Help With Finding A Pain Doctor That Takes New Patients And Prescribes Meds In The Bellevue Wa Area. Also Will Drive If Necessary
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I need help finding a pain doctor in the bellevue wa state area and will drive further if have to. need doctor thats taking new patients and prescribes pain meds. In chronic pain since 2002 and will try all leeds

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: Barrington (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Thank God this person was banned. They don’t know what’s it’s like to be in constant pain. Sooner or later, they will find out!!

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Re: Sissy (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Sissy, yep, head down low. Silly me, asking to take 11/2. I knew better. But that's exactly what I had been doing, not that I told her that. So, out of some feeling of honesty, I wanted her approval. Now is no time to be asking for increase. In these present times, I should just be quiet, not draw attention. You're absolutely right. Will do. You never saw me. ;)

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Re: JMJ (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

JMJ.... I can't sue Medtronic because of a legal loophole called "Preemption". Basically, because the FDA was given legal authority over medical device manufacturers, NO ONE can sue them in State Court. It's a complicated legal issue that I have researched thoroughly. I was a Paralegal before I was disabled from a serious car accident in 1995. There is a legal decision from the Supreme Court in Riegel vs. Medtronic, that stripped away my legal right to sue them. There have been Bill's introduced to Congress since 2001 trying to close that loophole, but every year they die in the Health Committee, never even getting a chance to be voted on. Talk about the lobbying power of Big Pharma!!!!

So, there have been 14 deaths tied DIRECTLY to these pumps malfunctioning and even those families can NOT sue!! OUTRAGEOUS!! I get so friggin mad just thinking about all these issues AND trying not to lose my mind from the pain im in every minute of every day. Sorry....had to vent for a minute.

Anyway, I REALLY appreciate reading your posts, and I appreciate your understanding. I'm a Maw Maw too....and I want to enjoy my grandbabies too. in no frame of mind to be around them..they are too young to understand why I can't get out of the recliner and off my heating pad.

From one friend to another, I wouldn't ask for an increase right now if I were you. I would try to ride it out with what you have. Many are being sent to PM and drastically cut or dropped for asking for an increase. Keep your head down right now my friend. Try your best to fly under the radar for as long as you can. Best wishes to you.

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Re: Sissy (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Sissy, it's so sad what they've done to you. And for what??? Oh yes, getting an infection from the pump they so graciously installed. So now, it seems, you have nothing to control your pain. THIS MAKES ME SO MAD!

At this point I am not in PM. Family doc has prescribed. She left, then NP agreed to continue my pain care. SHE left, and it seems the temporary doc will continue my care. A lovely person, but I make her nervous, I can tell. Since she is only a fill in, I'm inclined to think she will continue what I have been prescribed. 10mg. 1 6x a day. 120 a month. To me, having taken this for at least 2 years, this is not high dose. When I asked to take 11/2 she thought I was getting dangerously close to OD levels. She thinks 10mg is "a very high dose". Truly she was kind and sympathetic about the issues I deal with, trigeminal neuralgia, rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, stroke leftovers, thoracic outlet syndrome, to name just a few. None of us CPP's asked for this. Plus, no spring chicken here, I just want to enjoy my grandkids, kick some ass in my gardens, refinish furniture and be productive. Take away my med and I turn into a new unproductive slug. We all hate that. Most of us are not lazy. Places to go people to see, babies to play with.

Did you end up participating in any of the lawsuits against makers of those pumps? You deserve some sort of compensation for your suffering.

Funny, doctors seem more concerned about our BMI than our P-A-I-N. Pain just is. Always will be. We have no expectation of being pain free, just in less pain. God bless you Sissy, and help you cope. People like you make me step back and count my blessings.

