What Does 2 Or 3 Daily Means

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1 tab means by mouth, when a patient is awaiting an early morning procedure you may see a sign on the door nothing po ## Thanks for taking time to share this information. I find it rather common to see notes/signs on physician's doors when they're away from their desk. Although I still don't understand what "PO" even means in the context of which it was used. Would you be so kind as to elaborate a bit more on that and how it relates to taking 1 tablet daily? ## PO per os ("by mouth") It means by mouth. Take 1 tab or pill qd po means take one pill by mouth each day, Take 1 tab qid po means take one tablet four times a day by mouth, usually followed by every 6 hours. Some prescriptions are for treatment products that are applied such as a rub, ointment, or anal...


my wifes lisinopril-po 20mg tablets twice daily was changed by her Doctor to 40mg's of lisinopril-eq, and I am trying to understand what the difference is between P.O E.Q so I know exactly what this medicine is doing for her overall health. Thank You ## Hello, Slim! How are you? PO just means per os (orally), as in she's supposed to swallow the tablets and the eq means equivalent, as in the pharmacy can give her a generic or multiple tablets/capsules, as long as it is an equivalent dosage. For example, if the pharmacy doesn't have the 40mg on hand, they are allowed to give her 2 of the 20mg ones, or etc. as long as it equals the 40mgs that she's been directed to take. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, heada...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lisinopril

trying to find out what CR TA means.I have been prescribed OXYCONTIN 20MG CR TA twice daily and OXYCODONE 5MG three daily and TIZANIDINE 4MG daily. what are the effects from this if I take as prescribed. And what does CR TA stand for. ## CR TA stands for controlled release tablets, it just designates that you're to get Oxycontin, which is time released. The side effects of Oxycodone may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and constipation. Tizanidine is a muscle relaxant and it's side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and headache. Are there any other questions? ## Do oxycodone 20 mg cr the one tgat take 30 minutes to work ## Please do not hooked on Oxycontin it is not worth I was on this for over 17 years through the veterans administration went cold turkey w...

3 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

What is the correct daily dosage for severe arthritis? The E/R physician initially prescribed one or two tablets every 4 to six hours. My regular physician has changed the dosage to one tablet every four hours, but she did not specify the maximum number of tablets that could be taken in a 24 hour period. I really would appreciate having your guidance on this matter, as neither physician is 'reachable' at present. ## Hello, Bud! How are you doing? Sorry about the arthritis pain. And yes, your doctor did specify. One tablet every 4 hours means exactly that, she doesn't want you to take multiples and you should follow her prescribing instructions. The Acetaminophen in this risks liver damage or failure if taken in high amounts for a long period of time, thus it isn't safe t...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydrocodone

I want flexim-plus for my arthritis pain in my joint. How well will it work for this? ## Hello, Pablo! How are you? This medication is not available in the U.S. It is listed as containing Paracetamol, Diclofenac and Methocarbamol, so it is a muscle relaxant and pain reliever. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation. These medications are available here separately, though. Is there anything else I can help with? ## If my flexim pills say take 3 times daily how often does it mean? ## This means every eight hours. Say you start at 6 am, you would take it at 2pm and 10 pm. Try to take it at that time and not miss a dose. ## I'm on thyriod and heart medication is flexim plus be ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Paracetamol

I was prescribed trazodone 100mg, then my doctor gave me another prescription that read trazodone 100mg QP. What does the QP stand for? ## Usually, that means it to be taken once daily, at night. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. The drowsiness it causes is why your usually directed to take it at night. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Trazodone

I've been prescribed Bupropion XL to take 2 150 mg once daily. I feel it's not enough. Has anyone tried cutting the pills in half to add 75mg more a day? Are there any risks associated with it? ## You cannot cut these tablets, the XL means that they are time released and cutting them could cause you to get too much of the medication at once. Learn more Bupropion details here. How long have you been taking it? It does take about 4 to 6 weeks for it to reach its full effect in your body and for you to know if it is going to work for you. So, you may just need to give it a little more time. ## Try getting the 300mg XL instead of taking 2 150mg once a day it could make a big difference!

