How To Get Off Suboxone Successfully - Step By Step (Page 2)
UpdatedIf you are struggling with getting off Suboxone successfully, you may want to take the time to read this. I have read a ton of hype about Suboxone being impossible to get off. How the withdrawal symptoms carry on for days, even months. Below, I would like to encourage you and let you know that it can be done. I AM LIVING PROOF YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS FEAT!!! I have been free of Suboxone and all other drugs and alcohol for 3 months and I have never felt better in my life!!!
For months I read Suboxone blog sites in the effort to gather some element of hope that would encourage me to make the “jump” to get off my final 1/8 tab (1mg) of Suboxone. At the point I started reading these blog sites, I had come down from 2.5- 8 mg (total 20 mg) tablets of Suboxone. It was fairly easy to get down to 1/8 tab (1 mg). Don't get me wrong, I had moments of mood swings and depression that would fool me because of the way that the mood swings would creep up on me. I felt bipolar during the final ½ tablet to ¼ tablet and finally to 1/8th tablet before I “Jumped off”: The good news is that earlier dose decreases do not affect you as much as you would think. I went from 2.5 tablets to 2.0 tables per day in one week. I didn't even notice any withdrawal. Then, in just two weeks I had the courage to go down to 1.5 tablets per day…. Still, only slight mood swings. Then, I went down to 1 tablet per day a week later. Then 3 weeks later I went down to ½ tablet per day. Again, at this point only mild mood swings that I could deal with because I was expecting much worse. NOTE: I ALWAYS DIVIDED THE DOSES TO AM / PM DOSES.. IT HELPED.
Going from ½ to ¼ tablet per day it started to get a little tougher for the first week in terms of mood swings and a tricky onset of depression. Expect bipolar behavior. Tell your family and whoever is in your life if you can. Let them know that they can pray for you if you or they are believers in God. If you don't believe in God, don't stop reading this posting.. I will get to the Spiritual side of things later in this posting. For now, it is my heart and hope that you will read this method of getting off Suboxone. No punches held though, I will be up front with you, I am personally a believer in the one true God- Jesus Christ. He is the One who encouraged me to get on this website and help you with encouragement, hope and truth about what to expect on this tough, but wonderful journey of getting off Suboxone. The choice to believe in God is yours, but I will say that the prayers of my dad and wife were powerful and effective. There was times when I simply could not pray for myself because I didn't feel sane enough to even pray at times, though I still gave it my best. I brought up the prayers right now for you because the bible tells us in Psalm 145:18-19 "The Lord is near to all who call on Him; all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. He hears their cry and He saves them". That said, let's begin the final jump shall we.
NOTE REGARDING SUPPLEMENTS: I wish that BEFORE I jumped off at 1/8 tablet, I would have used these endorphin boosting supplements. They can be found at just about any health food store. DLPA 1000 mg twice per day, GABA 500 Mg twice per day, Reloria two capsules twice per day, and 5HTP two capsules per day. I would have been better off to have started these supplements a couple of weeks prior to my final jump, but I strongly believe that they helped the process probably more that I could imagine. I am still on these supplements, now some 3 months off Suboxone. (I am not a doctor, nor am I acting in the role of a doctor, so as always please consult a physician prior to starting these supplements)
When I was on 1/8 tablet for 2 weeks I tried to completely stop taking Suboxone and had such a bad first night that it scared me into staying on 1/8 tablet per day, taken in the morning, for 2 months. The problem now lay in the fact that I was going through withdrawal in the middle of the day and a few times I even chose to drink alcohol in the afternoon. I didn't connect that the withdrawal was actually causing my fiending for drugs and alcohol. Those two months were not good times for me. When I finally came to the conclusion that I might be better off just getting off Suboxone completely, it was time to plan. I work for myself and I could hardly afford to take the time off work for fear that I might lose all my clients. I wasn't sure how long it would take to get off Suboxone and get back to a working state of mind? Drum roll please…. Here is how long it takes to start feeling better….
