Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia? (Top voted first)
UpdatedThis is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?
I have been on Savella for 2 months and have noticed 3 side effects, 1 is hot flashes with severe perspiration, 2 is very dry mouth and 3 is hungry all the time.
My pain is 80% better.
Is any one else having these symptoms?
I haven't noticed any weight gain, but I haven't had any loss of weight either, but have had a loss of appetite. I have dry mouth but didn't think of it as a savella side effect because I had that before starting savella. Do you take other Rx? also persperation, but it has been an ongoing thing, prior to the savella (after hysterectomy then some weight gain). I just work hard at keeping my mood light. I get irritated easily with people, but can't really show it at my job. This I like being able to talk about the medication and fibro and being bitchy. :) thanks to you all
What next? Good grief, I hope and pray nothing. I am so acutely aware of every little change in my physical and mental well being, but I need to remember to write a health journal. My memory is not as good as it used to be. Who knows what that is from?? has anybody else tried any radical treatments that have helped? I believe the savilla and combinations of all are great, but I want more relief if it is possible. I'm in Northern Michigan Anybody close by? We could have coffee. I need someone to reallytalk to who understands.
I am beginning Savella today. I have read many of these posts and it seems the majority are withdrawing from meds at the same time they are starting Savella. I know that if you are withdrawing from Cymbalta you are in for some serious side effects. It took me weeks to withdraw. One person described their withdrawal from Cymbalta as worse than a heroin withdrawal.
I had tried savella for 30 days, and was also on webutrin and lexapro. I called physician to go off of it and back on cymbalta because my mood changed so drastically - angry mean bitchy person, not myself at all - and within 2 days of being off it and back on cymbalta (off lexapro though can't take with cymbalta) but the savella was great in relieving the pain. I am now trying it again, this time without taking the lexapro. I do suffer from depression and that's why the wellbutrin and lexapro in the first place. today is the 5th day back on it... I am being extremely consciencous of my mood. I hope I can stay on savella because my pain level is much better already. Cymbalta wasn't very good for the pain. I also have neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome. using a brace for carpal tunnel syndrome and I do believe the savella helps keep that pain under control also. I didn't think anything could help with carpal tunnel syndrom pain. My hand and arm isn't as limp feeling.
i just started taking the savella for fibromyalgia, bulging discs, and spinal stenosis. in addition, ive been taking fish oil and vitamin d tablets each day. we will see in two weeks how its doing. my pain has been very severe.
i have been on savella now for about 3 wks, i was on lyrica and had stop that because of the weight gain, i gained 15 lbs in 1month and also the swelling of my hands and feet. i was on cymbalta for quiet a while 60mg twice a day. I haven't notice a lot of difference yet but was told that it may take upto 4-6 wks to notice a difference in my pain level. i have suffered with fibromyalgia for 13 yrs, that was back when most doctors thought fibromyalgia was all in your head and didn't know what to do for it. i also suffer with arthritis all the way down my spine and lupus. i am hoping that this medication makes a difference. the only real problem i am having with it is the stomach problems. i also suffer from IBS so it is kind of making that worse but i try to eat before i take the savella and it helps.
Karen: I notice I have some nausea, after I take my evening dose, if I eat anything I feel nauseated, but it doesn't last too long. I haven't had any food cravings for a long time, way before I started savella.. I read the info. from the pharm. and I don't have any other symptoms. I did run out and it took 2 1/2 days to get prescription (had to get prior auth. from BCBSM) Hope this isn't a run on sentence that doesn't make any sense. After all, confusion is a symptom, right? (sense of humor helps)
HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE WRITTEN IN COMMENTS AND SHARED THEIR EXPERIENCES. This is Teresa and I posted the question in late August. I just want to give you an update about me. After stopping zoloft and 6 other medications I started my Savella treatment. At the time that I posted the question I was due to get my refill. I was just miserable from detoxing from all my other meds. It took well over 6 wks to rid my body from meds I've taken for 14 yrs. Any way--I haven't been able to get my Savella renewed because of Insurance, mix ups at my Dr office, etc. I have to drive 70 miles to see my Dr. What a mess....I'm hoping to have the Savella this week. I've stopped my zoloft so I'm ready for it. My Dr. started me on morphine sulfate in July, I take 200 mg extended release (12 hrs) then one 30 mg 3X's a day. It has brought my pain level down more than anything I've taken so I recommend that if you're suffering. Early this morning I tripped on a carpet and cracked my left shoulder bone---oh---it hurts so bad. I have hearing loss and vertigo and have been having loss of balance for about 5 yrs. now. Ive fallen down quite often. I must go for now it is painful to type. Once again, THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE TAKEN PART IN THIS DICUSSION. I look forward to all of your posts perhaps with SAVELLA and each other we can learn and help and support one another. After all SAVE is in SAVELLA!
Go to a Rheumatologist. They have connected osteoarthritis with fibromyalgia, and my Doctor has booklets with fibro and osteo all in one. It is a two pronged attack. Any doctor who doesn't believe in fibro needs to lose their license. Unfortunately, some still don't but they are the minority. I feel like I am dying too on some days and just try to get through a day at a time. I take Savella and no side effects and great results..lyrica was great, except I gained 40 lbs and my tongue swelled and I bit my tongue, and as the dosage increased my throat swelled, so I was allergic. Lost all the weight with savella, and also take lexapro which helps the depression (slight) from chronic pain, but ALSO helps the fibro..also eat no sugar, anything "white" is not right! use only whole grains, not whole wheat, brown rice, reduce your carbs, you will see a huge improvement in the fibro.
