Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia? (Page 13)
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This is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?

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I am still taking savella and my pain is pretty bad.I am also filled to over flowing with anxiety.I need help
with a drug that's helped someone.I.I so prayed savella would help and I am so sad it has notIhave taken it long enough for it to help..LOL

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I was the same way except my doctor took me off of my Cymbalta cold turkey so I wasn't sure if the side effects were withdrawal from it or were actually from the Savella. These effects lasted for probably about 3 or 4 weeks and then started getting better. I almost stopped taking the Savella because the side effects got so bad, but I am really glad I stuck with it. I now have a lot more energy and feel a lot better overall. I still have quite a bit of pain, especially in the morning, so I am going to talk to my doctor and see if this is normal or if I need to get my Savella increased. Hope this helps!

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I started SAvella 3 days ago and my dr told me to take half doses of my lexapro for 2 days then skip a day and start the Savella. I feel as though I am cracking up ! I am experiencing all the side effects of withdrawl plus the side effects of starting the savella except the nausea. Can anyone tell me how long I am going to be going thru this. My Doctor is on vacation and I really don't know if I can deal with this any longer.

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I am so grateful for Savella. I take a 100 mg tablet twice a day. I have severe chronic fatigue with some fibermyalgia and was unable to function until I started taking the Savella. I was so sick before Savella that if I had any side effects I didn't notice. I have to pace myself, but I have a life again, and can take care of myself.

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I also had the pain in my eye ball and it stopped.I had rotator cuff sur-gery Mar.23 and it flared fibro up.
Has anyone else had this problem?

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I have been on Savella for 5 weeks. At first I felt kind of out of it but that went away. At first I got hot and sweaty first thing in the morning at work. At first m stomach sort of burned. The out of it feeling and the stomach have mostly gone away. The sweats and flashes continue but not unbearable. I feel so much better! I have not been diag with fibro. I have atypical depression that includes body pain. I also was depressed and anxious and unable to concentrate until about 10 each morning. No energy. I am doing much better, more energy, morning blahs have gone away. Problem is my insurance won't pay even though I've been on at least 10 other meds that didn't work well. No weight gain, slight decrease in appetite.

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I started taking Savella last week, beginning one pill of 12.5 mg one day, the next day one in the am & one pm. I made sure they were after a meal each time even thought my nurse practitioner didn't suggest that. The 3rd day it was two pills in am & pm and so on. On the 4th day the morning became one of fogginess and lethargy. The 5th I became what I'd consider clinically depressed, though not suicidal, and very foggy headed, no ambition, felt like crying but didn't, weakness in the knees like they were going to give out, but they didn't and headache at night and right when I woke up. Two days at 4 pills a day and I couldn't take it any more. So am weaning myself off and have gotten down to 2/day. Right now I feel better but with only a week I can't tell if it's helping with the FM issue. I am 66, on no other medications and believe I've had FM for most of my life. I do have two degenerating discs in my neck, arthritis in one hip and problems in the rotator cuff area. However,after reading a lot of your concerns I've come to the conclusion that mine is such a mild case that I should get off everything and just grin and bare it.
Any comments would be welcome.

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I have been on savella 2 months
I really feel it is for me.I still have the sweats but I am passed the
anxiety that lasted 2 weeks.I am
praying the pain level gets better.

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I have now been on Savella for about a month and all is going very well. I have also added vitamins D and B12 as some others have suggested and just yesterday started taking a vitamin which includes calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Not sure about this as I have been sick to my stomach since taking it last night and am now a little nauseous after the morning dose. Have not eaten though. Usually don't have any problems when I don't eat with the Savella and other vitamins so maybe I have to eat with this new one. I also have experienced the flushing and sweats but nothing I can't live with. As for mood swings, I was having them quite often; however, they have subsided and I am actually much happier and have soooo much more energy. My house is actually staying clean!!!! LOL! No more sitting on the couch not wanting to do anything. Good luck everyone!!!!

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I have the same problem with the sweats and getting flushed and if I miss a meal I really start feeling sick. Stomach ache, puky feeling- so everyone make sure you remember to eat. The Savella is helping with the pain but I think I'm gonna have to ask the Dr. for something for my anxiety. My moods are out of control. I feel sorry for my poor daughter, she doesn't understand.

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I have been on Savella 1-1/2 months. I love it. It helps for the fibromyelgia alot. My doctor weened me off Zoloft first and it was rought but when I started Savella I felt great. Only problem is I have sweats, I get flush easily.

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That is my opinion so far. And I didn't know if was really doing that much good until I missed a dose and was miserable ALL day. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and then realized when I went to take my evening dose that I had missed the one in the morning. So, whatever you do, make sure you take it religiously! haha! I am very pleased so far but then I have just finished the titration pack yesterday, so we will see how it continues to work. Side effects are pretty much gone by the way.

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Ive read so many posts.. Im just wondering... is the general consencus that if you stick it out thorugh all these side effects while getting used to the meds, that you will eventually be glad you did?... in spite of a few lingering (tapering) effects??

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I'm an electrician so I can't be at work on this stuff either. Hopefully the one a day program will work for now.

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Good luck Kasey! I was lucky enough to start taking the meds after I was done with work for the year (I am a School Psychologist). There is no way I could have functioned! I did have to go to one meeting during that time and I thought I was going to pass out! Couldn't do it on a daily basis!

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Yes to both of you. I am having the same eyeball pains right now. My left eye had a blood vessel popped in it Sunday morning and I thought that was why I was having this pain. Strange.
Called my Dr. and she told me to only take the savella at night so I can work during the day. She said to take both doses on the weekend so that my body can adjust to it. I am home today because I was so lethargic at work that my boss told me it was a good idea to stay home until I get used to the med but I told my Dr. that I can't miss work. I sure hope this works!!!

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Wow! I am glad I finally found someone who had the same problem with the eyes. I would try to explain it but just couldn't find the words. Luckily, that is one that has went away. I didn't have any stabbing pains but had a horrible headache for awhile. Hope your jumpy eyes go away soon!

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Kasey, yes, my eyes jumped, and I also had horrible stabbing pains that felt like they were coming from the back of my eyeball and they ached too. I didn't know how to explain the weird eye motion, but you have it right, they jump or jiggle or are jittery or something.

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That is exactly how I was. I think I felt the worst once I started the 25 mg. pills and seriously thought about contacting the doctor and telling him I wasn't taking them anymore. I am glad I didn't because it all went away and I am feeling better. I am just curious......Do your eyeballs feel like they are jumping for a few hours after you take your morning dose? I have not seen anyone else mention that problem but it's one I had.

Keep your chin up and hopefully the side effects will go away in a few days. Good Luck!

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Carolee- thanks will ask abou the requip. I had my first day going from 12.5 to 25 mg and it really messed me up!!! I hope I get used to this quickly cause I can't work and feel the way I did today. My boss knows what is going on but I can't do my job if I can't even think correctly.
I do have the mood swings and I hope they go away.

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