How To Take Suboxone At Home (Page 3)
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I have ten suboxones. I have been taking oxycontin for pain but want to try at home to w/d. I can't discuss this with my doctor as it will affect my insurance. This is a my case... Can someone on here tell me how to take my subs? I would appreciate any answers and no lectures. How many do I need to withdraw..Thanks so much.

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Rhonda, I don't know if you're still available to talk about the Suboxone but I am ready to start my journey. I will tell you more about my situation if you're still available to give advice or willing to speak freely about your experience. I am w/drawing from Oxy's 30mg (prescribed) but need a break. Are you still available to converse?

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You will withdrawl from the suboxone too unless you taper your dose and have your dose to almost nothing on the second to last day. By the last day repeat previous days small dose. If you feel bad when you take those small doses then you're moving you fast.

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I know it's long but please read if you want to use subs to kick opiates! Iv been taking about 40-50 norocs a day too, somedays more...I think I killed a bottle of 240 in a freaking weekend! I took orally only but i would chew them sometimes for faster results and iv taking them for a long long time...and yes it scary and horrible. Some days i was fighting sleep so hard because i was scared that i might just stop breathing and not wake up! (Iv read stories about how easy it can happen no matter the tolerance level) i even written a letter once in my phone to my fiancée (who has no idea the degree of my addiction) apologizing if that day came... Subs help A LOT! I have gotten off norcos lots of times! Iv felt the feeling of normal emotions and happiness after...

Iv been able to completely beat the withdrawals but... my problem is I keep relapsing...ill be feeling so good normally and iv beaten the withdrawals so many times that I start thinking...ehh ill just sub it when I am out of pills... I have officially made up my mind that I will not take any more norcos ever! This is what I did every time to get off and it WORKS! Over and over and over. Mind you my withdrawals are sooooooo bad cold turkey...i couldn't function, didn't want to see or talk nor listen to anyone, it was the flu on steroids...Before you read the process please understand that it takes 30 min or sometimes 45-hour for the "feelings" to go away...and you CANT TAKE OPIATES WITH SUBS! you will honestly have the worse stomach ache in the world! Plus throwing up and feeling like the world ending is a better solution... it's just all bad...understand when you take subs you will not have the urge to take the pills so make sure you do not have any pills will ruin your day...horribly. I would purchase 8mg sub strips (orange strips that dissolve in your mouth) and what I found works perfectly is splitting them by folding it in half evenly (like folding paper to make a paper airplane) and splitting it through the crease. I explain the process on a day to day basis, understand if the withdrawals are worse than what I explain you can double your days up with the dosage (not double the dosage! i mean repeat the same day again with the SAME dose!) i recommend that you don't want to be on the subs for more than 7-10 days but hey one time it took me 20 days to completely kick it...and if your kicking H it might be different, but the idea behind it is the same. if you're a first time sub user, the day-to-day as described should def. help! Here it goes!

Day 1: When you wake up (you should already feel the withdrawals) tear the strip in half, drink some water so your mouth isn't dry and put the half strip under your tongue on either the right side or left, keep it under there for as long as it takes (sometimes 30 min!) don't swallow the strip or chew it...don't swallow the spit! Keep it in your mouth underneath the tongue! If you take 40 norcos a day it might give you alittle relief after 30 min of complete dissolve but not all the way relief so then I suggest you put the second half of the strip under the other side of the tongue (only if you truly feel like you need it) I suggest switching side of placement under the tongue from the side you used first every time you take another dose.. Your day should feel amazing! No shakes, no sweats...normal! By the mid or end of the day you may or may not feel some withdrawals coming back...I suggest taking one more HALF strip at night or late late afternoon and call it a day.

Day 2: You should feel a little better but the withdrawals will start again...I suggest taking a half strip now and just try to move forward with the day until the afternoon...(only if the withdrawals are non existing, which my multiple experience Showed) then when you start to feel them take the second half of the strip (try to wait as long as you can) maybe when the sun sets. If the second day the withdrawal is unbearable then just follow the first day routine one more time. Make sure your splitting them and not taking the whole thing! Subs are strong and they are made for people who abuse H and unfortunately they ARE don't take full strips at a time!

