decision as to God's authenticity.

Whether you believe in God or not, you will one day face Him. Either he will be welcoming, or judging you. I have chosen to give Him my life and submit to everything that is written in the Bible. I accept it as truth. The bible says that the Word of God is Living and Active. It also says that every word within it is inspired NOT by man, but by God. I have chosen to believe this and it has changed the way I think. Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

If this part of my testimony and experience sounds too Churchy to you, then at least do yourself a favor, … Ask God to help this "Christian talk" make sense to you. Seriously, have you even told Him that the "Churchy Stuff" makes NO sense to you? Have you even told Him that? Have you bothered to share that with Him? Do you know that He cares and wants to hear that come from your mouth? He wants to hear you humbly express to God that you don't know. Have you opened yourself up to the fact that if you open yourself up to Him that He will begin to show you the "mysteries" of His Word like you never imagined possible? 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."

If you have read this far then, then I believe that the Spirit of God is calling you…. Listen to it!!! Jesus states that "My sheep hear my voice"

The place where you are if you are reading this is not a comfortable place. I have been right where you are. With all sincerity, I want you to get to where I am. True Joy is in my heart every day that I awake. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding that guides me now. I strongly encourage you to seek God first, because I want to see the peace of God enter your heart and mind.


For me, I have found that devoting myself to praying and studying my Bible and reflecting on what God has done and what He promises has been life changing. The Bible says, "Who is going harm you if you are eager to do good" 1 Peter 3:13, It also says, "a prudent man foresees evil and hides himself" Proverbs 27:12

I have a half hour to 45 minutes carved out each morning to spend reading my bible, praying much thanks and reflecting on what the bible is saying. I also listen to J. Vernon McGee on Through The Bible .org the web address is You can't claim to not understand the Bible, because this website WITH AUDIO walks you through the Bible verse by verse in an exciting way. And it is FREE!! If you don't believe the Bible at this point, try listening to the Dr. J. Vernon McGee's audios. There is a new one posted every day. Or check out the archives.


I do hope that you put some thought into all of this. If you can't think straight right now because you have already started your final descent off Suboxone, then wait until you feel good enough to really absorb what I just shared with you through the "Testimony" section of this posting. I am not trying to sell you on anything… I simply care for you because that is what God has put on my heart. I have been through what you are going through and I want to encourage you. I would like to leave you with this scripture:

Revelation 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

May God Richly Bless Your Life.

369 Replies (19 Pages)

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I have decided from these posts to finally take the jump. My biggest fears are the sleeplessness because I am hyperactive and never been able to sleep. They have me on Xanax and that does not help either but I'm tired of feeling lost in my own body . I no longer know who I am and feel like I'm pushing it off out of my fears! It is time and this forum helped me see that! Thank you all for sharing your stories

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Hello Kris11, how are you doing? Have you made the jump yet? What mg are you jumping from? I'm currently on day 46 sober since I made the jump from subs after 3 years so if you need any insight, support or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. It's a great decision to break free from the chains of meds! I hope you're doing well and wish you luck! It's a scary/sucky thing to go through but you sound like you have the right attitude and though it seems impossible at times it can be done!

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Carrie, suboxone is a great medication and way easier to get off than narcotics. Just please go on the smallest amount for a short time. My Dr started me on 8mg twice daily and after one month I went to 4mg twice daily. Eventually got down to .5 mg twice daily but stayed there for another year. When I realized it had been 2 years I knew it was time to be strong and be done with sub. Now weaning is the only way to get off, very bearable. Your not there yet. Just remember go on lowest dose possible and after a couple months ask your Dr if you can try weaning down.Good luck and I will be praying for you. Remember God has you taken care of, seek Him and there is nothing He wont help through

