False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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Does sudafed show up as methamphetamine in a drug test? What drugs can make you test positive for methamphetamine in a urine drug screen?

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My husband admitted to his probation officer that he took methamphetamine one night. She made him go put on a sweat patch a few days later. His first patch also showed positive. But he never smoked while the patch was on. He also has a bad liver. Could the methamphetamine have still been in his system 10 days later? He's also overweight.

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I failed a mouth swab drug screen for my doctor and came up positive for methamphetamine. Can a mixture of remeron, gabapentin and hydrocodone cause a false positive?

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I tested positive for methamphetamine and haven't taken any. Will effexor cause this? I take effexor every day.

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Would the dietary supplement known as Msm (methylsulfonylmethane) show up as any kind of methamphetamine in a urine test?

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My hair follicle test came back positive for methamphetamine in the 9000 range consistent with an everyday user but negative for amphetamine. I only take abilify and remron. I didn't use. Shouldn't I of had a positive for amphetamine?

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Several things could. Doctors can also set you up so watch them and demand another, and blood work, and also don't let them invade privacy. Keep your head up and don't back away when innocent.

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Failed a drug test for methamphetamine. Will nitroglycerine show up as methamphetamine? Does nitroglycerine test positive for it?

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I would like to know if Gabapentin at 300mg 3x a day can cause a urine drug test to be positive for methamphetamine? Please let me know.

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Can Omeprazole give a false positive test for methamphetamine? I was drug tested and came up positive for methamphetamine, but do not do drugs. I just take Omeprazole for my stomach.

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I'm a cancer patient. I've had and I have read false positive for methamphetamine on a roadside, tho I do not take methamphetamine. At the time I read positive, I also had all my teeth pulled out and had stitches, and also had a mouth & throat full of ulcers. I use a lot of Vick's inhalers and always have Vick's on hand... Is there something else I could've used that could have caused this to read positive? Please help. I've had my left boob removed. My lymph nodes. I have done 6 toxic chemos, 28 sessions of radiation in 28 days and more in the last 2 and a half years...

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I am currently taking Naprosyn 500mg and Bactrim DS. Will either show up on a drug screen as methamphetamine or amphetamines?

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I went and took a urine test today for work and it came back that i was positive for methamphetamine but the only thing I take is an acid reducer called ranitidine 150mg. I take two a day. Can that make me pop hot for that?

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Will Topamax give you a false positive for methamphetamine in a urine analysis test?

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I am prescribed other antidepressants but as soon as I started taking levothyroxine for my thyroid, my daughters have came up positive for methamphetamine. I do not use. How is it possible that this is causing my positives?

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Is it possible for Affrin nasal spray or melatonin to cause my drug test to come back positive for methamphetamine? And what can I do to prove otherwise?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Benztropine, diclofenac, abilify, clonazepam, robitussin, bentyl, metprolol, lamictal, pepcid. Of more than one please specify. TIA

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Will Topamax test positive on a hair follicle drug test for methamphetamine?

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Re: mulan (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Ranitidine is bad for false positives on methamphetamine.

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I had a false positive U/A for methamphetamine while taking Bactrim. Has this happened to anyone else?

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