Doctor In Pittsburgh Pa That Prescribes Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Every doc I've met with here in Pittsburgh Pa will only take cash if they prescribe you xanax.. Very unethical but since I have insurance I would like to find a doctor to prescribe me the meds I need. I would take either although I like the Klonopin better, xanax cause my depression to worsen after I take them... Anyone know of any Psychiatrists that will take my insurance and prescribe me meds?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: Riley (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

I was reading your post and was asking if you found a psychiatrist yet? I am looking as well. My psychiatrist moved far away and no longer accepted my insurance. I was on .05 xanax for years. And the last 3 years of not having them i'm a mess. I am desperately in need of a new psychiatrist, i feel so terrible. I hate that i am anxious all the time. If u can help me out in any way i would be grateful. Thank all of you for your replies.

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Re: john (# 80) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Is he still practicing?

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Re: apes (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in the same situation. My shrink just retired . My new one began tapering me immediately, I’m loosing my mind. I’m bipolar and take lithium and seroquel as well . I need a doc that will give me my meds.

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Has anyone found a psychiatrist who can prescribe the medication that helps me with this severe panic and anxiety disorders? The only thing that works for me is klonopin.

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Re: Benny boy (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

Did u find a doctor to help u can u share his pr her info. I have severe anxiety my whole life and have been perscribed klonapin for yrs my doc moved and i can find someone willing to work with me

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Re: James (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

May I ask who the psychiatrist is that will help me? I don't abuse benzos. When I had my psychiatrist 3 years ago I took them as prescribed. He moved to far away and stopped taking my insurance. I stayed off the Xanax for over 3 years. But I was very miserable not a sociable person. Always on edge. I legitimately need a psychiatrist who will understand that this medication is the only way for me to live like a normal person.

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Re: apes (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I ageee with apes

It’s a ridiculous system that labels you an addict simply for wanting the relief to your suffering.

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Re: Lee lee (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you. The doctor I tried at sewickly ..she isn't taking any new patients. I emailed 2 now and I'm waiting for an appointment. I can't keep feeling like this...

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Lee lee (#'ll this is hopeless. I need to be on this medication. I can't find a phychiatrist who will put me on what works for me. I'm so sick

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Re: robb (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

My son was shot n has bad ptsd n anxiety n I give him my kolapin 2mg at times .y doctor isn't taking on any new patients do u think he will perscripe those for hi. It's only thing bee. Working.

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Re: Nikki (# 109) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry for your son. While my mom used to share a few Valium, make sure you don't give him medicine and then just stop, that goes for both of you as this medicine features withdrawal problems. Make sure you have extras, especially if sharing!

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Re: Riley (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Not unless you are an attractive female or you jump through a million hoops without pushing for them. You could try googling doctors who prescribe xanax in Pittsburgh. It will give you a list of doctors and nurse practitioners who prescribe both pain and anxiety meds the most. Still, some of them pretend to chase away drug seekers yet only take cash and will make you see them a few times prior to getting them. My gf has been trying to get xanax for months and her anxiety is horrible. She was told about a place that supposedly prescribes alot. Seems like another favorite picker to me. Hes given her every antidepressant he can give her. It's actually making her dependent on drugs she doesnt need and causing OCD behavior and depression that she has never had an issue with. But he keeps the money coming into his office at pathways in ambridge. I wonder what the other girls do for their prescriptions. Hes prescribing bars to a girl who has a drug history and sees another doctor for suboxone. Typical a$$hole.

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Re: apes (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

can i ask u were i was on zanax and got weined off pregnant and 3 yrs later i need back on my meds im tired of doctors treatin me like a drug addict i just know what worked

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I have a pain doctor since I was in a car accident last year but they won't raise my Neurontin because they think being on methadone would be too dangerous to raise it from 600 MLG to 800 MLG.??

I took a soma and it helped with my lower back pain. I took it a few weeks ago and I felt absolutely no pain. And I also need a psychiatrist to prescribe me Klonopin for my severe anxiety. So if anyone knows a good pain doctor to prescribe me the Soma and a psychiatrist for the Klonopin so that I can get back to a normal life. I live in Pittsburgh PA in a borough called Millvale... ty

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Re: shelly (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I am hoping you can help me. I came across an old post of yours I think from like 2016 where you're looking for a doctor and you didn't mind paying out of pocket for your Klonopin and something else I think for sleeping.