What You Can Expect:
Day 1: This morning skipped my morning, and only dose of Suboxone. I worked out pretty hard lifting stretching and lifting light, high repetition weights. Don't forget to push yourself to work out even if you don't feel like it. It is hugely important! That night I took two Benedryl and it didn't work like I hoped it would. I was so miserable, achy body, cramping in my calves, a "drive a person crazy" kind of feeling. At this point I had gotten 2 mg tablets from the Dr. because I told her I needed to be able to cut them down while I weaned myself off of them. So I cut a 2 mg film tablet into ¼ which is .5 mg of Suboxone. In summary, I chickened out the first night. I did sleep after that for about 5 hours. For those of you who still have the 8 mg. tablets, this means that you would have to split one up into 1/16 which is pretty hard to do, but possible if you have good eyes and you don't cheat and take the bigger portion. :)
Day 2: The .5 mg from the night prior made this morning like a fairly normal morning. So I stretch for a long time and then worked out hard. After work out, I felt even better, but by afternoon the withdrawal set in again. Felt like I drank all kinds of coffee but I didn't . I was agitated and twitchy, making my mind and physical body feel terrible. To combat it, I stayed very busy all day with cleaning and yard work in the effort to keep my mind and body occupied. I couldn't focus on God yet…. My mind was too messed up. Yes, a person's mind can be too messed up to “feel” God, but trust me He was there with me. Hind sight I see that He was with me every step of the way. I just couldn't believe that He would let me go through such agony, but He is a God who loved me enough to let me feel the pain enough so that I would remember it. This way I would not go back!! Night came and I became scared that I would give in again, but instead about two hours before bed I took another couple Benedryl and this time it worked a little I slept about 4 hours and was miserable the rest. I recommend taking lots of warm baths or showers when you can't sleep, instead of just lying there.
Day 3: Day 3 and Day 4 are the worst. The greatest advantage you have though is that you are starting to get used to the twitchy, feeling like you are crawling out of your skin feeling. Go ahead and stretch your calves as frequently as you can. Flex them as often as possible. I heard from one doctor that it helps work the withdrawal out of your body. I did manage to get out in the yard and work on Day 3. I waited until I felt my best, then took advantage of the moment and went out and "spazzed out" on yard work as much as I could handle it. I even broke a sweat which lifted me up considerably. I took a couple of Benadryl before I went to bed, but only slept a total of about 2 hours the whole night. I couldn't focus enough to read, nor pray, nor watch a movie. None of that was going to happen, so I would either jump in the bath or shower or even find something to do I could tell that sleep was not an option. The first part of the morning on Day 4 is among the greatest challenges I have ever faced. Glad I did not have much planned, because Day 4 morning was the worst of the whole experience.
Day 4: Morning was awful because I was up the night before almost the whole night. That lack of sleep will mess with your head and try to get you to go back. On this day the middle of the day gave me a few very small ½ glimpses of hope. I felt my first surge of my own endorphins come back. Only a couple ½ hour spurts, but hey it gave me hope to NOT turn back. I figured I went this far, I might as well finish this.!! I thought I was going to sleep well this night, but it didn't happen…. Only 4 hours combined , but hey that was progress from the night before. Remember, baby steps. Celebrate the small victories. Relish them! Stay tuned and hang in there because the reward came to me in Day 5!!
Day 5: I worked out first thing in the morning. I pushed myself to do it. I started with a stretch routine. Then I felt like working out. So, try stretching first, then consider working out. I have in my notes 50/50 written down. This means that half the day I felt bad and half the day actually felt good. Did you hear that?…. I felt good. …. That is right … you can get past this. For half of Day 5 I felt better than I ever felt on Suboxone. It was natural and it was the way that God designed me to feel. My own endorphins made their first appearance and they showed up in fine fashion. The bad parts of this day caused me to want to take a nap, so if you have the liberty to do so, then by all means, indulge in that nap. Nap , nap , nap. Because if you answer the call to the mid day naps you will wake up feeling better each time. Don't worry about the extreme tiredness on day 5 and 6, just become a temporary nap person. Listen to you body and what it wants. God is trying to let you know what you need.
Day 6: Congratulations!! You have made it to the other side. I may have had 2 hours of bad feelings today , but the rest was AWESOME. I was productive, back to work, working out hard etc.