2 REPLIES Filed under Bupropion

My mother has a prescription that reads TAKE 1 TABLET UP TO 4-5 TIMES DAILY for 60 pills. The pharmacy said this is for a 15 day supply but she has to take 5 tablets a day which is a 12 days supply and not a 14 day supply like the doctor has prescribed her? Then she is told that it is technically a day early? Why is this pharmacy doing this? ## Hello, Panama! How are you? It's not the pharmacy that's doing it, that's the way the doctor wrote it. Being written that she can take up 4 to 5 tablets daily, generally means that the doctor isn't expecting her to need to take 5 tablets each day, there are some days they expect her to need less than that. It's normal for any medication that's written to be taken on an 'as needed' basis. If the doctor meant for her...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

is there a safer alternative other than sotalol? i've been diagnosed with a-fib. I'm taking sotalol 80mg tablets teva. ## Sotalol is a drug used in individuals with rhythm disturbances (cardiac arrhythmias) of the heart, and to treat hypertension in some individuals. If I were to suggest some other alternative means of treatment, it would likely be more in line with a natural approach, including but not limited to the following: -eating a diet that is rich in fresh raw fruits and vegetables (juicing them is an excellent way to take in more than you'd typically eat in a sitting) -light physical exercise daily (yoga, stretching, rebounding, power walking, swimming, etc) - meditation (it has been proven that people who meditate often can eventually control their heart rate with...

1 REPLY Filed under Sotalol

I've been prescribed the above for a recurrant boil on my inner thigh. The dose of flucloxacillin is 500mg x4daily for two months. It's day two, so far I've only managed 3tabs a day. So that means 1500mg daily rather than 2000mg daily. How do I space these out? Is it 6hourly or 4hourly? ## 4 times a day would be every 6 hours. The NIH lists the typical side effects of most antibiotics as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. How are you doing? Has there been any improvement?

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

we consulted doctor and changed his formula milk to Isomil and didnt give any fibre based milk like cerelac, ragi etc for a week. He is normal in a week. after 15 days he again having motions (not very loose) 8 to 10 times a day. please provide some advice what needs to be done in order to reduce his motion count. ## Hi Chandu! Are you talking about diarrhea? If you are, some babies can be lactose intolerant just as adults can be. That means they can't drink milk products that contain lactose. My son had that problem when he was a baby . But then again, sometimes babies will move their bowels more than others. I would talk to the pediatrician. ## P.s. Are you breast feeding at all? Because, breast fed babies will move their bowels more often and it will be loose. ## No Iam not breas...


Diets and restrictions seem to be all over the place. My feeling on Coumadin, is to keep my vitamin K level on the low side, because I'm not a consistent eater. I cannot rely on a consistent level of higher K. So I'm thinking a lower daily input of K means less change/difference because of a non-consistent diet. So far it's worked, I'm right where I need to be, my IRN(?), is steady. Well, my sister is all over my back, because I won't eat Blueberries or Spinach (I like both but seldom eat either) ... same goes with a few other foods. My doctor, has told me that I can eat all the green beans I want and I related this to my sister that he said green beans were almost a "freebie", no need to control amount. Well, my sister is certain that I'm going to kill m...

2 REPLIES Filed under Coumadin

Hello, My name is mark. my doctor said that the new drug laws only allow for 200 mg of a opioid daily. I currently am on 4-30mg oxycodone and 2- 30mg 30mg morphine sulphate. He say's that he is going to have to remove 1 30mg of the morphine because it add's up to 220 mg daily.This makes no since to me because I take 1 long term in the morning and before bed I take the second, Is my doctor correct,becouse that means I will have nothing in the morning which will increase my pain level thru out the day? ## Hello, Mike/Mark! How are you? The new directives from the DEA are supposed to be the equivalent of no more than 120mgs of Morphine a day, though some states have lowered that further to no more than the equivalent of 100mgs, thus your doctor really has no choice, sadly enough. H...

4 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

what is the diffrence between oxycodine 5 325 mg and 7.5 325mg ## the oxycodone 5 means there is 5 mg. of oxycodone and 325 mg. of acetaminophine, with the 7.5 its 7.5 mg. of oxycodone and 325 mg. of acetaminophine ## Reb is correct. The difference is in the amount of Oxycodone in each tablet, one has 5mgs and the other 7.5mgs, but they both contain 325mgs of Acetaminophen. This is a narcotic pain reliever. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth and constipation. ## what is the difference between endocet and oxycontin?? I thought oxy was different(stronger), but was told they are the same. ## I don't understand..my daughter is prescribed 3--80mg oxycontin every day AND 2--10/325 percocet every 4 to 6 hours daily. If they are the same why would th...

