False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 10) (Top voted first)


I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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Can hydrochlorothiazide make u have a false positive on a drug test? I have tested positive for methamphetamine and I never used that drug before.

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I took a drug urinalysis pretest for employment and it came out positive for methamphetamine. I do not use methamphetamine. What could cause this? Lyrica?

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Re: djr (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

It's Zantac or Ranitidine. This has repeatedly happened to me.

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I don't do drugs but my hair follicle test came out positive or methamphetamine... I only take allergy medication. Could that be it?

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Re: Melissa (# 193) Expand Referenced Message

Zantac or Ranitidine (generic Zantac) it has happened to me twice.

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I take Adderall and D-amphetamine and recently had an oral drug screen at my Dr visit that was positive for methamphetamine.

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I was given a random drug test at work. I came back positive with THC, amphetamines, and methamphetamines. Yes i do semi-regularly consume marijuana. So I get that... but as far as the amphetamines and methamphetamine results... I take sudafed sometimes and have heard that this can trigger a positive test result for these two drugs. Is there truth in this? Are they able to verify this in secondary testing? If they want to fire me for this being in my system, is it possible to prove my innocence to them and save my job? Please help me.

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What did you take and did u get meds from medicine. Do you take vitamins do u live in an apartment? Red flags. Hope this helps u out some good luck

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So I just got done at the dr's office and they said I failed for methadone and methamphetamine. I'm really confused cause I've not done either one, so how could that be possible?

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Re: Chris (# 187) Expand Referenced Message

Zantac. Ranitidine is the generic version. It has happened twice to me. Call Zantacs 800 number and talk to a nurse.

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Could Cyclobenzaprine cause positive results for methamphetamine? I have been clean for 6 months now, but still showing positive in ua's. How can this be?

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Re: Max (# 199) Expand Referenced Message

Ok now I know that everyone has natural THC. Did they ask if you took herbal meds AND did they give you a UA with a sealed lid n did u seal it bak. I know from personal experience at they have rules thru Health Dept they HAVE2GO by n you should ALWAYS ASK FOR ANOTHER OR GO TO HOSPITAL GET IT. GOOD LUCK ANS PLEASE UPDATE US.

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I take ranidine tegretol lovastin zoloft spirono/htcz diclofenac sodium and suspirone can these med cause me to fail a drug test for meth

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I take urine tests weekly that are required. The night after taking this weeks, I looked at the cup and the line for k2 was almost nonexistent and the line for methamphetamine was very faint. I take adderall and tested positive for my amphetamine (it's prescribed and expected). I have not used k2 or methamphetamine at all. I do take trazodone and generic Wellbutrin at bedtime, switching every other day or so. Also have been recently prescribed kertolic pain reliever for a bad tooth and had taken 2 on Sunday along with amoxicillin. FYI one of these or a combination may cause false positive for k2 or methamphetamine. I was not positive for it but the lines were so faint. Anyone else experience that?

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Re: Heather (# 201) Expand Referenced Message

Do u take Zantac generic called ranitidine? I would just take a hair follicle test to prove ur innocent. Urine tests should never be used anymore with how devastatingly wrong they tend to be.

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I am a d/v. I was told I tested positive for methamphetamine in 2014 and had to be taken to the e.R. Earlier this year where I was told the same. This is not possible. I had been alone for four months in the great smokey mountain national park. I take prescription meds, which I have seen posts (a lot) that give a false positive, however, I need to know where I can find medical facts, because the doctors (2) say there's nothing that gives a false positive for methamphetamine. Proventic & Prednisone are just a couple of my meds. This has had a devastating effect on my character and needs to be reversed. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Can you test positive for methamphetamine by only handling it? My psoriasis is very active right now, my hands are cracked. I put an un-gloved hand into a suspect's pocket and there was methamphetamine present... My hands and fingers were cracked, can I test positive?

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We have a CPS case against my husband and myself. Our 6 month drug screening was Oct. 2017 and we have had 5 negative drug screenings. In Oct when we had our drug test the tester told us that we were good to go, which means negative. If it's positive she tells us and what we're positive for. Well, when we went in November our case-worker informed us that we had a positive drug screening for Oct. (Just to let you know this same dfacs office have had employees falsify documents back in 2012. How can I prove that they changed our test results?

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Will Zolpidem give u a false positive for methamphetamine? I'm also taking Gabapentin because I tested positive for methamphetamine.

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I take adderall as prescribed, 1-2 30 mg a day, trazodone 300 mg at night, ambien prescribed a few times a week for insomnia, prescribed suboxone 1-2 sublingual 8mg each per day, diazepam 1-2 10 mg per day as prescribed, and in the last 9 months have not touched heroin, marijuana, acid, etc., as I am a recovering alcoholic and heroin addict. I drank once this year on 11-24. Last had heroin on May 10th and nothing else since 20 years ago. Was clean of heroin from 2008-2017 with a lapse in March - May when my mom died. Immediately I got help from the doc for subs. ADHD and other meds above for years. I haven't had methamphetamine in 10 years and only tried it for 3 days in 2006. I HATED IT as I am a "downer" kind of person. I UA monthly for probation (DUI a year ago) and UA monthly for subs, UA for treatment Jan-Sept and NEVER once have tested positive for methamphetamine in my life, or per dozens of tests above. I do always test positive for adderall, benzos and subs per rx's. Bitter custody case- ordered by opposing parent and judge to take hair follicles for court/custody as I was accused of using heroin. I knew for a fact I would be all good other than positive for Amphetamine as it was a 5 panel hair test. Got follicle results and yes, positive for amphetamine 1,222 pg/ng with a 500 pg/mg cutoff, but came up POSITIVE for methamphetamine at 680 pg/mg cutoff 500 pg/ng. WTH!!?? I know people say it but I DO NOT USE methamphetamine! Negative for all others. How could this happen? I have court in 2 days to get my child back after his opposing parent took him, called DCFS (case already closed due to all my UA's) but now we have court and I have a positive hair for methamphetamine!!!! My atty and doc and probation officer are all so confused. I am scared to death I am going to lose my kid over something I DO NOT DO! No judgement or accusing me of methamphetamine cuz I DON'T USE IT! Any ideas of why or what I can do? Judge isn't going to believe me!

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