Day 3: On your third day (or fourth depending on the second day) you should feel fine until later in the morning/noon...take a half strip and see if you can go all the way until night fall to take another half. (You can even split second half to 2/3 and take it. (Making it a quarter of the full strip)

Day 4: Next day go through your day and you should be feeling much better! (Remember it's all about how you feel, sometimes it takes longer to get off completely...(I have no idea why but there's times I went from one strip to half in 2 days) Take half a strip when needed. should be able to go through the day with that alone... Now the tricky part is at night now...your mind is going to "want" to take the second half just out of habit...if you don't feel withdrawals...don't...but if you really want to...split a half to your taking a quarter of a strip at night now. Now you'v been pill free for 3-4 days (maybe more if your withdrawals are much worse and again my experience is with me taking 40-50 norcos minimum A DAY for months at a step now is to get off the subs Without withdrawing...

Day 5: Next day go through your day drink caffeine for energy, hot bath, workout, Or do nothing...whatever you want just make sure you wait to take the half strip as long as you can! (Nighttime) Once you take it you should be good for the rest of the day! if for any reason (be honest with yourself) you feel like your feeling physical withdrawals take half of the quarter strip again.

Day 6: now your going to take quarter of strip when you start to feel the minor minor withdrawals, goal is to go through the day without anymore but realistically you are going to take another quarter at the end of the day.

Day 7: take quarter of a strip as late as possible...if you feel like you need some more split the second quarter dose in half! So half of the quarter strip which is pretty small by now but trust me, it's potent, that should make you feel normal for the rest of the day...if for any reason you feel withdrawals...take second half of the quarter you split.

Day 8: put in your mind that you have only half of a quarter strip for the day...plan is to take it at night or maybe not take it at all!
You maybe able to go through the rest of the day with no subs! But worse case scenario if you feel you need a dose, take the half quarter dose AT NIGHT!

Day 9: my suggestion is the same as day 8.

Day 10: you should be free of subs.

There's instances that I become free of subs one day then the next day I feel withdraws, you can take half a quarter on that can switch to every other day or two days off one day on... But honestly you should be good and proud. Don't be discouraged if you had to double days or even triple! If you had to take two doses of half strips for 3 days in a row so be it! Just be aware that doctors want you on it for a long time...I know people taking it for years...DON'T BE THAT PERSON! sub block your brain receptors and who knows what kind of damage to the emotional part of your brain that can cause with long term use.

Biggest issues after being sub free is the urge to go back to pills because it was so easy to get off with this have understand the reason you quit...I bet your personality is so much better now? Your probably much happier? You probably can drink without worrying about the effects and for men you can actually enjoy being in bed with your woman without worn her out and making her think something is wrong with her because you can't climax! Haha. Life is too it without being sedated! I am now on day 1 again for the 10th time but I WILL NOT relapse... Feeling normal is amazing...and way more fun...

Ps. There's times where I might take adderal to help with energy, issues are anxiety effects can make you feel like crap...subs help with the anxiety alot but last thing you need is getting addicted to another when you get off the adderal there are permanent effects on your Concentration that can happen yes PERMANENT...also when you take it for a while and oh man you become lazy and you just want to sleep for I suggest to sticking with caffeine to keep your day productive...but subs alone would enable you to do that!

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Hey your thing is this long from my last opiate dosage is it ok to take the first dosage of suboxone? ...thanx.

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hey bro thanks for the info very helpful....tryin to beat this addiction n its winnin so far but with ur paragraph of helpful words im hopeful. Hope ur still doing great. May i ask ...where do u live....i have never heard of the pills being avail or anyone being able to get there hands on them?\

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You CANNOT mix methodone with SUBS it will KILL you. Do it properly.

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Can you tell me how the sub is going? I am wanting to try this because I want my life back. The program here in my hometown has a waiting period of 3mos or longer. I need to do something now. i know of someone who can get me the sub, but I want to do this the right way. Any info you can give would be much appreciated

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Not to be dependent.

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Hello, Ive been an opiate addict starting with vicodin, eventually began abusing oxy. Ive been to drug treatment inpatient 10 days. Clean for almost 5 months. A doc prescribed percocet 10 mgs 5x a day. I took over 20 a day. Got sub film, and i cut it into 8 pieces. Took my last perc last night about 1130p took a piece of those 8 and had 3 so far the last 4 hours. Stomach feels a little weezy. But happy to be on the path to be dependent on these pills.