Day 7 and 8:
I am putting day 7 and 8 on here because I did hit some tired spells and down times but only a couple hours each day total. I encourage you to nap when you feel like napping. Also be encourage that it only gets better and better from here on out.
Why I Got Off Suboxone:
Everyone will have their reasons for getting off Suboxone. I can only share with you what my reasons were. If you have read this far then you must be pretty determined for your own reasons.
I started feeling like I was feinding for other drugs when I was on two " 8 mg tablets per day, so I asked my Dr. to increase the dose to 2.5 tablets per day. Two months later I started feinding for other drugs or alcohol again. So I asked my Dr. to up the dose to 3.0 tablets per day. Two months later I started feinding for other drugs, chew, alcohol etc. Are you starting to get the picture? This may not be the case for everyone, but it seemed to be the case for me. The whole purpose of Suboxone in the first place was to decrease these cravings and for a time, Suboxone was effective. It gave me enough time to get it through my head that I didn't want to be a heroin or pill addict anymore and that I wanted to get my life together.
Another reason that I decided to get off Suboxone was that I was also curious if it would feel better to just be on nothing? (Except the supplements that I mentioned above) The outcome that I came to is that I feel way better than I ever have in terms of physical, mental, and Spiritual well being.
If you have read this far you may as well keep reading because the best part is yet to come. Remember, I am of the opinion that it was my faith in God that led me down this long and intricate road that I just described above called, "How To Get Off Suboxone " Successfully". God worked in ways that I never would have dreamed. I could have strategized all month long and never came up with the plan, method, or the outcome that God came up with. The Bible says in the book of Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways my ways", says the Lord.
You may not believe in God, or maybe you do, or maybe you know God, but stopped believing. If you are one who is running away or does not believe in God, know this, drugs and alcohol can certainly fog your view of God. It is my opinion that first you must get clean and sober then you have a better chance of making an informed decision as to God's authenticity.
Whether you believe in God or not, you will one day face Him. Either he will be welcoming, or judging you. I have chosen to give Him my life and submit to everything that is written in the Bible. I accept it as truth. The bible says that the Word of God is Living and Active. It also says that every word within it is inspired NOT by man, but by God. I have chosen to believe this and it has changed the way I think. Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
If this part of my testimony and experience sounds too Churchy to you, then at least do yourself a favor, … Ask God to help this "Christian talk" make sense to you. Seriously, have you even told Him that the "Churchy Stuff" makes NO sense to you? Have you even told Him that? Have you bothered to share that with Him? Do you know that He cares and wants to hear that come from your mouth? He wants to hear you humbly express to God that you don't know. Have you opened yourself up to the fact that if you open yourself up to Him that He will begin to show you the "mysteries" of His Word like you never imagined possible? 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land."
If you have read this far then, then I believe that the Spirit of God is calling you…. Listen to it!!! Jesus states that "My sheep hear my voice"
The place where you are if you are reading this is not a comfortable place. I have been right where you are. With all sincerity, I want you to get to where I am. True Joy is in my heart every day that I awake. There is a peace that surpasses all understanding that guides me now. I strongly encourage you to seek God first, because I want to see the peace of God enter your heart and mind.
For me, I have found that devoting myself to praying and studying my Bible and reflecting on what God has done and what He promises has been life changing. The Bible says, "Who is going harm you if you are eager to do good" 1 Peter 3:13, It also says, "a prudent man foresees evil and hides himself" Proverbs 27:12
I have a half hour to 45 minutes carved out each morning to spend reading my bible, praying much thanks and reflecting on what the bible is saying. I also listen to J. Vernon McGee on Through The Bible .org the web address is You can't claim to not understand the Bible, because this website WITH AUDIO walks you through the Bible verse by verse in an exciting way. And it is FREE!! If you don't believe the Bible at this point, try listening to the Dr. J. Vernon McGee's audios. There is a new one posted every day. Or check out the archives.
I do hope that you put some thought into all of this. If you can't think straight right now because you have already started your final descent off Suboxone, then wait until you feel good enough to really absorb what I just shared with you through the "Testimony" section of this posting. I am not trying to sell you on anything… I simply care for you because that is what God has put on my heart. I have been through what you are going through and I want to encourage you. I would like to leave you with this scripture:
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
May God Richly Bless Your Life.