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Kris, I got down to .5 twice daily as my normal dose for a couple months. Then got tired of dealing with subs so knowing I could not cut cold turkey .I started cutting 8mg films into 32 pieces making the dose .25 twice daily. Stay on this does for 1 -1\2 week Next step is get those cuticle scissors, white towel and razor blade. Cut the 8 mg film into . Nextcut an 8 mg into 40 pieces dosing you down to .20 twice daily.stay here for 7-10 days. Now stay strong because the prices will become small at this time. Get you tweezers out and lay the white towel on a flat surface NO distractions, turn off your phone. Okay bend your 8 mg sub into quarters.Lets just start with one. Put the other 3 quarters in a baggie. Now with you razor blade and or cuticle scissors cut 16 equal pieces. I cut 4x4 creating 16 like pieces. You are now jumping down to the dose of .125 twice daily. Now do not get discouraged with how small the pieces are getting, that is where the mini tweezers come into play. Stay on this size twice a day for 7-10 days. At this point you might need an extra dose if you start having withdrawals (which should be mild and short lived).Your doing great. If you need to srat on this last dose for 2-3 weeks that is fine. When you ready to tapper off this can get a little difficult. Take your .125 mg piece and slice in half with the razor blade. This will give you ..0625 twice a day. I would stay on this fi or a week and then make the decision to jump off. If you want you can take .0625 at nighttime for a few days but then I THINK YOU REALLY SJOULD STOP. Go to store and buy B12 liquid drops , GABA calm potassium, 5-HTP for mood enhancer, magnesium and tons of fluid. Ask you Dr to give you something for anxiety.Don't forget to pray, HE will not leave you???

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This will be a process girlfriend but I want to make sure it is a positive one for yourself. I have said in previous posts that suboxone is a fabulous medicine that if used correctly can get people permanently off off opiates and other drugs. No sub detox if done correctly should only take a week. With medications to help with side effects it is more than bearable. It cracks me up when people bash suboxone detox because I always see sub detox people on this site typing away but when an opiate a user is detoxing they are curled up in a fetal position and would never be on a social chat site talking about their Get my point. So do not let people scare you,that is the devil trying to get you freaked out. Asking God to surround you with his white light. So proud of you.

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Doing good today, slept good but took the Ativan at bedtime which I wont do anymore. Got to read my bible and went for a short walk. The left over symptoms today day 9 is no appetite and flushing the toxins out,constantly running to the bathroom. That is good, just drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. My mood is good, looking forward to working tomorrow. Still a little lethargic but getting better daily. All in all the detox really only took 5 days because the first two were symptom free and the last two were so mild I really don't count them as full out detox days. So there is my testimony that sub detox shouldn't take more than a week if you tapper down properly. God bless. Sure hope my testimony will help at least one person

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Hey this is d. I'm making my first 48 hour jump and I plan on taking a small crumb tomorrow morning and pressing on for 2 more days. I've read all these posts. I guess fear is a big factor and I am scared but I want my life back pray for me

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Good luck in your recovery! Keep us posted as to how you're doing and don't hesitate to ask for advice or just somebody to listen. It helps!

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Thanks April 13 made a month and we r now almost in May. I still sneeze every morning but other than that I feel like as normal as I think I can feel. I have not had any urge to use what so ever and I even stopped smoking pot so It is safe to say I AM 100% DRUG FREE. It was not something I ever want to relive and go through again which is my strength to stay clean. If your truly ready U CAN DO IT TOO

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thanks for responding well I have an appointment to see the doctor this weekend decided that due to the cost and expecially me not wanting to be dependent on them anymore and to get my life back is what prompted me to do this.....I simply do not want to be on them anymore and I believe God is going to get me through it......

