Doctor In Pittsburgh Pa That Prescribes Xanax Or Klonopin (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Every doc I've met with here in Pittsburgh Pa will only take cash if they prescribe you xanax.. Very unethical but since I have insurance I would like to find a doctor to prescribe me the meds I need. I would take either although I like the Klonopin better, xanax cause my depression to worsen after I take them... Anyone know of any Psychiatrists that will take my insurance and prescribe me meds?

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Tricia would you be able to give me a good Dr name you go to

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Re: Kathy (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Kathy. I am taking suboxone and they made me quit. I was on them for years. {edited for privacy}

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Which ones would take cash?

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hey, I live in butler and am trying to get on a xanax prescription, can u please let me know what dr. you go to?

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Re: jim (# 60) Expand Referenced Message
he was bad news

In jail he was a drug dealer with a script pad

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Re: Grateful Patient (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I am a formal patient of Cerul too... and he used to prescribe you 90 Xanax bars and 60 2 mg Klonopins for 250 cash.

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Re: Nomorebs (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Pretentious with no clue of a personal situation. Doctors generalizations and know it all attitude.

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I am also in need of a Xanax prescription

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Re: Josh (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Can I get the name of the dr you go to?

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How do I get in touch with a psychiatrist or clinic in Pittsburgh PA to get prescribed xaxax or Klonopin I've been on high doses for 30 years,I suffer from PTSD,major depression, seizers,severe panic disorder

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I suffer from PTSD, panic disorder, major depression, bipolar, seizers can u please help me by giving name of clinics or Drs. That can help me I'll pay cash

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Re: Kermit (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry you are having this problem and want to go about it the right way! When you mention high doses have you just stopped or run out? I'm not sure what drug we are talking about yet Xanax or any of the Benzos can be very dangerous if not discontinued properly, I found out about that 10 years ago, interesting few weeks including a Hospital stay to restore the Xanax, what a sad outcome although I was told I was near Death and I'm still here!

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Finding a Psych for Klonopin in Butler, Pa or Pittsburgh:

Hello, I just recently moved back to Pennsylvania about an hour north of Pittsburgh and I was seeing a good Psychiatrist where I came from for 8 years who had me on a high dose of Klonopin or clonazepam. I would simply like to find a Psychiatrist who will allow me to continue this treatment regimen as this is the only Psych medicine that really benefits me and doctors up here seem afraid to give me what I've been given for years. Thank you for reading this and if you happen to know someone that could help me please let me know. Maybe if I didn't have to work and had health insurance I'd consider getting off it but I don't have insurance and I need to be able to function plus it is outright dangerous to discontinue this medication.

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Re: Kermit (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever find anyone? Just curious because in Florida they absolutely didn't care at all about this kind of thing it's such a political matter up here. Anyway, if you found someone any names?? Just asking

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Re: Tricia (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I know you posted here years ago but I too just moved back to the Mercer/Butler county line. Would you mind letting me know who you were seeing as I am shocked you found someone in Butler my first visit with a NP went terribly and they just want to take me off the medicine and have no actual reasons. Not one to be named trust me I asked. Please and thanks!

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Re: Mr Glass (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

That's well said and the way things in this area have become are rather Draconian in practice. Only took it for the past 7 or 8 years but let's just take people off without even wanting to look at their past medical records! I would simply think moving back to Florida would be a better option if you suffer with anxiety although I only saw that one doctor it was never an issue there. Up here in Pittsburgh area? This is like a different country altogether. Problem is when are we as a country going to take an approach that's more aimed towards harm reduction instead of worrying about authority? This sucks I still have not found anyone I'm sure there are probably many Psychs and doctors in Pittsburgh itself who will prescribe lower dose anxiety meds if one has $300 to $400 to spend on the initial visit plus $250 each month for a follow up until you get lucky enough to be put on for every 3 months. They treat this stuff like it's just illegal altogether..and who are they to say what I choose to put into my body to begin with? Uggh frustrated I finally found a NP who will "slowly" take me off my medication and so far it's awful but tolerable.

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Re: the335 (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Because Florida practically legalized Pain Meds for a few years around 2010 @ Pain Pill Mills in hundreds of Strip Malls, I understand obtaining Benzo's and other addictive controlled pills is virtually impossible these days in the South. Who lives in Florida?

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Re: Riley (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

I was reading your post and was asking if you found a phychiatrist yet? I am looking as well. My phychiatrist moved far away and no longer excepted my insurance. I was on .05 zanax for years. And the last 3 years of not having a mess.

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Re: believer in in non psycotrooic (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I am also looking for a new phychiatrist. I live in millvale. In pittsburgh. I cant even get off the couch. Im actually afraid to go outside. And waking up in the middle of the night from my chest hurting .and my breathing is shallow. I need to find a new phychiatrist. Can u help me? Ty

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Re: the335 (# 89) Expand Referenced Message

I was reading your post and was asking if you found a phychiatrist yet? I am looking as well. My phychiatrist moved far away and no longer excepted my insurance. I was on .05 zanax for years. And the last 3 years of not having a mess.hi. have you found one yet? I am desperately in need of a new phychiatrist as well..i feel so terrible. I hate that i am anxious all the time. If u can help me out in any way i would be grateful.ty

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