Heroin 4-5 Hrs After Suboxone?? (Page 4)


Any1 know if it's okay to take heroin say 4-5 hrs AFTER having taken my first dose - 6 decidedly inadequate mgs - of suboxone?

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naloxone isn't used to nutrilize other narcotics...its use to block opiates and that's it. why they put it in subutex I don't know because subutex blocks opiates itself very well in appropriate doses, its said that it's put in subutex to stop or discourage people injecting them by making the the prep process an break down of the tab almost impossible so you can inject, yet it is a blocker but so is buprenorphine? go figure

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I'm trying to kick a bad heroin habit. I've been using suboxone on and off for about one year now but I always seem to relapse. I find that dosing with H a few hours after taking a sub helps even me out, but I am worrying that I am negating the positive effects of suboxone. My plan is to keep using both, ween of the H, then ween off the subs. Does this seem like a good idea? I know sobriety is always the best answer, but without doing both, I find it difficult to get out of bed. I also know that suboxone supposedly blocks the effects of H, but I still feel as though it helps get me motivated. Obviously, my goal is to clean up as quickly as possible and stay clean, but I find it almost impossible to go about the most menial tasks without doing the aforementioned formula. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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I think we have all played this game a few times before if we have come to the point of reading and posting to online forums. I ve been trying to finally kick this little H habit off my back using 8mg subs daily. I used to take about $100 worth of weak h around five times per week. Every morning that I wake up and take my strips I do fine. May have some cravings but I just remind myself that it's a waste of time and money to call my guy bc I won't get high. That's all well enough but one of my main problems is actually taking the sub strips. Bc I know that if I don't take them I can get high. From my experience doing H or oxy later the same day as taking subs is pretty much a complete waste. Even doing it the next morning I don't feel much of anything. So I use the subs as a mental reminder of the waste of doing H and a little help in the will power dept. so far so good. I've slipped up a few times no doubt, by not taking the subs and planning a day to get high. But In reality that high only lasts at best a couple hours and then we are all back where we started. Wanting more dope and a little lighter in the pocket. A heroin habit makes you put other expenses in perspective $100 a day on dope is $36,500 a year for something you can't drive, live in, wear, or even hold in your hands (because it's all up your nose or in your vein). Subs really are a miracle if you use them right and you actually want to be clean. That last part is the trickiest though. Be honest with yourself. Do you want to be clean or not? No meds or therapy can save you from you.

Side note: heard a news story yesterday about cracking down on pill mills and the unexpected result of old patients becoming junkies. No s*** government you let them produce pharmaceutical dope and spread it around then cut people off and think they won't find H? They should have an amnesty program for ppl who had oc scripts and are struggling to get clean I mean wtf? I know I'm luck bc I'm stronger than most but I do feel sympathy for people that got in too deep and can't climb out.

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The naltrexone in soboxone is weak and short lasted...The bup is actually the chemical that does most the blocking...ita partial opiate agonist like methadone and heroin and partial optiate antagonist itself like naltrexone...we have multiple opiate receptors...unlike the full agonists like heroin, bup only stimulate some while blocking others...whats dangerous is you have to do a lot more heroin to barly feal it unless u wait 48 to 36 hours or even more. Opaites effects on breathing and heart rate are not necessarily blocked like the eurphoira is, causing people, especially experienced user totake dangerous amounts seeking the rush.. FYI, the nalrexone in it is a not a theraputic. dose and leaves the body quick. Its only effective to immediately snap someone out of an OD...it wont block the effects of heroin hours later nnor will it erase the metabolites found in your urine.

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I just went through this and I waited 8 hours and I should have waited longer definitely. I listen to those of you who said 5 to 6 hours and I was stupid and wasting money. I had taken 16 milligrams at 2 p.m. earlier this afternoon. in at 10:30 p.m. tried using. I feel it about half as much as I usually do. I would wait a few more hours at least half a day. and it is very dangerous to mix different drugs. most overdoses are not just from heroin alone they're mostly combination of different things. I do not suggest missing anything at all. on the prescription for subs there is a warning to not do so.

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I have been on buprenorphine for 5 days but I used 'h' last nite (stupidly), do I have to start the whole process again to get back on track wth buprenorphine? Or how long shud I wait so I can get back on track wth my bupe again?

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i just took an 8mg suboxone and about 4 hours ago, would i have to be in full withdrawal before i took the next dose??

