Glyx-13 Discussion (Page 3)


There seems to be some demand for a GLYX-13 discussion (now known as Rapastinel) so I would like to start one here.

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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Hi grouper,

What I've noticed is fatigue, especially the day after a treatment (like today), but it feels very different from my normal, depression-induced fatigue. The other big side effect, at least for me, has been increased appetite, which has led to weight gain of about 3 or 4 pounds. That may be because I'm also taking Remeron, which is notorious for increased appetite; I think maybe the two drugs together are having some sort of synergistic effect on my appetite.

A study doc told me yesterday that other study patients are reporting increased energy and decreased appetite, so you know, like any other drug, I think this one's side effects are going to vary from person.

The only other noticeable side effect for me was some flat affect initially, but that seemed to go away fairly quickly. I have noticed some improvement in memory.

I wish the drug were more energizing for me, but that could be dose-related--I still don't know which dose I'm on. Also, it could be that another of these drugs, like GLYX-13, will help with that (at least that's what I'm hoping).

Overall what I noticed, at least initially, was feeling more content, more level, less anxious, and finding it easier to delve into projects. I'm noticing it less now, possibly because I've tapered down from infusions three times a week to once every two weeks currently.

My opinion from having participated in this trial is that they're definitely on to something with this class of drugs, but that they're going to need fine tuning. In terms of side effects, though, I'll take them over the SSRIs any day.

Hope I answered all your questions. Good luck to you.

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thank you for your reply Daisy.
Sounds like this drug is going to get to phase III after all. I 'd change a day of fatigue for low libido any time.

All my wishes to you too.

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There's been a lot of talk about an open-label, extended study of this drug, so if you're thinking about trying it, you may have an opportunity at that point.

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@ Daisy- where are they doing the study for AD???. I would be very interested in trying that. I am pretty well stabilized on my multiple-med regime, but the effects of Ketamine infusions when I was in that study last year were amazing! I felt like a new, improved me. Although did have some fatigue which was minor after the infusions. It was well worth it! Let me know. Thanks! Be well.

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Paula, you tried ketamine? Did you experience any of the psycho-mimetic side effects that I've heard about? There's supposedly a doctor here in San Diego, a Dr. David Faifel, who administers ketamine infusions to treat depression. Not sure if it's covered by insurance, though...

I'm participating in the clinical trial of AZD6765 in San Diego. It's closed now, but I'm sure that if they begin a new trial, it'll be conducted in cities across the U.S. Best way to find out is to search it on

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Yes, I was in a clinical trial of Ketamine infusions last summer. No Psychomimetic effects whatsoever. Just 'the miracle' after 3 infusions, which was sustainable with one infusion per week @ 50 mg. in 500cc of saline, infused over one hour. Just felt a little tired after. But like a new, greatly improved me! It was wonderful. But then the study was over. I got 2 infusions from a quack that charged 1k per session. First one was 50mg. Felt a little high after, very short lived. The next time he doubled it to 100mg. Talk about a bad trip! I saw my recently dead mother and was crying. I used to love tripping back in the day, but that really sucked! Never went back. I heard Fiefel was doing infusions, won't be covered by insurance as it's considered experimental. Feel free to ask any other questions.

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Thanks for the reply. It's outrageous what some doctors are charging for these infusions. I was under the impression that ketamine is a generic drug, as it's been around for so long.

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Daisy, what where the side effects of the SSRIs that you weren't able to tolerate?
For me it was sexual dysfunction and akathisia (extreme anxiety with annoying sensations in my legs). I tried remeron as well, but it also gave me some akathisia. I have never been on any neuroleptic, but it seems that my body reacts to increased serotonin as some people react to neuroleptics. Did you experience anything of that sort while on SSRIs?


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I seem to be somewhat drug resistant. I am bipolar 2 and have altogether 18 years of therapy 11 of it full time. And over the last 9 years a range of ssri's. I am currently taking Wellbutrin, gabapentin, lamictol and sometimes amysulpride. This anti d, has had the best results so far ( which isnt saying much) I still plunge into unbearable depressions and feel stranded with nothing I can take to ease it-- so I am keen to know whenGLYX-13, is going to be available through a psychiatrist free ( as most are here in Italy) Does anyone have any idea about this? and how many mg's are to be taken in this 'single dose'?

