False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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I go to color-code and failed a drug test for methamphetamine. Will metoprolol cause me to fail the drug test?

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Re: Rick PA-C (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

OMG I am so glad I found this info and will be asking for the test. I am a veteran and I am currently a patient of the VA in Indianapolis IN. I sought help 2 years ago to get off of Norco and xanax that they had been giving me for 10 years. A Social Worker helped me get on methadone 2 years ago and I take my sobriety very seriously. Last week I asked my opioid nurse if I needed to get a USD because I hadn't had one. That test came up positive for methamphetamine which I have never taken in my life. I live two hours away from the hospital and she will make me come there every day again and I am not well and going once a week is killing me. I have severe osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, I am on oxygen, I have had a broken my back four times with surgery, my right hip and femur has been replaced, and my right upper arm was broken in 3 places, and my left wrist had to be replaced with my bone from my upper left arm, and they still don't get how sick I am!! I am afraid she will stop my methadone and i will get very very sick. I am asking for this test and if she refuses to give it to me I will go to the Hospital Administrator until she does. A man just died because she stopped his suboxone because he relapsed and instead of helping him by making him come everyday to dose, he overdosed on heroin... She is crazy with power. I feel that im her puppet and if I dont do what she says I will be jerked around!! I did not and never did take methamphetamines in my life!!! I pray to God she lets me take that test!! I take a lot of calcium and vitamin d, neurontin, album e role inhaler and in my machine the only other thing I take is a nasal spray when my sinuses act up and I took it last week but didn't think it mattered! I bought it at the dollar store. It's called oxymetazoline HCL 0.5%. I also take Benadryl sometimes but its never showed positive and I dont think it would. Now I am a nervous wreck so bad I keep having to do breathing treatments. I cant drive that far again every day!!! What if she stops my methadone? After 2 years of being on it I will get so sick I will die!! Oh I am also on simbacort, spiriva and metoprolol also! I am really scared!!

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Re: kay (# 212) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody will reply to my post (# 213), but I take gaba and ambien and adderall (all valid prescriptions) and I tested positive on a hair follicle for methamphetamine and amphetamine. All my urine tests are always negative for methamphetamine but positive for regular amphetamine.....But because of that positive result for methamphetamine on my hair follicle my parent time with my child is now supervised only. So I think ambien and gabapentin can do something because I failed a hair follicle and I take those two meds too, and I know nobody believes me but I'm telling the truth! And it ruined my life now cuz I only get to see my kid supervised until my hair follicles are all clean and so I've had to stop taking everything and I'm completely unmedicated!!! I am going to try to figure out the difference and what's causing the methamphetamine positive. But if it was a urine test my answer to you would be no because I never failed once for urine on those two meds, but if you're talking about methamphetamine hair follicle, I did. But my answer to you would be no for urine that there's no way.

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Re: KMCA (# 209) Expand Referenced Message

Ranitidine is a suspect. You can also call the manufacturer of Zantac and they will verify it.

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Did yoyu take anything with sudafed in it like aleve d cold and sinus

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I take adderall 20 mg, celexa 20 mg, ibuprofen 800 mg, toradol 10 mg, valium 10 mg, vitamin B1, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin D3 & calcium 1200mg. Could any of these cause a false positive for methamphetamine on a urine drug screen?

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Re: Anita (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

So glad the Methadone dr at va refused to do the gas chromatograph test. She said she believed me and I tried to get. Her to remove the test from my record she won’t. I have been clean for 3 years and all my specialists will see this. That test that was positive was in the last week of December so is it too late? I don’t know how to get it out of my record.. the lab said this happens a lot. She said they must have mixed up the cups.They don’t seal the cups we place them in a bucket I asked them if they would seal it for me she took it from me and told me she didn’t have time for this!! I really don’t want this in my file!!

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I am taking 2 medications; one is Methyldopa (a common brand name's Aldomet) and the second is Levothyroxine, and I was wondering if those 2 medications will make me test positive for drugs and would it come back false for methamphetamine?

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I saw a pain doctor last month and he said I tested positive for methamphetamine. My levels for my prescription meds were what they were supposed to be. For methamphetamine, he said it barely showed like 107. I take zantac 150 mgs and claritin 10 mg. Will that cause me to fail for methamphetamine?

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I take Sumatriptan for migraines, at least 4-5 pills a month. Can it cause a false positive for methamphetamine as I have had?

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I recently failed a urine screen and tested positive for methamphetamine but haven't taken any. I'm prescribed Doxepin and Fluoxetine.

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My UA tested positive for methamphetamine and I am on divalproex, trazodone, buspirone, venlafaxine and hydroxyzine pamoate. Could any of these meds contribute to a false positive UA?

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Can Atrovent HFA (ipratropium bromide HFA) Inhalation aerosol 12.9 grams 200 metered actuation be detected in an employement drug screen as an amphetamine or methamphetamine and come up positive?

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I had a false positive for Methamphetamine at my Dr's appointment, but the only thing new is this Fluticasone nasal spray. Said I had high levels of Methamphetamine in my system. I told them there is no way possible but was called a liar. Asked to be retested and was told they don't have to retest me. This is the only new medicine im on. I'm seeing reports that it does and seeing reports saying no. Any words of advice?

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if you took aleve d cold and sinus that would, walfed cold and sinus from Walgreen's pharmacy brand

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Will "Rapid action energize 2 way" show up positive for methamphetamine on a urine test?

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My probation officer drug tested me by urine and I am on amphetamine salt 20mg twice daily, klonopin 2mg 4 times daily, zantac 150mg twice daily, 100mg gabapentin 3 times daily, requip .5mg at bed time & bactrim 2 times daily. I failed for methamphetamine, but haven't done any. How can I prove this? Also, they sent off the drug urine screen to a lab. The results are in, in 3 days. Do they test hopefully every possible way to get accurate results?

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I have been in the methadone program for almost 2 yrs and I have never failed a drug screen. I also take quetiapine fumarate 200 mgs, clonidine, lisinopril, & propranolol. My dr prescribed benzonatate 200 mg. I tested positive for methamphetamine. Can these meds show a false positive?

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I have recently tested with a hair follicle at work that came back false positive for methamphetamine. I'm on several different medications. I have no idea what has truly happened. A total embarrassment, let go of in front of all my workers. I'm on Lasix 80 mg twice a day, potassium chloride extended-release, Latuda, Risperdal and Gabapentin. Just wondering what has caused this? I take routine blood tests because I'm on Lasix and potassium at the doctor every month and then my hair follicle shows up with what it did, methamphetamine. If somebody could help me out that would be great to give me any information to help me with the situation. Also, is there a way that I can get a copy of the lab results from the company I work for without having to get a lawyer? I did not let them know that I was on an anti-psychotic because I was planning on quitting it. I was actually very embarrassed of being on an anti-psychotic. I'm bipolar manic borderline diabetic. If anybody can help it would be appreciated and if somebody could let me know what steps I need to take to getting my test results. Thank you.

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I was wearing a drug patch and tested positive for methamphetamine, but I haven't been taking it so why and what may have caused this to happen?

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