How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Everyone keep fighting the good fight, today I am 90 days!
TOMMYC-I never would have made it if it wasn't for your help, I know we don't know each other but I don't think we all realize we're all in this together we are the only ones that know this night mare and sometimes we all just need help to know what could help to deal with what we are feeling. Thank you to you all for being here I mean that! THANK YOU!

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Yes I have been through a divorce myself . I would not recommend stopping them and also my doctor gave me 1mg klonopin to go with it to help cope. So I have been on 8mg subs and 1mg klonopin for six months twice a day with no problems at all. I'm sorry your going through this it's hard I'll keep you in my prayers

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Why are doctors prescribing Suboxone for patients to get off of pain pills? I could see a short supervised detox with Suboxone. What I can't understand is that these doctors are adding to the addiction...not to mention that it is so much easier to come off of pills than subs. Suboxone saved my life. I was on it for way too long though. Tomorrow is one year off of it and it has been a long hard road. We need to research things and find the truth for ourselves instead of trusting doctors. I had a great relationship with my doctor and he told me that if he could go back, he would never have put any of his patients on Suboxone. My heart breaks for every person tied to this drug and I pray you all make it to the other side. GOD bless

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Hey Matthew go yourself you think you know now but we are the ones living again as for your snide remark on the xanax yes there is a .125 stupid i know cause I'm taking it, it's prescribed. 25 and I split it in half, the pharmacist said .125 is the equivalent of 12.5 mg, you might think the subs are great now but wait until you come off them I would have been better off coming off the pain meds, also Matthew you are only replacing one addiction with another that's far worse ask lissy she was in the same boat. So are all of us and more of us agree the subs are worse then the drugs, 116 days today and I'M LIVING AGAIN.

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Amber - It sounds like you are going through a lot. You have got to fight through it. Maybe you should taper down for awhile until you can jump. This is not an easy fight but you you will surprised what you are capable of. I am off of Suboxone for over a year now...along with coming off benzos. I had to take care of a house and a new born and 5 year old through it all. There were times that I thought I wouldn't make it but I did. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. I can't begin to tell you how much it is worth it to be free. Pray and put one foot in front of the other.

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TommyC- 2 days no naltrexone, stopped all my vitamins, no xanax, but have taken my lyrica 3 times a day and tizanidine 2mg x2 about 3 times a day, weird no buzzing for a couple days but I'm scared cause I'm pretty sure it'll come back and when it does its horrible. I'm thankful to have met you through here. {edited for privacy}. It's hard when very few can understand what you are going thru. I've found way more people on here then anywhere else. Today's going better. It's funny because I prayed 2 days ago asking to be healed and then no buzzing the day after. Normally first thing I reach for is my naltrexone, but I forgot all about it this morning, and realized I wasn't buzzing!! Amen!! I'm sure it could and probably will come back, but at least I am on a break for now!!

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Lissy: The receptors assigned by your brain and Central Nervous System CNS have been shut down like everything else. When they start to work again the effect is about ten times what if you were normal it would sound like. If there has been damage caused to the nerve fibers in your ear nerves you are faced with a two way pain. 1) Brain pain where the issue is in the brain connection and 2) Acute pain where you create the damage at the source such as getting hit in the ear with a ball etc. The brain pain is harder to track and is not controllable. It will come and go. Acute pain either heals or you can see why visually or via blood work like with diabetes. For me the sound is a deep buzz. It comes and goes. Remember everyone is a different case in this Suboxone situation.

Makes me mad to see the Pharms advertise this stuff creating the illusion you will be clean when in truth you are jumping into a pit very few can ever get out. I gave you more than what you asked about but it seemed relevant.

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I've been through this multiple times after being on subs for over a year each time. It is hard and can make you feel insane. The last time I too prayed to God to help me out of this evil. Instead of over a month of various withdrawal symptoms, I was out of the house hanging with friends(not feeling perfect by any means), within two days. I absolutely know for a fact that it was God helping me. I didn't change anything; just prayed, and hard too. I promise it's easier than anyone thinks. The only thing is that you HAVE to want to quit. God knows our true thoughts and will come to our aide if we just ask. No one ever really says this, but God is the only way to actually overcome this horrible disease. There is but one cure. I don't mean to preach, I know addicts don't like to be told what to do. Many don't believe in God either. I'm so sorry for them. Just trust a pro; forget the various crutches, let God carry you.

