Glyx-13 Discussion (Page 6)
UpdatedThere seems to be some demand for a GLYX-13 discussion (now known as Rapastinel) so I would like to start one here.
I will ask on Wednesday when I get my infusion but I don't expect a clear answer;-) The "extension" study I am in in reportedly going to run for 4 years or until approval, if that says anything. I believe they are working on an oral version so perhaps more studies will open there as well. I have been getting 10mg/kilo IV I fusion weekly. I started feeling 10-15 percent better at about week 6, which is longer than the majority who feel better within hours. I don't know if the drug is helping but if I maintain even this much improvement through Feb/March, I will be grateful.
Still in the open label extension study and still doing fairly well. This is the first time any medications seems to be helping me. The oral version is in metabolizing studies for healthy individuals now. I will post information as I learn about it.
Thank you for keeping us posted. I have really high hopes for this medication. Everything else I've tried has either pooped out or been sub par to no effect at all. Knowing this med is out there being tested gives me hope.
Best to you
Same here and I'm unable to think of anything else but the possibility that this will help me - after being on SSRIs since they came on the market I no longer feel any help from any of them and am beginning to get more and more down..
I am still in the GLYX-13 study. I'd say my mood is about a 6 with 10 being the best. That's a great improvement over the 3 or less I was at. But, I'd really love to remember what 8 feels like. The pill form is reportedly in safety studies now.
Glad to hear you are seeing improvement. I believed I read somewhere that the pill form exerts a stronger antidepressant effect, hopefully, that is the case. How does it affect your energy levels and motivation? Have you seen improvement in that aspect?
Wish you continued improvement,
Any updates to give us? Thanks
I am holding steady. I have been in this"extension" safety study for over a year.
That's great. I wish you continued success.
Is there any news on progress of GLYX13?
I read it may be available by 2016 but it didn't seem like a credible source.
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