How Long After You Stop Suboxone Do You Have Withdrawal Symptoms? (Page 35)


My 63y/o mother survived chemo and radiation for throat cancer but was unable to stop the morphine 15mg twice a day without horrible withdrawal symptoms. Her MD put her on Suboxone 8mg/2mg once a day in June. She even took half the strip on most days and the doctor was very pleased and anticipated that she would be able to stop altogether in November. She unfortunately had a stroke 14 days ago and has been in the hospital. The first 7 days she was confused from the stroke but now she is weak and forgetful but is no longer disoriented. She told me tonight that she thought she needed her Suboxone. She said she thought she was going thru withdrawal. I was floored. She is not having any outward signs of withdrawal: no back/stomach pain, no nausea/vomiting, no sweating or tremors. Isn't 14 days long enough for the Suboxone to be completely out of your system and for withdrawal symptoms to have come and gone??? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

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Hi try87, PAWS stands for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. Basically once the drug has cleared your system and the bad physical withdrawals subside, PAWS kicks in. It's more mental but there is physical aspects to it as well. The most common symptoms of PAWS is depression, cravings, lethargy, anxiety etc. they happen because unfortunately it takes your brain longer to heal than it takes your body. Your endorphins are still stunted and have to regenerate. I've heard it being clinically compared to chronic depression. For me, they seemed to come and go randomly. I would feel great for a few days, then BAM! I would wake up and it would feel like day 2 or 3 all over again with recurring wd symptoms. That would last a few days then subside and I'd feel good again, then a few days later it would return. There's very little that helps with PAWS except time. I've heard they can last any where from a few weeks to a few years. Mine lasted about 6 months but PAWS is manageable if you stay positive and don't give in to a bad day or a strong craving.

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Thats Prolly what this is then.. back pain.. sleepy.. my dr wants me to try the Vivitrol shot..... I'm not 100% on board with it yet tho...

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Jeez, Pfan34, how I feel for you!
I stopped tramadol twice, once by overdosing and being hospitalised in ICU with MDR pneumonia for 4 weeks. Long story, not as simplified as it sounds. But heartbreaking.
Another time I was addicted to codeine, used tramadol to wean off. Was using 16 capsules a day, and successfully tapered to zero. Over about 2 months.
The last and worst and most f#£%ibg stupid time (I have no real excuses that I choose to use) I was back up to 50+ capsules a day. I had to take 30 to get"straight" enough to go see the psychiatrist who recognized how far gone I was, and put me on Subs at 8mg daily. That's 50-80 capsules a day to 8mg Suboxone! I really had no choice by that point, and Suboxone certainly saved my life. If it ends in a life long dependence, then that is still better than the alternative - at the rate that I was going death was certain.
So I paid the price and am off to my first NA session today, to try making some steps back to proper sobriety. I agree with Tommy, at first Suboxone made me feel positive, productive and able. Long term it sucks the life from you. Users know what I mean.
So yeah, Pfan34 you were certainly overprescribed, but good for you for having the strength to come off it. I commend you and envy you!
Best wishes to all.

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Its crazy to hear ppl say they were addicted to tramadol.. I haaatteedd that crap!! I only ever wanted percs.. if it wasn't a perc my mind would stop until I got one.. I know exactly what you mean by it drains the life out of you... towards the end I was using it just as I would a percocet... so I N wouldn't feel like crap or be in pain. Now that I've been off of it.. I realize I was just masking one drug with another.. it's nuts.. I've also been a lot more emotional the past few days.. like I cried watching master chef junior.... Lol.. is that normal..?

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Yeah I understand that. My Dr wanted me to go the Vivitrol route as well. I chose not to. It doesn't help with any withdrawal symptoms but I've heard that it does help with cravings because once you get the shot, you know taking anything would be useless anyways so you won't think about it as much. I guess that just boils down to how confident you are with your recovery and sobriety. For people who relapse often or have temptations, it's a good thing. For me personally, I knew I was DONE with subs. I wanted off them badly enough. I actually cancelled my sub appt knowing that I would be kicked out of the program and had no choice but to be done with it. I guess ripping the bandaid off permanently.

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Crying watching Junior Master Chef to me seems pretty normal..that program freaks me out! Young children trying to act as adults, with the heavily scripted lines and stuff...strange! But joking aside, all opiates dull emotional responses. Definitely. I have gone through some deeply emotive incidents over the last couple of years, and everyone thinks that I am being "solid" when in truth I can logically understand the fear and grief, but emotionally I I cannot cry, even at death. Cold as ice. And I don't like it one bit. So yeah, getting emotional is your brain working the way it should again, and is a great thing! Although as with anything there are good and bad aspects, but overall as long as you have "some" control then emotional response returning is a positive.