Savella is also supposed to help with weight loss. I actually gained weight on Cymbalta. If you take a low dose, like 50 mg. twice a day, you can also take a small dose of SSRI--I am on generic Lexapro--just 5 mg. a night. It has really helped with the fiesty-ness. You will be much more calm if you take this too. I have been on Savella for 2 1/2 years now and I keep feeling better and better. Almost no pain. However, energy is another story. I lack energy all the time, and the Savella doesn't help much with that. If I can get about 10 hours of sleep I do really well, but can't do that during the school year, so I just suffer.
I have been on Savella for over 3 yrs and have not had any side effects. This medication really helps my fibromyalgia.
Savella needs a little something in the stomach..just a cracker will do until you eat. I lost 30lbs I had gained on Lyrica, which when the dose tongue swelled and Savella was my last chance. I feel no side effects except I do get a little queasy if I forget to eat a cracker as I usually don't eat till I get to work. Sleep at least 10 hours helps with fibro..but I too suffer due to work and kids.
Living with Fibro for at least 10 many of you, I have been a guinea pig for every new drug that holds promise of relief from this debilitating disorder. My primary doc wants me to go off Zoloft before starting Savella, but I'm terrified of my depression worsening. Here to tell all of you who have fibro & depression about studies showing that NSAIDs can make your antidepressants (SSRI's) not work. See link: This would also include Savella, which is a dual action reuptake inhibitor affecting both serotonin and norepinephrine. Also wanted to share that the book "The Fibromyalgia Advocate" which describes in detail all the symptoms we all share and can help you educate your docs (who often know just enough to be dangerous in dealing with fibro patients). I see links to history of Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr (mono), low vitamin D/magnesium/B6, sleep disorders, and long term use/trials of antibiotics - especially the stronger ones like Cipro strongly correlate with fibromyalgia. I'm trying to get well enough to go back to school and help study this. Appreciate you all posting & sharing!
I have found that if you eat and get your stomach full before taking Savella that I have no stomach problems.
Greatest thing for me = upped my dose of savella to 75mg, my mood is also better. I have actually lost weight probably due to physical therapy and aqua-therapy and I had my first trigger point injections last week, amazing results! I sleep well (still taking the xanax) and alot less pain. I am going to get trigger point injection in 2 more weeks on another trigger point location. Yaah Hooo!!
I didn't have any cymbalta withdrawals. Message for Lori: where in Northern Michigan are you? I live in the Traverse City region. Send me an email to lbloink[at]gmail if you want to.
I just started taking Savella yesterday. I was on Cymbalta before. I am taking it for fibromyalgia and I hope it also helps with the pain I have due to degenerative disc disease. Today I am having a rough time with my mood. I feel so depressed and have been crying all day. I am really scared. Did anyone else experience this?
Teresa, I would really like to thank you for starting this thread also. I've been tossed into a whole new world and have absolutely no one around who understands what I'm going thru. This board has really helped me.
I took my 2 week titration pack of Savella and posted my results. I made the decision not to continue treatment because of the benefits vs. the side effects. Two (2) days after discontinuing the Savella I had the absolute BEST sleep of my life. But, and this is a huge BUT, my pain has been thru the roof. I've spent the last 5 days in bed - housework be damned! My husband also notices a change in my mood. Whether this is from the pain or the meds I don't know. But he's commented that he noticed while I was taking the Savella I seemed to be in a calmer state. There may have been other benefits that I didn't notice while on Savella that I'm noticing now.
I have an appointment with my rheumatologist tomorrow. I don't know what other avenues we have to explore. Honestly, I am tired of being a guinea pig. My mind tells me to get back on the Savella, if there is something else I can take with it to combat the insomnia that I was evidently experiencing. But my sensibility tells me Savella is not the answer. What to do! What to do! I hate being in this amount of pain. Natural childbirth was less painful than this. The thought of being bound to this bed and not finding any pain relief has me dismayed.
Sorry for venting but I am truly frustrated.
Thank to all of you who are posting on this thread.... I am 34yo and have had severe pain since my teens but never thought it could be anything more than being overweight and hard on my joints. 8 years ago I had gastric bypass surgery and have kept off the 160 pounds I lost but about two years ago I was completely drained and finally went to the doctor.
After numerous blood tests, I was found to be severely anemic, no vit. d, and quite a variety of other issues going on. I was immediately infused with 2 units of blood and within 6 months had iron infusion therapy and still was not feeling better. Fatigue and all over exhaustion was a huge problem and I didn't want to do anything.
My doctors finally discussed the idea that I might be suffering from something completely outside of my gastric bypass issues and depleted minerals in my blood and it was determined that fibromyalgia was the culprit.
I have taken all sorts of prescription drugs to deal with the pain but noticed that the morning after, it all came back10x worse. I had another dr. appt. today and she recommended Sevella and I am ready to begin the 2 week pak tonight. I am hoping for some relief and know that there will be some struggles along the way but, I am looking forward to getting my life back. I have done my best to keep moving and try not to slow down but some days are certainly easier than others but those are few and far between.
The progress of others and the information shared on this thread is tremendously helpful and provide hope that someday soon, I too, will find relief from Fibromyalgia with Sevella.
Good luck to you all and best wishes for a healthy 2010.
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