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Six days off suboxone,it hasn't been easy,but I feeling better. Have taken some Tramadol 50 mg from doctor.Ibelieve it has helped quite a lot ,being careful not to. Over do ready to half amount .feeling good,still no great energy but have stopped feeling sorry for myself.I believe every day will get better and better.I am 64 yrs old.some people told me it was too late after 7 yrs OxyContin ,percs and oxyneo .it has been a terrible experience . It can be done, do not take notice of some posts. As they are misleading however I have been sustained by a lot and thank them for taking time to post, also my belief in the Holy Spirit. God bless you all of you in the struggle to be free.opiates are a prison,but brace yourself for 6 day and you will feel freedom.,

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Congrats Cookie!! it is a difficult road with each day just a little better than the last. It's been almost 2 years since I quit and it was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Keep up the good work and remember there will be a time when all this will be a distant memory. :-)

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7 months later I'm as clean as a whistle. And couldn't be happier. I am however still getting used to what it feels like to feel my age seeing the subs give u energy when u take them. I am 37 so I guess I feel 37 these days lol. Hope your all doing well. And remember ONE DAY AT A TIME

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Only side effect I have now is I can't sleep for s***! Do you know how much meds I had to take!!! I took 4 Valium 5mg 2 clonidine, 2 gabapentin and a med called relax and sleep ! Now I didn't take them all at once it was throughout the night ! But yesterday was day 9 and I was out and about and bought myself a new purse as a reward! That's ok right! My energy is slowly coming back, yesterday I woke up depressed but once I got moving I was fine ! U have to remain focused! I know I'm gonna have good days and bad days! But you have to power through! Once I can get some sleep I will say thank you lord!!!' That is the hardest part right now! I don't have restless legs anymore!!! I took zofran the first few days as a precaution so I didn't get nauseous and I could eat ! I ate a ton a food the first few days! Now my appetite is way lower and I'm craving more protein and fruits and veggies! I feel like i want to get healthy and lose some weight ! I-tyrosine people works magics ! I feel so focused! I have adhd but don't wanna be on meds! The goal is to be med free. Now my only other issue is I've been on clonidine for 3 years for high bloodpressure, sleep, and anixiety! That's what my doc put me on ! Now my blood pressure is fine! But now I gotta wean off this one or be on it for life! Anyone else prescribed this for long time ! Sorry for Long rant! Hope I hear from Chickisoverit ! Hope ur hanging in there

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Marleybt, I'm going thru the exact same thing. You have to take one day at a time. I was feeling ok, not great, but today my legs are hurting, my head is pounding, no energy, no appetite. I just have to hope that tomorrow is better. I have the upset stomach all day and night, and no sleep at all. I jumped from 1/8 of a strip which I thought would be safe. I just don't know anymore. My doctor gave me clonidine to help me but I don't think it's doing anything. I surely hope you get to feeling better. I feel bad when I read posts like that although I'm going through the same thing. Please take care of yourself, and whatever you do don't go back to them. I will be thinking of you and hoping you get on the right track. I don't know if this helps any, but I had to say something to you. Have you tried taking a walk or a bike ride? Sometimes it helps to get out in the fresh air. All the very best to you my friend.

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I took lots of imodiom because I couldn't stay off the toilet, it was a temporary fix for an awful situation. I know what you both are going through. Quitting subs was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do. But it's so worth it. I would say it was a good 30 days before I could sleep all the way through the night and about the same for energy. Although I didn't exercise so I'm sure that helps. Stick with it and remember each day you are getting a little better and cost to normal again. I cried a lot. :( goods luck to both you and cookie!

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Success story, again thank you for this post, I jumped at 1/8 of a sub film last Tuesday. Today is Day 7. And this is the worst day. My dr gave me tramadol but out of those until Sunday (he have me one refill). I'm also back to taking 2 msg of Xanax to sleep. I woke up at 2:45 and haven't slept since. I had to push through and cry a little to get up with my daughter. Besides stretching (which feels awesome) and keeping busy is there anything else I can do for my aches I have had restless leg a lot and since I feel so unmotivated, any additional natural ways. I'm diabetic which makes things a little worse but I'm refusing to do this ever again. I have been on subs since my best friend committed suicide in front of me 4/9/13. She was an addict trying to get clean and was in WDs. Should I start back on my antidepressant Lexapro? I feel depressed and down- but clean and clearer than 7 days ago!