For me, tramadol was something that gave me excessive serotonin responses much more than classic opiate feelings. That made it very rapidly addictive, and very hard to withdraw from. I have never used or had any classic opiate (except codeine in limited use), can guess what it feels like, but tramadol is quite different I think, and it is the only drug or medication that I have ever become addicted to, in 30+ years (I am 51) of different things, from drinking and smoking to other recreational substances without an issue. Tramadol - instant hook. Hate it so much it makes me gag to think of shoving those 50 capsules into my stupid head. :*( Never again...whatever it takes. But I can see this "battle" with Suboxone being a tough one, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to take it on yet. But I want to!! Very much!!

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Lol. Emotions is a part of it. I would get sentimental over stupid stuff too. Tramadol was my kryptonite. They say something like 20% of the population has a body chemistry that is extremely synergistic with tramadol. Most people get nothing or very little but for us few, it is too good to be good. For a long time it wasn't even considered a controlled substance and Drs weren't on the look out for it. I could ask for tramadol all day and they wouldn't bat an eye. That's all changed in the past 2-3 years.

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Pfan34 and Try87 my comments are actually directed to your last posts. Both of you GET IT. There are so many posters who believe Suboxone is a drug that makes them clean again.. What a misnomer that is most likely pushed by their provider. I am writing this at 1 am in the morning because even after ten months off of the drug my sleep patterns have still not gone back to anywhere near normal. My symptoms are as bad today as they were after the first month. For those of you thinking on getting on the Suboxone program I want you to know first hand of the withdrawal affects I am having after ten months of being clean. Burning skin syndrome, stomach cramps, sleeplessness, sore joints, sore muscles to the extent is is difficult to walk, anger episodes, crying jags, uncontrolled sneezing and running nose, memory loss, watering eyes because of dryness, loss of immune system, feeling dizzy, vision issues, weight gain, inability to work,waking up and taking thirty minutes to clear your head enough to start to function and more. There is not a guarantee this will ever go away. If this isn't enough to make you reconsider going on the non addictive but physically dependent drug my heart goes out to you. Now there are Generic forms of this drug and your primary care physician can prescribe it for pain. In reality it is a moderate pain medication with awful withdrawals when you feel it has greatly lessened the quality of your life. I missed all family Christmas events this year and cannot even remember last Christmas. I do not remember my son's graduation from Medical School even though I was present. Most embarrassing is that you look normal and everyone tells you that you look great even though you are in unbelievable discomfort and pain. Who wants to broadcast you are in opiate withdrawals? Why trade two to five weeks of major discomfort for two years of hell?

Vivitrol is not a good solution for withdrawals. It only stops cravings and is a shot of nolexatrene in thick oil. A compound pharmacist can mix you an oral suspension of noleatrene that you take 2ml orally on a daily basis which taste like cherries and only costs $15.00/month vs $1,000 for the shot plus the doctors visit.

All in all I figure Suboxone and Vivitrol is a money racket for those involved. Stud the difference between non addictive and physically dependent. Read the drug insert. Suboxone is non addicting but in small print it says it id physically dependent. And it truly is physically dependent. Actually the worst withdrawals you can find anywhere. Think of the babies born addicted to Suboxone. Consider the FDA and the manufacturer could are less what you are going through. Know once you stop taking the poison your prescribing Doctor will drop you faster than you can put your coat on.

I do not profess to know the alternatives but do not tell me Suboxone saved your life because it takes control of your life and it is ugly. YouTube has hundreds of posts on Suboxone most of it being taped by 10 day wonders who know nothing about what they are talking about. MedsChat is about your best resource if you read the knowledgeable writers. Do not listen to anyone who has not gone through this program. Before I take a prescription from a Doctor I always ask if they have taken it. Surprise surprise they are only taking the word of the drug rep who has never experienced it. We have experienced it and are the experts.

One other note. Suboxone desensitizes you and ruins your libido. SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OF THE MEDICAL VALUE OF SUBOXONE COMES IN THE FIRST TWO MGS. There is absolutely no value in taking more than four mgs per day other that to make you physically dependent faster. Weaning to three mgs is baby talk. Going beyond two mgs and lower is hell. Your Doctor will not explain any of this because he has not been on it and it cuts into his profit. If the FDA or the manufacturer wants to challenge me on any of the above, bring it on. They are cowards and will not respond to my letters. Most likely because they know I am correct and are avoiding litigation for ruining thousands of lives.

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So true (also have a reply pending).. Tramadol was ridiculously easy to fill in huge quantities. My local pharmacies didn't bat an eyelid at giving me 10 boxes of 10 strips at a time. And 3 local pharmacies would do this. Insane. So open to abuse. And I did, because tramadol gave me energy, serotonin highs not opiate nods. Yeah, kryptonite is a very good way of describing it, sadly.

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Hi tommyc, im from detroit too. I now am in port huron area, which is one reason i've been able to stay off opiates for 7 years. I was on suboxone for 6.5 years and now im on one subutex and im doing fine. I don't care what these other people say that it is just another drug. I don't feel high like i did on suboxone and i feel better. I plan on kicking these too but i have to taper down. Anyways just wanted to say hey...

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Two years. And I still had withdrawal.