Oh one more thing RF,, not to preach but if the smoking is making things worse maybe it's a great time to quit. I too was a smoker during my opiate addiction but find now they just don't taste as good....I will try to take a puff or 2 each day because i'm supposed to be a smoker then realize why am I putting this poison in my body but not being hard on my self about vice at a time day at a time :-)
RF and Kris, Yes you are torturing yourself RF, however, I know what that is like to have family stuff to attend. I recommend that you wait until that is over. If it is in the evening then I would wait to take your 1/32nd right before you go to the family function. I think that it is going to be tough to jump of now matter how far you have gotten down to. I was at 1/16 mg and I went through the tough part in 6 days as I wrote in my original post. Not trying to make you feel nervous about jumping off , I just don't want to see you get blindsided by unexpected withdrawel.
Good for you on the sleep!! And the Cleaning... that is what I did, lots of yard work got me through some of the tougher parts. Kris, great job on 3 weeks. You are in the clear now. You have the upper hand now!! Great Job.!!
I am happy for you both. Keep me posted on your progress, it is inspiring.
Still going strong here on my end. God bless you both.
Thanks Kris , will try that. I started taking a Bootcamp workout class that seems to be helping get all the crap out of my body. Try the sleep aid I mentioned above. U can get it at health food or vitamin stores.
Do u think I should cut this .25 in half and keep taking for another week before I jump or go to .25 every other day, or just jump off?
RF, I think that you should wait until your family get together is over and then Jump off , provided that you don't have any other commitments for a week. I recommend that you give yourself some time before you plan too much socially. If there is one thing that will make person relaps it is too much social events and family stuff. I would do nothing socially for a week and then ease in very slow as you feel comfortable. :) Wow, I just sounded like a doctor didn't I. How funny is that!!
Thanks for the recommendation on the sleeping medicine Kris, looking forward to checking it out. I'll let you know what I think.
RF, You said something about smoking. I hear you on that. I am a chewer by sport, did it for years. Used to like it by itself even without drug, however, I found nicotine to be a great combo drug back when I wanted to alter my mind. That said, I wanted to say this to you... THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO QUIT SMOKING, BEFORE YOU GET HOOKED ON CIGARETTES AGAIN BY THEMSELVES. BELIEVE ME YOU CAN RE-HOOK YOURSELF. I quit chewing about 1 months off Suboxone and going on now 6 months I have had one chew relaps. Praise be to God there!!
Thanks for keeping me on the right track.
God Bless and don't hesitate ask more questions. I genuinely want to help. :) Humbled
Yes I agree with humbled get through this weekend and make the jump don't prolong the inevitable...we are here routing for you and here if you need any help or advice. Even though you may not feel like it for the first few days I found reading this post and others like it a huge help, it gave me the strength to get through the worse. God bless you....ill be praying for you! Let us know how it goes.
Thanks so much. I am on 1 mg aday myself have been for 3 weeks. My doctor calls it the twilight zzone lol. I am a child of God and I know he will help me. Plan is to stay where I am for 1more month and take a week off as I work with customers but I will have vacation time soon. Pray for me this 1mg is a hard place ad you know, been here already month. November and December are my busiest months.
You guys are awesome. I feel bad that I haven't replied sooner, I just didn't check back till now. Thanks for the support. I tried to jump off today and was good till midday , but I fell into guests coming over and having to buy a car so I cut the .25 in half Barely a small dot and took it. I have been good on and off and think that small sliver mentally helped more than anything . Tomorrow I will try again to jump.
I'm glad to read that everyone is doing great! I would just like to point out to any new visitors that Humbled posted a few Natural OTC-Supplements in the original post and with my experience, I started taking them 2-weeks prior to jumping off and they were very instrumental in my recovery. Supplements + Sleep + Staying Active/Keeping your mind busy seemed to be the most effective in my recovery. Here are the supplements again.
DLPA 1000Mg - Twice Daily.
GABA 500Mg - Twice Daily.