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Hey Linz882
I'm on day 12 of suboxone withdrawl and I jumped off at 0.25 but cut down way too fast from 2mg to 0.25 in a month! I know I'm crazy but i wanted off! So I started withdrawaling while jumping down so I think I had a headstart the week before my jump cause I went from a quarter to a half of a quarter! So my only symptoms I'm having right now are cold chills, no sleep what so ever even on day 12! I fall asleep from 9-12am and wake up in cold sweat take more meds to fall asleep and nothing works! I had to work today and I only got 9-12am and I did fine at work! I've been taking two clonidine , 2 Valium , and 2 gabapentin to get me back to sleep! Even tried unisom and benedryl ! Nothing works and I refuse to try ambien since I was a sleepwalker as a child! I am a huge fitness person so I think that helped me a lot I forced myself to walk everyday even when I felt like 500lbs! U need to build natural endorphins! I am loaded on vitamins! Here's my daily conbo
L-Tyrosine 1,000mg in morning on empty belly! Wait at least an hour to eat! When u go eat u take vitamin b-6 that supports l-tyrosine ! I take vitamin c 500mg, viactiv chews which is calcium and vitamin d! And at night GABA 750mg helps calm u down and produce natural brain function! And I'm eating healthy! And I also take a children's vitamin since less of daily percent! Don't want to over do it! I take Tylenol of ibuprofen for any pain! I'm hoping tonight I can get some sleep! Or I swear I'm gonna start hulucinating! I don't have any paws I did really bad a few days ago I was mean and agitated and wanted to cry ! But today being back at work with people ! I feel so good! Even better than I ever did with people ! Driving a car for the first time hearing music ! I had to take the long way home cause it was just so amazing !!!! U know ur getting better when the music sounds better! I've heard this from a few people ! And I'm not saying I won't have more issues I'm aware it comes and goes but if u remain with a positive attitude u will get through this! Now I would call ur doctor about the antidepressants I have heard of people needing temporary meds to get through ! Anyways I'm so proud of myself I made it this far and I'm functioning ! I was so worried! Remember everyone's body is different so if u read it takes 200 days or 90 or whatever doesn't mean it will be for u ! Have some hope and just tell ur body when it's having withdrawal to shut up and go away ! Lol kinda like Kevin from home alone when he's afraid of the basement! He says shut up! That's how I'm going through this with that attitude ! Never looking back ! I wish u all luck !!!! Stop reading horror stories and look up success stories!

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This reply is years after this post was written but I want to let you know that I know exactly what you are talking about when you say spiritual battle. God took my addiction and withdrawals away, because without His help, I had no willpower or plan or idea how to quit subs. I had researched for months and had no hope.
Almost 3 weeks ago I jumped off, though, suffered minor withdrawal/bipolar/mood swings for a week, and also was able to quit another addiction that was taking my conscience, soul and life. I was on subs for over a year, starting at 16mgs a day, and throughout that year took other hard drugs and had a slight benzo battle.

All the while I thought I needed benzos and a million other things, but I was missing Faith, and I didn't quite believe in it before it all, but now my life is drastically different and this is only one month out of the gate.

I hope others get inspiration from your post. It is not easy, but we cannot rely just on ourselves or just our willpower, for we alone will always have doubts and fears of what we do not know.

To anyone reading, please pick up the Bible, or say a prayer, even if it is 'God I do not know if you exist, but....'

He does and He will perform miracles in your life!!!!!

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Any kind of a decrease is a success, I've cut my suboxone up into pieces , and I doing so well I can smile again. Don't jump out the window take the stairs. Come down little by little. YES, it can be done, I'm taking small pieces , it's not easy but take enough so that you wont be real sick. Of course your going to feel some pain but that's the price you pay , however you can do it. step by step , little by little.

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Before I fully switched to Suboxone and I ran out of my other meds, I'd be able to take a half of an 8mg Suboxone. I...

Want to get off suboxone after taking 1/4strip for 5 years

I got addicted to Roxy's for 2 1/2 yrs when my dad died and took suboxone to get off them. Then started feeling the ...