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I went to detox off opiates and got put on 8mg/2mg suboxone a day. Cut myself down after a week to 4mg every other day. Then after 2 weeks cut down to 2mg every other day, then to 2mg every third day a week after that. Trying to stop suboxone completely after another week, I experienced minor withdrawals, which got worse after 5 days. I experienced no withdrawals at all after that. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but that is my experience.

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I know this is old, but what you wrote is simply not true. Opiates/Opioids, including Suboxone, affect everyone differently. I took very small doses of Sub. One strip lasted me about 4-5 days. I'd take about .25 or so mg in AM before work and another .25 at around 6pm as soon as I was home. I felt crappy if I didn't take a second dose, even though people claim it lasts sooo long in the system. Even when I was taking 2mg once daily, I'd still feel like garbage the next morning, only to be fine as soon as I took the whole 2mg pill. I felt depleted by bedtime, as if withdrawal was ready to kick-in. I quit Subs twice: when I got off the 2 mg I quit cold turkey. My pain was no longer than ANY time I had to get through no percs (I'm a 105 lb girl and took about 80-120 mg oxy a day). By day five, I felt normal again. Maybe it's a metabolism thing, but by six days, I'd be on top of the world--it's just getting over the initial hump that hurts. I'm not saying there won't be any residual depression or emotional issues, but the acute withdrawal is certainly gone, at least for me, in less than a week. Good luck to everyone that is going through this...

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I've been off Suboxone 10 months after being on it for 4 years and still having many withdrawal symptoms.

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I myself am a small girl going through suboxone withdrawals.
I was taking 8mg dilaudids idk how many a day I just did it when I wanted them for about a year. One day I stopped taking them and starting having what I thought was the flu..I couldn't get out of bed if I did was puking. I was at a motel for one night from the winter storm after work, ended up staying there for three days simply because I could not get out of bed. I soon realized I developed my addiction. Then my biggest fear I couldn't get anymore. I finally got suboxone which coated me an arm and a leg.
I have started tapering down and now on my very last 8 mg strip. Right now Im down to a corner piece a day just enough to get me up in the morning but does not last long. I feel it wears off fast. Keep in mind I never done an entire strip not even half at a time cause it was too much for me made me sick.
Anyway it is still very uncomfortable but I am happy to be doing one tiny tiny piece a day about the size of this "O".
After a couple hours I start feeling the awful tired feeling like someone is sitting on my chest and the cramps, indigestion feeling, achy restless legs, but NOWHERE near my first initial withdraws before tapering down. I have yet to go a day without any. Although I read people can not sleep, I don't have a problem with sleeping as I will yawn my face off during a withdrawal. If anything I can make myself sleep through them which really helps! Only thing I can't really do is eat if I feel that breathless feeling. If I do its not much. Anyway I'm so happy to feel this at on one tiny piece! I can only believe I'm getting better and not think about what's going to happen next. I have no choice but to quit being broke but I WANT to quit. I don't want to worry about my life being controlled.

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I can tell you will succeed. Once you jump you will really start the full dependency withdrawal. Your limited use should be an advantage to quickly finish withdrawal. Good luck.

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Well guys, I'm on day one and I'm scared as hell. This has truly been one rollercoaster ride even being on the medication. Lets see I'm now bi-polar lol, anyone else feel that way. I'm going into tomorrow and i'm scared but what I really need is to be on Day 5 i'm a single mom and I have crisis care and my mom is going to help and my boss and i pray to god I can beat this thing. I heard 10 days you begin feeling somewhat normal again but when I read others posts I'm not sure.

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Rebekah, I went back to work on day 11 and was at least feeling pretty ok. The worst was over at that point , my lingering side effects for 3
Months were not sleeping a lot, I would wake up at butt crack of dawn, which I wAs always a late sleeper. I had runny nose and cold chills for 3 months, sneezes all the time, and I would get easily irritated in certain situations. Now it's been 6 months and I feel amazing, I don't have anymore withdrawals and I don't have any emotional issues anymore. I sleep so good now. Exercise really helped me through the whole withdrawal process actually. I got up everyday and went for a walk even if it was brief. The worst part of withdrawal for me was restless legs and the feeling of u wanting to jump outta your skin. Good luck to you , keep your eye on the prize and know it won't last forever! Take care

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Yeah I need to kick myself from thinking oh I have a busy day today so I need to take another piece so I don't need it while I'm out.
The woooorst feeling I have from it all is the terrible belly cramps below the belt. Idk what it is but it stays this sore feeling. I read about having cramps but its not often I see it. Idk if anyone else has this. Or this heavy feeling like my insides tingle lol maybe that's the jumping out of your skin feeling. Sometimes I get to shaking my legs hard cause I don't want to sit still. I was hoping to get this over with by the time I start my new job but I just can't get to jumping days yet. The stomach cramps kills. Hot baths do help though.

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You are experiencing restless leg syndrome. It runs in my family and happens the worst when kicking opiates. I dont know the reason why but thats what it is. Its ran in my family for years before there was a name for it. There is meds for it. Its actually a type of parkinsons disease i guess...

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