RELORIA - 2 Capsules Twice Daily.
5HTP - 2 Capsules Once Daily.
*UNISOM TABLETS (Doxylamine Succinate, Not the Diphenhydramine Caps) - 1 Tablet if you can't sleep at all, try to only take if you must, 3-4 days/wk if that. (This is what I used to help me)
Kris, I should've mentioned to use the sleep aid only when you need it because some people can become dependent on it. I would use it to get a good night sleep and then go about 1-2 nights without it, I also found myself feeling pretty good on 5-6 hours of sleep. Personally, I feel that sleep is one of the most important issues to correct when I jumped off. I'm glad you're still doing good my friend, keep on rockin' man!
RF, I had the same issue as you when I jumped off. For the last few weeks I was on 0.5Mg and I would take that piece every other day for a week, then every 2 days for a week and then I only took it two days the next week and I finally jumped off. I recommend looking into the supplements posted above, as well as staying out of social situations that will make your anxiety worse. I used my vacation days and didn't leave my house for a week and half and just kept busy and got as much sleep as possible. Also, I needed the satisfaction of physically taking a strip, so I bought some of those Breath Strips they sell at gas stations next to all of the different gum. Honestly, that DID help with that mental satisfaction of taking a strip. I had to quit smoking too, cigarettes just made my anxiety go through the roof. Just don't put yourself in situations that will make it worse for you, if you HAVE to take a tiny piece for a family event then make the transition to what is most comfortable to you, if you're mentally not ready then don't force it and draw up a plan to get through these situations. Not everyone takes the same jump at the same time but, just make sure you're comfortable, prepared and ready for the jump. Good luck, I wish you the best!
Hi Chief,
Still going strong here day 27! I feel ok, some days great, some days not so great but that's normal in life It does seem to correlate to the amount of sleep I'm getting and yes I don't take the sleeping aids every night. I didn't take the stuff humbled recommended however I personally found taking vitamins, B complex and eating right helped my energy level somewhat...I guess it'll be there 100% one day...fortunately I didn't have to work during my detox and have lots of respect for anyone who can jump off and still work...I agree taking off at least a week helps ...
Hope you are doing ok!
Kris, RF, and Chief,
You had mentioned that you took a lot of Vitamin B and you thought it helped your energy levels. I want to give a word of warning from my experience with Vitamin B and Caffeine.... THEY CAN SEND YOU BACK INTO FEINING FOR ANYTHING TO BRING YOU BACK DOWN!! There is a time during the withdrawel process that you cannot keep you eyes open to save your life. If that is where you are at during any point during the process then I recommend caffeine or B12 only if you have something that you have to stay awake for. But be aware, that both can send you right back down the opiate road. I speak from some experiences that I had when I was quitting Oxycontin years ago.
Kris, I know that you had mentioned that B complex had helped you. I'm happy that it worked for you. Everyone is different and responds differently to different things. However, if a person is like me in their chemistry, then I have just experience that too much B12 or Caffeine can attract every opiate or alcohol pest that ever knew and then some. ! So I guess my advice to Chief, RF and anyone reading this is just be aware when you take B12 or Caffeine that it could trigger some feinding. (not sure how to spell feinding?) In a nutshell, use caution when using these two vitamins/drugs and really pay attention to what they make you feel like in terms of your opiate addiction.
Kris, I really appreciate that you mentioned eating right. I have gone all organic and gluten free since I quit Suboxone. I spent the Summer eating some of the best salads, fish, wild rice , gluten free bread etc. that a person could ever imagine. I kind of swapped my drug addiction with an eating healthy addiction and it turned out to be a good addiction. Lol.
God Bless you Chief, Kris and RF keep up the good work and let me know if there is any way that I can help. Humbled
Hi my wife and I read this I'm 26and I have been wanting to get off suboxone films and I'm really scared but you're message is what I'm going to try I want to be completely clean for myself my son and my wife {edited for privacy} message me if you will. I will not blame you If something goes wrong. please I just want to talk to someone real, I wish anyway
Scott S.