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Wow, i wish i saw Krissy's post 3 years ago when it was posted... I love how you said what u were taking at the time you decided to jump off and go "cold turkey"....yeah, i remember back in my earlier suboxone days, forgot to take it for a few days, felt fine, and figured i didn't need it anymore (oh, i had been taking about 8 mgs/day) - until that 72 hour half life caught up to me and I woke up the monday after thanksgiving and thought i was losing my mind and quite possibly coming down with MS or MD!!! Was terrified, took me a few hours to realize it was suboxone withdrawal. The thought that even one person could read your asinine, delusional, dangerous post and as a result think that they TOO can just GO COLD TURKEY and walk hand in hand with their Higher Power, in Krissy's case I am guessing that might be CAP'N CRUNCH or SpongeBob, and everything will be hunky dory and they can "officially" consider him or herself "sober" is a terrifying & sickening thought to me...oh, and Krissy, for implying being on suboxone is not being sober, I personally resent that implication & I hope withdrawal gave you a dose of reality. Share that crap in a meeting, not online where ANYBODY can read it & be falsely & dangerously & erroneously informed!! Sobriety is about saving your ass, not your face!

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I have been on subutex for 10 years I think I will have to take until I die. I have pain issues that's the main reason I have not stopped taking it. Everyone is different on how things work for them. This one thing has worked for me that's what I do know. Saved my life because I was wasting away to nothing before I started subutex. My doctor has asked me many times do u want to stop... I really feel if I stopped there will be something else that I will pick up to counterattack not taking anything... I know I will so I feel like if I'm still doing what I need to do and stay the way I am. Maybe when my kids grow up I can. But right now I focus on them and doing what needs to be done. Idk feel like if it's not broken don't fix it. That's how I look at it when I'm ready I will stop but my pain is never going to stop.. who knows maybe there will be something else by then.

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I Am 63 years old also. And I take 2- 8mg suboxon a day and I am ok so why is it so important that she stop taking sub. I mean if it makes her feel better then why stop. At 63 years of age we don't have a lot of time left anyway. So let her have it and don't worry so much. Tell your mom hi and enjoy her life

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Re: Don (# 1085) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone WITHDRAWAL takes time to kick in. In my case I didn’t have any symptoms of withdrawal until day 8. I had weaned down to.125mg from 8mg over a seven month time period. I had been on subs for five years. It’s been 34 months and I continue to have serious PAWS and some permanent damage to my brain stem. I recently met with three doctors (pain specialists, Neurologist, addiction and psychiatric specialists) and they all agreed I should go back on Suboxone. Their rationale was based on my age (71) and quality of life.

The preferred medication for my issues is Methadone. It is almost impossible to find a Doctor who will prescribe Methadone as a result of the new laws. I have no desire to go each day to a Methadone Clinic. I have to make a decision to do nothing and suffer or go back on Suboxone. The Paraesthesia is the result of the opiate and is not common. The malaise and lower back pain is quiet common for x opiate users.

I applaud anyone who takes the time to get of off Suboxone. I hope you find life after Suboxone to be much different than I encountered. I found getting to the right Doctor is a chore. Unfortunate for me that Suboxone may be a life long medication to block CNS signals causing my problems. Merry Christmas to everyone.

One last point; the withdrawals from Suboxone is very mild. However the time of recovery is very long. I am available for questions.

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Thanks for your reply! They are aware she was on it and they put her on Xanax 0.25mg at 8am and at 2pm and 0.5 mg at 10pm. Since she started taking it she is a whole new person! She said she feels 100% better. Her anxiety is completely gone!

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Also on a side note the reason I want off so badly is I have no energy at all... have been eating like I have a tape worm.... have serious emontional meltdowns and feel depressed... can't go to the bathroom.... and my doctor doesn't seem to care at all about any of these side affects! I mean really I can't move from my couch I'm so lazy and tired I just hate this! However I am terrified of withdrawals cause I have been there before!!

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Sure thing.. hope I was able to give you some insight. I know, I was in your situation, probably worse, and I thought it would never end. But it did.. and it will for you too. Just keep at it..