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I think everyone on this forum is kind of missing a key element to recovery. This is why so many of you have multiple detox stories about using subs to detox. Suboxone is used as a maintenance drug during your recovery so that you are able to make the needed changes in your life to cure your addiction. It's not "once an addict, always an addict.". and you don't need to live your life like that.
Go to a clinic or doctor and get a prescription, get yourself a counselor, and if it helps you go to groups. Only after taking those steps can you recover fully from the disease of addiction.
I know you all out there are desperate, I was too. Desperate to feel normal, desperate to feel healthy, and desperate to live life and truly enjoy just living.
Look at it this way:
A person eats horribly and deosnt excersize all their life. As a result they develop diabetes. However, this person sees a doctor, gets on insulin. But also this person eats healthy meals, excersizes and loses wait. After a year, or more, depending on how hard they work their doctor tells them that they dont need the insulin anymore. Are they still diabetic? The answer is no.
The same can be said about maintenance treatments. The medication is a took to make the necessary changes to cure your illness.
I still have had slip ups, even recently, its not a panacea. But, it has given me the tools I need to for the most part make the changes in my life needed to make it normal again.
I know that it definately isnt the answer for everyone, but, rushing through your recovery isnt the answer for anyone that really wants to stay clean. Its more than just the sickness, its the mental sickness that youve created through your use.

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I was wondering how using the subs worked for you

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Your going to need more then two subs. With draw lasts at least a week.

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I am in the exac same situation i have been using about 150-200 mgs of oxy or 1 bundle a day (whatever I could get that day) for about a month and a half now. I had 4 years clean before my relapse and am done again i have exactly 2 8mg strips of suboxone as u said u did and i also want to just use those and be done can you please explain how you acomplished this?

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sry 'bout the double post. Not real sure what happened there.

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if he's only taking 30mg/day tell him to just jump. Don't even use the sub's. I was on painkillers (Oxycontin/codone) for about 7 years. Occasionally my habit would go months on end at upside of 1100-1300+ mg/day. I was twis-ted. Got on Sub's for about 2 1/2 years after. Originally thought they were a "miracle pill" like everyone else. Then I had to kick the Sub's. You have NO idea what an opiate kick is, until you've tried to kick Suboxone. At 24mg/day, well, I just had no idea. Made a methadone kick seem like a walk in the park. On day 88 I was still at roughly 80% of a full blown opiate kick. Puking, runs, whole 9yards. On day 89 I decided I was either going to wrap my mouth around a rifle or get high, but I was NOT going to feel that way any longer. Well, needless to say, the latter was what wound up happening. I guess my point is: Be careful with the Sub's. Short term they are great for titration. DO NOT let anyone talk you into any type of long-term (read:over 10days) usage. Little known fact is that Suboxone/Subutex (Buprenorphine) is an opiate TOO. ALL opiates come with a pricetag. Don't think you are going to get off scott-free. Used correctly however, Sub's can really minimize the effects of a "kick" when used in conjunction with vitamins and supplements. 4 or so 8mg tabs/strips has been more than sufficient to bring me off a 1000+ mg/day bender. You should also learn what the "half-life" of a medication means and know the effective half-life of your med's. (oxy=3.5 whereas Bup. =39.5, or so) I will also tell you to be honest with yourself. If you're just using them to "fill a dry spell" then you would be better served with Loperamide. Sub's are better used for actual detox. Again, DO NOT TAKE FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU. I was told a plethora of lies too. I have kicked opes more times than even I can count, alcohol(saw spiders-baaad), speed(meth), coke, and benzo's(almost died-baaad) and NONE of it even came CLOSE to the misery of a Suboxone kick. I had to get really fancy to get my life back. Another story for another time. Start with 4-6mg. That should be enough to get ya feelin' better. WAIT 'til you start feeling crappy. I have done the precipitated withdrawal thing twice also. That is brought about by taking the Sub's too soon. Put me in the hospital once. No fun. I THOUGHT (the mind is powerful) I was feeling bad so I took the Sub. Well, it was just the "lack 'o' dope blues" making me think I felt crappy. Wait until you've actually got the watery eyes/sneezes/brillo-in-the-throat, shaky symptoms. Place 4mg under the tongue and relax. In 45minutes or so you'll feel like a million bucks. that night take 2mg before bed. Same the next day but cut dosages in half. Continue, cutting dosage in half each day, and on day 5or6 just jump. There will be mild discomfort on day 2 or 3 totally clean. It will take 2-3 days for the Sub's to completely quit working/exit your system (that half-life thing) and those days, 3 and 4 will be the worst. Gabapentin really helps me on those days as does 5HTP for the depression. Hope this helps, and your mileage may vary.