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Re: JMJ (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your post. I have been through a lot with the pumps. The manufacturer (Medtronic) of the pumps also makes the stimulator. I can't make the decision for you as you know. However, you do need to be FULLY informed of the risks of both of them because PM is pushing them both HARD on us CP patients. As I have said in many of my posts, these docs get large commissions on each stimulator or pump that they implant. Go to the FDA site and search...medical device recalls....then Medtronic. They have been the subject of 33 Class 1 recalls (the most severe) and were even completely shut down for a while due to failing quality control inspections/ regulations by the FDA and Dept. Of Justice.

I've had the stimulator (at Duke University) too. I ended up having 8 surgeries trying to keep it. The leads in my spine kept migrating. The last surgery they took it out because it would only stimulate around my rib cage.

I was dropped from PM with no notice or taper after I got BACTERIAL MENINGITIS. My doc was mad because I did NOT want to get another PUMP. Can you blame me? The last one almost KILLED me.

I went cold turkey off of 50 mcg. Fentanyl Patches, 4 (4mg. ) Hydromorphone a day, and 2400 mg. Gabapentin all at once. I went through 3 months of the worst withdrawal you could imagine!

I went from being semi-productive to recliner bound/housebound in ABSOLUTE AGONY!! I am about to have a heart attack or stroke if I can't find some help. My blood pressure is 175/105 every day with a pulse rate in the 130s. Ers in Arkansas will NOT HELP.

I'm lost, struggling to live through each HOUR. Please pray for us all.

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Re: Sissy (# 53) Expand Referenced Message

Sissy, I am floored by your post and the suffering pain pumps have put you through. Wow, I had no idea the risks associated with them. I really need to read up. If I am faxed with the choice of pump or nothing, and that's not so far down the road, what should I do, besides find another Seriously, if opioid become impossible to be perscribed, what is our optoon. I understand the pump does deliver controlled pain med, but it scares me. Especially after reading your post! And, what are you doing now for your pain? Thanks for your posting.

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Re: iamdb (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I know how you feel!! I had four pumps over the last 23 years. The first two worked fine. Then I moved from Virginia to Arkansas. The third pump never worked right from the start. The catheter broke, so I had to have THREE surgeries to fix it. Then the pump battery died prematurely and it took my doctors 2 weeks to get me into surgery. All the while I went through complete withdrawal cold turkey. It was 8 weeks before they put medicine in the pump. They put saline in it in the OR.

The fourth pump either overdosed me one day, or underdosed me the next. It got infected during a refill. Doc left it in me, infected, for over 8 weeks until I was found unconscious on the floor. I was rushed to the hospital.

I had to fight for my life as I had developed BACTERIAL SPINAL MENINGITIS. My fever was 106. In the ICU for 3 weeks. They took the pump out. In hospital total of 6 weeks.

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Re: damon (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Dr Micheal Sanders in New York is great. However, I need better pain meds if u know of a doc in ny?

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Christina, I feel bad for you. Many doctors who wrote prescriptions are now being sued by ambulance chasers who make millions from doctors and their insurance companies. People like you have to suffer while they get rich and the rest of the doctors are now afraid to prescribe painkillers in situations like yours because these rich ambulance chasers might prey after them.

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Hi Jim, my name is Christina. In the same boat as everyone else here. Like you, I also have? CRPS aka RSD. For those who don't know what that is... crps=chronic regional pain Syndrome & rsd=Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. I got that permanent nerve disease after i suffered a serious comminuted fracture of the tibia. Comminuted=shattered? Dr screwed my surgery up and i have to wear a long heavy plastic & metal brace forever. I also have sciatic neuropathy in both legs, also have severe neck, back pain in my bones, muscles & nerves. I saw a pm dr who rx'd a lot of morphine, oxy, then each mo. my pcp would renew that rx. I came up positive for pot & he cut me off completely. After 15 yrs pain relief, I'm really struggling. I just can't find anything anymore & I'm freaking out! I'm not looking for the high dose as before, but this is sooo messed up! I'm in Kitsap county, wa. I really wish i could find a way to get the meds i need to function, but I'm very discouraged after reading these posts that I'll ever be able to find a dr willing to help. Can anyone help me?