I have been diagnosed with severe social anxiety disorder severe panic disorder PTSD and anxiety and this has been going on since I was 11 years old when something very traumatic happened to me. My psychiatrist that I have been seeing for the past 10 to 12 years has retired he gave me one refill before he retired and he gave me 4 referrals. Well apparently these were offices that he didn't check before he gave them to me because one of them the office wasn't even open anymore it was something completely different, the other isn't taking any new customers and doesn't know when they're going to be taking, the other isn't taking any new customers for 8 to 12 months, and the last one isn't taking any new customers for at least 6 months.

I just filled my last refill about 5 days ago without my medication I have such bad social anxiety I can't go to work I can't even go into a grocery store. If anybody is out there that has social anxiety disorder you know what I'm talking about. If I attempt to go into for example a grocery store without my medication which is Klonopin what will happen is it will literally take me probably 10 minutes just to get out of the car and if I even make it into the store because if I see people a lot of people outside of the store I feel like they're all looking at me laughing at me staring at me. I make it into the store I go straight to the wipes to wipe the cart and usually I don't even make it past wiping the cart before I have to leave because I have a horrible panic attack because there's people in the lobby looking and I feel like they're all staring at me and then I feel like the walls are closing in and I get very claustrophobic very short of breath. I start to sweat really bad I get very bad chest pains and my heart starts to skip beats and I leave. I can't live my everyday life like this this has been a problem for years and then I finally found a doctor that understood me and I was good for 12 years and now he's gone, and what's even worse is not one of the referrals can take me.

Do you know of any doctors that don't take insurance that will prescribe me Klonopin at least? I was also on Ambien, but I'm okay as long as I have the Klonopin, that's the main thing because it helps with the social anxiety disorder. I just happen to come across your post from a couple years ago and wondered if you had any luck and knew of any doctors in the Pittsburgh area that would be willing to help me. I live in Homestead PA.

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Re: believer in in non psycotrooic (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I am so sorry to bother you but I came across a message that you sent on a message board a few years ago it was in 2016 and I was hoping that maybe you could help me because I'm now getting desperate I'm going to try not to write a book to you and make it as short as possible.

I have seen the same psychiatrist anywhere between 10 and 15 years and I always self paid and then I ran the medicine through the insurance. He was excellent and he retired so he gave me a refill and he gave me four referrals. I guess he didn't check the referrals before he gave them to me because one of the referrals that business is no longer open, the other referral isn't taking any new patients for at least 6 to 8 months, and the other two aren't taking any new patients for 11 - 12 months.

I only had one refill I just got it filled about 10 days ago. I've tried 2 or 3 different online doctors that on their ads acted like they would be very helpful well one of them after I spent $35 told me that they don't write benzodiazepines and they could give me buspar and suggested celexa. I have tried both of those (idk if you have ever tried buspar) but I swear it's like a sugar medication. It has never done anything for me.

The other place that I tried I asked them before I even paid the fee do they prescribe controlled substances such as Klonopin because that's what I've been on and that's what I know works because I've been dealing with this for 11 years and they said well we'll get into all of that once we get the payment process and you talk to the doctor. So I paid $150 all for this doctor to tell me that yes they do prescribe benzodiazepines but only in certain States and unfortunately Pennsylvania is not one of them at this time, and he recommended Wellbutrin and I don't know, I think Prozac. And again, I've been on both of those and I told him you know I'm not drug seeking I've been dealing with this since I was 11 years old I just know what works I've been on all this stuff so I basically wasted $185 between the two places because they wouldn't tell me anything until I paid the fee when they acted like they were going to help me.

I related to your post. I've been diagnosed with severe social anxiety disorder severe PTSD anxiety and severe panic attacks ever since I was 11 years old and had a traumatic experience with my uncle but my mother did not believe me. I had nobody to turn to and that's when the anxiety attacks started because the uncle lived with us it went on for over 2 years till he finally moved back to Arkansas and thankfully at least my mother took me to a psychiatrist as a child, and I was able to tell her what happened one-on-one sessions. But nothing came of it as far as like reporting it to the police or anything. I don't know why but maybe lack of evidence. I don't know. regardless though that's when all of this started.

