
This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Antipsychotic, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Antipsychotic Overview

Antipsychotics, previously known as neuroleptics and major tranquilizers, are a class of psychotropic medication primarily used to manage psychosis (including delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thought), principally in schizophrenia but also in a range of other psychotic disorders. They are also the mainstay, together with mood stabilizers, in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Moreover, they are also used as adjuncts in the treatment of treatment-resistant major depressive dis...

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Recent Antipsychotic Forums: RSS Feed

My Mother Took Haldol Medication Thinking It Was An Over The Counter Sinus She Is Experiencing Some Concerning Symptoms Of Confusion Facial

My mother was given Haldol by accident. It was thought to be a sinus tablet. this was two weeks ago. She is now experiencing aweful things such as weakness in her facial muscles, tightness in her arms, dizziness, lethargy and many more things. Is this from the haldol? or has she had a pin stroke? ## It's very doubtful that she'd still be experiencing symptoms from the Haldol 2 weeks after mistakingly taking one dose. Learn more Haldol details here. Has she sought medical attention, at all? A doctor would really be the best qualified to figure out what's happened. Have her symptoms improved any? ## yes it could be. haldol is know to be problematic. stop taking it.

Updated in Haldol
theraquil side effects

theraquil side effects ## I think this poster may have been referring to the prescription medication Seroquel, which contains the active ingredient Quetiapine. It is an atypical antipsychotic that's used to treat conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This class of medications do tend to cause some side effects that can be problematic, such as sedation, severe drowsiness and weight gain. There are more Seroquel details available here. Although, I will admit when I'm wrong, so if anyone does know of one under the name Theraquil, I'd greatly appreciate your posting and directing me to information on it. Are there any questions or comments? ## There is a medication called theraquil.

Updated in Seroquel
Antipsychotic Medication Risks and Suicidal Tendencies

I am going to be forced into taking a medication that causes suicidal side effects. What are the chances of getting suicidal side effects from Atypical or Antipsychotic medication? Has anyone ever gotten them? Unfortunately the other medications won’t help me and my mental health will be in jeopardy. Are there people out there that were able to take medication that had side effects that cause suicidal problems and are ok? I’m scared out of my trees. I won’t take it for this reason. Are there any good mood stabilizing medications for Bipolar Illness other than antipsychotics? Do they work just as well without the suicidal side effects? Thank you. ## Hi my 69 year old mom died because she was forced to take Risperdal injections and she got terrible suicidal ideation from...

Updated in Risperdal
Seroquel/Quetiapine Brand

Hey. I take quetiapine (seroquel) for anxiety at 50 mg. I'm just wondering because I recently went to a different pharmacy to fill my prescription if there is a difference between brands. I have always received co-quetiapine, but this pharmacy gave me apo-quetiapine. Does the different brand matter? Will it have any effect? ## No, there shouldn't be a noticeable difference, both manufacturers are required to meet the same strict standards in order for their medications to be available for your doctor to prescribe. The FDA warns that Seroquel may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, gas, stomach pain, and fainting. Ref: Seroquel Information Is there anything else I can help with?

Updated in Seroquel
Xeplion Side Effects

Tienen ideas suicidas por tomar esa medicación (Xeplion)? Gracias por contestar! English Translation: Do you get suicidal thoughts from taking this medication (Xeplion)? Thanks for answering! ## Yes, that can be a potential side effect of Xeplion, and most other mental health medications, according to FDA warnings. Ref: Xeplion Information However, there is no way to be sure that the suicidal thoughts haven't been caused by the mental illness being treated, or a combination of both factors. Have you informed your doctor? You may need to change to a different medication.

Updated in Invega
Coming off Invega Sustenna

Hi, I was given Invega Sustenna at 100mg a month for 10 months since Dec 5th. My last shot was on August 29th 2013. The medication gave me severe anhedonia and I have lost the motivation and willpower to do anything. I can no longer experience joy, happiness, or pleasure from anything I do and I have no interest in doing anything. I constantly feel restless and uneasy and I just can't shake this feeling away no matter what. All of these started about a week after my first IV. I have been off this medication for almost 3 months now and I have yet to feel any improvements. I have read that it has a long half life of 25-49 days and that it can stay in your body for 300 days. So does that mean I will have to wait a year to start feeling better? Any info on someone who has been off this ...

Updated in Invega
withdrawell from risperdal

my daughter has been on risperdal for 7 years, dr wants her off it, so slowly doing this. But her withdrawell symptoms are hell, seeing snakes, and thinking there crawling on her, peeing her pants, chest pains, stomach pains. face breaking out in rash. Please dont put your kid on it, cant get mine of of it, dangerous. Had to take daughter to the er for a shot to calm her withdrawell symptoms. ## I'm so very sorry about what you're daughter is going through. How high of a dose was she taking? A medication like this must be stopped via a very slow taper to avoid withdrawal, and rebound effects, which also may include seizures, depression, diarrhea, and insomnia. How is she doing, now? Has there been any change? Ref: Risperdal Information Is she on any other medications?

Updated in Risperdal
PFIZER 399 Blue and White Capsule

I'm looking for information on a blue and white capsule imprinted with "PFIZER 399 PFIZER 399". ## This tablet contains 80mgs of Ziprasidone (NDC 00049-3990). Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose - Magnesium Stearate - Starch, Corn Ref: DailyMed This capsule has been discontinued. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Ziprasidone (zi-PRAY-si-done) also known as Geodon. It treats schizophrenia and certain problems caused by bipolar disorder.

Updated in Ziprasidone
HELP! Discount information for Zyprexa

My daughter-in-law has been diagnosed bi-polar and doesn't have any insurance and as we all know, when money is short, we as moms take the end of the line. When in fact, she needs to spend the money for the rest of the families sanity. Any direction you all can provide, will be greatly appreciated. ## I take zyprexa because of bipolar also and you can contact eli lilly company (the company that makes it) and they will give it to you for free because it costs ($346) and they know that some people can't afford it and they know that we need it. ## costco has generic Zyprexa for 16$ mo.Also Kroger pharma sells it at a matching price.(thats 5mg) ## Here's a Link to Lilly Cares, which is their patient assistance program, so you can check if she qualifies, and have her apply. Zypre...

Updated in Zyprexa
Invega Sustenna and insomnia

I am having a lot of secondary effects after stopping invega. 1. anhedonia 2. cognitive problems 3. walking problems 4. insomnia Is anyone experiencing the same? Especially the insomnia. It's almost 4 months without the medication and I sleep 1 hour. Please help. ## Sorry to hear about your insomnia and other issues after stopping Invega. I didn't see it specifically mentioned in the consumer drug information from Medline Plus. However, I did a bit more digging and pulled up the full clinical document from DailyMed, and it states: " Other Adverse Reactions Observed During Premarketing Evaluation of Paliperidone The following additional adverse reactions occurred in insomnia, nightmare 17 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Physicians are advised to discuss the following issues w...

Updated in Invega

Antipsychotic Medications (99 results)