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Have you had any luck? We were going to the same dr. and have had no luck and no help finding someone. I don't know how to get ahold of anyone, but as I said before, we are both disabled and have numerous problems, back, knee arthrithis etc. Thank you

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Thank you for the post. I am 50 years old and until 7 years ago was in very good shape. Such good shape that I gave my 18 yr old Eagle scout a run for his money whether we were skiing, mountain biking, or hiking. Then I was diagnosed with severe CRPS. I attacked it from every direction....physical therapy, cold later treatment, spinal implants, nerve blocks, and lots of meds that did nothing or made me sick. Then I found this wonderful Dr and I began opiate therapy.

Prior to the opiate therapy the condition progressed to the point that I could not sleep in my bed anymore. We sold our jet ski and ski boat because they sat all season. Then I started missing family get togethers and holidays not to mention other important family celebrations.

Once I started medication I began to get my life back. I bought a new bed and stopped missing family events and holidays. I even planned a vacation with my son. Without these meds my life would be miserable to say the least. It sickens me that the government is regulating my medication to the point where the thought of my doctor retiring brings tears to my eyes. I for one am willing to provide anyone with any information I can. Living in excruciating pain makes life almost not worth wanting to live.

Lastly, I'd like to add that nothing I did in life caused this to happen. Doctors are not exactly sure of how people get it and there is no cure.

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Looking for pain management clinic in Ga for out of state patients. Don't care if you judge I'm legit. Are there any left ?

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I am one of your doctors patients i believe. I too have been seeing dr for 15 yrs and now I am told by a letter in the mail that he is stopping all narcotic prescriptions June 30. I'm sorry that he is going through something he was a great help in my life and I'm sure that he has had to deal with the DEA and people who have been abusers too all I have been doing in my search is calling different pain management centers and really doing a lot of background checks on the Drs and how they treat people with chronic pain. If you have a PCP go to him or. Her and tell them the story they may be able to refer you to a decent dr that will help as of now I still can't find a dr either but this is my plan. Good luck and I know how upsetting this is for all people who really need help with pain and get treated like drug seekers. This is Wa state horrible opiate addiction here. I'm thinking about trying Suboxone it seems like that's about the only choice there is. I will miss my Dr. P.B.B.MD. I really feel for all of us who have never had any addiction issues and have followed the rules completely now we have to start this horrible process all from the beginning again. Take care and if I find anything I will let you know. I'm in Renton wa. Good luck.

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Hello everyone, I am so grateful to have found this website as I am in desperate need of help. I have been fortunate to have had a wonderful doctor for 11 years since I moved to WA from Southern California. I suffer from FMS/CFS, Osteoarthritis, as well as now spinal issues with the discs in my back and neck. He is a private practice physician, a Rheumatologist and Pain Management Specialist in the State of Washington. His office is located in the downtown area of Seattle. I live a little over an hour away from his office but it has been worth every trip I've made to drive into downtown Seattle to see him no matter how horrid I am feeling. I have considered myself Blessed to have him as my doctor. When I first moved to WA from S. CA, I had a hard time in finding a doctor who was willing to continue my medication management here. As a person who has been dealing with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for over 30 years, with the help of my medical team down in Southern California and as well with him, together we have tried every type of treatments available for the Chronic Pain issues I suffer. We have exhausted every possibility of other treatments known to date and over the years my doctors in Southern California as well as my doctor here. Have found that my body only responds to opioid medications for the treatment of my pain.