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Given that these drugs are still in phase II clinical trials, it's probably going to be a few years before they receive approval. But there might be a drug trial conducted in your part of Italy at some point. The website lists trials that are conducted both in the U.S. and other countries.

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Ketamine is very cheap! I obtained a vial of 100mg/10mg for $60. It's the infusion services where they get you. A lot of room for charlatans to abuse their medical priviliges to enrich themselves from desperate people. I tried IM injections of 50 mg ( the recommended dosage) but did not get the effects that the infusions provided. So I stopped. Now on Geodon + AD's which has helped to stabilize me for now. But don't feel as great as I did while in the Clinical Trials using Ketamine. It was me, but better! Someday...

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You said that the ketamine you were given during the study worked, but it sounds like the same dose of ketamine given to you at the doctor's office didn't. Any theories as to why?

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I was accepted for the GLYX-13 trial in Chicago, but they told me I would have to wash out most of my AD meds and be without for 3 weeks and since I am having some success with my current regimen, I did not want to suffer that long with nothing just to get in the trial. When I did the Ketamine infusion study they did not require me to get off any meds, but I was on different meds at that time (about a year ago). I wanted to second the vote for therapy, I have been having some success with that as well because my issues are, I believe, brain-chemistry based as well as poor coping mechanisms developed to help me deal with early life trauma. In fact, trauma itself causes brain chemistry changes. My anxiety levels are way down and I am less reactive emotionally to episodes which would have sent me to bed for days before I started therapy. I look forward to the day when these currently experimental drugs are widely available, in the meantime I am going to continue with the therapy and the drug that really helped me which was Geodon added to my AD and other meds being taken for depression. I am still very interested in the GLYX-13 trials as well as any others being conducted to eradicate this scourge that has taken years from my life as well as all of you out there.

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hi guys. i'm 'john' from the original thread on ketamine. i think i was the first to post on that thread...

i am still alive. in deep depression though. so, it was a good surprise that a new thread was started off the original postings.

not sure why i am posting except to say that reading all your posts brought some hope. you can read my experience with ketamine in the other thread. i only had one infusion.

my question is; anybody here have a response after more than one infusion, when the first infusion did not work? dr feifel down in san diego told me that if a person does not respond to the first infusion, there is little chance of responding to multiple infusions. i am hoping since last year this may have changed since i was one of th first that he treated at his clinic.

i alos sent a email off to dr fiefel after reading all of this. have not heard back. i will report here what he tells me. he must now have a better idea i would hope about the ketamine infusions and protocol.

also, just to add; dr feifel uses no anesthesiologist when he does his infusions. just a nurse. he is very easy to work with compared to my ect doc at ucla who requires not only a lot more money, but much more paperwork, tests, etc.

i look forward to reading more. hoping we all can find some peace.

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Hi John,

I can tell you that I really felt no response after the first infusion of the NMDA study drug I was on (AZD6765), but I did start to feel a noticeable improvement in mood after the second infusion. I was enrolled at a study site in San Diego.

It could be that these new NMDA drugs work in a significantly different way than ketamine, but I just wanted to let you know what my experience was.

Astra Zeneca, the study sponsor, is supposedly going to start an open-label study once the data from the study I was in is processed and analyzed. It's probably going to be posted on when they're getting ready to start.

Hang in there. I think there's going to be a lot of stuff happening with these new drugs in the next few years. As one of the study docs said to me, this is cutting-edge medicine.

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Is the Glyx-13 study in Chicago at what used to be called Northwest Community? Addison and Central?

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Is there anyone here who has been in the glyx-13 studies? I have had two infusions to date. My previous posts seem to have disappeared (?)

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Oh, and I've been told the open label study for glyx-13 is expected to start in Feb. 2014 and continue until FDA approval.

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I just had my 2nd dose of Glyx=13 in a study in Princeton New Jersey. I felt better immediately after each dose but it kind of faded. I think this is because I have let aspects of my life go and was confronted with that while in a better mood.

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I had my third infusion on Monday. I have felt nothing, unfortunately. I am in the study in Chicago. I am glad to know you are having a response. Please keep us posted!

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