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Dr giggles MD you are the one who's wrong, subutex does block H, if you wait 12 he's an then take H then yes of course you will get some type of hit from it but not if you take subutex then have a hit an hour later, and yes when I say subutex I mean subutex not suboxone, suboxone is even worse it blocks stronger because it has 2mg of naltrexone in with it, but it makes no difference really because subutex (pure buprenorphine) blocks any other opiate from binding to the receptors which keen you will get no effect from an h or oxys morphine etc etc wait 12 he's an try but it won't be a good hit but you will get a hit also if you take subutex then take h you won't get high and you dont have to wait to take subutex again you can take subutex soon after because the h didn't bind to your receptors which means the subutex you take after h won't kick the h off the receptors an give you withdrawal because the h wasn't attached there in the first place it so people who ask or say they have taken subutex then had a hit of h an got no high an ask how long they should wait to take there subutex, the answer is you can take it anytime even straight away because the H didn't bind to the receptors because the subutex blocked it so there is no h for the subutex your about to take to kick off it doesn't matter that its in the blood stream its the brain that does all the work like throwing you into withdrawal due to a chemical process in the brain, so the h didn't get processed by the brain and the subutex that is on the receptors is still there an will just be added to by the subutex you are about to take with no H in the way, hard to explain but FACT

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I'm back :) I waited 15 hours and took my subutex and felt fine!! I have stayed on track sinse and am feeling great, posotive and won't b making that mistake of using on my subutex again, it just made me feel bad and stupid!!
I have cravings to use and wen I do I take a lil more subutex or tell smeone (who wants me to do well) and they remind me why I ended up wanting to stop using in first place!! The h doesn't do anything anyway wen uve been stable on subutex for a bit anyway so mau as well burn my money!! How's evryone doing here?

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Shooting up your normal dose of heroin will not hurt you...you also wont feel it..bupinorphan has a higher and long afinity to opiate receptors so the opiates have nothing to attach to in yoyr brain...this causes people to use higher doses to feel it barley. However opiates effects on the respatory system are not blocked so you can still overdoseand die, without hardly any euphoria...so its pointless. ..if you wanna quit heroin, take subs. dont use subs as a way to take away sickness so you can f*** around when you feel like it because it takes at least 3 days to get a rush off heroin, and subs blocks the good effects of heroin but not the bad dangerous ones... in summations, if u really wanna quit its a wonder drug, if u wanna get high its not an alternative or even a good substitute. When i first quit, i was taking 8 mg of subs...i shot up without realizing it a gram in 2 hours. My lunga hurt, i had breathing triuble and not one once of eurphoria...it was an expensive dangerous waste of time

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I took Clonidine and Lorazepram to get off that big amount of drugs in September. But I took the 8mg subs from only doing 1-2 shots 3-8 times a day which isn't nearly as much as I was doing which was for 2 years and the smaller amount was for only 1.5 months. But I metabolize subs fast, cause when I take just 2mg sub at 10am everyday, by this time every night I always start feeling Some slight WDs and once it's been a full 24hours since I took the 2mg, I feel like I'm in a full blown WD..happens every single day. It sucks. I just wanna do this bag so bad, but am clueless on it's strength. If I had access to an anxiety med I'd totally be taking them all the time, but no way until I Get to a doc which is hard with no money or insurance...(I get the subs from my friend who just gives me them for free). So even tomorrow when I wake up at around 12-1pm wouldn't even be a long enough wait to even feel it enough? And if I bang it and don't really feel it and still feel sickish, how long should I wait to take a 2mg sub??

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Okay so if I took a half of a 8mg subutex (4mg) and I don't use subutex regularly how long should I wait before I can get normal effects from other opioids?

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I've been on 10-12 mg of suboxone for about a month and all of a sudden today I got a urge to use heroin again. Most likely having that much built up on my system it would be a waiste of time huh? Plus I've been clean for 35 days and feel good. Addiction is no joke. The suboxone is really the only thing holding me back from using. I guess it really is a miracle drug

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What would be the difference with subutex?

I got addicted after moving back to FL too.

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my question was- if I have a chippy from using heroin and wanted to quit, can I use suboxone right after using heroin or do I have to wait a certain amount of hours ? I don't want to go through any of that discomfort I keep hearing about "instant withdrawal".

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I've took suboxine about 5 hours after taken methadone and by golly a felt ill, but I took heroin 5 hours later n a was fine so everyone is different

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Bravado, methadone and suboxone are two completely different drugs.

Suboxone contains an opiate blocker, unlike methadone.

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He's using heroin and lying to you. Heroin is the devil. And sub is not. There is no cure for the urges. Except the subs. Suboxone is probably the best. If he really wants off for life.

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Its really hard living w someone using drugs & u do not. especially a herion user
If hes on subs hes on heavy opiates. You will not have a good relationship living with someone using. Good luck & get out, if he changes --good!

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Why would you do that. It is people like you giving suboxine a bad name

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