These doctors have realized this really is the only thing which helps me to be able to get out of bed every day and function to the best I can with my Chronic Pain issues is the use of these important medications which are opioids such as Oxycodone, Methadone, as well as muscle relaxants and neurological meds to handle the type of diabetic never pain I also must suffer. (and yes I have tried Lyrica and other meds which are approved for FMS on several occasions but they do not work for me and only cause me horrid side effects. My issue and PROBLEM is that my doctor sent out a letter to all of his CHRONIC PAIN patients such as myself stating that as of June 30th (2017) he will no longer be treating his chronic pain patients or prescribing any opioid meds for us. He will only be focusing his practice on his Rheumatology patients. Therefore, I HAVE NOW BEEN LEFT TO SUDDENLY FIND A NEW DOCTOR WHO IS WILLING TO TAKE OVER MY CARE AND TREATMENT AS WELL AS MY MEDICATION MANAGEMENT AND PRESCRIBING OF THE OPIOIDS I NEED TO TAKE. Because, I have only really seen this doctor ever since I moved here 11 years ago and recently my G.P. has left his practice as well. I HAVE NO IDEA of HOW OR WHERE OR WHO TO EVEN ASK FOR HELP or where to even begin to search for a new doctor who will do this for me as there are so many doctors unwilling to prescribe Opioids for non cancerous Chronic Pain Patients do to the government and states heavy regulations for them now in doing so (especially in WA).

I DON'T want to wait until the last minute NOR CAN I AFFORD TO WAIT PHYSICALLY, thus my finding a new doctor is imperative to my health and quality of life for me as if I do not have these medications to take such as these Opioid Medications and Muscle Relaxants and Neurological Meds which allow me to be able to get out of bed every morning and be able to function throughout the day in order take care of my family and live any type of life even. Of course, I hate living on meds but those of us on this site I'm sure also feel this way too yet, we have had to accept this is just part of how our lives are now. WHAT I REALLY AM HAVING TROUBLE IN UNDERSTANDING IS THAT In the past 30 years I've lived with this Pain Condition back down in California whenever one of my doctors was retiring or had to close up their practice for whatever reasons they have always had another physician or physicians in which they have either transferred their patients care to, or at least referred them to these other physicians who were Colleges of theirs. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY MY DOCTOR HERE HAS NOT DONE SO???? (Maybe this is how it is done here in WA I DON'T KNOW SINCE THIS IS MY FIRST EXPERIENCE WITH THIS HAPPENING IN THE 11 YEARS SINCE I HAVE MOVED HERE). (He is the only doctor I've had and trusted or these past 11 years). On my last visit a few weeks ago the best I could get from him and his office staff was a computer print out of names of just Pain Clinics which I had already researched on the net. But as I have informed his office there are several clinics on that list which no longer exist (they've closed their doors). Yet still I've received NO help with referrals to actual Physician's with Names or any in Private Practices such as his is.

THEREFORE, I AM DESPERATELY SEEKING YOUR HELP IN THIS MATTER. IF ANY OF YOU ARE READING MY POST AND KNOW OF ANY PAIN MANAGEMENT DOCTORS IN THE SEATTLE AREA OR EVEN SURROUNDINGS AREAS I WOULD BE EVER SO GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD PASS ALONG THEIR INFORMATION. ALTHOUGH, I REALLY PREFER A PRIVATE PRACTICE DOCTOR I DO NOT MIND A PAIN CLINIC IF THERE IS ONE ACTUAL DOCTOR ANYONE SEES AT ONE OF THEM AND CAN PROVIDE ME HIS/HER NAME. I NEED SOMEONE WHO IS (VERY compassionate, caring and also understanding of the role narcotics plays in the treatments of Chronic Pain Conditions, especially when a patient like me has exhausted all other possibilities with other treatments and they've all failed). My doctor told me that as soon as I do find another physician he very much wants to call and speak with them personally about me and my treatments and the important need of continuing them. I do not mind if a doctor runs routine U/A's in order to continue prescribing patients their much needed narcotic pain meds as my doctor who is retiring from treating us his long term chronic pain patients has always required us to take routine drug panels and sign a new contract every year. I completely understand they must comply with both the Federal as well as the State of WA laws for these types of physicians who do prescribe these types of meds to Chronic non cancerous Pain Patients. I'm not a patient looking for my next fix only to have a doctor who can provide me with the continued medical care and will continue in prescribing and managing my prescriptions for my chronic pain management. Therefore, since it is already May 5th and before we know it June 30th will be upon us and I know from living with this awful illness that I can not afford to go even a short time without my pain meds as it will only end me up in bed unable to get up and do normal daily things in just functioning with life and all its challenges. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP!