I don't believe that this website will allow me to share an email or phone with you. I would love to help in any way possible. I understand the need or hope to speak with a real person about quitting Suboxone. Can I tag from this site? Perhaps we could exchange emails through that avenue?
I want to encourage you that it can be done and I am still Suboxone free since June 6th, 2013. Anyways, I can appreciate your motivation to get free of chemicals..... A child and a wife,... yes you do have some great motivators. :) See if there is a way that we can share personal info through this website or something and we can go from there. I'll help in any way that I can. Let me know what you find. I will put my link below and this website might extract it? Here it is {edited for privacy}
Hey Scott,
You can do it! This group of people have been really helpful to me, I've been off of strips since October 23rd and feel great now, it was a tough road (not as bad as I thought though) but you have to really want it. I'm not sure if this site let's you exchange emails but if so I would gladly like to help.
Hey guys, I've been suboxone free since11/20/13 . Thanks to all the support on this site. I wanted to ask if anyone else has gone through the following:
Couple of weeks after I stopped and till now I have been feeling extreme fatigue off and on. My system gets run down real easily . A little cold, wind, whatnot and I get chills and them my system shuts down for a day or two. My question is does this have anything to do with suboxone and if so , when will this go away?? Looking forward to your inputs.
Thanks guys
I had extremely low energy for about 7 or 8 Weeks....but unable to sleep, i'm feeling fine now....although I still yawn a lot. Try exercising even if its just walking. Congrats on your jump off....I'm proud of you! Keep it up!
Those feelings are normal. This stuff takes 2-3 months before you will feel better in the area of natural energy. Look for a supplement that you can find any any supplement store. The herb is call Ashwagaunda. Great for natural energy. Give it a few days to kick in . It won't make you feel wired like everything else ie. B12, caffeine, etc.
Get some physical activity in as much as possible.
I have prayed for you and hope the best. I have been off Suboxone since June 6th and am doing very well in my life... Praise be to God. Check out the suppliments that I mentioned in my first email. They really help. God Bless you. Keep us posted.
How Long Were You On The Soboxone ? I Have Been On For 9 Years. And I'mTrying To OFf Of It. I Am A Reborn Christian. I No God Can Do All. Thanks For Your Post. And How Long You Were On It.
I was on Suboxone for almost 2 years before I finally jumped off on June 5th, 2013. I am still free of using Suboxone and am doing very well with addiction at the moment. Hang in there,.... read the original posting closely and if you have further questions, I'm here for you. God Bless You, Chey
Hello,all!!! My name is Curt! I have 2 great girls and a wife. I was on opiates for over 10 years and used Suboxone for 4 and a half years! 14 and a half years of addiction! I made my mind up that if by the end of 2013 I would be weened off the Suboxone. Trust me when I say that my Suboxone doctor didn't care if I did it or not! They do like your money, however you truly must want OFF the meds or this won't work! So December 26th was my last dose. And I went into rehab on the 31st. I was successful discharged on January 21st and now doing 12 step meetings and IOP. Yes I felt like s*** but the only person was to blame but myself. It has been nearly a month and I feel a little out of sorts but when I get tired I hit the gym. I make sure I eat and sleep! Days are much better now that I'm 100% off all drugs and I can take a U.A and not feel nervous! So my words to everyone that is stuck is this, Suck it up, you put your own body thru hell. Pray that it won't take every day you used to every day you need to be clean!!! Yes it will take 6 months to 2 years to get back to square one! Maybe, but every day I'm off Suboxone, I win. I think through the using and know that if I do use nothing and I mean NOTHING is worth losing everything I have. Remember, the only path from using is jail, institutions or death! Make sure you have a great support group, family or friends and its very possible you will never use again! Just because some relapse you don't have to! Buck up be the man or woman you are suppose to be and just do it! Its only painful if you DON'T do it! I'm stronger inside and out since and I wouldn't have done it any other way! Never forget your addiction, just keep it behind you so you can look back and think there is NO way I want to be that sick EVER again, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! If I can do it you can to! JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!!
Very powerful message. Thank you so much for posting it. I am so close to being done and now I think I can do it. Thank you for such words of wisdom. It will help me in my trying days ahead.
May God Bless You.
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