Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedThis is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?
Lori, I have noticed exaggerated symptoms of simple things too. In reading other's responses, it does seem to correlate with the FM. UGH! Just one more thing to add to this lovely condition.
I saw my primary doc the other day concerning my Mono. Believe it or not, this is an initial case, not something I've harbored over the years. Again, UGH! She said I must have lead a very sheltered life to never develop the antibodies to this. Anywho, we went over everything! She is very dismayed that my rheum doc put me on Savella and the fact that I agreed to retry it. With it being a relatively new drug she says there isn't enough known about it yet to be a guinea pig. She wants me to pay close attention to anything out of the norm. Well, at this point, everything is out of the norm. But in her readings on Savella she says it has a tendency to suppress your immune system. I'm already in a compromised position so she is concerned. She is sending me for more blood work (13 seperate panels).
So far, this second round of Savella seems to be going better than the first. I am actually seeing some pain relief. Not as much as I would like to but at least I am not in severe pain. I guess something is better than nothing. We'll see!
Okay ladies,,,,,I went to a very good rheumatologist and he did xrays of every joint and bone and ran all kinds of labs. When he looked at the xrays,,,,I had osteoarthritis all over,,,not FIBROMYALGIA. So, my MD was wrong.My labs were great. I was put on Savella and took it for 3 months and it was making me so sad. I did'nt even have fibromyalgia. I asked her to send me to a Rheumatologist at first and she said I had fibro and she could treat me for it. You ladies beware of what happened to me and get checked. I am on Mobic during the day and pletal at night and I getting relief, finally. Good luck.
I went to doctor today and she took me off cymbalta and put me on savella starter packs. she also gave me a few loritabs for when I have those dying days. I think I finally got through to her. Because of all of your posts, I knew to take it with food been a few hours now and no nausia. thank you for your kind and helpful post..
Make sure you eat with it. Using naproxen might help, although it didn't help me. Avoiding all refined sugars, white carbs, etc. helps alot/ sugars caused me alot more inflammation. I also take valium to relax the knotted muscles at night and I take Lexapro, which not only helped with depression, no side effects, and it helped with pain, don't ask me why. I tried to go off it because my depression was better, but my pain came back. Hottubs are my savior, literally. I have avoided any opiods that they want me to try. So I have had to try alot of things. Lyrica worked fabulous, for a few weeks...however, I was allergic and as time went on I had swelling of tongue and that's when I got on Savella. Depression is to be expected with chronic pain. I too spent 10 years feeling like I had constant flue symptoms, before U of M, finally diagnosed it and sent me to Rheumatology. Now it is finally acknowledged. Dont go to a doctor who thinks it is "in your head". Treat your depression, it helps alot to feel better mentally, will keep you moving, which exercise is important. Stretching is important and eating well.
I have been off of Savella for many months now but when I did take it, it only relieved the pain in my elbows. Neck, shoulder and hip pain never benefited from it.
I have been on Savella for the 30 day trial. I dont like it because it makes me really mean. I am not a mean person but I noticed that my patience with people is not very good since taking it. I was on Cymbalta and I loved it but it is so expensive so my Dr tried the Savella! Cymbalta takes my appetite and I lost about 15pds and was losing more, but only the 30mg the 60mg made me so queasy all day long. I dont know what to do now? My family and friends ask me what's wrong? When I was on Savella... they said I was "bit---"!!
Oh, one big side effect: very bad dreams after 2 years on Doc. changed me to take the full dosage in ams and not at night..seems to work for me..just have to eat a little something so I don't get naseaus..NO WEIGHT GAIN.
Hi, have similiar issues to you. Just started Savella 3 days ago, and yes did have mild nausea and LOTS of sweating!HA! This is on top of my surgerical menopause sweating, so I will be taking 1/2 a dose to see if my body will adjust better. The pain and fatigue is better already tho, thank The Lord! Take Care.
this is first time I am on Fibro medication.I am taking savella 100mg/day for 2 months. I was not able to sleep so I reduced to 50mg/day and taking trazadone 100mg/ and melatonin 6mg/night .my hours of sleep are increasing every day. I heard sleep gets better overtime but you have to hang in there. I am hungry , tiered , and upset stomach when I don't eat enough.But no pain ,no IBS any more.I am eating more than normal so have to see how it effect my weight. I am happy with the pill because I just have to take one in the morning and it works till next day.I hope this helps.
Why did you just stop your depression medication. They r not meant to be stopped abruptly. You need to be weaned or you can take them both a lot of pharmacist are telling pain to to do this against medical advices from their doctor. Don't you think they know about SSRI syndrome. A lot will keep you on both . Times spread 6 hr apart. The side effects you think you might be feeling might be withdrawal from the antidepressant. Depends on the half life. Don't let some new person working at walgreens who sees an interaction tell you how to be medicated. You can even find out more from poison control as a resource , but if you trust your doctor that little then why r you seeing him. I am taking savella and an antidepressant along with other meds to control my pain . I probably have fibro now but my condition is complex regional pain syndrome type 2 related to nerve being cut in surgery. I am no longer with that surgeon.
I'v been on Savella 2 months. Before that I was on Prozac & Topamax. Notice on Savilla more bitchy & weight gain. The pain level is lower than before the Savella. Anyone relate to this?
oh just remembered.. have you all had your vitamin D levels tested? The symptoms are pretty much a replication of the fibro. check it out through google. I have also been on vitamin D for 5 weeks now and it is helping.
I was on Savella for 10 days and had to stop taking it. Details of my side effects are posted here:
i was just perscribed savilla today for the first time. i hope and pray that it works for me. i was on lyrica 300mg. 2 times a day for the last 2 mths, and the first month i gained 6 lbs. and last month i gained another 7 lbs. that is why my doctor took me off lyrica and put me on savilla. i just hope that it helps me, and don't cause me to have weight gain. i'll let you know how it works.
I have been on Savella since early August. Previous to that I was on a trial of Lyrica. I must say Savella has helped tremendously since I've been upgraded to 100mg twice a day. Perspiring is a definite side affect I'm experiencing. I'm not hungry with this medication and that's a plus considering for two and a half years I had been misdiagnosed and was on steroids and gained over thirty-five pounds. My sleeping is still miserable and am hoping to address this with my doctor at my next visit. I am curious as to anyone with Fibromyalgia and taking either of the drugs Levaquin or Cipro in the past. I have found some correlation to fibromyalgia.
I just started taking Savella what side effects are others experiencing?
Suzanne-i did take levaquin-3 times right before I was diagnosed with fibro-I though I had found correlations of them as well....I even considered talking to a lawyer but never did. What have you found?
I am really hopeful here! Beginning Tuesday this week, I have noticed decreased pain. In fact, Tuesday was the first pain free day I have had in years. Everyone around me has commented on how much better I seem to be feeling. AND it's true. Today I begin taking the 50 mg bid.
I continue to be getting good response with Savella r/t pain. The pain I have now is hardly noticable compared to what it was before Savella. I had been on many various meds in the past w/ no relief. My only side effect is intense hot flashes! No, I'm 63 years old and have already been there. My fiance said he couldn't keep up with me this weekend. I am moving so much better, have more stamina, and I even have pain free days.
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