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I live in West Virginia, and now they got stuff so messed up, so now if you lose your dr, that writes you pain meds, you are screwed. I've been going to pain clinics for 16 yrs or so. I have worked my pain level up there. And I have had several car accidents since then, and I have fallen too, and that's not counting my other medical problems I have developed along the way of life. Now I'm in search of a pain management dr. I've been looking since Xmas, with no luck, but being treated like a junky. Your damned if you do or you don't. There for a time I hardly ever took my meds, I'd lay around on the couch and cry. Then my family one day just got upset with me, said take your meds, they give them to you, now take them. We are sick of seeing you lay there and cry with pain. So I took it, now look, I'm back where I started but in worse shape, now I can't get anything. This world is so screwed up, it's like this with everything that's good for someone, then here comes some ***** who messes it up for everyone. This always happens in life, we need to fix this problem. And if you are in southern WV and you know a pain management who will write me some meds, please tell me where to go.

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Why do they not let us actually contact each other? I would like to be in touch with an actual person who is going through this and get some much needed support. I tried for 3 and a half weeks to withdraw from OxyContin and I was in so much pain I could not straighten my spine to walk or look up at someone.

Editor's note - We apologize, but in order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads.

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There are many good pain management centers if your interested in following protocol and not just seeking narcotic opiate medications alone.If you have a pcp request a referal.If you don't have one contact the social services dept at your local hospital they can always assist in finding you appropriate pain control. No one should be forced to suffer needlessly but the days of indiscriminate use of opiates are gone forever and 2017 only promises more of the same.We are all forced to adjust to this climate of change in the use of narcotic pain medications.If you haven't been affected it's only a matter of time before further restrictive guildlines affect the masses in the entire USA.

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Eg123 reply to post 18

I suffer from ptsd and have found there are alternatives to benzodiazepine usage alone. NOT BY CHOICE, Which is my point. In this climate of ultra conservative prescribers becoming the rule ( not the exception ) Some for legit. Reasons as we have learned benzos taken in excessive amounts for extended periods of time can cause a cascade of rebound effects magnifying the symptoms of anxiety and anxiety related disorders.What benzo user doesn't fear the day when the doctor cuts them off, or the pharmacy refuses to fill. Before that inevitability is the constant pill counts,forgotten hiding places,preoccupation with generic brands pharmacies are changing to ,or calander watching and counting the days till the next refill authorization date.These are all very common practices of those prescribed this class drug.Im by no means saying it isn't medically indicated.mine certainly was until the retirement of my doctor and no other would continue prescribing it for me. It wasn't an exorbitant dose (30 mg.valium daily for 3 years) although I was given a small short term dose of Ativan to taper with.2 years plus without any benzos has been challenging ,no doubt.but I didn't have a choice and there in is my point.I feel deeply for those with far worse dependencies who may at some point face the same fate as I.NO human should ever be faced with the horrors of benzo. Withdrawals. For those who never experienced it,HORRIFIC is an apt description.
I still manage on 5 hours sleep a night but it's better then the 2 or 3 I was lucky to get during the first year post Withdrawals....
In closing as the new year approaches research your condition, medications alternatives, and MOST OF ALL THE QUALITY AND REPUTATION OF YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDERS.The good ones can truly aide in the quality of life issues we all face at some point.
THE BAD can assist with the illusion of such by prescribing drugs not appropriate for your condition,but always SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE WHEN UNDERTAKING ANY PROCESS OF DRUG CESSATION OR MAINTENCE PURPOSES.Self medicating although understandable always ends badly for those of your loved ones in the end. God Bless you all....,

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I'm dying in Spokane and there is no help here. I moved here from overseas and just had a spinal cervical fusion 4 months ago.

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