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To Azumpire, Thank you so much for info and the words of encouragement. I started popping vitamins today and hoping for the best. The past two days were the worst but today seems to be a little better. I think actually getting some sleep has helped. My doctor gave me ambien but after reading about it I was afraid to take it. Nite before lastI couldn't take it anymore and said to hell with it. I took one, closed my eyes, and actually slept for 4.5 hours. I did the same last night and after two nights of getting some sleep I feel a little better. Im not going to take it tonight because it is also habit forming but im hoping with the amino acids and some night time herbal tea before bed I shouldn't need the ambient. I am so glad I found this msg board. Its amazing how much people just posting their experiences helps. Two and a half weeks of hell but I am not alone and thanks to some great tips, good advice, and encouraging words everything is going to be ok. Hang in there everyone. One day at a time is key and each day clean is an accomplishment. Theres a happy, drug free, normal life waiting on all of us and we are one day closer today

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Hey Blue, It,s hard to say. How much subs have you been taking a day?
What were you taking and for how long before you started the subs?
Subs definatly help with wds but there not magic. What I mean is if you had a 3yr. Oxy habit or whatever and you took subs for a week and just stopped theres still a good chance your gonna still feel like crap just because your body is so used to having some kind of opiate.
I,m no doctor this is just my opinion. I,ve never just taken them for a week.
One thing I do know is the longer you take subs the harder it,ll be to get off them.
I would think the shorter time your on them the easier the wd off them if that makes any sense.
Wish I could be more helpful. Maybe someone else can weigh in on this.
It,s great if your trying to get straight and good luck.

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What size tablets? 2mg or the 8mg? and 3 of them in 4 days, you might feel a little uneasy for a couple of days, if you put the 8mg tablet under your tongue.. but if you were taking the 2mg tablets for 3 days.. you should have next to nothing in the withdraw area.. and certainly no PAWS. Everybody is different, but 4 days is nothing honestly. Certainly quitting suboxone after only 4 days, is 100x better than quitting after 4 days of percocete usage. But its the other way around, if you are a long term user of suboxone. Trust me you dont want to go thru it.

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Blue, You should be fine, maybe hard time falling asleep for a couple days or something like that. Sooner you stop taking them the easier it's gonna be. Just taking them for several days like you been doing should be a walk in the park stopping them. This is day 9 sub free for me!!!

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I was on Oxy 5 four times a day for 6 years then Wanted treatment and found subox, looking back I did the right thing Wanting to get off just had no idea I was train one addiction for a far way worse one , I've tried to quit a fee times cold turkey was insane good luck making it to day 5 , I did once and thought I was better ? Nope the half life really kicks in and makes u want to drink do drugs anything to make u feel I better , I went crazy for a summer and now we are in 2014 most of the depression is gone and it was bad sneezing , restless leg is the worse with insomnia it will rattle u to the core of your soul , I finally after all the months of drinking and drug use trying to kick subs realized it would of been WAY EASIER just stoping the original problem,, I've kicked many habits crack coke drinking however subs are made by satan himself the worst possible drug there is If u have a good doc that cares about u they will do it right constantly reducing your amount but mine wante me on it for life and I had to run away lost my job didn't care life spiraled but now almost 7 months into it I'm feeling better just the last two days I could sleep right Music is back , world is color , life is coming back I would NEVER EVER tell anyone to use it Way easier to stop the original addiction they each are painful and no fun but sub is way worse way way way worse and you will have a harder time stoping it than anything In the end I would take a razor to a film and slice a 1/16 inch that would last two to three days of just keeping me in the stoping game still is hard even now You have the s***s for months. I feel sorry for someone in a hospital bed make sure u don't cut her off all the way listen to her When i did. My four day original hell I had got arrested , they locked me in a cell for four days and by day two and three my heart went crazy and the cos didn't care finally the nurse told the guards if u don't let him out to walk he can have a heart attack as painful as it was I am happy that happened it took my dose down to a fraction to feel ok
I think it helps one that super bad on opiates but just realize do not stay on them use it to just feel kinda bad until u taper if u keep taking them u will find out first hand what a horrible horrible thing they are to kick

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