4 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Statistics point out that opioid overdose related deaths are significantly lower in states that have medical marijuana programs in place. As a short or long term chronic pain patient, what are your views on this topic? Do you think marijuana (CBD's included) has effectively secured its spot as a means of adjunctive pain management where the excessive use of opiates outweighs potential benefits? ## So says my Doctor. Others say it helps to get off opiates. ## David, Absolutely! Before I started on a daily Rx for pain I used to consume marijuana a lot. I never had any problems sleeping or with depression, worked 75 hours every other week (Sat. 7am - Sun 7pm was 1 job, and I could sleep) and went to College Full Time. Then I had to take Rx's here and there, and then came the drug p...

3 REPLIES Filed under Pain Relief

What is the effect of using decelon forte once a day? ## Decilone Forte contains the active ingredient Dexamethasone, a steroid used to treat conditions such as inflammation and allergic reactions. Some of the most common side effects of using it may include: nausea, weight gain, acne and edema You can read more about this medication here: Anything else I can help you with? ## 5years ago i have an allergy on sea foods. yearly i was hospitalized due to severe allergy.then i start using decelon im taking one a week of decelon forte.Now im not anymore allergic in seafood.but once i did not take decelon forte i feel ichiyness all over my body.What does that mean?should i take it rdecelon forte everyday? ## decelon forte should be taken once daily. it means you should take it everyday for 4-...

5 REPLIES Filed under Dexamethasone

Dear sir My daughter (married) age 26 yrs taking Risperdal for schizenphrenia advised by doctor since 4yrs.If she discontinues the medicine then she becomes abnormal (means silently thinks all the time,becomes emotional,cries or sleeps etc ) Sir, I want to know (1) when she will become normal (2)The side effect of Risperdal on her pregnancy? ## Dear sir my geographical location is Mumbai(India) My daughter (married,aged 26 yrs) taking Risperdal daily for schizenphrenia advised by local doctor since 4yrs.If she discontinues taking Risperdal(2mg) then her behavior becomes abnormal (means she becomes silent,thinks all the time,becomes more emotional,either cries or sleeps more but if she takes Risperdal then she is normal completely. Sir, my querry is that I want to know (1) when she will ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Risperdal

I am 50Kgs in weight and 5'10" which means i am underweight. No one has prescribed me this medicine. However, i have read a lot about this medicine. Is it okay for me to take 1 capsule a day. My normal daily diet is not doing me any good. I am a non-vegiterian. However, i have nt eaten Pork and Beaf for ages. I sometimes work out in the gym. I want to improve my overall body structure. Is it safe for me to take this medicine??

peach color pill letter gg numbers 953 has to take 3 times a day says as needed got print out from phramacy but no discription of medication all it says on the bottle is take 1 tab 3 time daily or as needed it is generic for compazine please explain to me what this medication is for thank you ## If they gave you no other information on the medication and offered you no counseling about it, then they have broken the law and you should complaint he next time you go in. Under US federal law, they are required to do so. They did not provide you any information for your safety. This is Prochlorperazine 10mgs, a generic, as you said, for Compazine. This is an antiemetic, which means it is used to help prevent or stop nausea and vomiting. Here's the link to the monograph with more informat...

5 REPLIES Filed under Compazine

## Was perscribed this drug in Nassau, Bahamas but cannot find it in USA. It is a diabetes medication. ## Yes, it contains Gliclazide and is used to treat diabetes, but helping to lower and control blood sugar. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache, increased urination, diarrhea, and stomach pain. Have you consulted your GP? It is available here, as well as other equivalent medications. ## Is there a cheaper medicine than Diamicron for diabetes? My husband is taking Diamicron 2x a day and it's expensive for us. ## What does 30/7 means in Doctor's prescription??? A friend of mine is placed on DIAMICRON 30MG I daily, 30/7.

4 REPLIES Filed under Diabetes

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