Fanapt Forums
Recently active Fanapt forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Fanapt and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Does anyone have information on withdrawing abruptly from Fanapt after taking for over a year! ## Hello, Maija! How are you? Fanapt contains the active ingredient Iloperidone, which is an atypical antipsychotic that's used to treat various mental health conditions. Learn more Fanapt details here. And while some people don't have any problems stopping them, doing so can cause rebound effects, so it's best done via a slow tapering schedule. What has your doctor advised? ## tapered off Fanapt but having extreme anxiety is this normal? I was diagnosed with Bipolar 13 years ago and feel i dont need this anymore.. so far moods are stable... but just lots of anxiety. went from 24 mg to 12 mg to 8mg to 6 mg now to nothing in a years time.
tiny white pill blank on one side and the #2 on the other and some wierd imprint like a bow tie shape and three dots ## The closest match I've been able to locate has the imprint "2" on one side with a strange logo on the back. This pill is also white, but the logo is pretty difficult to describe. Some could refer to it as a bundle of flowers or a bundle of shapes. NOTE: I cannot post a picture due to copyright reasons, however, if you were to run a search on google images for "fanapt 2 mg", you can see a photo of the pill I'm referring to. Does this look like the pill you have? If it does, then this pill is a brand of generic iloperidone (2 mg), called Fanapt; which is used in the treatment of schizophrenia. You can view a detailed description of the drug by cli...
anyone know if fanapt causes weight gain? ## is anyone on fanapt. does it cause weight gain? ## Fanapt contains Iloperidone, it is an atypical antipsychotic that is normally used to treat Schizophrenia. Most medication in this class will cause weight gain, as well as other side effects, such as nausea, drowsiness, hypotension and somnolence.