Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia?
UpdatedThis is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?
I have been on Savella for approximately 30 days post trial period. I am experiencing changes in mood swings and some depression. I am not sure if this is a resulf of being off Zoloft or just the transition time my body is requiring with Savella. I have been dealing with Fibroymalgia for 13 years. Interested in what others may be experiencing with this new drug.
I had tried savella for 30 days, and was also on webutrin and lexapro. I called physician to go off of it and back on cymbalta because my mood changed so drastically - angry mean bitchy person, not myself at all - and within 2 days of being off it and back on cymbalta (off lexapro though can't take with cymbalta) but the savella was great in relieving the pain. I am now trying it again, this time without taking the lexapro. I do suffer from depression and that's why the wellbutrin and lexapro in the first place. today is the 5th day back on it... I am being extremely consciencous of my mood. I hope I can stay on savella because my pain level is much better already. Cymbalta wasn't very good for the pain. I also have neuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome. using a brace for carpal tunnel syndrome and I do believe the savella helps keep that pain under control also. I didn't think anything could help with carpal tunnel syndrom pain. My hand and arm isn't as limp feeling.
I'v been on Savella 2 months. Before that I was on Prozac & Topamax. Notice on Savilla more bitchy & weight gain. The pain level is lower than before the Savella. Anyone relate to this?
I have been on Savella for 2 months and have noticed 3 side effects, 1 is hot flashes with severe perspiration, 2 is very dry mouth and 3 is hungry all the time.
My pain is 80% better.
Is any one else having these symptoms?
I haven't noticed any weight gain, but I haven't had any loss of weight either, but have had a loss of appetite. I have dry mouth but didn't think of it as a savella side effect because I had that before starting savella. Do you take other Rx? also persperation, but it has been an ongoing thing, prior to the savella (after hysterectomy then some weight gain). I just work hard at keeping my mood light. I get irritated easily with people, but can't really show it at my job. This I like being able to talk about the medication and fibro and being bitchy. :) thanks to you all
oh just remembered.. have you all had your vitamin D levels tested? The symptoms are pretty much a replication of the fibro. check it out through google. I have also been on vitamin D for 5 weeks now and it is helping.
i just started taking the savella for fibromyalgia, bulging discs, and spinal stenosis. in addition, ive been taking fish oil and vitamin d tablets each day. we will see in two weeks how its doing. my pain has been very severe.
I was on Savella for 10 days and had to stop taking it. Details of my side effects are posted here:
I have found that if you eat and get your stomach full before taking Savella that I have no stomach problems.
i was just perscribed savilla today for the first time. i hope and pray that it works for me. i was on lyrica 300mg. 2 times a day for the last 2 mths, and the first month i gained 6 lbs. and last month i gained another 7 lbs. that is why my doctor took me off lyrica and put me on savilla. i just hope that it helps me, and don't cause me to have weight gain. i'll let you know how it works.
i have been on savella now for about 3 wks, i was on lyrica and had stop that because of the weight gain, i gained 15 lbs in 1month and also the swelling of my hands and feet. i was on cymbalta for quiet a while 60mg twice a day. I haven't notice a lot of difference yet but was told that it may take upto 4-6 wks to notice a difference in my pain level. i have suffered with fibromyalgia for 13 yrs, that was back when most doctors thought fibromyalgia was all in your head and didn't know what to do for it. i also suffer with arthritis all the way down my spine and lupus. i am hoping that this medication makes a difference. the only real problem i am having with it is the stomach problems. i also suffer from IBS so it is kind of making that worse but i try to eat before i take the savella and it helps.
I have been on Savella since early August. Previous to that I was on a trial of Lyrica. I must say Savella has helped tremendously since I've been upgraded to 100mg twice a day. Perspiring is a definite side affect I'm experiencing. I'm not hungry with this medication and that's a plus considering for two and a half years I had been misdiagnosed and was on steroids and gained over thirty-five pounds. My sleeping is still miserable and am hoping to address this with my doctor at my next visit. I am curious as to anyone with Fibromyalgia and taking either of the drugs Levaquin or Cipro in the past. I have found some correlation to fibromyalgia.
Greatest thing for me = upped my dose of savella to 75mg, my mood is also better. I have actually lost weight probably due to physical therapy and aqua-therapy and I had my first trigger point injections last week, amazing results! I sleep well (still taking the xanax) and alot less pain. I am going to get trigger point injection in 2 more weeks on another trigger point location. Yaah Hooo!!