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if he's only taking 30mg/day tell him to just jump. Don't even use the sub's. I was on painkillers (Oxycontin/codone) for about 7 years. Occasionally my habit would go months on end at upside of 11-1300 mg/day. I was twisted. Got on Sub's for about 2 1/2 years after. Originally thought they were a "miracle pill" like everyone else. Then I had to kick the Sub's. You have NO idea what an opiate kick is until you've tried to kick Suboxone. At 24mg/day, well, I just had no idea. Made a methadone kick seem like a walk in the park. On day 88 I was still at roughly 80% of a full blown opiate kick. Puking, runs, whole 9yards. On day 89 I decided I was either going to wrap my mouth around a rifle or get high, but I was NOT going to feel that way any longer. Well, needless to say, the latter was what wound up happening. I guess my point is: Be careful with the Sub's. Short term they are great for titration. DO NOT let anyone talk you into any type of long-term (read:over 10days) usage. Little known fact is that Suboxone/Subutex (Buprenorphine) is an opiate TOO. ALL opiates come with a pricetag. Don't think you are going to get off scott-free. Used correctly however, Sub's can really minimize the effects of a "kick" when used in conjunction with vitamins and supplements. 4 or so 8mg tabs/strips has been more than sufficient to bring me off a 1000+ mg/day bender. You should also learn what the "half-life" of a medication means and know the effective half-life of your med's. (oxy=3.5 whereas Bup. =39.5, or so) I will also tell you to be honest with yourself. If you're just using them to "fill a dry spell" then you would be better served with Loperamide. Sub's are better used for actual detox. Again, DO NOT TAKE FOR MORE THAN 14 DAYS. I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU. I was told a plethora of lies too. I have kicked opes more times than even I can count, alcohol(saw spiders-baaad), speed(meth), coke, and benzo's(almost died-baaad) and NONE of it even came CLOSE to the misery of a Suboxone kick. I had to get really fancy to get my life back. Another story for another time. Start with 4-6mg. That should be enough to get ya feelin' better. WAIT 'til you start feeling crappy. I have done the precipitated withdrawal thing twice also. That is brought about by taking the Sub's too soon. Put me in the hospital once. No fun. I THOUGHT (the mind is powerful) I was feeling bad so I took the Sub. Well, it was just the "lack 'o' dope blues" making me think I felt crappy. Wait until you've actually got the watery eyes/sneezes/brillo-in-the-throat, shaky symptoms. Place 4mg under the tongue and relax. In 45minutes or so you'll feel like a million bucks. that night take 2mg before bed. Same the next day but cut dosages in half. Continue, cutting dosage in half each day, and on day 5or6 just jump. There will be mild discomfort on day 2 or 3 totally clean. It will take 2-3 days for the Sub's to completely quit working/exit your system (that half-life thing) and those days, 3 and 4 will be the worst. Gabapentin really helps me on those days as does 5htp for the depression. Hope this helps, and your mileage may vary.

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My boyfriend is addicted to percs. He takes one 30mg pill a day and now wants to get off of them. He has 3 8mgs suboxone. Can you please direct us on how to use them so he can be drug free?

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How much of the sub do you use each day? I have 2 8 mg strips I was trying to get more though just incase ..I've done the induction before but started doing it again like an idiot but I'm sick of it so I'm ready I just don't know if 2 is enough but I def do not want to be on sub it's just another drug that's legal and they can make money off you ..I just think its good for the wd the rest is mental which I can handle ..thanks in advance for the info :)

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Suboxone is a life saver. It will totally take away all of your withdraws, and take away the urge to use. But I will admit that you will have some withdraws coming off of suboxone but its not near as bad as what u have been through before I'm sure.

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Hello I need advice on how to kick my 700 dollar a day heroine habit I shoot the heroine and want to do this on my own at my house please any advice on home remedies ill try anything its been 16 hours since last use and OMG I feel bad email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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