I always felt like I was an outgoing person and I fit in, I was very popular and I would talk to anybody and walk up to anybody and start a conversation. And after that I became very introverted I went from talking to a bunch of girls at school and had a whole group of girls I hung out with to keeping to myself literally overnight, just stopped talking to them. They tried to reach out and I just ignored them. I ate lunch alone in the bathroom and as I got older the social anxiety just got worse.

If I don't have my medication and then the walls start closing in and I'm extremely claustrophobic and I start to sweat and my heart starts beating fast or and faster and faster and then I get shortness of breath and then that's when I get the chest pains and then my heart starts to skip a beat I don't know if those are called heart palpitations or if it's just skipping a beat here and there sometimes it skips three or four beats in a row and that's when I get terrified and I leave whatever store I'm in. And if I'm not on medication I go to the hospital because you cannot tell me when I'm in that state that I'm not having a heart attack or a cardiac arrest or that something is wrong and then I feel like an idiot because I go there they do a EKG they say it's normal they give me in the hospital always 2 Ativans and I feel better. So I know it's all linked to this and I'm terrified because in this day and age with all of these drug abusers I guess it's a lot harder now than it ever was to get Klonopin and Ambien.

I've been dealing with this since I was 11. I've tried all the ssris the depression medications that help with anxiety and I believe that they probably do but I don't have just anxiety. If I had just anxiety I can manage anxiety myself without any medication it's the social anxiety disorder is the severe panic disorder in the PTSD I have horrible nightmares and all the horrible regrets I have because there's a lot more I didn't tell you. I carry a lot of guilt and that's where the PTSD comes in and I have nightmares every night about it.

I'm so sorry I didn't mean to write you a book I said I wouldn't for all I know you won't even be able to help me. I was just wondering really if you know of any psychiatrists that are self-pay and are pretty reasonable like don't charge $300 an hour or something like that because I thought I had found somebody and he was like a Harvard graduate and I guess he's using that to base his rates and he said that just a consultation with him will be $350 and it's a series of consultations like he will do them over zoom, and they're like three or four and then he decides if he will take me on as a patient. So there's not even a guarantee after I put that much money up he would be my doctor so I'm just wondering if by any chance you know any doctor in the Pittsburgh area (I live specifically in Homestead) that will write for Klonopin?

I was on 2 mg a day twice a day and then Ambien I believe 10 mg once a night but at the end I'd say about a year before he retired he said "Would you be willing to try if I upped you to three 2 mg Klonopins a day and cut out the Ambien? So you take a Klonopin for bedtime would you be willing to try that and see if that would help?" And I said yes and it did so I'm willing to go without the Ambien. I just need the Klonopin and again I reached out to you because of how long you had been on I believe you said Xanax and you knew it works for you. I've been dealing with this since I was 11 I've tried all the non-narcotics. I tried the ssris I tried the antidepressants that are supposed to help with anxiety and like I said if I had anxiety and that was it maybe they would help but I have a lot more than that and it really sucks that there's a few bad apples that abuse medication that make it so hard for people it really need it to get it.

Anyways I'm so sorry for writing such a long message. If there's any way you can get back to me via email I would really appreciate it if you have any recommendations if you know any doctors that will write me Klonopin or at least work with me and write me some kind of benzodiazepine? I would be willing to try something else if I have to even though I know Klonopin works for me if there's anything you can do to help me please please I'm begging you because I'm running out of time very quickly. Thank you again so much for taking the time to read this I know it was very long and I really hope to hear from you I really hope to hear something positive...

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How much did the doctor charge you?

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Re: Lee lee (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

I'm looking also if I find one I'll let you know and if u can let me know that would be great

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Re: Richard (# 122) Expand Referenced Message

I've lost $1000 in the last two weeks, feeling anxiety & quite upset about that, yet have lots of medicine. Chest tightening and breathing problems should be taken seriously, especially during these COVID times

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Re: THE GOOD DOC (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

They are making the lives of ones who need it miserable . I can't find a doc anywhere to cont. My treatment with Xanax long term.only just a month or two that's it. It's only meds that help me with my server anxiety attects. I'm even off work now for it. SMH

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