On Savella now for about 5 weeks.100mg twice a day. Was able to go off my prozac altogether. I have not gained weight (as I did with Lyrica). Has lessened the fibro pain. Had to have 3 epidurals (steroids) and 2 trigger point injections in my lower back for pain. Then had a couple triggerpoint injections and 5 or 6 injections (pain blockers) in my neck and back of head. All did what they were supposed to do. Feel better and believe that we are on the right track with the meds.
Just started Levoquin 100mg for infection on finger. What next?????
What next? Good grief, I hope and pray nothing. I am so acutely aware of every little change in my physical and mental well being, but I need to remember to write a health journal. My memory is not as good as it used to be. Who knows what that is from?? has anybody else tried any radical treatments that have helped? I believe the savilla and combinations of all are great, but I want more relief if it is possible. I'm in Northern Michigan Anybody close by? We could have coffee. I need someone to reallytalk to who understands.
I just started taking Savella what side effects are others experiencing?
I am beginning Savella today. I have read many of these posts and it seems the majority are withdrawing from meds at the same time they are starting Savella. I know that if you are withdrawing from Cymbalta you are in for some serious side effects. It took me weeks to withdraw. One person described their withdrawal from Cymbalta as worse than a heroin withdrawal.
I didn't have any cymbalta withdrawals. Message for Lori: where in Northern Michigan are you? I live in the Traverse City region. Send me an email to lbloink[at]gmail if you want to.
Karen: I notice I have some nausea, after I take my evening dose, if I eat anything I feel nauseated, but it doesn't last too long. I haven't had any food cravings for a long time, way before I started savella.. I read the info. from the pharm. and I don't have any other symptoms. I did run out and it took 2 1/2 days to get prescription (had to get prior auth. from BCBSM) Hope this isn't a run on sentence that doesn't make any sense. After all, confusion is a symptom, right? (sense of humor helps)
I just started taking Savella yesterday. I was on Cymbalta before. I am taking it for fibromyalgia and I hope it also helps with the pain I have due to degenerative disc disease. Today I am having a rough time with my mood. I feel so depressed and have been crying all day. I am really scared. Did anyone else experience this?
Most Recent Replies:
This is my 3rd week and have made it to 50 MG 2x has made me nauseated's gets a little easier if I take it with food but Dr thinks this will go away. I can't really tell if it's helping bease I work 12 hour days but maybe my hips and legs don't hurt as bad.had to quit taking gabapentin and Mobic .I feel like my head is in a daze all the time but going to give Savella a little longer.Good luck. Claudia
Yes, I had to add another antidepressant to the Savella. It really helped and Im not depressed any longer.
I have been on Savella for about a year and I have had some depression and anxiety. My doctor added Wellibutrin about 4 months ago and it took a little while to work but I am feeling much better now. I have also lost some weight being on the Wellibutrin.
Hi I been on lexapro for few years and seems to my pain doctor wants to put me on savella and go off lexapro, but i dont want to.anything else for pain than switching meds?
I'm curious if you're still taking Savella once a day. I have no side effects from the morning dose but the evening dose ruins my sleep, doesn't help the pain and causes horrible night sweats. My doctor trusts me and pretty much left the dosage up to me due to my extreme sensitivity to higher doses of just about any medication. I think I'll go back to only morning dosing and see if I continue to improve.
To bad that medicare doesn't cover by savela. Im in fix income cant pay $180 for it i have on it for over a year i cant pay for it if you can pay for it then my addvise to take it it helps a little
Also don't just go by other peoples experience with medication. What works with their body chemistry might not work with yours. Thank goodness their are choices.
Why did you just stop your depression medication. They r not meant to be stopped abruptly. You need to be weaned or you can take them both a lot of pharmacist are telling pain to to do this against medical advices from their doctor. Don't you think they know about SSRI syndrome. A lot will keep you on both . Times spread 6 hr apart. The side effects you think you might be feeling might be withdrawal from the antidepressant. Depends on the half life. Don't let some new person working at walgreens who sees an interaction tell you how to be medicated. You can even find out more from poison control as a resource , but if you trust your doctor that little then why r you seeing him. I am taking savella and an antidepressant along with other meds to control my pain . I probably have fibro now but my condition is complex regional pain syndrome type 2 related to nerve being cut in surgery. I am no longer with that surgeon.
Hi all I have read a lot of these post.. I have been on Savella for 2 1/2 years and it has been great for me. Yes I did have the initial dizzy and nausea feeling along with mild head ache but it did not last long. I take 100 mg twice a day. It does not make it go completely away you can still feel the pain slightly in the back ground. But it is not throbbing and burning and unbearable as it had been. I would also like to add that I do still have my flare ups and in those times nothing helps!!
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