Spasmoctyl Forums

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Can this medication be taken to ease pain of diverticulitis? ## I have been given spasmoctyl by my doctor as I have IBS the weather here in spain is hot.What are they meant to do? As they seem to help the pain in this weather,and not having to go to the toilet so mutch.

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- Mechanism of Action - Recommended Dosing Regimen - Side Effects - Drug Interactions - Dosage Strengths ## Had to scrape some details together from everywhere: "Dosage and Indications Spasmoctyl comes in a 40 mg dose, containing the active ingredient Otilonium Bromide. It is indicated for dyskinesias and spastic states of the digestive canal. Instructions The usual dose is one pill, twice or three times a day. The pills must be taken approximately 20 minutes before meals with half a glass of water. The maximum duration of treatment is four weeks. In case of recurrence of symptoms, the physician should assess the desirability of introducing a new treatment. Possible Side Effects The usual dose of 40 mg is generally well tolerated. It may cause in susceptible individuals a slight fat...

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My husband and I are in Spain, so there is a language barrier with the doctor I saw 2 days ago. I was diagnosed with GERD and prescribed Spasmoctyl 40 2 or 3 times a day and also Omeprazol 20mg - 1 every 12 hours. I have been having shortness of breath and diarrhea since I started taking these drugs. Is this common? I also have a loss of appetite. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you. ## Hello, Judy! How are you? Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that's used to help reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. This one is also the most likely cause of the diarrhea. Spasmoctyl contains Otolinium Bromide, which is used to treat stomach or bowel spasms, it is most ...

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what is comparable to this drug in america ## I need to buy it ## Hello, Based on my research, the main ingredient in Spasmoctyl 40 mg is Otilonium bromide. It is an Antimuscarinic and Antispasmodic medication that is sometimes prescribed for Irritable bowel syndrome. From what I can gather, it is not available in the U.S. so I recommend asking a Physician about other Antimuscarinic/Antispasmodic medications that are available in the U.S. You may also want to research essential oils with antispasmodic properties, since essential oils are more readily available worldwide. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Otilonium Bromide Details I hope this info helps!

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What is the price of the 20 pil box of Spasmoctyl and where can I buy it ## Spasmoctyl contains the active ingredient Otilonium, it is an antimuscarinic. It is not approved for sale and use here in the U.S., so I am having trouble finding a lot of information on it and I am also not finding them listed for sale online. The price will vary, depending on where you can purchase it and the only thing I have found with that information says that a 60 count box is about 18 Euros. Does anyone else have more information? ## I can confirm the previous post. I just bought this over the counter in the canaries when I was seeking pills for menstrual cramps!! At home in UK I believe spasmoctyl is not licensed or at very least will b prescription only and on searching online discovered its for IBS/di...

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How effective is this drug for relieving nocturnal gas and nausea? Did anyone experience any harmful side effects with it? ## Otilonium is used to treat some gastro-intestinal disorders, such as IBS. And yes, most medications in this class will cause such side effects. Are there any questions or comments?

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